Implementation of Building Component Drawing Automation to Improve Time Efficiency and Accuracy in the Construction Planning Process


  • Juninawan Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia
  • Yulius Rief Alkhaly Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia
  • Rinaldi Mirsa Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia


AutoCAD® automation based on NET C#, Comparative Paired sample two t-Test


The use of automation in drawing within AutoCAD® based on NET C# is one solution for time efficiency and accuracy in building component drawings. Typically, AutoCAD® follows a command syntax concept of one command for one object (usual command, UC) in building component drawings. However, utilizing automation in AutoCAD® based on NET C# allows a single command syntax to be applied to multiple objects, generating multiple outcomes (automatic command, AC). Through this automation, typical drawings can be created by inputting data in a form and executing it with a single button click, resulting in the immediate creation of typical drawings. The automation of building component drawings aims to enhance time efficiency and accuracy in drawing. The research methodology employs a quantitative approach with a comparative design between two paired samples. A comparative study was conducted with 10 respondents, allowing them to draw building components using two methods: UC and a second method using AC. The time taken for drawing using UC and AC was recorded, and from the recorded time data, an analysis of time efficiency and drawing accuracy was performed. Time analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS 26 and Excel applications. The analysis procedure used a paired sample two-tailed t-test with the condition that if the sig. value < 0.05, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, or if the calculated t-value > tabulated t-value, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. The analysis results revealed a significant difference in time efficiency between the usual command (UC) and automatic command (AC) methods. During the testing process, accuracy testing of the automation program was also conducted, yielding high accuracy results for the automation program. The research findings indicate that the implementation of automation in drawing based on AutoCAD® and NET C# significantly contributes to enhancing time efficiency and accuracy in building component drawings

