Drug Logistics Service Management In Regional General Hospital Pharmacy Installations (Hospital) Undata Palu



  • Angriani Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia
  • Nuraisyah Ambo Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia
  • Nawawi Nasir Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia
  • Nuraisyah Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia
  • Dandan Haryono Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia
  • Abdul Rivai Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia
  • Nasrullah Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia
  • Ani Susanti Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia


Management, Planning, Organizing, Directing, Supervision


This study aims to determine and analyse the Management of Drug Logistics Services at the Pharmaceutical Installation of Undata Palu Regional Public Hospital (RSUD). The theory used in this study is Siagian's theory which suggests that management is an activity of planning, organizing, directing and supervising carried out by each organization coordinating various data sources owned to achieve the goals set effectively and efficiently. This research method uses qualitative research that produces descriptive data through in-depth interviews in the form of written or oral statements of people and their observable actions. The location of this research is at the pharmaceutical installation of Undata Palu Regional Public Hospital. There were 5 informants selected using purposive methods. Data collection is carried out by interviews, observation, and documentation. Based on the results of the analysed research in accordance with the management function ranging from planning, organizing, directing and supervising, at the planning stage in terms of procurement, storage and distribution of drugs has not gone well. Procurement of drugs in delivery takes 2-3 weeks, It is due to the expedition route from outside the city of Palu. This results in drug vacancies,consequently patient prescriptions are not served. Drug storage has not been maximized with a less large warehouse space. The distribution of drugs has not been maximized seen from the empty drug stock. Organizing has been done effectively with human resources as expected. The direction is carried out by the head of the pharmaceutical installation who coordinates with the supporting fields in directing employees to work properly. Supervision is carried out through internal meetings and quarterly meetings that discuss performance reporting, achievements and constraints that occur in the field by coordinating with supporting fields.

