The Strategic Role of Indonesian Customs on Monitoring The Carrying of Cash in Relation to Money Laundering


  • Aldila Kun Satriya Specificity of Strategic Intelligence Studies. School of Strategic and Global Studies. University of Indonesia 2020


custom, Transnational Crime, Money Laundering, Cash Carrying


One form of threat to a country in the era of globalization is a non-military threat in the form of transnational organized crime, a threat that clearly harms many parties and threatens the national security of a country. One form of organized transnational crime is money laundering. Money laundering that involves an organization that requires crossing countries to inject funds from the proceeds of its crime. In this condition, the state must pay special attention to monitoring the carrying of cash currency in border areas. The Directorate General of Customs and Excise as the customs agency in Indonesia must be able to contribute to the supervision of the carrying of cash and other payment instruments in order to protect the Indonesian state from the threat of transnational crime that is both citizens and the global economy.

