Risk analysis of gas dispersion, fire and explosion due to gas pipeline leak at Onshore Receiving Facility of PT XYZ in Muara Karang using Aloha Software 5.4




Aloha, Marplot, Risk Assessment, Gas Dispersion Modeling, Regasification


This research identifies hazards, assesses risks, and recommends mitigations for the risk of gas pipeline leaks at Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF). The objectives of this study are to determine the probability of gas pipeline leaks at ORF and the level of risk of gas pipeline leaks at ORF using a risk matrix, to model gas dispersion, fire, and explosion using ALOHA software to assess the consequences of gas pipeline leaks at ORF, and to provide risk mitigation recommendations to the company if the risk level is unacceptable and the existing risk mitigation measures are not effective. This study is qualitative research in which the author develops a model from theoretical framework to conceptual framework, and then describes the results of the analysis descriptively. The hazard identification approach used historical data from the Hazard Operability’s Study (HAZOP) data, which found that the highest risk level was gas pipeline leaks in pipelines with a pressure of 350 psi. The probability of pipeline leaks was obtained from the Generic Failure Frequency (GFF) table from the existing Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) study. Consequence analysis was performed using modeling software ALOHA and MARPLOT with gas dispersion, fire, and explosion scenarios. The analysis showed that the risk level of gas dispersion, fire, and explosion scenarios were all still acceptable, referring to the criteria of NFPA 59A. Therefore, it can be concluded that the risk level of gas pipeline leaks at ORF is still acceptable, and the existing risk mitigation measures are sufficient.

