The Spread of Blasphemy Through Social Media in Muhammad Kace's Youtube Account



Technological Advancement, Blasphemy, Youtube Account


The variety of cultures and religions in Indonesia has led to a variety of conflicts. The diversity of cultures and religions sometimes leads to conflicts among various communities. Since the advancement of globalization, one of which is in the field of technology, there have been many cases of deviance in society. Advances in globalization in the field of technology provide a way for people to access anything using the internet. One example is the emergence of deviant content such as religious content containing blasphemy (SARA). As technology advances, everyone can access and express their opinions easily. Recently, a case was shocked by a person named Muhammad Kace through his lecture regarding his views on his YouTube account on Islam assuming that the Prophet was close to the jinn. Muhammad Kace in his YouTube channel conveys content that certainly contains hate speech and contains information that can invite chaos among the public and contains blasphemy against Islam. From the description presented by the author, the author is interested in studying the case of blasphemy through social media Muhammad Kace. In writing the journal, the author uses the normative method. The purpose of writing a journal is that people are careful in using and conveying things in public because it can result in conflicts of different views from the people who receive the information conveyed. Especially conveying religious information is so sensitive because it results in offending many parties and results in violating the rule of law.

