Strategies to Improve The Welfare of Online Ojek Drivers During the Covid-19 Pandemic Perspective on Islamic Economics


  • Nuning Nurna Dewi Maarif Hasyim Latif University, Indonesia
  • Achmad Fathoni Rodly Maarif Hasyim Latif University, Indonesia
  • Relita Rofiqoh Maarif Hasyim Latif University, Indonesia


Nusantara Ojek Strategy, Welfare, Online Ojek Drivers


Strategies for Improving the Welfare of Online Ojek Drivers in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period with an Islamic Economic Perspective (Case Study on Nusantara Ojek Surabaya) is the result of a qualitative study that aims to answer questions about (1) How is the business strategy of Nusantara Ojek (NU-Jek) to drivers during the Covid-19 pandemic (2) What is the strategy to increase Nusantara Ojek (NU-Jek) for drivers during the Covid-19 pandemic in the perspective of Islamic economics. The method used is a phenomenological-qualitative approach. Data collection techniques through interviews, documentation, and observations of NU-Jek Managers. NU-Jek Surabaya Branch drivers and Passengers or NU-Jek driver customers in Surabaya. The research results obtained indicate that the business strategies applied by Nusantara Ojek during the pandemic are: 1) Stability strategy while maintaining order driver rates, 2) Expansion strategy by adding NU-Self products, expanding cooperation, and adding additional deposit balances, 3) Strategy downsizing by providing discounts on NU-Jek attributes and discounts on registration for Mega Syariah insurance. Meanwhile, Nusantara Ojek's strategy in improving welfare during the pandemic according to the Islamic economic perspective is, 1) by expanding cooperation with the Indonesian post office. NU-Jek drivers can be couriers between goods and services for the post office. This strategy can improve the performance of the drivers, be able to increase their income. 2) Improving the welfare of the Islamic economic perspective seen from the security aspect of Nusantara Ojek in providing guarantees for the welfare of drivers during the pandemic in the form of insurance registration discounts.

