Application of Artificial Intelligence In Smart City Development


  • Zidni Dlia Arrohman Department of Informatics STMIK YMI Tegal
  • Gunawan Department of Informatics STMIK YMI Tegal
  • Wresti Andriani Department of Informatics STMIK YMI Tegal


Artificial intelligence, smart city; implementasi


Artificial Intelligence is a technology that has been widely adopted in this 4.0 industrial era. Artificial Intelligence is capable of connecting every device, so that someone can automate all devices without having to be on location. More than that, nowadays there are many machines that can interpret certain conditions or events with the help of Artificial Intelligence. In writing the problems reviewed by this author, the aim is to describe the problem of how to apply Artificial Intelligence in the development of smart cities. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach and literature review in analyzing the application of the Society 5.0 concept to the smart social component. The results produced in the writing of this journal are about several explanations of the application of Artificial Intelligence in the development of smart cities.

