Formulation of Strengthening Restorative Justice by the Public Prosecutor To Realize Legal Certainty


  • Mernawati Mernawati Universitas Jayabaya
  • Fauzie Yusuf Hasibuan Universitas Jayabaya, Indonesia
  • Kristiawanto Universitas Jayabaya, Indonesia


restorative justice;, public prosecutor;, legal certainty


Restorative justice is a legal paradigm that emphasizes repair and reconciliation between criminals, victims and society, not just punishment. The implementation of restorative justice in Indonesia still needs strengthening, especially through the role of public prosecutors. This research aims to formulate a strategy to strengthen restorative justice by public prosecutors in order to realize legal certainty. This research uses socio legal research methods. The data sources used by researchers are primary, secondary and tertiary data obtained from literature analysis, case studies and interviews with law enforcement. The results of the research show that the strategy formulation for strengthening restorative justice to realize legal certainty implemented by public prosecutors is increasing and strengthening the competency of public prosecutors, integrating restorative justice in law enforcement guidelines, collaboration and partnerships between institutions and related parties, advocacy and public education, evaluation and improving policies, as well as upholding balanced justice

