Unilated Termination Of Contract Cooperation By The Client Against The Consultant In The Legal Perspective Of The Agreement


  • Herman Bakir Universitas Borobudur
  • Desiana Parura Universitas Borobudur


contract termination;, agreement law;, consultant


Book III of the Civil Code adheres to an open system, parties are free to enter into agreements with anyone and determine the terms, implementation, and agreement form. One of the reasons why an agreement will end is that it has been determined in the agreement by the parties. When one party terminates an agreement before the time specified in the agreement, that party has terminated the agreement unilaterally. A unilateral termination of an agreement can be categorized as an unlawful act, if there is arbitrariness by one of the parties in terminating and discontinuing the agreement, thereby causing the violation of the subjective rights of other people and contrary to the legal obligations of the perpetrator and resulting in causing losses to one of the parties and obligating the party who caused the loss to compensate for the loss

