IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 642
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 641-653
1. Introduction
Construction management is the process of planning, organizing, controlling, and supervising all aspects
involved in the implementation of a construction project. Construction management includes the management of
human resources, financial resources, material resources, project time and risk. The main objective of construction
management is to ensure construction projects are completed efficiently, effectively, and in accordance with the
established requirements (Sahid, 2017).
The planning process in construction management is the initial and critical step in organizing and directing
the course of a construction project. At this stage the pre-design concept is transformed into a detailed and practical
plan that can be used for project execution. The planning process involves developing in-depth technical designs for
various aspects of the project, such as structural works, mechanical works, electrical works, and other civil works. It
is also at this stage that the process of describing in detail the structural components, electrical systems, mechanical
systems, and all other technical aspects related to the construction project is carried out.
The development of the pre-design stage will produce technical drawings, diagrams (gant charts, S curves,
and others), and documentation that provides a detailed explanation of construction design and technical specifications.
Drawing layouts and design details through the use of computer-aided design (CAD) software such as AutoCAD® has
become an important requirement for planning consultants. AutoCAD® is a software product from AutoDesk® is the
main choice for many planning consultants because of its proven ability to produce technical drawings with complete
drawing tools, and also provides opportunities for users to customize and automate tools that can increase the efficiency
of drawing time optimally.
In this case, the efficiency of the drawing time will have an impact on the total time required for the completion
of the entire work item in the consultant contract. It often happens, the duration of completion of consultant contracts
is relatively short because it is related to the grace period for physical auction of construction which must be completed
within 1 (one) current fiscal year. The short duration of the consultant's work is certainly very influential on the
accuracy of drawing, especially if the drawing done on AutoCAD® only uses single commands from the available
tools. In addition, there are also often errors in the drawing looping process due to the use of copy-paste commands
from the same detailed image but with different dimensions.
Moving on from the description above, in this study an automation program was developed in AutoCAD®
based on NET API C # for the looping process of drawing details of special typical drawings, in this case including
detailed depictions of building components, namely: continuous foundation, local tread foundation details, reinforced
concrete details, roof details, portal cut details. Automation that is designed by simply changing a certain size or
description will immediately generate detailed images automatically.
The use of AutoCAD® automation for drawing building components is expected to make the drawing process
more efficient in terms of time, cost and accuracy in construction planning.
The purpose of this study is how to implement drawing automation using AutoCAD NET-based automation
programs, how to compare (compare) time efficiency using the drawing method with automatic command (AC)
compared to the drawing method with the default AutoCAD®® command (usual command), and the reasons for the
difference (comparative) in drawing using the AC method with UC.
Based on the analysis described above, the problem formulation is made as steps in compiling research so
that it is structured, organized and schematic, as for the problem formulation in the study, namely How does the effect
of drawing automation on time efficiency, accuracy and how much time efficiency level uses automation drawing?
How can the procedure for implementing drawing automation be applied? How to compare (comparative) drawing
using automation with AutoCAD® built-in commands (usual command)?.
2. Materials and Methods
The research method used is to use quantitative research methods because it is related to data processing in
the form of numbers, namely processing time efficiency analysis, especially processing time analysis of drawing
implementation using automation (automatic command) compared (comparative) with drawing using the drawing
method using default commands in AutoCAD® (usual command, UC). For quantitative research designs, comparative