International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 06, July-August 2023, pages: 682-692
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
The Effect of Organizational Justice and Leader-Member Exchange
on Employee Performance Through Organizational Commitment at
PT Bolon Jaya Karya
Ina Namora Putri Siregar
, Noni Rozaini
, Muzalifah
, Lina Wati
, Noni Jernidar Fittoria Waruwu
Cindy Tionar Marisa Simanjuntak
Universitas Prima Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia, [email protected], cindytionarmar[email protected]
Organizational Justice,
Exchange, Organizational
Commitment and
Employee Performance
The research was conducted on employees at PT. Bolon Jaya Karya (BJK), the purpose
of this study is to find out organizational justice, leader member exchange and
organizational commitment affect employee performance, to find out organizational
justice and leader member exchange affect organizational commitment, for
organizational commitment to be able to mediate between organizational justice and
leaders member exchange on employee performance at PT Bolon Jaya Karya. The
research uses quantitative data, with data analysis techniques carried out associatively,
and data analysis techniques using Smart PLS. The results showed that organizational
justice, leader member exchange and organizational commitment had an effect on
employee performance, and organizational justice and leader member exchange partially
had an effect on organizational commitment, organizational justice had an effect on
employee performance through organizational commitment and leader member
exchange had a positive and significant effect on employee performance through
organizational commitment.
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)
license (
1. Introduction
Businesses can succeed in a competitive environment. The performance of each employee has a major impact
on the progress of the company. The yardstick for evaluating a company's ability to foresee competitive losses is the
management of its resources, including human, financial, and other physical assets (Samsuni, 2017).
Organizational justice, which is a general notion of what is fair in the workplace and is found through the
Leader Member Exchange, is one that has an impact on employee performance (dalam Sudarmanto, 2015). A person's
dedication to a group or business is often a very important factor. Because of how important this is, certain companies
often use the facet (Wijanto, 2013).
IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 683
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-August 2023, pages: 682-692
In the preliminary research conducted at PT Bolon Jaya Karya, according to survey findings, communication
between superiors and subordinates only occurs irregularly, once every month. The leader then shows preference by
treating his subordinates differently (Rossiandy & Indradewa, 2023). Many employees as a result fail to meet the work
goals set by the organization. One of the problems that occurred at PT Bolon Jaya Karya was the problem of leader
member exchange (LMX), where the performance of workers did not meet the expectations of their superiors because
workers did not respect them. The leader member exchange (LMX) problem is not the only one, PT Bolon Jaya Karya
has insufficient work capacity as well, which makes it difficult for employees to satisfy their superiors with their
performance (KANT et al., 2022). The tendency of decreased employee performance is a result of this phenomenon.
In addition, some employees lack discipline at work, as seen from the presence of several people who arrive late to
work, thereby increasing the amount of work that must be completed. This suggests that the staff is not paying attention
while doing their job, which results in substandard output.
Hence this title is "The Influence of Organizational Justice and Leader Member Exchange on Employee
Performance Through Organizational Commitment at PT Bolon Jaya Karya".
Problem formulation in this study How does organizational justice influence employee performance at PT
Bolon Jaya Karya? How does the leader member exchange influence employee performance at PT Bolon Jaya Karya?
How does organizational justice influence organizational commitment at PT Bolon Jaya Karya? How does the leader
member exchange influence organizational commitment at PT Bolon Jaya Karya? How does organizational
commitment influence employee performance at PT Bolon Jaya Karya? How is organizational commitment able to
mediate the effect of organizational justice on employee performance at PT Bolon Jaya Karya? How is organizational
commitment able to mediate the effect of leader member exchange on employee performance at PT Bolon Jaya Karya?
2. Materials and Methods
Deductive reasoning is applied in the research process, and research is quantitative and descriptive in nature.
Researchers used a quantitative descriptive research methodology for this investigation. (Sugiyono, 2018) is a statistic
that explains the subjects in research to draw conclusions. Explanatory descriptive research is what is used.
Explanatory study is defined as research that tries to examine the causes and effects between variables, according to
(Zulganef, 2013). PT Bolon Jaya Karya has its address at Jalan K.L Yos Sudarso No. 88, Ward VII, Simp. Office, Ex.
Martub. Research will start from August 2022 until a predetermined time. The population, from Sugiyono (2017:80),
provides an explanation of all the objects used as research. The population is 98 employees of PT Bolon Jaya Karya.
(Sujarweni, 2015) claims that the sample embodies various characteristics possessed by the population that is used as
the research subject. Sempel as many as 98 employees. The type and source of data is primary, which is collected
through the distribution of questionnaires (questionnaire) as part of data collection. The company PT Bolon Jaya
Karya provides secondary sources.
3. Results and Discussions
A. Descriptive Statistical Analysis.
1. Overview of PT. Bolon Jaya Karya (BJK)
PT. Bolon Jaya Karya (BJK) is a service company that has established a non-security business that provides
procurement and management of security guards through the security services sector. In addition, this company is also
engaged in manpower distribution services in the field of office boy/girl services, labor, loading and unloading
(loading), parking system, housekeeping and special services according to client needs.
2. Respondent
Table 1. Characteristic respondents based on gender
Total Respondents
Percentage (%)
65 people
33 people
98 people
Source: the result of processed primer data.2023