675 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-August 2023, pages: 673-681
The data collection process is the most important process in research because the main purpose of research is
to obtain data. A data source is anything that can provide information about related research. The data used in this
study used two types of data sources, namely: primary data and secondary data (Lexy, 2007).
The data analysis technique in qualitative research is the data analysis of the Miles and Huberman model.
According to Miles and Huberman (Sugiyono, 2018) stated that, "Activities in qualitative data analysis are carried out
interactively and take place continuously until complete". Data analysis techniques used by the study using the Miles
and Huberman model: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data verification.
This research refers to the theory of Siagian (2009), which explains that the management function is planning,
organizing, directing and supervising, then the conceptual definition of this research is the implementation of drug
logistics service management at the pharmaceutical installation of Undata Palu Hospital which includes planning,
organizing, directing and supervising (Siagian, 2003).
3. Results and Discussions
Pharmaceutical services in hospitals have been regulated in PERMENKES Number 72 of 2016 concerning
Pharmaceutical Service Standards in Rumah Sakit. Pharmaceutical installations are an important part of the hospital
sector. Hospitals will find it difficult to carry out activities if drugs are not available in the hospital. The management
of drug services was carried out at the Faramasi installation of Undata Hospital Palu as explained by Siagian (2009),
who explained that the management function is planning, organizing, directing and supervising.
1. Planning
Planning is a process that involves various kinds of efforts made to anticipate future or future trends and
determine the right strategy to realize the targets and goals of the organization or institution. Planning carried out at
the Pharmaceutical Installation of Undata Hospital, Central Sulawesi Province, is usually carried out planning starting
from the source of funds, human resources, obstacles faced and what steps must be taken. Drug and medical equipment
and consumables (BMHP) planning is made in the annual Requirement Proposal which will be used for the next year's
drug expenditure budget. The next year's drug needs must be based on the Hospital formulary and have been calculated
based on the Drug Needs considered from consumption patterns, memorability patterns and pharmaceutical supplies
that are still available and approved funds. (listed in the list of work unit budgets/DASK).
The informant named Bahria Ridwan, SKM. S.FT., M.A.P as Head of Medical Support stated:
"So the drug planning process at pharmaceutical installations has been made 1 year before the current year,
for example, drugs for 2023 mean that planning activities have been budgeted from 2022, usually at the beginning of
the year activities have started for spending from proposed needs every month." (interview, November 21, 2022).
The results of the interview proved that drug planning had been carried out at Undata Hospital Palu before an
order was made which was taken from the proposal for annual needs given by the Head of Pharmacy installation.
Planning from the aspects of procurement, restoration, storage, distribution, and deletion is very important. This is
needed to overcome in finding obstacles that hinder the implementation of the planned program.
The informant named Yunus Tobing, S.Si, Apt as Head of Pharmaceutical Installation stated:
"For planning for 1-year drug needs recorded, recapitulated based on the needs of each service unit or depot,
both doctors and other health workers" (interview, December 12, 2022)
The results of the interview conducted with the Head of Pharmaceutical Installation of Undata Hospital Palu
are that it is true that drug planning will be carried out 1 year before the procurement process takes place. Planning
based on the needs of each service unit.
Determine the amount of drug needed based on field needs.
The informant named Yunus Tobing, S.Si, Apt as Head of Pharmaceutical Installation stated:
"In determining the number of drug needs, it is based on the last drug stock, then based on the analysis system
by adjusting the number of patients. The number of patients treated is recorded recapitulative and determines the need
for drugs in the disease the most. From the number of doctor's prescriptions and how many drugs are often used, I as
the head of the installation will propose to the Kabid as a knowing person to proceed to PPTK to continue ordering"
(interview, December 12, 2022)
The results of the interview proved that the determination of the amount of drugs was based on the last drug
stock and the amount of drug use according to a doctor's prescription.