International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 06, July-August 2023, pages: 673-681
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Drug Logistics Service Management
In Regional General Hospital Pharmacy Installations
(Hospital) Undata Palu
, Nuraisyah Ambo
, Nawawi Nasir
, Nuraisyah
Dandan Haryono
, Abdul Rivai
, Nasrullah
, Ani Susanti
Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia
Email: angr[email protected] , nuraisyah[email protected] ,
Management, Planning,
Organizing, Directing,
This study aims to determine and analyze the Management of Drug Logistics Services
at the Pharmaceutical Installation of Undata Palu Regional Public Hospital (RSUD). The
theory used in this study is Siagian's theory which suggests that management is an
activity of planning, organizing, directing and supervising carried out by each
organization coordinating various data sources owned to achieve the goals set effectively
and efficiently. This research method uses qualitative research that produces descriptive
data through in-depth interviews in the form of written or oral statements of people and
their observable actions. The location of this research is at the pharmaceutical installation
of Undata Palu Regional Public Hospital. There were 5 informants selected using
purposive methods. Data collection is carried out by interviews, observation, and
documentation. Based on the results of the analyzed research in accordance with the
management function ranging from planning, organizing, directing and supervising, at
the planning stage in terms of procurement, storage and distribution of drugs has not
gone well. Procurement of drugs in delivery takes 2-3 weeks, It is due to the expedition
route from outside the city of Palu. This results in drug vacancies, consequently patient
prescriptions are not served. Drug storage has not been maximized with less large
warehouse space. The distribution of drugs has not been maximized seen from the empty
drug stock. Organizing has been done effectively with human resources as expected. The
direction is carried out by the head of the pharmaceutical installation who coordinates
with the supporting fields in directing employees to work properly. Supervision is carried
out through internal meetings and quarterly meetings that discuss performance reporting,
achievements and constraints that occur in the field by coordinating with supporting
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)
license (
IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 674
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-August 2023, pages: 673-681
1. Introduction
Towards a healthy Indonesia 2025 is a health development goal in increasing awareness, hope, and advantages
of healthy living for all people so as to achieve an increase in the degree of public health. The creation of a society
that lives morally in a healthy environment, is entitled to good, balanced, comprehensive health services, and has the
highest level of health in the world. I Territory of the Republic of Indonesia (Ministry of Health of the Republic of
Indonesia, 2009).
Health efforts in supporting and improving health aimed at realizing good health conditions for the
community. Health efforts are carried out through methods of health promotion (promotion), prevention (prevention),
treatment (treatment) and recovery (rehabilitation), which are carried out comprehensively, integrated, affordable and
sustainable. The concept of unity of health efforts is a guideline for health institutions in Indonesia, one of which is
hospitals. The hospital is a health service referral with the main function in healing and recovery. (Bramantoro, 2017)
Health services in hospitals are in the form of outpatient unit services, inpatient, emergency room and medical
services and medical support services. One of the medical support services is pharmaceutical services that have been
regulated in the Indonesian Constitution Number 44 of 2009 concerning Hospitals. Pharmaceutical services have been
regulated in PERMENKES Number 58 of 2014 concerning Pharmaceutical Service Standards. Pharmaceutical
installations are an important sector in the main health services of hospitals. Hospitals cannot work properly if the
hospital does not have medicine. Pharmaceutical installations have a major impact on hospitals and various other
healthcare organizations. (Permenkes No. 58 of 2014)
Pharmaceutical services are supporting services that provide (revenue center) revenue center for hospitals,
seeing that more than 90% of health services in hospitals use pharmaceutical supplies ranging from drugs, chemicals,
radiology materials, medical devices consumables, medical devices, and medical gases. 50% of all hospital income
comes from pharmaceutical supply management (Satrianegara et al., 2018)
Drug management in hospitals is very important because more than 90% of medical services in hospitals use
drugs, so the availability of drugs is a very important indicator. Drug vacancies, running out of drugs or stacking drug
storage can affect economically and medically, so it requires good effective and efficient drug management (Satibi,
Based on initial observations that the management of drug services at the Undata Palu General IFRS has not
been optimal. Starting from the planning, from the aspects of procurement, receiving, storing, distributing, eliminating,
and evaluating. Planning for drug needs every year has not been carried out effectively according to the available
budget. Drug procurement has not been carried out efficiently because there are still problems regarding delayed or
empty drug availability stocks at pharmaceutical service depots. This causes there are still patients who have to
postpone giving their drugs and have to buy drugs to outside pharmacies, as a result prescriptions are not served and
there are still many drugs needed by patients are not available so that it seems that the hospital is not able to carry out
drug management properly so that it has an impact on the delay in patient first aid, so that the level of patient trust in
hospital services is reduced (Terry, 2010).
From the problems mentioned above, siagian theory can be used in studying existing problems. Siagian (2009)
suggests that management is an activity of planning, organizing, directing, and supervising carried out by each
organization coordinating various resources owned to achieve the goals set effectively and efficiently. Until the author
is interested in raising the title "Management of Drug Logistics Services at Regional General IFRS (RSUD) Undata
Palu (Siagian, 2003).
2. Materials and Methods
This research was used to gain a deeper understanding of drug logistics service management in hospitals at
Undata Hospital Palu. This study uses qualitative research that produces descriptive data through in-depth interviews
in the form of written or oral statements of people and their observable actions. The informants in this study are:
1. Head of Pharmaceutical Installation Undata Hospital Palu
2. Head of Support
3. Chief Logistics Officer
4. Head of Outpatient Depot
5. Technical Implementation Officer of Activities
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-August 2023, pages: 673-681
The data collection process is the most important process in research because the main purpose of research is
to obtain data. A data source is anything that can provide information about related research. The data used in this
study used two types of data sources, namely: primary data and secondary data (Lexy, 2007).
The data analysis technique in qualitative research is the data analysis of the Miles and Huberman model.
According to Miles and Huberman (Sugiyono, 2018) stated that, "Activities in qualitative data analysis are carried out
interactively and take place continuously until complete". Data analysis techniques used by the study using the Miles
and Huberman model: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data verification.
This research refers to the theory of Siagian (2009), which explains that the management function is planning,
organizing, directing and supervising, then the conceptual definition of this research is the implementation of drug
logistics service management at the pharmaceutical installation of Undata Palu Hospital which includes planning,
organizing, directing and supervising (Siagian, 2003).
3. Results and Discussions
Pharmaceutical services in hospitals have been regulated in PERMENKES Number 72 of 2016 concerning
Pharmaceutical Service Standards in Rumah Sakit. Pharmaceutical installations are an important part of the hospital
sector. Hospitals will find it difficult to carry out activities if drugs are not available in the hospital. The management
of drug services was carried out at the Faramasi installation of Undata Hospital Palu as explained by Siagian (2009),
who explained that the management function is planning, organizing, directing and supervising.
1. Planning
Planning is a process that involves various kinds of efforts made to anticipate future or future trends and
determine the right strategy to realize the targets and goals of the organization or institution. Planning carried out at
the Pharmaceutical Installation of Undata Hospital, Central Sulawesi Province, is usually carried out planning starting
from the source of funds, human resources, obstacles faced and what steps must be taken. Drug and medical equipment
and consumables (BMHP) planning is made in the annual Requirement Proposal which will be used for the next year's
drug expenditure budget. The next year's drug needs must be based on the Hospital formulary and have been calculated
based on the Drug Needs considered from consumption patterns, memorability patterns and pharmaceutical supplies
that are still available and approved funds. (listed in the list of work unit budgets/DASK).
The informant named Bahria Ridwan, SKM. S.FT., M.A.P as Head of Medical Support stated:
"So the drug planning process at pharmaceutical installations has been made 1 year before the current year,
for example, drugs for 2023 mean that planning activities have been budgeted from 2022, usually at the beginning of
the year activities have started for spending from proposed needs every month." (interview, November 21, 2022).
The results of the interview proved that drug planning had been carried out at Undata Hospital Palu before an
order was made which was taken from the proposal for annual needs given by the Head of Pharmacy installation.
Planning from the aspects of procurement, restoration, storage, distribution, and deletion is very important. This is
needed to overcome in finding obstacles that hinder the implementation of the planned program.
The informant named Yunus Tobing, S.Si, Apt as Head of Pharmaceutical Installation stated:
"For planning for 1-year drug needs recorded, recapitulated based on the needs of each service unit or depot,
both doctors and other health workers" (interview, December 12, 2022)
The results of the interview conducted with the Head of Pharmaceutical Installation of Undata Hospital Palu
are that it is true that drug planning will be carried out 1 year before the procurement process takes place. Planning
based on the needs of each service unit.
Determine the amount of drug needed based on field needs.
The informant named Yunus Tobing, S.Si, Apt as Head of Pharmaceutical Installation stated:
"In determining the number of drug needs, it is based on the last drug stock, then based on the analysis system
by adjusting the number of patients. The number of patients treated is recorded recapitulative and determines the need
for drugs in the disease the most. From the number of doctor's prescriptions and how many drugs are often used, I as
the head of the installation will propose to the Kabid as a knowing person to proceed to PPTK to continue ordering"
(interview, December 12, 2022)
The results of the interview proved that the determination of the amount of drugs was based on the last drug
stock and the amount of drug use according to a doctor's prescription.
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-August 2023, pages: 673-681
The results of interviews conducted with informants, that planning is very important in determining the
amount of drug availability according to patient diagnoses, in the planning process it is necessary to have cooperation
from doctors and pharmaceutical depots in hospitals in the process of service management in pharmacies if in the
planning process there is an error it will cause problems that will be faced later where there will be drug vacancies in
pharmaceutical depots (Ketaren et al., 2023).
2. Procurement
The realization of the implementation of drug procurement and BMHP needed by hospitals is carried out by
the technical implementation committee of activities (PPTK) in coordination with IFRS and service units. PPTK
procures goods in accordance with the plans and requests from IFRS.
The logistics officer makes proposals for pharmaceutical needs according to the use and demand for
pharmaceutical needs from satellites, pavilions, poly, and other units by considering the existing hospital fomularium
and recording in the pharmacy briefing book. PPTK conducts procurement in accordance with the plan or request
needed. At the Pharmaceutical Installation of Undata Hospital, Central Sulawesi Province, procurement of drugs
through official distributors (verified and validated) was carried out by PPTK based on proposals from the
Pharmaceutical Installation. This is in accordance with the results of the study:
The informant named Yunus Tobing, S.Si, Apt as Head of Pharmaceutical Installation stated:
"Procurement of drugs is made according to the needs of users such as doctors, nurses and other health
workers and in the procurement process there is a so-called PPTK can correct drugs that are ordered a lot or a little.
I only submit proposals per month that see a lot of patient diagnoses and drug vacancies in the warehouse". (interview,
December 12, 2022)
From the results of procurement interviews conducted at Undata Hospital according to needs. Doctors, nurses
or other health workers are made in need every month. PPTK in this case helps to carry out the correction of drugs
ordered a lot or a little.
The informant was named Apt. Muhammad Tamrin Tahir. as the Technical Implementation Officer of Activities
"Procurement is carried out according to monthly proposals from pharmaceutical installations, many factors
must be considered and must be quickly executed because distributors for shipments come no longer than 2-3 weeks.
So that there can be a vacancy in the pharmaceutical warehouse" (interview, December 12, 2022
From the interview results, it is proven that the procurement process is carried out through monthly proposals
from pharmaceutical installations. However, there are obstacles faced by the procurement party such as the occurrence
of drug vacancies or the slow delivery process carried out by drug distributors, therefore hospitals must have solutions
in dealing with these problems.
One of the hospital solutions also collaborates with pharmacies outside the hospital, in this case, Apotik Kimia
Farma to overcome if the hospital's drug stock is empty.
The informant named Apt. Yerry Kuingu, S, Si, M.Kes as the Head of the Outpatient Depot stated:
"If empty drugs are given a delay sign and the telephone number of the person in charge of hospital drug logistics in
the etiquette and we also cooperate with Kimia Farma Pharmacy just in case the stock of drugs in the pharmaceutical
depot runs out / empty. If the drug is not also available in the pharmaceutical pharmacy, then we still provide the drug
if later the drug has entered the warehouse" (interview, January 24, 2023)
The results of the interview proved that there was cooperation with pharmacies to maintain drug vacancies at
the pharmaceutical installation depot. Empty drugs are given a delay mark on the etiquette or direct the patient to the
pharmaceutical chemical dispensary.
The informant named Apt. Enni Ratnasari, S.Farm as the Head of Logistics stated:
"Usually if there are empty drugs in the warehouse and there is a request from the pharmacy depot, it is
usually directed to the Kimia Farma Pharmacy, if indeed there is also no one in the Kimia Farma pharmacy, we delay
giving the medicine while waiting for the drugs to come in from PBF. (interview, January 09, 2023)
The results of the interview proved that, drug vacancies in pharmaceutical warehouses and pharmaceutical
depots directed patients to pharmacies kimia farma, if there were no kimia farma pharmacies, there would be delays in
administering drugs until waiting for drugs to enter from PBF.
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Procurement of drugs entering from PBF must also be considered and considered when purchasing starting
from the application accompanied by an inspection certificate, hazardous materials must include material safety data
sheets and pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices and consumables must have a distribution permit label and
an expiration period of at least 2 (two) years except for some drug preparations, medicinal products and edible
medicinal products (antibiotics, reagents, etc.).
The informant named Apt. Enni Ratnasari, S.Farm as the Head of Logistics stated :
"Drugs ordered according to the amount, the quality of the drug must be considered, the old expiration date,
packaging from distributors through expeditions keeps the goods undamaged" (Interview, January 9, 2023)
From the results of the interview conducted with the head of logistics in charge, namely the procurement of
drugs ordered according to the quantity, quality considered, and long expiration date. This is necessary to minimize
the occurrence of damage or a lot of expired drug buildup.
The results of interviews conducted with informants, in the procurement process at Undata Palu Hospital,
namely the procurement process carried out through E-catalog, in the procurement process are usually adjusted to
existing needs or according to planned needs. In the procurement process, PPTK can reduce or exceed the number of
drugs according to existing circumstances, but this procurement must also look at the quality of drugs and drug
expiration dates in order to reduce losses and must pay attention to the very long delivery process so that there is a
void of drugs in service.
Acceptance is an activity to ensure the suitability of the type, specifications, quantity, quality, delivery time
and price stated in the contract or order letter with the physical condition received.
The informant named Yunus Tobing, S.Si, Apt as Head of Pharmaceutical Installation stated:
"Before the goods are received, they must be checked by PPHP and the head of the person in charge of
logistics. Receipt of goods must be in accordance with the order letter, judging from the invoice when the goods arrive,
it is checked whether it is in accordance with the name, quantity and price according to the order letter.
Pharmaceutical supplies that do not comply with standards are returned to the distributor" (interview on December
12, 2022)
In the interview results, it was stated that the receipt of goods would take place through the PPHP inspection
process and the head of the logistics handler. Which goods must be in accordance with the order letter seen from the
quantity and name that matches the order because if it is not in accordance with it will be returned to the distributor.
Storage carried out using a fix position/location system means that the location of pharmaceutical supplies
remains as long as procurement is still being carried out and must not be shifted/moved when the condition of the
goods is empty. Grouping of pharmaceutical supplies by type of warranty, type of goods, dosage form, and storage
The informant named Apt. Enni Ratnasari, S.Farm as the Head of Logistics stated:
"In the warehouse, drug storage is distinguished by the types of goods and preparations, even though the
storage exceeds the warehouse capacity and must be stored outside the warehouse, it is still distinguished and spaced
between doses of drug supplies from one another" (interview on January 9, 2023)
From the results of the interview, drug storage in the warehouse is dissected based on the type and preparation,
drug storage that exceeds the warehouse capacity so that storage outside the warehouse is still distinguished and given
a distance between doses of drug supplies from one another so that they can be distinguished.
Storage of drugs in medicine cabinets carried out at Undata Hospital, Central Sulawesi Province by classifying
drugs starting from the name of the drug, type, ambient temperature, FIFO / FEFO system and alphabetical system to
facilitate retrieval.
The informant named Apt. Enni Ratnasari, S.Farm as the Head of Logistics stated:
"Drug storage in our warehouse uses the FIFO (First In First Out) system rarely uses the First Expire First
Out (FEFO) system because the drugs ordered are still far from the ED time, store them alphabetically, enter and exit
drugs are recorded and entered in the system on the computer, store according to SOP even though there are still
shortcomings with less large warehouse space" (interview, January 09, 2023)
The results of the interview proved that the logistics storage of drugs in warehouses using the FIFO (First In
First Out) system rarely uses the First Expire First Out (FEFO) system because the drugs ordered are still far from the
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-August 2023, pages: 673-681
time of the ED, drugs in and out are recorded and entered in the system on the computer, the storage is alphabetical
(alphabet), if there is a drug name that is almost the same name, similar appearance and speech are marked LASA
(Look Alike Sound Alike, Storage is in accordance with SOP even though there are still shortcomings with less large
warehouse space.
Based on the interview conducted with the informant, that the drug storage carried out by pharmacy officer
RS Undata was in accordance with applicable regulations by storing drugs in accordance with applicable regulations.
Storage requires maintaining drug quality, avoiding unnecessary damage, maintaining continuity of supply, and
supporting drug availability. Storage is in accordance with SOP even though there are still shortcomings with less
large warehouse space.
Distribution of drugs at the Pharmaceutical Installation of Undata Hospital, Central Sulawesi Province, to
patients according to individual prescriptions, be it outpatients, inpatients, IBS, IRD / IGD depots.
The informant named Apt. Yerry Kuingu, S, Si, M.Kes as the Head of the Outpatient Depot stated:
"Outpatient depot services serve based on a doctor's prescription and based on the prescription th