International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 666-672
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
The Effectiveness of The Preparation of The Work Plan of The
Regional Apparatus Organization at The Regional Development
Planning, Research and Development Agency of Parigi Moutong
Henry John
, Suasa
, Hasbullah
, Hasanuddin Mustari
, Shahruddin Hattab
, Muzakir
, Dandan Haryono
Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia
Effectiveness, Goal
Achievement, Integration,
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the preparation of work
plans for regional apparatus organizations at the Regional Development Planning,
Research and Development Agency of Parigi Moutong Regency. The basis of the theory
used is the measurement of effectiveness by Richard M. Steers (1985) who suggested
that there are three indicators, namely 1) achievement of goals; 2) Integration; and 3)
Adaptation. This type of research is qualitative using a descriptive approach. The results
of this study indicate that the effectiveness of completing work plans for regional
apparatus organizations at the Regional Development Planning, Research and
Development Board of Parigi Moutong Regency has not run optimally, due to the lack
of integration carried out by several fields resulting in several problems such as
performance indicators that are not in accordance with the form of activity, the output
units are not in accordance with the activities that have been determined, and in the
design of expenditure activities contain supporting costs that are greater than the
technical costs for implementing activities. The indicators that have been appropriate are
adaptation, namely the division of tasks and responsibilities in accordance with each
field and in the drafting process, assistance is carried out before finalizing and forcing
goals because the implementation has been carried out in accordance with the time and
activity targets that have been set.
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)
license (
1. Introduction
In order to realize these expectations, it is necessary to prepare a work plan as a form of the initial stage in
doing a job in an organization or agency before doing work. Work plans are a series of goals and processes that can
help organizations or agencies in achieving goals in accordance with the vision and mission in regional development
and in order to achieve community welfare, good planning is needed. In Law Number 25 of 2004 concerning the
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 666-672
National Development Planning System, it has required each regional apparatus work unit to be able to compile a work
plan for the regional apparatus organization for a period of one year which has the function of translating the five-year
strategic planning outlined in the strategic plan of the regional apparatus organization.
The work plan of the regional apparatus organization has a very fundamental function in the regional planning
system because it is a planning product in the lowest and smallest government organizational units. Then, the work
plan of the regional apparatus organization is also directly related to service to the community which is the main
objective of local government. The quality of the preparation of work plans for regional apparatus organizations is
very decisive on the quality of service to the public. Similarly, the process of preparing a work plan for the organization
of regional apparatus begins with: 1) collecting data and information processing; 2) analyze the service picture of the
regional apparatus organization to determine important issues in the implementation of tasks and functions so that the
formulation of goals and objectives produced based on a review of the results of the evaluation of the previous year's
work plan; 3) formulate priority activities that are also based on the review of proposed community activities. Based
on the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 54 of 2010 concerning the stages, procedures for preparing,
controlling, and evaluating the implementation of regional development plans, the process of preparing work plans for
regional apparatus organizations consists of three main stages, namely the preparation stage, the design preparation
stage, and the OPD plan determination stage. Where the stages of preparing the local government work plan are carried
out in several stages as follows: 1) Completion of the Initial Draft of the local government work plan; 2) Deliberation
on the development plan of the local government work plan at the village level; 3) public consultation forums; 4)
Deliberation on the development plan of the sub-district level local government work plan; 5) regional device forums;
6) completion of the draft local government work plan; 7) deliberations on the development plan of the local
government work plan at the city level; 8) completion of the final draft of the local government work plan; 9)
verification of the final draft of the local government work plan by the provincial government; and 10) ratification of
local government work plans.
Similarly, the process of preparing a work plan for the regional apparatus organization in
BAPPELITBANGDA, Parigi Moutong Regency, it is necessary to see how effective it is in the process of preparing
the work plan because in the implementation of regional development, the planning stage is one of the important
processes, because good development results are always preceded by good planning when looking at effectiveness is
a measure of whether or not an organization has succeeded in achieving Goal. Effectiveness is always related to the
relationship between the expected results and the actual results achieved. To know whether it is effective or not, it
must be linked between plans, wills, rules, goals or objectives of the output that an activity has achieved. In other
words, an outcome is said to be effective if the result is really in accordance with a predetermined plan, including
applicable provisions. The results of initial observations by researchers in the field show that the effectiveness of the
preparation of the work plan of the regional apparatus organization of the Regional Development Planning, Research
and Development Agency of Parigi Moutong Regency has not run optimally due to the lack of coordination carried
out by several regional apparatus organizations as found in the 2021 Government Agency Performance Accountability
Report (LAKIP) thus culminating several problems such as: 1) performance indicators that are not in accordance with
the form of activity; 2) the unit output is not in accordance with the activities that have been determined; and 3) in the
activity expenditure design contains supporting costs greater than the technical costs for the implementation of
activities. In addition, it is also found in the Work Plan and Budget Document (RKA) and Budget Implementation
Document (DPA) showing that there is a desynchronization between performance indicators and the form of activities
that affect the effectiveness of the preparation of work plans for regional apparatus organizations.
Based on these problems, researchers consider it necessary to conduct research related to the effectiveness of
BAPPELITBANGDA Parigi Moutong Regency in preparing work plans for regional apparatus organizations. Thus,
researchers will conduct a study entitled "The Effectiveness of the Preparation of the Work Plan of the Regional
Apparatus Organization of the Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency of Parigi
Moutong Regency"
2. Materials and Methods
The type of research used by the author in this study is a type of research with a descriptive approach.
Descriptive research is one type of research whose purpose is to present a complete picture of social settings or
intended for exploration and clarification of a phenomenon or social reality, by describing a number of variables related
to the problem and the units studied between the phenomena tested. The main purpose of researchers in conducting
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descriptive research is to describe situations or objects in actual facts, systematically and the characteristics of the
subject and object are studied accurately, precisely and according to actual events.
3. Results and Discussions
In assessing effectiveness, there are several evaluation approaches where some of these approaches can be:
1) Experimental approach, which is derived from experimental control that is usually carried out in academic research.
The aim is to obtain general conclusions about the impact of a particular program by controlling as many factors as
possible and isolating the influence of the program; 2) Goal-oriented approach as a criterion to determine success. This
approach is very reasonable and practical for program development design. This approach gives instructions to the
program developer, explaining the relationship between the specific activities offered and the results to be achieved;
3) The decision-focused approach emphasizes the role of systematic information for program managers in carrying out
their duties. In keeping with this view information is most useful if it can help programme managers make decisions;
4) The user-oriented approach focuses on the problem of evaluation utilization with an emphasis on expanding the
potential use of information; and 5) A responsive approach emphasizes that meaningful evaluation is one that seeks
understanding of an issue from the multiple viewpoints of everyone involved, interested, and interested in the program.
Thus, the purpose of evaluation is to understand the basis of the program through various different points of view.
Similarly, the process of preparing a work plan for the regional apparatus organization in Bappelitbangda,
Parigi Moutong Regency, it is necessary to see how effective it is in the process of preparing the work plan because in
the implementation of regional development, the planning stage is one of the important processes, because good
development results are always preceded by good planning when looking at activity is a measure of success or failure
of an organization to achieve Goal. Effectiveness is always related to the relationship between the expected results
and the actual results achieved. For more details, related to the effectiveness of the preparation of work plans for
regional apparatus organizations in Bappelitbangda, Parigi Moutong Regency, can be seen from the results of the
following interview.
The results of an interview conducted with Irwan, Head of Bappelitbangda of Parigi Moutong Regency on
November 21, 2022, stated that:
"The preparation of the Bappelitbangda Work Plan Document that has been implemented is quite effective,
as evidenced by the planned output targets, almost all of them can be realized"
The results of an interview conducted with I Nyoman Sudiara, Head of PIPW, Bappelitbangda Parigi Moutong
Regency on November 24, 2022 stated that:
"It has been quite effective in the preparation of Work Plan Documents because it can be seen from the
implementation of Work Plan Documents that have been implemented so far"
The results of an interview conducted with Iqbal Karim, Head of PM and Dalvas, Bappelitbangda of Parigi
Moutong Regency on November 12, 2022 stated that:
"Not very effective because there are several planned activity targets that have not been in accordance with
the expected target results"
The results of an interview conducted with Nur Noviyanti Bandha, Head of Economic Affairs,
Bappelitbangda of Parigi Moutong Regency on November 23, 2022 stated that:
"If you look at the reality so far in terms of the effectiveness of the preparation of the Bappelitbangda OPD
Work Plan, it can be said that it has been effective in preparing the Work Plan because of the challenges of each
planned activity almost all realized in accordance with the targets set. For example, in the Development Plan
Deliberation Activities at the beginning of each year held in 23 sub-districts of Parigi Moutong Regency, all activities
can be carried out on time and produce a Musrenbang Document Output"
The results of an interview conducted with Halijah Ide, to the Subag Program, Bappelitbangda of Parigi
Moutong Regency on November 04, 2024 stated that:
"It has been quite effective, it can be seen from the implementation of the Activity Program that is carried out
almost in accordance with the Work Plan that was compiled"
The results of the interview showed that the effectiveness of the preparation of the work plan of the regional
apparatus organization in Bappelitbangda, Parigi Moutong Regency has not run optimally due to integration among
inappropriate fields. Talking about effectiveness will describe the entire cycle of inputs, processes and outputs
referring to the use results of an organization, program or activity that states the extent to which the objectives have
been achieved, as well as the measure of success or failure of an organization achieving its goals and achieving its
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 666-672
targets. Furthermore, related to the effectiveness of the preparation of work plans for regional apparatus organizations
in Bappelitbangda, Parigi Moutong Regency, the following is described.
Goal Achievement
In achieving goals, it has criteria to find out whether it is running effectively or not, namely the clarity of
goals to be achieved, this is intended so that employees in carrying out tasks achieve directed goals and organizational
goals can be achieved, clarity of goal achievement strategies, it is known that strategy is on the path followed in making
various efforts to achieve the specified goals so that implementers do not get lost In achieving organizational goals, a
steady process of analysis and policy formulation, related to the goals to be achieved and strategies that have been set,
means that policies must be able to bridge goals with efforts to implement operational activities. Careful planning, in
essence, means deciding now what the organization does in the future. For more details, related to the effectiveness of
the preparation of work plans for regional apparatus organizations in Bappelitbangda, Parigi Moutong Regency based
on indicators of goal achievement, it can be seen from the results of the following interview.
The results of an interview conducted with Irwan, Head of Bappelitbangda of Parigi Moutong Regency on
November 21, 2022, stated that:
"Yes, it is in accordance with the achievement of the goals set, namely the time and objectives of the planned
activities can be carried out in accordance with the stages of implementation of the preparation of the work plan and
targeted targets"
The results of an interview conducted with I Nyoman Sudiara, Head of PIPW, Bappelitbangda Parigi Moutong
Regency on November 24, 2022 stated that:
"It is in accordance with the achievement of the time and targets set in the preparation of the Work Plan
Document, only sometimes it is subject to requests for data from technical fields which are the main ingredients for
the preparation of the Bappelitbangda Work Plan Document"
The results of an interview conducted with Iqbal Karim, Head of PM and Dalvas, Bappelitbangda of Parigi
Moutong Regency on November 12, 2022 stated that:
"Not yet appropriate, there is usually a delay in the preparation time and targets set"
The results of an interview conducted with Nur Noviyanti Bandha, Head of Economic Affairs,
Bappelitbangda of Parigi Moutong Regency on November 23, 2022 stated that:
"It is in accordance with the achievement of the time and Activity Objectives set, Only sometimes it is subject
to requests for data from technical fields that are the main material for preparing the Work Plan"
The results of an interview conducted with Halijah Ide, Head of Program Subag, Bappelitbangda Parigi
Moutong Regency on November 04, 2024 stated that:
"It is in accordance with the achievement of goals, namely the time and objectives of the activities set can be
carried out properly"
The results of the interview showed that the effectiveness of the preparation of the work plan of the regional
apparatus organization in Bappelitbangda, Parigi Moutong Regency based on indicators of goal achievement has run
optimally because its implementation has been carried out in accordance with the time and objectives of the activities
that have been set. Effectiveness is a concept that is multidimensional, meaning that in defining effectiveness varies
according to the basis of science owned even though the ultimate goal of effectiveness is the achievement of goals.
Achievement is the overall effort of achieving goals should be viewed as a process.
Integration is a measurement of the level of an organization's ability to conduct socialization, consensus
development, and communication with various other organizations. Integration concerns the socialization process
including how communication can run well because it will be an important component in building an organizational
teamwork . Without optimal communication in a government system, it will have an impact on the weakness and even
destroy a team. The point that is the focus of integration to drive effectiveness is communication that can build strength
in a joint teamwork. For more details, related to the effectiveness of preparing work plans for regional apparatus
organizations in Bappelitbangda, Parigi Moutong Regency based on integration indicators, it can be seen from the
results of the following interview.
The results of an interview conducted with Irwan, Head of Bappelitbangda of Parigi Moutong Regency on
November 21, 2022, stated that:
IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 670
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 666-672
"The integration or delivery of targets from the preparation of Work plans to each team is very clear so that
it makes it easier for each team to easily work only sometimes experience obstacles in the Target Data to be achieved.
The need for coordination with other regional tools to make it easier to obtain target data for preparing work plans"
The results of an interview conducted with I Nyoman Sudiara, Head of PIPW, Bappelitbangda Parigi Moutong
Regency on November 24, 2022 stated that:
"The integration built is quite good in the preparation of Work Plan Documents. All teams involved have
received their respective task parts in the preparation of Bappelitbangda work plan documents. However, the difficulty
in preparing the work plan is that technical data from regional devices is rather difficult to obtain."
The results of an interview conducted with Iqbal Karim, Head of PM and Dalvas, Bappelitbangda of Parigi
Moutong Regency on November 12, 2022 stated that:
"Regarding the integration built, each team is good enough in preparing work plans"
The results of an interview conducted with Nur Noviyanti Bandha, Head of Economic Affairs,
Bappelitbangda of Parigi Moutong Regency on November 23, 2022 stated that:
"We first understand the language of integration, namely delivery or socialization. Inside the Bappelitbangda
office, the integration built in the preparation of the Work Plan is very good. The Work Plan Preparation Team is
appointed starting from Echelon 4 Officials, Echelon 3 to Echelon 2, namely the Head of Service. All teams involved
have received their respective task parts in the preparation of Bappelitbangda work plan documents. Usually,
Bappelitbangda in the preparation of work plans always coordinates and consults with other regional officials to obtain
indicator data for completeness in the preparation of work plans."
The results of an interview conducted with Halijah Ide, to the Subag Program, Bappelitbangda of Parigi
Moutong Regency on November 04, 2024 stated that:
"The integration built in the preparation of the Work Plan Document has been very good. The appointed Work
Plan Preparation Team starts from involving all elements of Bappelitbangda officials"
The results of the interview showed that the effectiveness of preparing work plans for regional apparatus
organizations in Bappelitbangda, Parigi Moutong Regency based on integration indicators has not run optimally, the
lack of coordination carried out by several regional apparatus organizations as found in the 2021 Government Agency
Performance Accountability Report (LAKIP) thus culminating several problems such as: 1) performance indicators
that are not in accordance with the form of activity; 2) the unit output is not in accordance with the activities that have
been determined; and 3) in the activity expenditure design contains supporting costs greater than the technical costs
for the implementation of activities. Optimal integration will encourage an effective work system in order to achieve
the goals that have been set, as well as teamwork needs to have a harmonious interreaction to spur changes in personal
and organizational growth and development including in completing tasks and responsibilities that have been given.
Effectiveness in adaptation speaks of an organization's ability to adapt to its environment. Where adaptability
can be divided into several dimensions such as: 1) the ability to solve problems creatively is a change in behavior
characterized by an innovative approach, so that in decision making to solve existing problems with creative solutions
so that problem solving can be done effectively; 2) dealing with uncertainty or unpredictable work situations, the
individual organization is required to deal with business complexities; 3) demonstrate adaptability to the culture; and
4) handle emergencies or crisis situations as events outside the normal circumstances, so that an organization must be
able to react quickly and appropriately to handle and control the situation so that the objectives that have been set can
be achieved in accordance with expectations. For more details, related to the effectiveness of preparing work plans for
regional apparatus organizations in Bappelitbangda, Parigi Moutong Regency based on adaptation indicators, it can be
seen from the results of the following interview.
The results of an interview conducted with Irwan, Head of Bappelitbangda of Parigi Moutong Regency on
November 21, 2022, stated that:
"The adaptation of each team that drafts the Work Plan is good enough from every personnel involved, even
after the Work Plan document is completed, this team conducts internal assistance in order to find out what is lacking
in the Work Plan Document prepared"
The results of the interview stated that in the adaptation process the preparation of the work plan document
of Bappelitbangda Parigi Moutong Regency had run optimally. This is due to the ability of each party who has been
given tasks and responsibilities in accordance with the tupoksinya has been mastered properly so that the
implementation process can run in accordance with the targets that have been set.
671 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 666-672
The results of an interview conducted with I Nyoman Sudiara, Head of PIPW, Bappelitbangda Parigi Moutong
Regency on November 24, 2022 stated that:
"The adaptation built is quite good in the preparation of the Work Plan Document because each member of
the Drafting Team already knows the tasks they will do in completing the Bappelitbangda Work Plan Document"
The results of an interview conducted with Iqbal Karim, Head of PM and Dalvas, Bappelitbangda of Parigi
Moutong Regency on November 12, 2022 stated that:
"In the preparation of the Work Plan, the adaptation that was built was quite good because in the preparation
of the Work Plan Document the division of tasks of each team was clear"
The results of an interview conducted with Nur Noviyanti Bandha, Head of Economic Affairs,
Bappelitbangda of Parigi Moutong Regency on November 23, 2022 stated that:
"In the preparation of the Bappelitbangda Work Plan, it can be said to be effective because all are involved
in the Work Plan preparation meeting, each official provides input on the target achievement of the Work Plan in each
of their fields and after that internal assistance will be carried out with the Head of the Program"
The results of an interview conducted with Halijah Ide, to the Subag Program, Bappelitbangda of Parigi
Moutong Regency on November 04, 2024 stated that:
"The adaptation built in the preparation of the Bappelitbangda Work Plan can be said to be good because all
are involved in the Work Plan preparation meeting, each official provides input on the Target Achievement of the
Work Plan in each of their fields and after that internal assistance will be carried out to find out the shortcomings of
the existing Work Plan Documents"
The results of the interview showed that the effectiveness of the preparation of the work plan of the regional
apparatus organization in Bappelitbangda, Parigi Moutong Regency based on adaptation indicators had run optimally
due to the distribution of tasks and responsibilities in accordance with each field and in the preparation process,
assistance was carried out before finalization. The importance of adaptation as a form of measurement of how an
organization is able to adapt to its environment. Adaptability is the ability to dynamically change or harmonize standard
operating procedures when the environment changes. Thus, adaptation is a process of self-adjustment carried out to
harmonize an individual with changes that occur in his environment
4. Conclusion
Based on this discussion, the conclusion in this study is that the effectiveness of the preparation of the work
plan of the regional apparatus organization of the Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency
of Parigi Moutong Regency has not run optimally due to the integration has not run due to lack of coordination carried
out by several regional apparatus organizations resulting in several problems such as: 1) performance indicators that
are not according to the form of activity; 2) the unit output is not in accordance with the activities that have been
determined; and 3) in the activity expenditure design contains supporting costs greater than the technical costs for the
implementation of activities.
Based on these recommendations, the suggestion in this study is to realize the preparation of an effective work
plan for the regional apparatus of the Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency of Parigi
Moutong Regency, namely by increasing integration both in the form of adjusting performance indicators in
accordance with the form of activities, making adjustments to unit outputs, and preparing expenditure designs
containing supporting costs in accordance with technical costs.
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