International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 544-552
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Feasibility and Swot Analysis of Upland Rice Farming in Cingkes,
Simalungun, Indonesia
Cyprianus P.H Saragi
Maryanti Sitohang
Muhammad Reza Aulia
Faculty of Agriculture, Santo Thomas Catholic University
Faculty of Agriculture, University Teuku Umar
Email: cypr[email protected], borusitohangmar[email protected], muhammad[email protected]
Cost, Feasibility, SWOT
Analysis, Upland Rice
The purpose of this study was to determine the farmers' production costs for upland rice
farming per hectare in one year, to find out the net income earned by farmers from upland
rice farming per hectare in one year, knowing how feasible upland rice farming is, and
knowing how upland rice farming strategies are in the research area. the research location
was determined purposively (deliberately). The data analysis method used is descriptive
analysis, farming feasibility analysis, and SWOT analysis. The results showed that the
average production cost of upland rice farming in the study area was Rp.
6,786,522/ha/year, the average income of upland rice farming was Rp.
15,7985,000/ha/year, and the average net income of IDR 9,008,478/ha/year. The
feasibility of farming or the R/C ratio in the research area is 2.3, this indicates that upland
rice farming is feasible to cultivate. in Cingkes Village, Dolok Silau District, Simalungun
Regency is feasible to cultivate. The strategy for developing upland rice farming in the
research area can be done by increasing the role of farmer groups, and increasing upland
rice productivity.
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)
license (
1. Introduction
Indonesia is a country where most of the population works in the agricultural sector. The agricultural sector
has an important role, which is able to make a major contribution to the nation's economy and increase national income
(Simbolon et al., 2021). This increase in national income through the agricultural sector is also able to increase the
income of rural residents who are still not prosperous (Aulia, 2021). Rice is an important commodity in Indonesia. The
Indonesian population uses rice as a staple food, 95% of the Indonesian population consumes this food. One of the rice
commodities that plays an important role in the agricultural system of the Indonesian people is upland rice (Aulia et
al., 2022). Upland rice or land rice is one type of rice cultivation, namely rice cultivation on dry land. Upland rice is
usually planted singly on open land/fields, or intercropped with food crops or young plantations (Widyanto & Subanu,
According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia (2017), East Java was the province
with the highest upland rice production in 2017, reaching 627,671 tons from a harvested area of 148,820 ha. The
productivity level of upland rice in East Java was 4.21 tons/ha. North Sumatra was another province that produced
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 544-552
upland rice, with a production of 466,407 tons from a harvested area of 123,784 ha. The productivity level of upland
rice in North Sumatra was 3.76 tons/ha. These data show that East Java had higher productivity than North Sumatra.
In Simalungun Regency, a district in North Sumatra, the average productivity of upland rice in 2016-2020 was only
3.49 tons/ha, which was lower than the provincial and national averages. In Dolok Silau District, another district in
Simalungun Regency, the average productivity of upland rice in 2016-2020 was even lower at 3.42 tons/ha. This
indicates that there is a need to improve the quality of seeds and varieties, as well as the management of cultivation
and post-harvest handling, to increase the yield of upland rice (Dzakiroh et al., 2021).
Rangkuty (2009) SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats that occur in a business or business (Aulia, 2021). To analyze by identifying internal and
external factors can provide a more competitive advantage with various factors of weakness, strength, opportunity and
threat that can hinder or benefit the achievement of goals. Therefore, the weakness factors can be minimized and the
strengths can be increased so as to achieve competitive advantage. While opportunities are more utilized and for threat
factors so that they can be handled properly.
Cingkes is one of the villages in Dolok Silau District. Most of the residents in Cingkes Village live from the
agricultural sector which operates upland rice farming, with an area of upland rice cultivated by farmers ± 0.2 1
hectare/family (Development Village Index, 2019). Farmers in Cingkes village complain that it is difficult to get
subsidized fertilizer from the government while the price of non-subsidized fertilizer in the market is quite expensive,
resulting in the largest cost incurred by farmers in purchasing fertilizer, so that rice productivity in Cingkes Village is
low, and farmers' income are low.
Based on the background and formulation of the problems described previously, the purpose of this study is
to determine the cost of production, to determine the amount of net income, to determine the feasibility of upland rice
farming, and to determine the farming strategies carried out by upland rice farmers in Cingkes Village, Dolok Silau
District. , Simalungun Regency.
2. Materials and Methods
This research was conducted in Cingkes Village, Dolok Silau District, Simalungun Regency. Determination
of the research area is done purposively (deliberately). This village was chosen as the research area for the reason that
Cingkes Village is one of the upland rice producing areas in Dolok Silau District, so that farmers in Cingkes Village
are considered to be able to represent upland rice farmers in Dolok Silau District. The method used in sampling is
simple random sampling method because the population of farmers who grow upland rice in the study area is only 39
families, therefore in this simple random sampling method, all 39 farmers are designated as samples. The data collected
in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained from direct interviews with sample
farmers with the help of a previously prepared questionnaire, while secondary data was obtained from the Central
Statistics Agency and the Village Head Office . Data obtained from direct observations in the field by interviewing
upland rice farmers using questions (questionnaires). Then tabulated, after tabulating according to the research
objectives, it is used with the following calculations:
The total cost of production is used the formula:
TC = Total Cost
TFC = Total Fixed Cost
TVC = Total Variable Cost
the formula for calculating net income is used:
𝝅 = TR TC
TR = P x Q
Explanations :
𝜋 = Profit
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TR = Total Revenue
TC = Total Cost
P = Price
Q = Earned production
Knowing the feasibility of farming is used the following formula:
R/C =
TR = Total Revenue
TC = Total Cost
R/C > 1: Farming is feasible (profitable)
R/C = 1: Break event point farming (no profit/no loss)
R/C ˂ 1: Farming is not feasible (not profitable)
Knowing the upland rice farming strategy carried out by farmers in Cingkes Village, Dolok Silau District,
Simalungun Regency. SWOT analysis carried out by farmers in a qualitative descriptive manner is described
according to the answers given to farmers or informants at the research location.
3. Results and Discussions
The results showed that the average age of upland rice farmers was 49 years with a farmer's age range from
28 to 65 years. The average level of education of farmers is low, where high school graduates are high and the lowest
are Diploma/Bachelor graduates. The higher the level of education, the better the farmer's mindset. Most of upland
rice farming experience ranges from 2-40 years, which means that it has been quite a long time. Experience in farming
affects the technical ability of farmers so that farming activities can run well.
3.1 Total Production Cost
Total production costs are all costs incurred for rice farming activities. Such as the purchase of fertilizers,
herbicides, labor, equipment depreciation, PBB and land rent. Details of the total production costs of upland rice
farming per year issued by farmers can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1: Average Total Production Cost of Cassava Farming in 2022
Total Cost (Rp)
Tool Shrink
Land lease
Land lease
Total Cost
The data in Table 1 shows that the average production cost per hectare per year for upland rice farming in the
study area is the highest for fertilizer costs and the lowest for PBB costs; then the average production cost for upland
rice farming is Rp. 6,231,316/ha/year; This figure is much higher than (Apriyanti et al., 2017) analysis, which is IDR
5,703,070/ha/year. This is because of the wages of labor and the prices of different means of production such as
fertilizers and medicines.
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3.2 Net Profit of Gogo Rice Farming
Farmer's income is the amount of physical production and selling price prevailing at the time of sale, assuming
the production is sold at harvest so that farmers' income can be calculated. If the selling price of upland rice is relatively
high, the farmers will also get a relatively high income and vice versa, which means that if the selling price of upland
rice is low, the farmers' income will also be low (Saragi et al., 2022). This will affect farmers' income. The average net
income of upland rice farming can be seen from Table 2.
Table 2: Average Net Income of Cassava Farming in 2022
Net Income (Rp)
Per farmers
Per Hectare
Production (Kg)
Price (Rp)
Revenue (Rp)
Production Cost (Rp)
Net Income (Rp)
Table 2 shows that the average net income of upland rice farming is Rp. 9,008,478/ha per year. When
compared with the results of research conducted by (Hartono et al., 2019) the average income obtained from upland
rice farming is Rp. 6,855,419/ha per year with a production price of Rp. 6,000/Kg. When compared with the results
obtained in the research area, it shows that the income of upland rice farming in the study area is higher than the
research conducted by (Hartono et al., 2019).
3.3 Feasibility Analysis of Upland Rice Farming
Financial feasibility of upland rice farming can be determined by calculating the value of the R/C ratio, the
value of the R/C ratio greater than 1 indicates that the farm is feasible to be cultivated and developed. The resulting
R/C value can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3: Feasibility of Upland Rice Farming per Hectare per Year (August-March) 2022.
Per Farmer
Per Ha
Production cost
Net income
Eligibility (R/C)
Based on Table 3, it can be seen that the R/C value of 2.3 indicates that upland rice farming is feasible to be
cultivated and developed. When compared with the research results of (Nearti et al., 2020) in Sungai Dua Village,
Banyuasin Regency stated that the R/C value of 2.05 means that the feasibility value in the study area is higher than
the results of (Nearti et al., 2020) research, this is because the production price upland rice in the study area is higher
than the upland rice production price from the research of (Nearti et al., 2020).
3.4 SWOT Analysis
Upland rice or land rice is one type of rice cultivation, namely rice cultivation on dry land. In general, upland
rice is planted once a year. Upland rice is very useful to meet the basic needs of the community, besides upland rice
also has advantages that can be developed in the agricultural sector. In this study, it can be seen that upland rice farming
is feasible to be cultivated as shown in the R/C ratio in table 3. Thus the results of the feasibility study for upland rice
farming have potential in developing farming. Therefore, the development of a swot analysis matrix for upland rice
farming in Cingkes Village in more detail is presented in table 4.
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Table 4: Internal and External Factors for Gogo Rice Farming Development 2022
Internal factors
Strength (S)
Weakness (W)
1. Upland rice farming (Oryza nivara I) is
not difficult and access to capital is not
too high.
1. It is difficult to get subsidized
fertilizer from the government while the price
of non-subsidized fertilizer in the market is
quite expensive.
2. Upland rice can grow well on dry land
and does not require irrigation
channels. Upland rice water needs can
only rely on rainfall alone.
2. Upland rice productivity in
Cingkes Village is lower than lowland rice
3. Upland rice in Cingkes Village
includes farming of local wisdom or a
3. Lack of role of farmer groups in
the research area, so that upland rice farmers
in Cingkes Village find it difficult to
coordinate between farmers.
4. Upland rice plants can also be planted
in intercropping patterns such as corn
and chilies.
4. The harvest time for upland rice is
longer than lowland rice.
5. The majority of upland rice farmers in
Cingkes Village do not depend on
external rice prices, because some
farmers in the study area use upland
rice farming results for household
consumption in the long term.
Eksternal Factors
Opportunity (O)
Threat (T)
1. Upland rice productivity in Cingkes
Village reaches 2 tons/ha per year.
1. Produktivitas padi gogo di Desa
Cingkes belum memberikan hasil yang
2. Have good prospects to meet household
3. Strategic location both in terms of
growing conditions and market access.
2. There is a change in the farming
pattern of farmers in Cingkes Village.
Table 4 shows that internal factors consist of 5 strengths and 4 weaknesses, so it can be said that rice farmers
in Cingkes Village have greater strengths so that they can minimize existing weaknesses. Meanwhile, external factors
consist of 3 opportunities and 2 threats. Opportunities owned by upland rice farmers can be used to develop upland
rice farming in Cingkes Village compared to the threats they have.
3.4.1 Strengths
Upland rice (Oryza nivara I) care is relatively easy and access to capital is not too high. Based on the results
of interviews with farmers in Cingkes Village, upland rice processing can be done without using technological tools
such as tractors. Upland rice in Cingkes Village is included in local wisdom farming or has become a culture because
the people in Cingkes Village have been farming upland rice for a long time. Therefore, upland rice farming has
become a tradition that is carried out simultaneously by planting in one year (Aulia et al., 2022).
3.4.2 Weakness
Farmers in Cingkes Village find it difficult to get subsidized fertilizer from the government, while the price
of non-subsidized fertilizer in the market is quite expensive. Based on interviews with farmers, the lack of role of
farmer groups in the research area, so that upland rice farmers in Cingkes Village find it difficult to coordinate between
farmers. In terms of harvest time, upland rice is longer than lowland rice. Upland rice has a harvest age of about 5-6
months while in general the harvest age of lowland rice is 3 months (Sinambela et al., 2020).
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3.4.3 Opportunity
In the research area, upland rice productivity has not been maximized considering that the average upland
rice productivity reaches a productivity level of 3.76 tons/ha (Ministry of Agriculture, 2017). The prospect of upland
rice farming in Cingkes Village can provide good benefits to meet household consumption needs in the long term. In
addition, the location of upland rice fields in Cingkes Village is not too far from settlements and road access is quite
3.4.4 Threat
Upland rice productivity in Cingkes Village has not been maximized due to limited fertilizers and the lack of
role of farmer groups in the research area so that upland rice farmers in Cingkes Village find it difficult to coordinate
between farmers. Based on the results of interviews with farmers, there is a change in farmers' agricultural patterns in
Cingkes Village, namely the transfer of land functions from upland rice plants to planting other commodities, for
example, farming corn and chilies..
After knowing some of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats contained in upland rice farming
in Cingkes Village, several strategies can be formulated that can be an alternative for upland rice farming (Awotide et
al., 2016).
Table 5: SWOT Matrix for Gogo Rice Farming Development Strategy 2022
1. Threat for upland rice
(Oryza nivara I) is not
difficult and access to
capital is not too high.
2. Upland rice can grow
well on dry land and
does not require
irrigation channels.
Upland rice water
needs can only rely on
rainfall alone.
3. Upland rice in Cingkes
Village includes
farming of local
wisdom or a culture.
4. Upland rice plants can
be planted for
intercropping patterns
such as: corn and
5. The majority of upland
rice farmers in
Cingkes Village do not
depend on outside rice
prices, because
farmers in the study
area have been
growing for
consumption for the
long term.
1. It is difficult to get
subsidized fertilizer
from the government
while the price of non-
subsidized fertilizer in
the market is quite
2. Upland rice
productivity in
Cingkes Village is
lower than lowland
rice productivity.
3. Upland rice does not
support the economy
of farmers in Cingkes
4. Lack of role of farmer
groups in the research
area so that upland rice
farmers in Cingkes
Village find it difficult
to coordinate between
them and between
5. In terms of harvest
time, upland rice is
longer than lowland
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 544-552
1. Upland rice
productivity in
Cingkes village
reaches 2
tons/ha per year.
2. There is an
of farmers
related to upland
rice farming.
3. Prospects for the
future are good,
and can meet the
needs of life for
the long term.
4. Strategic
location both in
terms of
conditions and
market access.
1. Maintaining upland
rice productivity with the skills
of farmers related to upland rice
2. Maintaining upland
rice as local wisdom seen from
the productivity which reaches
2 tons/ha per year.
3. Expanding market
access so that it is not only
limited to middlemen.
1. Increasing the role
of farmer groups in overcoming
the limitations of subsidized
2. Encouraging
increased productivity of
upland rice.
3. Increase public
demand by expanding market
1. Upland rice
productivity in
Cingkes Village
has not been
2. There is a
change in the
farming pattern
of farmers in
Cingkes Village.
1. Improving post-
planting land management
methods by using technological
2. Strive to increase
upland rice production.
1. Increasing the role
of farmer groups.
2. Farmers maintain
land for upland rice farming.
Based on Table 5, there are several alternative strategies that can be applied by upland rice farmers, including
the following:
Strategy S - O (Strength - Opportunity)
The S-O strategy is a strategy that uses the strengths you have with the opportunities that exist. So the
strategies that can be used according to table 5 are; (i) Maintaining upland rice productivity with the skills of farmers
related to upland rice farming. In this case, farmers can do this by selecting superior seeds, fulfilling sufficient nutrients
in the soil, cleaning other plants that grow around upland rice, and eradicating pests. (ii) Maintaining upland rice as
local wisdom seen from the productivity which reaches 2 tons/ha per year. In this case, it can be done by paying more
attention to the treatment of upland rice, both by spraying herbicides and using existing fertilizers. (iii) Expanding
market access so that it is not only limited to middlemen. For example, by packing upland rice harvests in a good size
1 Kg, 5 Kg, 25 Kg and 50 Kg then distributed to retail rice traders, in addition to marketing through social media such
as Whatsapp, Facebook, and Instagram to expand the market and customers (Bhargavi et al., 2021).
Strategy W - O (Weakness Opportunity )
W-O strategies are strategies that take into account the weaknesses and threats that exist in upland rice
farming. Then the strategies that can be used; (i) Increasing the role of farmer groups in overcoming the limitations of
subsidized fertilizers. (ii) Encouraging increased productivity of upland rice. This means that there is a need for the
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 544-552
government's role in the resilience of upland rice farming considering that upland rice productivity in Cingkes Village
is still low (Salleh et al., 2015).
Strategy S - T (Strength -Threaths)
S-T strategies are strategies that use their strengths to deal with the threats that exist in upland rice farming.
Then the strategies that can be used; (i) Improving post-planting land management methods by using technological
innovations. This means that new technology can be used in the field of land management by utilizing assistance
obtained from the government such as tractors. (ii) Strive for upland rice production to increase with the skills of
farmers regarding upland rice because it is the skills of farmers who are able to maintain something good or bring
changes to upland rice production and can also be done by planting using superior seeds, fulfilling nutrients in sufficient
soil , clean other plants that grow around upland rice, and eradicate pests (Guido et al., 2020).
Strategy W - T (Weakness -Threaths)
W - T strategies are strategies that take into account the weaknesses and threats found in upland rice farming.
Then the strategies that can be used; (i) Increasing the role of farmer groups, with the role of farmer groups, it can help
farmers in upland rice farming so that farmer groups direct farmers to use superior seeds, use fertilizers and so on. (ii)
Farmers maintain land for upland rice farming. If farmers are tempted by other crop commodities to obtain maximum
profits, it will cause the loss of upland rice farming. Therefore, farmers can maintain a partnership system among
upland rice farmers. Because with this partnership system, upland rice farming can survive and develop better than
when independent rice farmers (Malini et al., 2019).
4. Conclusion
The results of the Feasibility Analysis and Swot Analysis of Upland Rice Farming (Oryza nivara l) in Cingkes
Village, Dolok Silau District, Simalungun Regency, the production cost of upland rice farming in the research area is
Rp. 6,786,522/Ha/Year. upland rice production costs per hectare are dominated by fertilizer costs. The net income of
upland rice farming in the research area is Rp. 9,008,478/Ha/Year. Net income from revenue is Rp.
15,795,000/Ha/Year minus the average total cost of Rp. 6,786,522/Ha/Year. Feasibility of upland rice farming in the
value of R/C ratio of 2.3 then R/C ratio > 1 indicates that upland rice farming is feasible to cultivate. This means that
if the farmer spends 1, the farmer gets an income of Rp. 2.3, then the farmer's net income is 1.3. The strategy for
developing upland rice farming in Cingkes Village, Dolok Silau District, Simalungun Regency can be done by
increasing the role of farmer groups, increasing upland rice productivity, honing upland rice farmers' skills, improving
post-planting land management using technological innovation, using superior seeds, maintaining land for upland rice
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