International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 629-640
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Entrepreneurial Leadership of School Principals in Improving
Teacher Welfare at SMA Negeri Unggul in Pidie Jaya Regency
Amelia Shaleha
, Cut Zahri Harun
, Niswanto
Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
Email: ameliashaleh[email protected]m
Principal Leadership,
Entrepreneurship, Teacher
Principal entrepreneurship management is one of the factors that influence the welfare
of teachers in carrying out their duties. The purpose of this study was to find out how
innovation programs, implementation strategies, motivations, and obstacles to school
principals improve entrepreneurial leadership for teacher welfare. In this study used an
approach known as a qualitative approach. Research data collection techniques through
interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study are: 1) Principals
already have qualifications in innovation programs in improving teacher welfare. This
can be seen from the programs that are running late or those that have been planned by
the school principal; 2) One of the principal's strategies in improving teacher welfare is
by focusing on business units in schools; 3) The principal's motivation in improving
teacher welfare is by holding seminars attended by student guardians and seminars held
for teachers, as well as providing support to teachers who wish to continue their studies;
4) Obstacles faced by school principals in improving teacher welfare, one of which is
inadequate school facilities so that the activities of teachers are hampered in carrying out
their duties.
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)
license (
1. Introduction
Looking at phenomena and facts, the condition of education and access to education by the community is
increasingly difficult. So there is a need for comprehensive steps to overcome various educational problems in
Indonesia. Where the world of education must also be able to play an active role in preparing educated human resources
who are able to face various challenges of life both locally, regionally and internationally. It is hoped that students will
not only master theory. However, it is also able to apply it in social life. That is one alternative to overcome the problem
of education is through education that is oriented towards the formation of the soul entrepreneurship, namely the spirit
of courage and willingness to face life's problems and life naturally, the creative soul to find solutions and overcome
these problems, the soul is independent and not dependent on other people.
Effective leadership of an educational institution is a measure of the performance of a school principal. The
reason is that the school principal has a very strong role in coordinating, mobilizing, and situationally is important for
a school principal in influencing teachers and education staff. Harmonize all educational resources owned. Therefore
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school principals are required to have capable management and leadership skills so as to be able to take initiatives and
initiatives to improve school quality.
The success of the principal in managing the educational organization he leads is influenced by the ability of
the principal in carrying out education management, such as the ability to carry out planning activities (planning),
organizing (organizing), briefing (acquiring), supervision (controlling), and evaluation (evaluating) to all operations
at the education unit level. Conceptually, a school principal is indeed someone who must: (1) have foresight (vision)
and know what action to take (mission) and understand how to do it (strategy). (2) has the ability to coordinate limited
resources to achieve goals (3) has the ability to make decisions quickly, precisely and accurately (4) has the ability to
mobilize existing resources to achieve goals and is able to inspire followers to do important things for goals school (5)
has the ability to combat ignorance, suspicion, not making decisions. A school principal in carrying out his duties to
make an effective school really needs help from all lines within the school.
The principal is the voice and desire of the teachers and employees he leads. As a superior, he has the
responsibility as the superior's right hand to guide the school, teachers, staff, and other school employees (Lazaruth,
2014: 20). The principal has the main task of developing his school continuously in accordance with the developments
and challenges of the times. The principal is a leader who applies an entrepreneurial spirit to his subordinates in
carrying out his role as the principal of the school. Application of principles entrepreneur in influencing members of
the organization will have an impact on their performance in line with the principles and values of entrepreneur. With
leadership entrepreneur a school principal will be able to develop an organization in a more innovative direction by
increasing creativity, trust and cooperation with the community.
According to Mulyasa (2018: 189) that "Entrepreneurship is talking about behavior that includes taking
initiative, organizing, and reorganizing social and economic mechanisms towards sources and situations of practice,
and acceptance of risk or failure. Therefore, entrepreneurship for school principals is an opportunity for school
principals to achieve future-oriented organizational success by continuing to develop efforts that can increase teacher
creativity and innovation in learning activities.
Principals are required to have the required competencies, such as personality competencies, managerial
competencies, entrepreneurial competencies, supervision competencies, social competencies (Permen Education of
National Education No. 13 2007). For students, the principal plays an important role in the quality of education in
schools, so that the abilities that must be possessed are in accordance with the needs carried out for the benefit of the
quality of education in schools (Damayanti & Effane, 92: 2022). This shows that the coaching and development of
entrepreneurial competence for school principals still needs to be done. Based on this fact and in order to support the
role of school principals in improving the quality of education in schools, strong principals are needed who can guide,
set an example, and move teachers in improving the quality of education in schools so that they can realize the quality
of students who are creative, innovative, think critically. , and entrepreneurial spirit (entrepreneurship).
Through entrepreneurial competence, school principals will become innovative and creative leaders in
addition to having other competencies, but from the results of preliminary research observations that researchers
conducted at Unggul High School, Pidie Jaya Regency on September 15 to 20 2022, it appears that school principals
have not fully mastered entrepreneurial competence. . However, in realizing a superior and quality school, it is not
enough just a school principal with all his abilities, but the important role of the teacher is also very determined.
Teachers are also expected to be enthusiastic in teaching and be able to balance with their personal affairs, related to
seeing the passage of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers to
make them realize how hard the task of a teacher is as an educator, teacher, mentor, director and many more burdens
at once very noble responsibility that must be borne.
Based on the explanation of the problem above, the researcher is interested and wants to find out more about
the contribution: "LeadershipEntrepreneurship Principal in Improving Teacher Welfare at Unggul State High School,
Pidie Jaya Regency."
Based on the background of the problems described above, the formulation of the problem that can be
identified in this study is How is the Entrepreneurship Leadership of Principals in Improving Teacher Welfare at
Unggul State High School, Pidie Jaya Regency?
2. Materials and Methods
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In this study used an approach known as a qualitative approach. express qualitative research as a complex
picture, scrutinize words, report in detail from the views of respondents and conduct studies in natural situations.
(Creswell 2013: 54. The type of research in this research is field research(field research) which has the aim of
examining more deeply related to an academic institution in order to obtain organized information”. The method used
in this research is qualitative research, namely the analysis and description of a symptom and phenomenon, attitudes,
social activities and one's thoughts both groups and individuals. (Sugiyono 2010:15).
This research was conducted at Unggul State High School, Pidie Jaya Regency. Because the school matches
the title you want to study. While this research was carried out starting in September 2022.
The research subject is the subject intended to be investigated by the researcher, and becomes the center of
attention or the target of the researcher. The source of data in research is the subject from which the data can be
obtained. Furthermore Arikunto (2017: 116) explains that "Research subjects are objects, things, or people where data
for research variables are". Based on the problems that will be studied in this study, those who will be the subjects of
this study are the principal, deputy principal, supervisor and teacher. The subjects of this study were school principals,
teachers who were involved in providing information related to the research being conducted.
Research instruments are used to obtain data, so to obtain these data must be in accordance with the
characteristics of the data source. According to Satori and Aan (2017: 61) that "Instruments are tools that can reveal
field facts and there is no tool that is the most elastic and appropriate for uncovering qualitative data except the
researchers themselves." The steps taken by researchers to formulate questions to obtain data and facilitate the
preparation of instruments (data collection tools).
The research instruments intended as data collection tools in this study were: a grid sheet equipped with an
interview guide, in the form of questions, an observation guide and a documentation guide for all observation activities
carried out. The instrument includes aspects of responsiveness, adaptability and as a reference for writers in collecting
Data collection techniques are methods used by researchers to obtain research data. Sugiyono, (2018: 118)
says: "activities in qualitative data analysis are carried out interactively and continue continuously until complete". In
this study, the researcher chose the type of qualitative research, so the data obtained must be in-depth, clear and
specific. Furthermore, it is explained that data means information obtained through certain measurements, to be used
as a basis for compiling logical arguments to become facts. Data collection techniques in this study used observation
methods, interview methods, documentation and data validity testing.
Data analysis in this study is the process of searching and systematically compiling data obtained from
observations, interviews and documentation by organizing data into categories, synthesizing and drawing conclusions
about leadership. Principal in Improving Teacher Welfare at Unggul State High School, Pidie Jaya Regency.
Data analysis is an activity to organize, sort, group, code or mark, and categorize so that a finding is obtained
based on the focus or problem to be answered. The purpose of data analysis is to describe data so that it can be
understood and used as information that can later be used in drawing conclusions. In this study, researchers used
descriptive-qualitative data analysis techniques, namely describing data obtained through research instruments.
According to Sugiyono (2017: 247) "stated that activities in qualitative data analysis are carried out interactively and
continuously until complete so that the data is saturated". Activities or data analysis techniques in this study by
collecting data in the field are carried out by data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or data
verification which is also called interactive model data analysis techniques.
3. Results and Discussions
A. Principal innovation program in improving teacher welfare at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya
To create innovations that are useful for school development, school principals must be able to understand
and be able to implement innovative programs to increase the effectiveness of the school. Based on an interview with
Mrs. (HS) as the Principal of SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya said that; "There is an innovation program at SMAN Unggul
Pidie Jaya school that has been going on, we are also planning something. Some of the programs that we are still
running today, for example, are collecting social funds from teachers, which later we will use the funds collected to
help support the welfare of teachers. For example, these funds are used for a teacher who is sick, a family or teacher
who is affected by a disaster, a teacher who has a celebration event and so on. So with these funds the school is trying
to help ease the burden on teachers. This social fund collection fund has been running for the past few years, so that at
the end of each school year you only need to recapture the funds. Furthermore, our school also held a distribution of
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rewards or prizes in the form of certificates and souvenirs for outstanding teachers every year which we hold right on
Teacher's Day celebrations. For the last program, namely the use of IT at Unggul Pidie Jaya High School, so we will
make use of technology as much as possible for students, an example that is already running is exams using a computer
or gadget. There is one program that we are still planning, namely the holding of an expo at school, which later we
will exhibit at the exhibition expo, namely the work of students at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya."
The researcher also interviewed the mother (CT) as the teacher at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya, she said: "New
innovation programs held at schools are like extracurriculars in which the extracurriculars include sports, sewing,
dance, make-up and several others. . So with this program, teachers who are proficient in their extracurricular fields
will make a schedule according to what has been agreed with the students, and also with this program it can also help
a little for the welfare of the teachers."
Furthermore, the researchers also interviewed the mother (MA), one of the extracurricular coaches at Unggul
Pidie Jaya High School, according to her: "In my opinion, one of the innovation programs is active extracurricular
activities at school. So students don't only focus on subjects, but they can also nurture their talents according to the
field they are studying. With the existence of extracurricular programs in schools, not only students are happy. We
teachers are also happy because we can train and see the progress of students according to their fields.”
The researcher also interviewed the father (PT) as a board of teachers at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya, he said;
"Yes, of course he has innovative programs, one of which is an extracurricular program so that he can improve. First,
school activities can generate income and entrepreneurship, then children will also be trained in skills through these
innovative programs."
The researcher also interviewed Mrs. (UY) as a teacher at Unggul Pidie Jaya High School, she said: "For
innovative programs that have been carried out and implemented for this school period, the innovative programs carried
out by the school are from school facilities and infrastructure that have been there are no labs, classrooms, bathrooms,
sports fields that really pay attention and really make it comfortable for children to study well in the sense that in
school, the principal has provided a new innovation, namely by providing projectors so that children being able to
learn visually both studying and exams well then with the labs that have now been submitted and processed, it is indeed
planning to be built that is also good for school graduates so they can continue being ready to accept new technologies
from outside. ”
In addition to the above programs, the principal also organizes a canteen culture program for teachers who
are short on hours and also runs a school cooperative. In accordance with the results of the interview with Mrs. (HW)
as the principal of SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya, she said "We at the school are also running a canteen which we entrust
to teachers who are short of hours. Apart from that, we also run a school cooperative, where later the results from the
canteen and the cooperative can be utilized by the teachers.
From the results of the information that the researchers obtained, the principal understood the characteristics
of entrepreneurial competence to create innovation. The principal has implemented an IT system in school activities,
the principal has also created new programs such as collecting social funds and giving rewarts or prizes to outstanding
teachers and also the principal has created a new program, namely running a canteen for teachers who lack hours and
school cooperative empowerment.
From the observations of researchers, there is indeed a difference in the competency of the school principal's
innovation program. If the principal places more emphasis on the use of IT, social funds andrewarst to outstanding
teachers as a form of innovation, in contrast to the teacher council, according to him the principal emphasizes the
principal's innovation more on current extracurriculars. In addition, the researchers observed the principal's innovative
programs in facilitating projectors in all classes as a support for teaching and learning activities and there was also IT
empowerment in schools.
B. Leadership implementation strategy entrepreneurship school principals in improving teacher welfare
at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya.
After the researchers conducted research at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya, using observation, documentation, and
interview methods, the research findings could be presented as follows:
The entrepreneurial ability of school principals is an indicator that influences the success of a school in
achieving its organizational goals, this is because principals who have an entrepreneurial spirit have more ability in
themselves to lead their schools. Conversely, school principals who do not have an entrepreneurial spirit will find it
more difficult to face various obstacles and challenges in achieving organizational goals.
From the results of the interviews that have been conducted, it can be concluded that the principal's strategy
in developing educational financing at Unggul Pidie Jaya High School is that the principal does not focus on funding
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from government funds (Dana Bos), the second strategy is that the principal focuses more on development education
financing comes from businesses initiated and managed by these educational institutions, so the development funds
for education financing come from entrepreneurial proceeds, such as one of the canteens at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya.
The principal of SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya said that: "Initially the school canteen was managed by people
from outside the school, but after further evaluation now the school canteen is managed by honorary teachers who lack
working hours, so besides teaching the teachers also have other duties. In addition to managing the canteen, the income
from the canteen can also improve the welfare of honorary teachers at Unggul Pidie Jaya High School. However, even
though it is managed by the teachers, the school still works closely with the surrounding community, that is, the
community can still leave their wares in the canteen as long as the food is entrusted in accordance with existing
regulations. There are even some teachers who leave their wares in the school canteen and we allow that, as long as it
doesn't interfere with the main responsibilities of the teacher."
In addition to corroborating the principal's answer, the researcher interviewed other respondents with the same
questions addressed to the school principal. Researchers interviewed Mrs. (FR) as a teacher at SMAN Unggul Pidie
Jaya saying that; "It's true that in our school there is a canteen managed by teachers, even though the canteen is still
working with entrepreneurs from outside, so far the canteen is running well."
The researcher also interviewed the father (RA) he said: "SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya already has its own
canteen which is managed by honorary teachers, but until now we are also still evaluating how the canteen works,
whether it is in accordance with the wishes of students or should we will fix it again in the future. However, with the
management of this canteen, honorary teachers also feel a little relief for the welfare of their lives.
Furthermore, the researcher also interviewed Mrs. Rahmi as one of the teacher representatives who manages
the canteen at Unggul Pidie Jaya High School, she said that: "During the school canteen, which we named the healthy
canteen, we felt that there were new activities that we could do, because if remember that our teaching hours at school
are only a few, and with this canteen we can also add a little to our income every month. In this canteen, not only
outside entrepreneurs can deposit their wares, but teachers and also students who have an entrepreneurial spirit can
entrust their wares to this school canteen.
The researcher also interviewed Mrs. (DS), one of the craft teachers who teaches in class X, Mrs. (DS) said:
"Of course there is a healthy canteen here, so we craft teachers at school in craft subjects have a program to make
materials that can produce, for example like making sweet potato sticks. We invite the students to work with local
sweet potato stick traders to learn how to make these sweet potato sticks. Later, we will entrust the sweet potato sticks
that have been successfully made to the school cafeteria. This is one of the school's strategies in increasing
entrepreneurial spirit among students.”
Furthermore, the principal of SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya also explained, it is not only the healthy canteen that
we are preserving, we are also preserving the cooperative at this school, he said: "Apart from the canteen we also have
a school cooperative here, where later teachers who want to join the cooperative can register himself to the chairman
of the cooperative that has been elected. We also formed the cooperative solely to help the welfare of teachers at
SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya, where later these funds may be loaned to teachers who need it, as long as the teachers
follow the rules that are treated by the cooperative."
Furthermore, the researcher interviewed Mrs. (FT) as the head of the cooperative at SMAN Unggul Pidie
Jaya, she said: "It's true that we do have our own cooperative here, where members are required to deposit 20,000 each
month. Later these funds can also be used by members who need them, as long as they are returned in a timely manner.
We also initiate the money collected from the cooperative at the end of the semester or sometimes just before Eid,
depending on the member's agreement to buy sugar or syrup, which is distributed to all members of the cooperative."
The researcher also interviewed Mrs. (YL) as a member of the cooperative, she said: "As a member of the
cooperative, I feel a lightening of life while joining this cooperative, because every time before Eid, our members are
given syrup or sugar, so this can relieve my needs ahead of Eid. .”
In addition to the strategy of empowering canteens and cooperatives, the principal's strategy in completing
the innovation program at school has also been going quite well, although there are several programs that have not yet
been implemented, as said by Mrs. (DS) as a teacher at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya. at school, the principal has tried as
much as possible to realize the program, such as the use of IT in schools, the principal strongly motivates teachers who
are new to IT knowledge so that sometimes schools hold meetings and invite IT experts to strengthen the teachers'
knowledge in the field IT.
Furthermore, in the extracurricular field the principal said "The strategy we use to increase students' desire to
participate in the extracurricular field is by collaborating with outside institutions, for example like last month our
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school had students from the ISBI Aceh faculty, namely the arts faculty. Our goal in inviting them is to motivate
students who have talent in the arts to be more active in practicing their abilities.
The statement from the school principal also received support from the art teacher at SMAN Unggul Pidie
Jaya, Ibu (MH) as the art teacher saying "It is true that there was a visit from ISBI Aceh students to our school. With
this visit, we as art teachers really hope that the students can take the positive knowledge provided by the students, so
that the students of SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya can love their artistic abilities more.
For programs that have not run properly the principal says "The program that is not yet running and we are
still planning is regarding the expo exhibition at school, because this program will cost a lot of money and careful
preparation we still need to hold discussions about the expo exhibition program However, we are trying to make the
program run smoothly soon.
From the results of the information the researchers obtained, the principal understands a good strategy in
meeting the welfare of teachers at school, which strategy does not escape the characteristics of entrepreneurial
competence, namely that the principal must be able to make positive efforts in developing and managing existing
business units in the school. schools and have made efforts to cooperate with outside agencies.
Principals who have an entrepreneurial spirit can be seen from their ability to manage various types of
business units that already exist in schools such as cooperatives, canteens and others. The school principal is also
expected to be able to create new business units that do not yet exist in schools which will be able to improve school
quality and the welfare of teachers and employees at the school.
Apart from being in the field of business units, the school principal has also been very maximal in designing
strategies to complete all the programs that have been planned, both programs held managed by the school and
programs that involve schools with outside agencies. Even though there is one program that has not run properly the
school principal is trying to run the program.
Furthermore, from the results of interviews, researchers can also conclude, with the existence of a principal's
strategy that is in accordance with entrepreneurial competence, teachers can feel more satisfying well-being. Later by
taking good care of the teacher's welfare, the burden on teachers outside of school can be partially reduced, so that
teachers are more enthusiastic about carrying out their main duties at school.
C. Motivation of school principals in improving teacher welfare at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya
Having a strong motivation to succeed in carrying out its main duties and functions as a school manager, the
school principal must be able to make positive efforts to achieve the goals set, for example the principal establishes
partnerships with other parties, both internal and external to the school or other motivations. other motivations that can
support the welfare of teachers in schools.
Based on an interview with the mother (HS), he said: "My motivation for improving the welfare of teachers
at school is by working with partnerships that are outside the school. The first example is establishing cooperation with
student guardians through the school community to overcome programs that are not running well by holding seminars
for parents of students, with this seminar it is hoped that they will be able to solve problems that occur, namely that
parents or guardians of students can in line with the learning program taught in schools. So it's not only teachers who
have to be responsible for their students, parents also have to participate. At least parents at home can supervise or
direct their sons and daughters to participate in school learning programs. Furthermore, we also work with several
institutions including the health center for children and also teachers, then with the closest PMI and there are also
several other institutions.
Furthermore, to support the statement from the school principal, the researcher also interviewed Mr. Rijal as
the teacher council at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya, he said: "Schools often collaborate with external speakers, for
example schools often hold seminars or workshop followed by the teachers to support the knowledge of the teachers
at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya."
Furthermore, the author also interviewed Mrs. (RK) as a teacher at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya, she said: "Once
a month we at school always hold regular meetings regarding the progress of the school going forward. At the meeting
the teachers can issue their opinions which will later be accommodated and if the suggestions have a positive impact
then they will be implemented.
Furthermore, regarding the motivation of the school principal, the researcher also interviewed the mother
(FT), she said: "The school principal really motivated us to continue to a higher level, so there were some teachers
who wanted to continue their schooling or there were also those who joined the teaching profession, they were very
supported and allowed by the principal."
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Furthermore, the researchers also interviewed the mother (NL), she said: "One of the annual agendas that
teachers like is the picnic agenda together, where after one academic year the teachers spend their time for students to
do some refreshing.
From the results of the information that researchers have obtained, the principal understands the
characteristics of entrepreneurial competence, namely having strong motivation, the principal must be able to make
positive efforts to achieve the goals set, for example, the principal establishes a partnership relationship with other
parties, both internal and external to the school . Internal Partnership ; for internal partnerships to work together with
parents through the school community to overcome programs that are not running well by holding seminars for parents
of students, with this seminar it is hoped that they will be able to solve problems that occur, namely so that parents can
be in line with the learning program being taught at school. At least parents at home can supervise or direct their sons
and daughters to participate in school learning programs. External Partnership ; for external partnerships we establish
partnerships with several institutions, including; Puskesmas in the field of children's health, PMI and other institutions.
From the results of interviews with the teacher council for the ability of the principal to have strong
motivation, the principal builds partnerships, there are two partnerships that are formed, namely external and internal
partnerships by holding seminars to support the knowledge of teachers. As explained above, the partnership that was
built was solely to improve the quality of the school itself. Apart from that, with this partnership, various obstacles and
problems faced by school principals will be able to be resolved properly, because knowledge and experience are shared
from other schools that are members of the partnership.
Furthermore, the results of the interviews with the research teachers can also conclude that the principal
strongly supports the career paths of the teachers in the school. The principal really appreciates and always allows for
any teachers who want to add to their knowledge. From interviews with the teacher council, the authors can also
conclude that the principal is also very open and close to the teachers, so that every year the teachers of SMAN Unggul
Pidie Jaya always have a picnic together.
D. Obstacles to school principals in improving teacher welfare at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya.
One of the competencies of leadership entrepreneurship is the courage to take risks in taking advantage of
opportunities so as to achieve a goal. Of course, in every program or agenda that someone has planned, there must be
obstacles to overcome. Likewise with the principal of SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya. With the emergence of new obstacles,
a leader must think critically about the challenges faced in accordance with existing competencies in leadership.
headmaster. The following is the opinion of the principal of SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya regarding the obstacles he has
overcome and how to overcome these obstacles. he said: "In running an effective school, of course there are
obstacles that must be faced. One of the obstacles I had to face was inadequate school facilities. With the lack of
facilities in the school, of course, it will hinder the performance of the teachers on duty, therefore we from the school
have recapitulated what facilities are needed in the future and hopefully these facilities will be available soon, so that
the teachers can do their job optimally. Furthermore, there are also some obstacles that I face that come from the
teacher, for example, the teacher's domicile is far away, because the distance between the teacher's domicile and the
school is far away, the process that takes place at school is hampered, because of that there are several teachers who
are not married, I suggest becoming a teacher. dormitory at school, considering that our school is treated as a dormitory.
I gave this advice to teachers, of course, to make it easier for teachers to carry out their duties.
Furthermore, the author also interviewed Mrs. (FT) as a teacher at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya, she said: "The
obstacle we face is the lack of complete facilities or infrastructure at school, so that our work at school is often
hampered. Of course we have discussed this problem with other teachers and hopefully, it will be resolved soon.”
Furthermore, the author also interviewed Mrs. (RK) as the teacher board of SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya, she
said: "Indeed, the main obstacle that occurs in schools is the lack of adequate facilities, but not only this, the low
participation of school environment residents is also a serious obstacle. , where there are a number of teachers who
don't participate in schools, the tasks of other teachers are also hampered."
The author also interviewed Mr (RJ), he said: "Indeed there were some obstacles when we carried out our
assignments, these obstacles came from the school and from the teachers themselves. However, whenever there are
obstacles from the school, especially the school principal, they are always ready to solve the problem, solving the
problem is usually done by holding a meeting of the entire school family."
From the results of the interviews that have been conducted, the authors can conclude that the principal of
SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya has implemented entrepreneurship competence regarding taking risks against a challenge
and problem. It can be seen from the attitude of the principal who is swift in solving the obstacles that occur in schools,
from the lack of facilities at schools to the problem of the teacher's domicile distance which has been well dealt with.
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 629-640
Furthermore, from the results of observations and interviews with the teacher council, the writer can also
conclude that the principal has succeeded in nurturing teachers. It can be seen from how the principal acts when solving
problems that occur around the school. As Pak Rijaldi said, if there are problems and obstacles at school, the school
will immediately hold a meeting to resolve the problem.
Based on the results of observations and interviews with the principal and the teachers of SMAN Unggul
Pidie Jaya, the authors see that the principal has been able to apply a leadership styleEntrepreneuship at the school.
Such as the innovation program programmed by school principals, the strategies used by school principals, the
motivation of school principals and the principal's solutions when facing obstacles that occur in schools.
A. Principal innovation program in improving teacher welfare at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya.
The Principal of SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya already has quite good innovation qualifications in the welfare of
teachers, this is shown by the results of interviews, observations and documentation, it turns out that the principal
exceeds the existing standards. This is evidenced from; Decree on the Appointment of Representatives, Staff and
Classroom Guardians, Decree on Committees for Activities (for a year), and can also be seen from programs that are
running late or have been planned by the school principal. This can be concluded by researchers factually that school
principals have the competence to create innovation, which is carried out by the principal as evidenced by the results
of observations, interviews, and documentation that researchers did. The principal as the central figure driving the
school organization must be able to create new things to develop the school he leads, in this case the principal also
plays the role of being an innovator. The competence to create innovation must continue to move according to the
times and the times that exist at that time. The principal of SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya in his leadership also follows the
times and the current era, namely the digital era, so all planning and programming uses IT and internalization. It can
be seen from the teachers who started teaching using laptops and projectors as well as exams that have been carried
out using computers or gadget.
Furthermore, the principal implemented several innovative programs, one of which was the collection of
social funds from teachers, these funds were collected for the welfare of teachers. If in the future one of the teachers
needs assistance in the form of funds or otherwise, the school can help from these funds. With this program, we can
conclude that the Unggul Pidie Jaya High School has implemented one of the new innovation programs that are being
implemented at school, the program is also an important point of competence. Entrepreneurship which was carried out
by the principal. Another innovative program that is run in schools is preserving extracurricular programs. Previously
the Unggul Pidie Jaya High School had already run the program, but this year the school has started to open up new
extracurricular fields. The program was opened, of course, by considering the students' interest in these new programs.
Furthermore, in addition to the above programs SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya has also focused on building infrastructure
in schools. According to the teachers who were interviewed, with adequate infrastructure, teachers and students can
be more comfortable carrying out their duties, so that all programs that have been planned can run effectively. In
addition to the programs above, the principal has also carried out knowledge entrepreneurship very well, this can be
seen from the operation of cooperatives and canteens in schools. The school principal has issued his entrepreneurial
knowledge, especially in the development of the school canteen. The school has collaborated with teachers and
business units from outside to run the canteen.
B. Leadership implementation strategy entrepreneurship school principals in improving teacher welfare
at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya.
The Principal of SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya has a fairly good qualification of entrepreneurial instinct in the
welfare of teachers, this is shown by the results of interviews, observations and documentation, it turns out that the
principal exceeds the existing standards. This is evidenced from; data on programs that have been running and are still
planned at school, a list of teachers who are members of the cooperative, a list of teachers who participate in placing
their wares in the cafeteria, and so on. This neatly structured principal's strategy makes teachers and employees at
school get better welfare.
This can be concluded by the researchers factually that the principal has an entrepreneurial instinct, which is
carried out by the principal as evidenced by the results of observations, interviews, and documentation that the
researchers did. To realize the above, the principal must lead and manage the school as well as possible. Looking for
or finding a breakthrough so that the school they lead is of high quality and achievement, has a distinctive character,
so that it is easy to be recognized and attracted by the community. In the context of leadership, entrepreneurship is not
IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 637
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 629-640
synonymous with profitable economic activities, but what is used by a school principal is high spirit and values such
as creativity, innovation, hard work, positive work ethic, never giving up and good at building networks. Schools are
basically allowed to set up business units such as school cooperatives to improve the welfare of teachers and
employees, because one measure of the success of a school principal is when he can bring about the welfare of his
teachers and staff. The entrepreneurial instinct of the school principal can be seen from the management of the canteen
which was previously managed by outsiders, now it can be managed by the school itself. Of course, this is an advantage
for the school because with the management of the canteen, honorary teachers who are short on hours can hone their
entrepreneurial instincts. existence of the canteen, so as to improve the welfare of honorary teachers at SMAN Unggul
Pidie Jaya.
The entrepreneurship program held at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya school also has a positive impact on students
who will be able to hone their entrepreneurial instincts through a curriculum program implemented at school, where
the results of the program can be marketed in the school canteen. With these activities students can accommodate
entrepreneurial knowledge and gain new experiences from their activities. Furthermore, besides the canteen, the
principal of SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya also applies entrepreneurial instincts in the field of cooperatives, in which the
school cooperative unit can manage the cooperative every month. According to the results of teacher interviews with
the existence of the cooperative, it makes it easier for them to consume sugar or syrup every year according to the
agreement of the cooperative members. In addition to cooperatives and canteens in science entrepreneurship the
principal has also issued new ideas in running new innovation programs in schools such as the development of IT that
is evenly distributed to teachers, with the support of the principal by inviting IT experts for teachers, of course, it will
make it easier for teachers who do not yet master IT to be able to understand these new sciences.
The principal has also made every effort to invite external support institutions to run school innovation
programs effectively, this will certainly have a positive impact on students and teachers, because not only students but
teachers will also gain knowledge. Of the several programs that have been planned by the school principal, of course,
there are still programs that have not gone as desired, namely the holding of expo exhibitions at schools, according to
the results of observations and interviews this has not been able to work because there is still a need for deliberation
by the principal with all employees at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya, because the planned program is a relatively large
activity, so the school must prepare a really mature plan.
C. Motivation of school principals in improving teacher welfare at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya.
It turns out that the principal has a fairly good motivational qualification, this is shown by the results of
interviews, observations and documentation, it turns out that the principal exceeds the existing standards. This is
evidenced: (1) building internal partnerships by collaborating with parents through the school community to overcome
programs that are not running well by holding seminars for parents of students, with these seminars it is hoped that
they will be able to solve problems that occur, namely that parents it can be in line with the learning program taught
in schools. At least parents at home can supervise or direct their sons and daughters to participate in school learning
programs. (2) building external partnerships by establishing partnerships with several institutions, including;
Puskesmas in the field of children's health, PMI around and other institutions.
The school principal also has sufficiently good motivational qualifications in the welfare of teachers, this is
shown by the results of interviews, observations and documentation, it turns out that the principal exceeds the existing
standards. This is evidenced from; list of certified teachers, list of teachers who have received scholarships, list of
teachers who have received reward because of achievement, a list of teachers who received uniforms, a list of teachers
who received health money, a list of teachers who received bonuses, a list of teachers who received basic food
packages. The author can also conclude factually that the principal has the competence to have strong motivation,
which is what the principal does as evidenced by the results of observations, interviews, and documentation that the
researchers did. The principal as a motivator is tasked with providing encouragement and support to all of his
subordinates so that they are able to work together in achieving the goals set. As a motivator, the principal must have
the right strategy to motivate education staff in carrying out their various tasks and functions. In order to provide
motivation properly, the principal must understand the characteristics of his subordinates, this is because each
individual has different motives in carrying out their duties.
The principal is able to encourage and motivate his subordinates to always be serious in carrying out their
duties. This is probably because the principal loves his job enough and feels responsible for carrying out his duties and
functions as a school leader under his authority. In order for the principal to really have good motivation in carrying
out his duties and functions as a school leader the principal should instill an entrepreneurial spirit so that he has strong
motivation in implementing his responsibilities as a school leader. In addition to the above, the way the school principal
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motivates teachers can also be seen through his support for teachers who want to continue their studies. The principal
of SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya is very supportive of teachers who want to continue their education, this can be seen from
the presence of several teachers who are currently pursuing their master's degree and teacher professional education.
This was done by the principal so that in the future SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya would have more qualified educators.
D. Obstacles to school principals in improving teacher welfare at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya.
Principals have unyielding qualifications that are quite good in dealing with existing obstacles for the welfare
of teachers, this is shown by the results of interviews, observations, and documentation, it turns out that principals
exceed existing standards. This is evidenced from the interviews that have been conducted by the author, in which
every time there are problems and obstacles the principal immediately seeks a good solution. In order for the success
of the school as an effective learning organization to be achieved properly, the principal must improve his ability to
lead the school, which can be done by participating in professional development activities and applying the principles
of effective work and making himself a social being who is easy to work with. the same as other components of the
school. Because a school can be said to be an effective learning organization if there is hard work from all components
of the school, especially the principal.
Principals who have the competence to work hard will greatly influence the teachers and employees they lead,
inevitably the teachers and employees will follow the rhythm of the principal's hard work. Teachers who have a hard-
working spirit will also give birth to students who are passionate about learning and will make brilliant achievements
not only academically but non-academically will also make achievements, and what is far more important than this
hard-working nature is the spirit to build a better personality. The author can also conclude factually that school
principals have unyielding competence to deal with any obstacles that occur, this is evident from the results of
observations, interviews and documentation that researchers have conducted. Never give up and always look for the
best solution in facing the obstacles faced by the school as a source of learning for students.
This is due to the fact that there is a strong desire from the principal to create a superior school and a good
school under his leadership. In order for this to continue to be implemented, the principal must always be wise and
firm in leading the school, so that there is no decrease in performance and always strive to improve self-ability as an
effective leader. Principals must be able to manage and solve problems that occur in schools and be able to reflect an
unyielding attitude in improving school performance and work performance. The nature of never giving up and always
looking for the best solution in dealing with the obstacles faced by schools as a source of learning for students will be
able to improve the quality and quality of schools. In carrying out the duties of a school principal, there must be several
challenges, for example, limited human resources, facilities and infrastructure, educators and education staff. To
overcome these various obstacles, school principals must think and find solutions and alternatives that can solve the
various obstacles they face quickly. So that the problem is quickly resolved if we have a strong and innovative
mentality. And make decisions quickly and carefully, that's where the entrepreneurial spirit of a school principal is
needed by the school.
The author can also conclude that the principal has really tried to find a solution to every problem and obstacle
that exists, it can be seen from the actions of the principal who took the initiative to provide options for teachers who
live far away to become dormitory teachers. The principal has also acted quickly when there was a difference of opinion
from the teachers. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the principal is very good at managing
competence which he mastered.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that: The principal's innovation
program in improving the welfare of teachers at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya has been going very well. This can be seen
from the programs that are run at the school, in which the principal has dared to create new programs such as using the
internet, new extracurricular programs, and collecting social funds, which have a positive impact on health and welfare.
teachers at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya. Leadership implementation strategy entrepreneurship the principal in improving
the welfare of teachers at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya has been running very effectively. The principal has brought out
all the entrepreneurial instincts he has learned. SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya has operated the canteen system effectively,
which not only has an impact on teachers, but students can also feel the results of the canteen. Apart from the canteen,
SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya has also managed the school cooperative unit well. So that it has a very positive impact on
the welfare of teachers.
The motivation of the principal in improving the welfare of teachers at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya is very
competent entrepreneurship. The principal has set a good example for teachers, one of which is by holding workshops,
IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 639
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 629-640
not even just an example, but the principal also supports all of the teachers' choices. This can be seen from the
principal's support for teachers who wish to continue their education. In addition, the principal also often holds
seminars or workshop in schools, to improve the quality of educators at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya. Obstacles to school
principals in improving teacher welfare at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya. Every school certainly has different obstacles,
but each of these obstacles can certainly be overcome with a sense of mutual support between the principal and the
teachers. So far the obstacles that exist in SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya can be overcome and faced by teachers and
principals. From these results it can be concluded that the principal has mastered the existing entrepreneurship
competencies, so that whenever there are problems and obstacles at school, the principal is always quick and alert in
dealing with these obstacles so that these obstacles can be resolved immediately.
In connection with the conclusions above, the suggestions that can be put forward in this study are as follows:
Principal innovation programs as a leader can guide teachers in improving the field of entrepreneurship. A leader who
has a leadership style entrepreneurship The good ones are having the characteristics, being able to think creatively and
innovatively, being able to work hard to achieve a goal. A school principal really needs strategies entrepreneur creative
because, through entrepreneur, educators will have a work orientation that is more efficient, creative, innovative,
productive and independent. The principal is an inspiration for teachers in the school, therefore motivation must be
built first by the principal himself so that it is easily accepted by teachers. The principal must be prepared to face all
the obstacles that exist in the school. This encourages the acquisition of new insights that develop later in order to
improve quality in the schools he leads.
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