IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 635
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 629-640
Furthermore, the researchers also interviewed the mother (NL), she said: "One of the annual agendas that
teachers like is the picnic agenda together, where after one academic year the teachers spend their time for students to
do some refreshing.
From the results of the information that researchers have obtained, the principal understands the
characteristics of entrepreneurial competence, namely having strong motivation, the principal must be able to make
positive efforts to achieve the goals set, for example, the principal establishes a partnership relationship with other
parties, both internal and external to the school . Internal Partnership ; for internal partnerships to work together with
parents through the school community to overcome programs that are not running well by holding seminars for parents
of students, with this seminar it is hoped that they will be able to solve problems that occur, namely so that parents can
be in line with the learning program being taught at school. At least parents at home can supervise or direct their sons
and daughters to participate in school learning programs. External Partnership ; for external partnerships we establish
partnerships with several institutions, including; Puskesmas in the field of children's health, PMI and other institutions.
From the results of interviews with the teacher council for the ability of the principal to have strong
motivation, the principal builds partnerships, there are two partnerships that are formed, namely external and internal
partnerships by holding seminars to support the knowledge of teachers. As explained above, the partnership that was
built was solely to improve the quality of the school itself. Apart from that, with this partnership, various obstacles and
problems faced by school principals will be able to be resolved properly, because knowledge and experience are shared
from other schools that are members of the partnership.
Furthermore, the results of the interviews with the research teachers can also conclude that the principal
strongly supports the career paths of the teachers in the school. The principal really appreciates and always allows for
any teachers who want to add to their knowledge. From interviews with the teacher council, the authors can also
conclude that the principal is also very open and close to the teachers, so that every year the teachers of SMAN Unggul
Pidie Jaya always have a picnic together.
D. Obstacles to school principals in improving teacher welfare at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya.
One of the competencies of leadership entrepreneurship is the courage to take risks in taking advantage of
opportunities so as to achieve a goal. Of course, in every program or agenda that someone has planned, there must be
obstacles to overcome. Likewise with the principal of SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya. With the emergence of new obstacles,
a leader must think critically about the challenges faced in accordance with existing competencies in leadership.
headmaster. The following is the opinion of the principal of SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya regarding the obstacles he has
overcome and how to overcome these obstacles. he said: "In running an effective school, of course there are
obstacles that must be faced. One of the obstacles I had to face was inadequate school facilities. With the lack of
facilities in the school, of course, it will hinder the performance of the teachers on duty, therefore we from the school
have recapitulated what facilities are needed in the future and hopefully these facilities will be available soon, so that
the teachers can do their job optimally. Furthermore, there are also some obstacles that I face that come from the
teacher, for example, the teacher's domicile is far away, because the distance between the teacher's domicile and the
school is far away, the process that takes place at school is hampered, because of that there are several teachers who
are not married, I suggest becoming a teacher. dormitory at school, considering that our school is treated as a dormitory.
I gave this advice to teachers, of course, to make it easier for teachers to carry out their duties.
Furthermore, the author also interviewed Mrs. (FT) as a teacher at SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya, she said: "The
obstacle we face is the lack of complete facilities or infrastructure at school, so that our work at school is often
hampered. Of course we have discussed this problem with other teachers and hopefully, it will be resolved soon.”
Furthermore, the author also interviewed Mrs. (RK) as the teacher board of SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya, she
said: "Indeed, the main obstacle that occurs in schools is the lack of adequate facilities, but not only this, the low
participation of school environment residents is also a serious obstacle. , where there are a number of teachers who
don't participate in schools, the tasks of other teachers are also hampered."
The author also interviewed Mr (RJ), he said: "Indeed there were some obstacles when we carried out our
assignments, these obstacles came from the school and from the teachers themselves. However, whenever there are
obstacles from the school, especially the school principal, they are always ready to solve the problem, solving the
problem is usually done by holding a meeting of the entire school family."
From the results of the interviews that have been conducted, the authors can conclude that the principal of
SMAN Unggul Pidie Jaya has implemented entrepreneurship competence regarding taking risks against a challenge
and problem. It can be seen from the attitude of the principal who is swift in solving the obstacles that occur in schools,
from the lack of facilities at schools to the problem of the teacher's domicile distance which has been well dealt with.