IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 522
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 511-523
Companies; 5) Leverage has no effect on Company Value ; 6) Capital Structure affects Company Value in
Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing Sector Companies; 7) Investment Decisions affect the Company
Value of Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing Sector Companies; 8) Dividends affect the Company
Value of Companies in the Manufacturing Sector of the Good Consumer Sub-sector; 9) Profitability has no
effect on Company Value with Leverage as an Intervening variable in Manufacturing Sector Companies of
the Good Consumer Sub-sector ; 10) Capital Structure has no effect on Company Value with Leverage as an
Intervening variable in Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing Sector Companies ; 12) Investment
Decisions have no effect on Company Value with Leverage as an Intervening variable in Good Consumer
Sub-sector Manufacturing Sector Companies; 13) Dividends have no effect on Company Value with Leverage
as an Intervening variable in Manufacturing Sector Companies in the Good Consumer Sub-sector.
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