International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 511-523
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
The Influence of Profitability, Capital Structure, Investment
Decisions, and Dividends on Firm Value with Leverage as an
Intervening Variable in Manufacturing Sector Companies, Sub-
sector Good Consumer, Listed in the Indonesian Stock
Exchange (ISE)
Mesra Berlyn Hakim
, Hwihanus
ITB Ahmad Dahlan Lamongan
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
Email: berlyn[email protected],
Profitability, Capital
Structure, Investation
Decision, Dividend,
Leverage, Firm Value.
This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of profitability, capital
structure and investment decisions, and dividends on leverage and company
value in Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing Sector companies listed on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2019-2021. The population of this study is all
Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing companies listed on the ISE in
2019-2021 with a total of 60 companies. The sampling technique is purposive
sampling with criteria for the availability of company financial statements until
2021 and positive profitability, obtained from a sample of 60 companies. Data
analysis techniques use statistical descriptions and path analysis. The results
showed that of the 13 hypotheses, there were four influential hypotheses and
nine hypotheses that had no effect.
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open-access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
SA) license (
1. Introduction
The purpose of establishing a company according to The theory of the firm is to maximize the wealth
or value of the firm. The survival of a company can be realized by improving performance. The good
performance of a company will also have an impact on the value of the company to be good. Defines company
value as a measure of the success of management performance. In addition, there is also the role of investors
in perceiving the value of the company, namely by relating it to the stock price. (Brigham & Houston, (2021)
Shareholders are company owners who employ agents/boards of directors, therefore agents/board of
directors of companies are required to manage the company in accordance with the interests of the owners in
order to be able to increase the value of the company as reflected in the stock price. In order to achieve these
goals, increasing stock prices, behind owners or agents, must be able to combine their perceptions well, lest
problems arise (agency problems) that result in not achieving company goals or commonly known as the theory
of agency (Jensen in Meckling, 1976).
Given the importance of company value for all parties, this study aims to determine the effect of
profitability, capital structure, investment decisions, and dividends on leverage and company value in good
consumer sub-sector manufacturing sector companies listed on the ISE in 2019-2021
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Signal Theory
Signaling theory was first proposed by Spence (1973), that the sending party (owner of information)
provides a signal or signal in the form of information that reflects the condition of a company that is beneficial
to the recipient (investor).
Agency Theory
According to (Suseno, 2012) agency theory explains the relationship between management and
shareholders, where management has greater information than shareholders, so it often causes agency
problems. Agency problems occur between shareholders and management and between management and debt
owners (Brigham & Houston, 2021b) When agency problems occur, agency costs will arise. Agency costs are
costs incurred due to the use of company debt. When a company experiences agency problems, it means that
the use of corporate debt harms creditors, because it is possible.
Pecking Order Theory
The theory of pecking order (Corey and Myers, 1984) states that companies in carrying out their
investment activities will fund it first using internal funds, after that when it is still lacking, it will use external
funding starting with safe debt rather than risky debt and the last is common stock. In other words, this theory
actually concerns the hierarchy of sources of funds starting with internal sources of funds first.
Company profitability is the company's ability to earn profits in relation to sales, total assets, and own
capital (Sartono, 2001 and Setyowati and Nursiam, 2014).
Capital Structure
Capital structure is a description of the form of the company's financial proportion, namely between
the capital owned which comes from long-term liabilities and own capital (stakeholders equity) which is the
source of financing for a company (Falhmi, 2018: 27).
Investment Decisions
Investment decisions are decisions that involve the allocation of funds from within and funds from
outside the company there are shared forms of investment. Investment decisions can be grouped into short-
term investments such as investments into cash, short-term securities, receivables, and inventories as well as
long-term investments in the form of land, buildings, vehicles, machinery, production equipment, and other
fixed assets. Investment is a commitment to a number of funds or other resources in the future (Wicaksono &
Tandelilin, 2011).
The definition of dividends according to Nikiforos K. Laopodis is a cash payment paid by the
company to shareholders (Laopodis, 2020).
The level of financing debt of a company can be measured by using Leverage. The use of debt to the
company will be at risk of interest costs that must be paid by the company. The greater the value of the
company's leverage, the higher the debt interest costs that must be paid by the company, as a result the
company's value is reduced (Lestari et al., 2020).
Company Value
Corporate value can also be defined as the goal of maximizing shareholder prosperity that can be
achieved by maximizing present value. If the price of shares owned increases, all shareholder profits will
increase (Sartono, 2010: 9).
Variables and Indicators
The variables and indicators used in this study are as follows.
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 511-523
Table 1. Research Variables, Notations and Indicators
Source: Data processed, 2023.
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
Research Hypothesis
The research hypothesis can be carried out as follows.
1. Profitability has a significant effect on Leverage in Manufacturing Sector Companies in the good
consumer sub-sector?
2. Capital Structure Has a Significant Effect on Leverage in Manufacturing Sector Companies in the
Good Consumer Sub-Sector?
3. Investment Decisions Have a Significant Effect on Leverage in Manufacturing Sector Companies in
the Good Consumer Sub-Sector?
4. Dividends have a significant effect on Leverage in Manufacturing Sector Companies in the good
consumer sub-sector?
5. Leverage has a significant effect on company value in manufacturing sector companies in the good
consumer sub-sector?
6. Profitability has a significant effect on Company Value in Manufacturing Sector Companies in the
good consumer sub-sector?
7. Capital Structure Has a Significant Effect on Company Value in Manufacturing Sector Companies in
the Good Consumer Sub-Sector?
8. Investment Decisions Have a Significant Effect on Company Value in Manufacturing Sector
Companies in the Good Consumer Sub-Sector?
Free Variable
Return On Asset
Return On Equity
Net Profit Margin
Long Term Debt to Asset
Short Term Debt to Asset
Market to Book Assets Ratio
Price Earning Ratio
Dividend Payout Ratio
Dividend Yield Ratio
Variable Intervening
Debt to Equity Ratio
Bound Variables
Ratio Q
Price Book Value
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 511-523
9. Dividends have a significant effect on Company Value in Manufacturing Sector Companies in the
good consumer sub-sector?
10. Leverage mediates the effect of profitability on company value in manufacturing sector companies in
the good consumer sub-sector?
11. Leverage mediates the effect of Capital Structure on Company Value in Manufacturing Sector
Companies in the good consumer sub-sector?
12. Leverage mediates the effect of investment decisions on company value in manufacturing sector
companies in the good consumer sub-sector?
13. Leverage mediates the effect of dividends on company value in manufacturing sector companies in
the good consumer sub-sector?
2. Materials and Methods
The sampling technique uses the purposive sampling method of manufacturing companies listed on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange with a research period of 2019-2021. The sampling technique used in this study
was using purposive sampling with criteria:
Table 2. Research Sample Selection
Number of
Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing Sector Companies on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange are listed in 2019-2021
Companies in the Manufacturing Sector of the Good Consumer
Sub-sector did not publish complete company financial
statements during 2019 2021 through the
Companies that have a negative profitability value in the
observation period
Total Observation 3 years
Source: data processed, 2023
Based on the table above, the good consumer sub-sector manufacturing companies listed on the IDX
during the 2019-2021 period were 64 companies The number of companies that do not have complete financial
statements is 4 companies so that companies that meet the criteria are as many as 60 companies. The number
of research data and outlier data is 180 data each.
3. Results and Discussions
Variable Descriptive Statistical Test
The results of descriptive statistical testing of variables Profitability (X1), Capital Structure (X2),
Investment Decision (X3), Dividend (X4), Company Value (Y), and Levarage (Z) in the manufacturing sector
of the good consumer sub-sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2019-2021 are presented in the
following table:
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 511-523
Validity Test Results
Convergent Validity Test Results
From table 4 it can be concluded that the outer loading values of the variables that meet the value
requirements are Profitability ratio ROA and ROE; LTDA ratio capital structure; Investment Decision PER
ratio; Company value ratio PBV and RATIO; Raiso TIE leverage whereas, what is not yet qualified is the
variable NPM profitability ratio; STDA ratio capital structure; Investment Decision MBAR ratio; Dividend
ratio of DPR and DYR; Leverage raiso DER. The following is a loading factor diagram of each indicator in
the study :
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 511-523
Figure 2. Loading factor diagram
Discriminant Validity Test Results
From table 5 it can be concluded that the valid cross-loading values are the variables Profitability ratio
ROA, ROE, NPM; LTDA ratio capital structure; Investment Decision PER ratio; Dividend ratio DYR;
Company value ratio PBV and RATIO; Leverage raiso TIE, while invalid is variable Capital structure STDA
ratio; Investment Decision MBAR ratio; DPR dividend ratio; Leverage raiso DER.
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 511-523
Reliability Test Results
A variable is said to be reliable if the Composite Reliability value must be greater than 0.70, in the
table above that meets the value of Composite Reliability is the Profitability variable (X1) of 0.86 and
Company Value (Y) of 0.975. A construct or variable is considered reliable if it gives a Conbarch Alpha value
of > 0.60, in the table above the variables that are declared reliable are Profitability (X1) of 0.758 and
Company value (Y) of 0.95.
Statistical Results of Hypothesis Testing
Testing the hypothesis by looking at the value of the Path Coefficient calculation in the inner model
testing. Testing hypotheses can be seen through t-statistical values and probability values. For hypothesis
testing using statistical values, it is for apha 5%, with a t-table value of 1.976, so that the criteria for acceptance
or rejection of the hypothesis are H1 accepted and H0 rejected if the t-table > 1.976. To reject / accept the
Hypothesis using probability then Hal is accepted if the value p < 0.05.
Based on the results of influence testing presented in table 8 can explain the hypothesis as follows:
H1: Profitability has a significant effect on leverage in manufacturing sector companies.
The results of the analysis in the table above show that the Original Sample value (Coefficient) is
0.064 > 0.000 with T-statistics > T-table (0.563 < 1.976) in P-value 0.574 > 0.05. then H0 is accepted and
H1 is rejected, meaning that the variable has no relationship. Thus it can be concluded that profitability has
no effect on leverage. Therefore, the first hypothesis (H1) is rejected.
H2: Capital Structure has a significant effect on leverage in manufacturing sector companies.
The results of the analysis in the table above show that the Original Sample value (Coefficient) is -
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0.231 < 0.000 with T-statistics > T-table (0.563 < 1.976) in P-value 0.033 < 0.05. then H0 is rejected and
H1 is accepted, meaning that the variable has a relationship. Thus it can be concluded that profitability is
significant to leverage. Thus the second hypothesis (H2) is acceptable.
H3: Investment Decisions Have a Significant Effect on Leverage in Manufacturing Sector
The results of the analysis in the table above show that the Original Sample value (Coefficient) is 0.047
> 0.000 with T-statistics > T-table (0.558 < 1.976) and P-value 0.577 > 0.05. then H0 is accepted and H1
is rejected, meaning that the variable has no relationship. Thus, it can be concluded that Investment Decisions
have no effect on leverage. Therefore, the third hypothesis (H3) can be rejected.
H4: Dividends have a significant effect on leverage in manufacturing sector companies.
The results of the analysis in the table above show that the Original Sample value (Coefficient) is 0.047
> 0.000 with T-statistics > T-table (0.558 < 1.976) and P-value 0.577 > 0.05. then H0 is accepted and H1
is rejected, meaning that the variable has no relationship. Thus it can be concluded that Dividends have no
effect on leverage. Therefore, the fourth hypothesis (H4) can be rejected.
H5: Leverage has a significant effect on company value in manufacturing sector companies.
The results of the analysis in the table above show that the Original Sample value (Coefficient) is -
0.038 < 0.000 with T-statistics > T-table (0.232 < 1.976) and P-value 0.817 > 0.05. then H0 is accepted
and H1 is rejected, meaning that the variable has no relationship. Thus it can be concluded that Leverage has
no effect on leverage. Therefore, the fifth hypothesis (H5) can be rejected.
H6: Profitability has a significant effect on the value of the company in the manufacturing sector.
The results of the analysis in the table above show that the Original Sample value (Coefficient) is -
0.064 < 0.000 with T-statistics > T-table (0.983 < 1.976) and P-value 0.326 > 0.05. then H0 is rejected
and H1 is accepted, meaning that the variable has a relationship. Thus it can be concluded that profitability is
significant to the value of the company. Thus the sixth hypothesis (H6) is accepted.
H7: Capital Structure has a significant effect on the value of companies in the manufacturing
The results of the analysis in the table above show that the Original Sample value (Coefficient) is -
0.153 < 0.000 with T-statistics > T-table (2.417 < 1.976) and P-value 0.016 > 0.05. then H0 is rejected and
H1 is accepted, meaning that the variable has a relationship. Thus it can be concluded that the capital structure
is significant to the value of the company. Thus the seventh hypothesis (H7) is accepted.
H8: Investment Decisions have a significant effect on the value of companies in the
manufacturing sector.
The results of the analysis in the table above show that the Original Salmpel value (Coefficient) is
0.104 > 0.000 with T-statistics > T-table (0.934 < 1.976) and P-value 0.351 > 0.05. then H0 is rejected and
H1 is accepted, meaning that the variable has a relationship. Thus it can be concluded that Investment
Decisions are significant to the value of the company. Thus the eighth hypothesis (H8) is accepted.
H9 : Dividends have a significant effect on company value in manufacturing sector companies?
The results of the analysis in the table above show that the Original Sample value (Coefficient) is 0.062
> 0.000 with T-statistics > T-table (0.451 < 1.976) and P-value 0.652 > 0.05. then H0 is accepted and H1
is rejected, meaning that the variable has no relationship. Thus it can be concluded that dividends have no
effect on the value of the company. Therefore, the ninth hypothesis (H9) is rejected.
H10: Leverage mediates the effect of profitability on company value in manufacturing sector
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 511-523
The results of the analysis in the table above show that the Original Sample value (Coefficient) is -
0.002 < 0.000 with T-statistics > T-table (0.115 < 1.976) and P-value 0.908 < 0.05. then H0 is accepted and
H1 is rejected, meaning that the variable has no relationship. Thus it can be concluded that Leverage does not
mediate the effect of Profitability on Company Value. Therefore, the tenth hypothesis (H10) is rejected.
H11: Leverage mediates the effect of Capital Structure on Company Value in Manufacturing
Sector Companies.
The results of the analysis in the table above show that the Original Sample value (Coefficient) is 0.009
> 0.000 with T-statistics > T-table (0.356 < 1.976) and P-value 0.722 < 0.05. then H0 is accepted and H1
is rejected, meaning that the variable has no relationship. Thus it can be concluded that Leverage does not
mediate the effect of Capital Structure on Company Value. Therefore, the eleventh hypothesis (H11) was
H12: Leverage mediates the effect of investment decisions on company value in manufacturing
sector companies.
The results of the analysis in the table above show that the Original Sample value (Coefficient) is -
0.002 < 0.000 with T-statistics > T-table (0.108 < 1.976) and P-value 0.914 < 0.05. then H0 is accepted
and H1 is rejected, meaning that the variable has no relationship. Thus it can be concluded that Leverage does
not mediate the influence of Investment Decisions on Company Value. Therefore, the twelfth hypothesis
(H12) is rejected.
H13: Leverage mediates the effect of dividends on company value in manufacturing sector
The results of the analysis in the table above show that the Original Sample value (Coefficient) is 0 <
0.000 with T-statistics > T-table (0.007 < 1.976) and P-value 0.994 < 0.05. then H0 is accepted and H1 is
rejected, meaning that the variable has no relationship. Thus it can be concluded that Leverage does not
mediate the influence of Investment Decisions on Company Value. Therefore, the thirteenth hypothesis (H13)
is rejected.
The Effect of Profitability on Leverage in Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing Sector
The results of the path analysis show an Original Sample (coefficient) of 0.064 with a significance
level of 0.574 which means the path significance level is more than 0.05. Thus it can be concluded that
profitability has no effect on leverage. Profitability is a reflection of the company's ability to generate profits.
Therefore, based on Pecking Order Theory, a company that has a high profit which is a source of internal
funding will be sufficient to fund its operational costs and investment activities so that the company will
reduce the use of external funds. The higher the profitability, the lower the leverage. This research is in line
with research conducted by Zuhroh (2019), (Dilasari et al., n.d.), and (Hutapea et al., 2023) showing that
profitability negatively affects leverage.
The Effect of Capital Structure on Leverage in Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing
Sector Companies.
The results of the path analysis showed an Original Sample (coefficient) of -0.231 with a significance
level of 0.033 which means the path significance level is more than 0.05. Thus, it can be implied that capital
structure affects leverage. Determination of optimal capital structure, Optimal capital structure maximizes the
share price of the company and requires a leverage ratio lower than the leverage ratio that maximizes the
expected profit per share. If based on the concept of "cost of capital", then the optimal capital structure is
defined as a capital structure that can minimize the weighted average cost of capital. Companies that are able
to meet their internal financial needs reduce their dependence on external sources.
The Effect of Investment Decisions on Leverage in Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing
Sector Companies.
The results of the path analysis show an Original Sample (coefficient) of 0.047 with a significance
level of 0.577 which means the path significance level is more than 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that
Investment Decisions have no effect on leverage, in line with research conducted by Odit & Chittoo (2008)
and (Apriyanti & Ningsih, 2023), the effect of investment decisions will affect company investment, meaning
that the greater the investment obtained by the company, it will affect the value of the company itself. Because
investors are more focused on achieving company profits. Because the achievement of high company profits
is expected to provide investors with benefits in investing in the company and this view is that the company's
high and low investment decisions do not affect the value of the company. Investment decisions are an
important factor in the financial functioning of the company, because to achieve the company's goals can be
achieved through the company's investment activities. In contrast to the research of (Ahmad et al., 2021) is
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 511-523
an important determinant of investment decisions.
The Effect of Dividends on Leverage in Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing Sector
The results of the path analysis show an Original Sample (coefficient) of 0.047 with a significance
level of 0.577 which means the path significance level is more than 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that
Investment Decisions have no effect on leverage. The higher the leverage ratio indicates the greater the
composition of debt in the company's capital structure which results in greater financial risks faced by the
company concerned. The use of debt that is too high will affect the company's capital structure and affect
interest costs (debt costs) which have an impact on the company's net profit. However, the net profit obtained
is not necessarily followed by the company's ability to pay dividends, because the obligation to pay debt takes
precedence over paying dividends. The amount of debt owned by the company will affect the dividends to be
distributed. Cash held by the company can come from debt, therefore greater debt will increase smooth
operations, investment and pay dividends. The results of this study are in line with research by (Ginting,
2019), Widjaya & Darmawan (2018), and (Butar-Butar et al., 2021) which states that leverage has no effect
on dividends.
The Effect of Leverage on Company Value in Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing Sector
The results of the path analysis showed an Original Sample (coefficient) of -0.038 with a significance
level of 0.817 which means the path significance level is more than 0.05. Thus it can be concluded that
Leverage does not affect leverage. In the theory of pecking order states that the use of higher debt will reduce
the value of the company. An increase in debt will increase the risk of the company's revenue stream, where
revenue is also affected by external factors while debt produces fixed expenses regardless of revenue. The
higher the debt, the higher the possibility of a company being unable to pay its obligations in the form of
interest and principal. The risk of bankruptcy will be higher because interest will increase, exceeding the tax-
saving benefits. This research is in line with research conducted by (Cheryta et al., 2017), (Husna & Satria,
2019), (Ajani et al., 2019), (Butar-Butar et al., 2021), Dilasari (2022) stating that leverage negatively affects
company value. In contrast to research conducted by (Astakoni & Wardita, 2020) and Tanaya &Wiyanto
(2022) leverage affects company value.
The Effect of Profitability on Company Value in Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing
Sector Companies.
The results of the path analysis showed an Original Sample (coefficient) of -0.064 with a significance
level of 0.326 which means the path significance level is more than 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that
Profitability affects the Value of the Company. This is also in line with signaling theory which explains good
financial performance in the past can provide bright company prospects in the future (Ross, 1977). A positive
signal of high profitability will attract investors to invest in the company. The more investors who invest, the
value of the company will increase. This finding is in line with previous research by Sucuahi &; Cambarihan
(2016), (Iswajuni et al., 2018), Rachmat et al (2019), Zuhroh (2019), (Ndruru et al., 2020), and Dilasari
(2023) which suggested that profitability has a positive effect on company value.
The Effect of Capital Structure on Company Value in Good Consumer Sub-sector
Manufacturing Sector Companies.
The results of the path analysis show an Original Sample (coefficient) of -0.153 with a significance
level of 0.016 which means a path significance level of more than 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that Capital
Structure affects the Value of the Company. If the capital structure is dominated by the use of debt or from
profits, then it does not affect the rise and fall of the value of the company. Investors do not consider the
origin of the capital structure to look at investing in the company. This research is supported by Pasaribu
(2016), Mudjijah (2019), and Dilasari et al (2022) who suggest that capital structure has a positive effect on
company value. But, in contrast to research conducted by (Anggraini & MY, 2019), Irawan & Kusuma (2019)
and Rahayuningsih et al (2019) that capital structure has no effect on company value.
The Effect of Investment Decisions on Company Value in Good Consumer Sub-sector
Manufacturing Sector Companies.
The results of the path analysis showed an Original Sample (coefficient) of 0.104 with a significance
level of 0.351 which means the path significance level is more than 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that
Investment Decisions affect the Company's Value. This means that the more an investor decides to invest in
a company does not affect the value of that company. In contrast to previous research conducted by (Efendi
& Idayati, 2020), (Astakoni & Wardita, 2020) and Dilasari et al (2022) which suggested that investment
decisions affect company value. In contrast to research conducted by Tanaya &; Wiyanto (2022) and (Bon &
Hartoko, 2022) that investment decisions have no effect.
The Effect of Dividends on Company Value in Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing
Sector Companies.
521 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 511-523
The results of the path analysis show an Original Sample (coefficient) of 0.451 with a significance
level of 0.652 which means the path significance level is more than 0.05. Thus it can be concluded that
Dividends have no effect on leverage. When investing, investors expect an increase in stock value and
dividend distribution. The distribution of dividends made by the company can be said to be a positive signal
that the company has a good performance. However, dividend policy is not a priority for investors in
considering investment decisions. In accordance with the irrelevant dividend theory proposed by Vilami
(2008) that a company's value does not depend on dividend policy, so the amount of dividends paid to
shareholders has no effect on the company's value. This may be due to a change in the view of investors who
want to obtain short-term profits through capital gains because small dividend payments are no more
profitable than capital gains in the future. The results of this study are supported by research by (Abidin et al.,
2015), Ramadhani et al (2018), (Nelwan & Tulung, 2018) and (Astika et al., 2019) which states dividends
have no effect on company value. In contrast to research conducted by (Butar-Butar et al., 2021) that dividends
have a positive impact on company value.
The Effect of Profitability on Company Value with Leverage as an Interveing Variable in
Manufacturing Sector Companies in the Good Consumer Sub-sector.
The results of the path analysis show an Original Sample (coefficient) of -0.002 with a significance
level of 0.652 which means the path significance level is more than 0.05. Thus it can be concluded that
Profitability has no effect on leverage. The results of this study are contrasted with the research of Dilansari
et al (2020), Dilasari et al (2022), and (Hutapea et al., 2023) which explains the company's financial
performance related to the use of assets and capital as well as management decisions in determining the
company's debt policy can affect the company's value. The better the company's financial performance
through a reverse debt policy can also increase the value of the company. This research is compared back to
the research of (Fajaria & Isnalita, 2018).
Capital Structure to Company Value with Leverage as an Intervening Variable in
Manufacturing Sector Companies in the Good Consumer Sub-sector.
The results of the path analysis show an Original Sample (coefficient) of 0.009 with a significance level of
0.722 which means the path significance level is more than 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that Leverage
mediates Capital Structure to affect the Value of the Company. that the capital structure mediated by leverage
negatively and significantly affects the value of the company. This means that capital gains and utilization
are greater than debt and with a high debt policy will reduce the value of the company. Investors tend to want
capital gains from a company's financial performance profits rather than profits generated from debt because
they are also concerned about a company's ability to pay off debt. This research is in line with the research of
(Dilasari et al., n.d.) that capital structure affects company value with leverage as an intervening variable.
The Effect of Investment Decisions on Company Value with Leverage as an Intervening Variable
in Manufacturing Sector Companies in the Good Consumer Sub-sector.
The results of the path analysis show an Original Sample (coefficient) of -0.002 with a significance level of
0.914 which means the path significance level is more than 0.05. Thus it can be concluded that Leverage
mediates Investment Decisions has no effect on Company Value. This means that investment decisions have
no effect on the companys leverage. This means that many investors who decide to invest by paying attention
to debt policies carried out by the company do not cause the company's value to increase or decrease. This
research is in line with research conducted by (Dilasari et al., n.d.) that Investment Decisions affect company
value with leverage as an intervening variable.
The Effect of Dividends on Company Value with Leverage as an Intervening Variable in
Manufacturing Sector Companies in the Good Consumer Sub-sector.
The results of the path analysis show an Original Sample (coefficient) of 0 with a significance level of 0.994
which means the path significance level is more than 0.05. Thus it can be concluded that Leverage mediates
Dividends has no effect on Company Value. This means that with the size of the use of debt, it will not affect
the size of the dividend distribution, this is because the debt owned by the company is considered not too
risky, so it does not affect funding decisions in distributing dividends. The size of the dividend distribution
will not affect the value of the company because investors only want to take profits in a short period of time
by obtaining capital gains.
4. Conclusion
Based on the analysis and discussion above, this study can conclude several things, namely: 1)
Profitability does not affect Leverage in Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing Sector Companies; 2)
Capital Structure affects Leverage in Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing Sector Companies; 3)
Investment Decisions have no effect on Leverage In Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing Sector
Companies; 4) Dividends have no effect on Leverage in Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing Sector
IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 522
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 511-523
Companies; 5) Leverage has no effect on Company Value ; 6) Capital Structure affects Company Value in
Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing Sector Companies; 7) Investment Decisions affect the Company
Value of Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing Sector Companies; 8) Dividends affect the Company
Value of Companies in the Manufacturing Sector of the Good Consumer Sub-sector; 9) Profitability has no
effect on Company Value with Leverage as an Intervening variable in Manufacturing Sector Companies of
the Good Consumer Sub-sector ; 10) Capital Structure has no effect on Company Value with Leverage as an
Intervening variable in Good Consumer Sub-sector Manufacturing Sector Companies ; 12) Investment
Decisions have no effect on Company Value with Leverage as an Intervening variable in Good Consumer
Sub-sector Manufacturing Sector Companies; 13) Dividends have no effect on Company Value with Leverage
as an Intervening variable in Manufacturing Sector Companies in the Good Consumer Sub-sector.
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