512 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 05,May-June 2023, pages: 502-513
4. Conclusion
The interpretation or conclusion of this research is Minimum Capital has no influence and is not significant
on Investment Interest in the Millennial Generation in North Sumatra, Investment Growth has a partial and significant
positive effect on Investment Interest in the Millennial Generation in North Sumatra with a significant value of 0.022.
Interest rates have a partial and significant positive effect on investment interest in the millennial generation of North
Sumatra with a significant value of 0.012. Risk Perception has a partial and significant positive effect on Investment
Interest in the Millennial Generation in North Sumatra with a significant value of 0.000. The value of the coefficient
of determination of 0.573 explains that the independent variable can only explain the dependent variable by 57.3%.
The suggestions produced in this study, which are The results of this study show that minimal capital,
investment growth, interest rates, and risk perception are some independent variables that affect investment interest by
57.3%, which means that there are many other variables that can affect investment interest. The next researcher is
expected to use other independent variables such as the influence of motivation, investment knowledge, and others.
Further researchers are expected to add to the results of respondents and examine in more potential locations such as
Prima Indonesia University. For further researchers, it is expected to refine and aim for the accuracy of the data of the
next research results by adding a larger number of samples.
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