569 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 567-579
Before integrated IPS was implemented, teachers taught only one subject. However, with the demands of the
curriculum, teachers must still be professional in teaching integrated IPS (Hidayat, 2020). Then the facilities and
infrastructure are less supportive in the implementation of integrated IPS learning. This is the background that made
the researcher interested in conducting research with the title "Curriculum Development Management of Integrated
IPS Subject at MTsN Banda Aceh."
2. Materials and Methods
This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. According to (Sugiyono, 2019), a qualitative
descriptive approach is a research approach based on the postpositivist philosophy used to study natural conditions
(as opposed to experiments) where the researcher is the key instrument, data collection techniques are done through
triangulation, data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and the research results emphasize meanings rather than
generalizations (Iryana, 2019).
The purpose of qualitative descriptive research is to depict, depict, explain, clarify, and answer in more detail
the problems to be studied by studying as much as possible an individual, a group, or an event. In qualitative research,
humans are the research instruments, and the results are presented in words or statements that correspond to reality.
Thus, the expected outcome of this research is to provide a complete and well-organized picture of specific
components, resulting in valid findings (Kristanto, 2018).
The location of this research is MTsN Kota Banda Aceh, observed by the headmaster and teachers. The
research was conducted for three months, from January to March, and obtained research approval from the Graduate
School of Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh.
The subjects in this research are the headmaster, the vice headmaster of the curriculum, teachers, and students
at MTsN Kota Banda Aceh. The selection of research subjects is based on several considerations, such as the
headmaster, vice headmaster, vice headmaster of the curriculum, teachers, and students being essential elements in
the educational institution related to curriculum development and IPS subjects, all of which are processes in the
management of the Integrated IPS Curriculum at MTsN Kota Banda Aceh.
Data collection techniques are the most strategic step in research because the main goal is to obtain data.
According to Sugiyono (Iryana, 2019:2), "In qualitative research, data collection is conducted in natural settings,
primary data sources, and data collection techniques are mostly through participant observation, in-depth interviews,
and documentation."
In qualitative research, findings or data are considered valid when there is no difference between what the
researcher reported and what actually happened with the observed object. The truth of reality in qualitative research
is not singular but plural and depends on the researcher's ability to construct observed phenomena and is formed within
an individual as a result of each individual's mental process and background. Therefore, data validity tests are needed
in this research. The validity tests in qualitative research include credibility (internal validity), transferability (external
validity), dependability (reliability), and confirmability (objectivity).
Data analysis in this research uses descriptive analysis techniques. Descriptive analysis is a procedure or way
to solve research problems by presenting the conditions of the investigated object (institutions, communities, factories,
etc.) as they are based on actual facts. (Sary, 2015) states that "Descriptive means data collected are in the form of
words, pictures, not numbers." Thus, the research report will contain data quotes to provide an overview of the
presentation of the report. The data comes from interview transcripts, field notes, photos, videos, personal documents,
notes or memos, and other documents.
Data analysis is the process of organizing and arranging data into patterns, categories, and basic narrative
units so that themes can be found, and working hypotheses can be formulated as suggested by the data. According to
Miles and Huberman (Sary, 2015), the steps of data analysis are as follows: (1) data collection, collecting data in the
research location through observation, interviews, and documentation, determining the appropriate data collection
strategies, and focusing and deepening data in the next data collection process; (2) data reduction, the process of
selecting, focusing, abstracting, transforming raw data directly in the field, thus data reduction starts from when the
researcher focuses on the research area; (3) data presentation; and (4) drawing conclusions, understanding and being
responsive to what is directly researched in the field in data collection.
In this research, instruments were used to collect data on curriculum development management in the
integrated IPS subject through interview guidelines, observation guidelines, and documentation studies, by asking
questions formulated in line with the research objectives to obtain answers that can be considered as valid and true
qualitative data. Regarding the above objectives, data credibility testing is required. Data credibility testing aims to