International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 567-579
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Curriculum Development Management of Integrated IPS Subject at
MTsN Banda Aceh
, Cut Zahri Harun
, Yusrizal
Universitas Syiah Kuala Darussalam, Indonesia
Management and
Curriculum Development
Management or curriculum management becomes something very important, because
good curriculum management will facilitate the achievement of educational goals to the
maximum. The purpose of this study is to find out how the management of integrated
social studies subject curriculum development in MTsN Banda Aceh city. This research
uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type of research. Data collection
techniques use observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques
used are qualitative descriptive analysis with data reduction techniques, data
presentation, and conclusions. Based on the research findings, it was found that: (1) The
planning process for the development of an integrated social studies curriculum is carried
out in meeting activities held at the end of each school year or before the beginning of
the new school year begins, by setting goals to be achieved; (2) The organization of
curriculum development consists of the main organization of the school curriculum
development team and also the organization of the social studies curriculum and the
Madrasah MGMP team; (3) The staff preparation process shall be deliberated directly
by the Head of Madrasah and the coordinator for school curriculum development.
Staffing in accordance with expertise and considering the issue of equal distribution of
tasks; (4) The implementation of curriculum development has been very good, effective
and efficient. The implementation of curriculum development is also carried out through
MGMP; (5) Obstacles experienced by Waka Curriculum in developing an integrated
social studies subject curriculum are due to lack of teacher motivation, difficulty in
managing time and lack of adequate infrastructure; and (6) The Waka Curriculum
solution in developing an integrated social studies subject curriculum, namely: involving
social studies teachers in MGMP, providing all school infrastructure, providing support
to teachers in the implementation of the educational process, and there must be teacher
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)
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IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 568
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 567-579
1. Introduction
The importance of the role and function of the curriculum is based on the national education system, where
the curriculum is a crucial tool in realizing educational programs, both formal, non-formal, and informal. This makes
the educational system clear in the curriculum. Along with the advancement of time, societal development, as well as
advances in science and technology, the field of education has stepped into the world of innovation. Innovation can
achieve its goals if educational programs are planned and implemented according to the demands of the times.
The curriculum serves as a guide in the teaching and learning process within the world of education. The
success or failure of education, the behavior of students, their ability to absorb the knowledge conveyed by educators,
and the achievement of educational goals depend significantly on the curriculum (Elisa, 2018).
Therefore, in curriculum development, it needs to be managed well and professionally. Directly or indirectly,
the delivery of the curriculum in educational programs demands the responsibility of teachers as implementers of the
teaching and learning process in schools. In carrying out their tasks, teachers are required to have high professional
skills in developing the curriculum. According to Law Number 20 of 2003 on the National Education System, Article
36 paragraph 1 emphasizes that curriculum development is carried out by referring to the National Education Standards
(SNP) to achieve national educational goals (Ahmad, 2018).
The concept of curriculum development can be carried out through two processes: (1) development in the
sense of engineering, which consists of four stages, namely, determining the foundation, constructing the expected
curriculum model based on that foundation, implementing the curriculum, and evaluating the curriculum
comprehensively and systematically. (2) development in the sense of construction, which is a micro-level process that
broadly involves four activities: designing objectives; formulating content, determining methods, and designing
evaluation. Curriculum development is based on management, meaning that in developing the curriculum, good
management functions are needed. The management functions consist of Planning, Organizing, Activating, and
Controlling. Similarly, curriculum implementation cannot be separated from the application of these management
functions so that activities related to curriculum development can be carried out optimally (Baharun, 2017).
The issue of curriculum development management is seen as a professional act where managerial skills are
needed in curriculum development. Managerial skills are defined as the ability to plan, organize, manage, and control
the curriculum. With good management, it will have an impact on the success of the curriculum implementation itself.
Therefore, in developing the curriculum in schools, good management systems are needed. One of them is in the
integrated IPS (Social Studies) learning curriculum at Junior High Schools (SMP) or Islamic Junior High Schools
(MTs) (Wiyani, 2020).
IPS subjects are not taught separately but by integrating several related disciplines. According to the Ministry
of National Education document, IPS is a subject that examines a set of events, facts, concepts, and generalizations
related to social issues. IPS learning is essential for students as it relates to their lives in the community, enabling them
to become responsible citizens and develop their ability to use reasoning in decision-making for any problem they face
(Marjito & Juniardi, 2019).
Studying IPS can provide students with basic skills to develop themselves according to their talents, interests,
abilities, and environment, and can be used to continue to higher levels of education. The IPS curriculum in MTsN
Banda Aceh consists of material related to activities that occur in the students' environment. During IPS lessons,
students more often learn from student guidebooks. IPS learning will be more easily understood by students if using
more tangible and frequently seen or heard learning media. In MTsN Banda Aceh, good media such as projectors are
already used to help students observe learning materials more tangibly, such as watching videos. Apart from the media
used, the arrangement of student seating and various actions taken during the learning process also affect the level of
student understanding (Fawaidi, 2021).
Teachers must have personality, master the subject matter, and master teaching methods as their
competencies. Without these, teachers will fail in carrying out their duties. So teaching competence must be possessed
by teachers (Jumriani et al., 2021). As a result, teachers who have teaching competence can create an effective and
enjoyable learning environment and are better able to manage their classrooms so that student learning outcomes are
at an optimal level.
Based on interviews with the head of the madrasa, it is found that IPS teachers do not fully understand the
implementation of integrated IPS learning. And from interviews with teachers who teach integrated IPS at MTsN
Banda Aceh, it is said that they have difficulty in teaching integrated IPS. This is because the teachers who teach
integrated IPS come from different educational backgrounds. Teachers at MTsN Banda Aceh have educational
backgrounds in geography, history, and economics (Meirani et al., 2022).
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 567-579
Before integrated IPS was implemented, teachers taught only one subject. However, with the demands of the
curriculum, teachers must still be professional in teaching integrated IPS (Hidayat, 2020). Then the facilities and
infrastructure are less supportive in the implementation of integrated IPS learning. This is the background that made
the researcher interested in conducting research with the title "Curriculum Development Management of Integrated
IPS Subject at MTsN Banda Aceh."
2. Materials and Methods
This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. According to (Sugiyono, 2019), a qualitative
descriptive approach is a research approach based on the postpositivist philosophy used to study natural conditions
(as opposed to experiments) where the researcher is the key instrument, data collection techniques are done through
triangulation, data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and the research results emphasize meanings rather than
generalizations (Iryana, 2019).
The purpose of qualitative descriptive research is to depict, depict, explain, clarify, and answer in more detail
the problems to be studied by studying as much as possible an individual, a group, or an event. In qualitative research,
humans are the research instruments, and the results are presented in words or statements that correspond to reality.
Thus, the expected outcome of this research is to provide a complete and well-organized picture of specific
components, resulting in valid findings (Kristanto, 2018).
The location of this research is MTsN Kota Banda Aceh, observed by the headmaster and teachers. The
research was conducted for three months, from January to March, and obtained research approval from the Graduate
School of Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh.
The subjects in this research are the headmaster, the vice headmaster of the curriculum, teachers, and students
at MTsN Kota Banda Aceh. The selection of research subjects is based on several considerations, such as the
headmaster, vice headmaster, vice headmaster of the curriculum, teachers, and students being essential elements in
the educational institution related to curriculum development and IPS subjects, all of which are processes in the
management of the Integrated IPS Curriculum at MTsN Kota Banda Aceh.
Data collection techniques are the most strategic step in research because the main goal is to obtain data.
According to Sugiyono (Iryana, 2019:2), "In qualitative research, data collection is conducted in natural settings,
primary data sources, and data collection techniques are mostly through participant observation, in-depth interviews,
and documentation."
In qualitative research, findings or data are considered valid when there is no difference between what the
researcher reported and what actually happened with the observed object. The truth of reality in qualitative research
is not singular but plural and depends on the researcher's ability to construct observed phenomena and is formed within
an individual as a result of each individual's mental process and background. Therefore, data validity tests are needed
in this research. The validity tests in qualitative research include credibility (internal validity), transferability (external
validity), dependability (reliability), and confirmability (objectivity).
Data analysis in this research uses descriptive analysis techniques. Descriptive analysis is a procedure or way
to solve research problems by presenting the conditions of the investigated object (institutions, communities, factories,
etc.) as they are based on actual facts. (Sary, 2015) states that "Descriptive means data collected are in the form of
words, pictures, not numbers." Thus, the research report will contain data quotes to provide an overview of the
presentation of the report. The data comes from interview transcripts, field notes, photos, videos, personal documents,
notes or memos, and other documents.
Data analysis is the process of organizing and arranging data into patterns, categories, and basic narrative
units so that themes can be found, and working hypotheses can be formulated as suggested by the data. According to
Miles and Huberman (Sary, 2015), the steps of data analysis are as follows: (1) data collection, collecting data in the
research location through observation, interviews, and documentation, determining the appropriate data collection
strategies, and focusing and deepening data in the next data collection process; (2) data reduction, the process of
selecting, focusing, abstracting, transforming raw data directly in the field, thus data reduction starts from when the
researcher focuses on the research area; (3) data presentation; and (4) drawing conclusions, understanding and being
responsive to what is directly researched in the field in data collection.
In this research, instruments were used to collect data on curriculum development management in the
integrated IPS subject through interview guidelines, observation guidelines, and documentation studies, by asking
questions formulated in line with the research objectives to obtain answers that can be considered as valid and true
qualitative data. Regarding the above objectives, data credibility testing is required. Data credibility testing aims to
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prove that what was observed by the researcher corresponds to what actually exists and corresponds to what actually
happened in the research object (Ibrahim, 2022).
3. Results and Discussions
1. Planning for Curriculum Development of Integrated Social Studies Subjects in MTsN Banda Aceh City
Planning is an action for the future, and planning is the main task of management structure. Planning is
formulated before the implementation of other management functions. In the planning management function, MTsN
Banda Aceh starts by forming a curriculum development team, then providing task references for the curriculum
development team, and then revising the existing curriculum to analyze which parts need to be developed.
This aligns with what the Head of MTsN 1 Banda Aceh stated as follows:
"Curriculum development management is a necessity, a necessity, as it is an effort in curriculum development
itself. We must update the curriculum at all times, make efforts to develop it for goals, content, and evaluation within
it, including the design of the time that must always be adjusted to the current conditions and developments. So, for
the IPS subject, we strive with fellow teachers to continually develop it, adapting to the changing conditions and
situations. Then we must form a curriculum development team and provide task references for what the curriculum
developers should do and what needs to be done after that. Only then we can review the existing curriculum, see which
parts need to be changed or developed."
In line with the above statement, the Vice Head of the Curriculum Department at MTsN 1 Banda Aceh also
told the researcher:
"Regarding this process, it starts from planning to evaluation. So the curriculum we have planned will be
implemented, and then there will be an evaluation. Now, in terms of planning, the curriculum development team has
received input from parents or committees and other schools while still adhering to existing regulations. Well, because
this is continuous in nature. This planning includes the curriculum used, and the existing content must be evaluated.
After the evaluation, there will be input for consideration and improvement for the better in the future. We do all of
this with the hope of achieving a better learning process in the next academic year."
Furthermore, to ensure the accuracy of the data, the researcher also interviewed the Head of MTsN 2 Banda
Aceh, who said:
"The process of curriculum development indeed starts from planning to evaluation. In the planning process,
we also consider input from parents and school committees while adhering to the rules that exist. If the previous lesson
planning is still suitable and good to use, then the existing lesson plan will be reviewed again and then implemented
to maximize the results in the future. Moreover, if our curriculum follows the national education standards, it will be
adjusted to the needs and appropriate implementation methods for each school."
Then, the Head of Madrasah Darut Tahfizh Al Ikhlas also conveyed to the researcher:
"Our planning is, of course, tailored to the school's vision and mission. The planning we do is for the long
term, for one year or two semesters. We always try to achieve these goals, and, of course, these goals must be aligned
with the vision. So, in the preparation of the curriculum, we start with the vision first."
Therefore, the process of curriculum management itself starts with planning and ends with evaluation. In the
planning process, the curriculum development team receives input from various parties, such as parents, committees,
and other schools, while still adhering to the applicable regulations in the school or madrasah. The planning activities
usually start by revising the existing curriculum to see if it is still suitable to use or needs further development. The
main goal is to follow the objectives set by the government, and the school develops and implements accordingly,
aligned with the madrasah's vision and mission.
The curriculum development planning process at MTsN Banda Aceh is carried out in a meeting held at the
end of each academic year or before the start of the new academic year. This meeting is conducted privately, so external
researchers are not allowed to participate in the meeting room. Therefore, the researcher obtained the data from the
results of interviews mentioned above.
In conclusion, in this planning phase, the development team sets goals to be achieved, formulates the current
situation, and then develops a series of activities to achieve educational objectives. In this madrasah, they set goals to
be achieved, then formulate the current situation, and develop the curriculum in accordance with the current
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2. Organizing Curriculum Development of Integrated Social Studies Subjects in MTsN Banda Aceh City
The organization in the management of the integrated IPS curriculum development at MTsN Banda Aceh is
established through the main organization of the school's curriculum development team and also the organization of
the IPS subject curriculum itself. In addition to having the madrasah's curriculum development team, there is also a
group called MGMP Madrasah (Subject Teachers' Working Group). In this case, according to the statement of the
Head of MTsN 1 Banda Aceh:
"As we know, we have MGMP organization, where our MGMP team has a local level in schools and also a
city/district level MGMP. But, of course, there may be differences between schools here and other schools. What we
do is in accordance with the government regulations for curriculum content. As for the responsibility of implementing
the curriculum development, I, myself, act as the supervisor, then there is the curriculum department vice-head,
teachers, supervisors, and committee members. Together, we carry out our tasks according to our respective
A similar statement was made by the Head of MTsN 2 Banda Aceh, who said, "The curriculum development
team does exist. It is left to the curriculum itself how to achieve the IPS learning objectives, how to follow the MGMP,
and it is already entrusted to the individual teachers."
Furthermore, to ensure the accuracy of the research data, the researcher also interviewed an IPS teacher from
MTsN 2 Banda Aceh, who also provided an explanation about the MGMP IPS Madrasah team:
"That's right, the establishment of our madrasah's MGMP is recent. We've only had two meetings so far.
Those two meetings were mainly about discussing Lesson Plans (RPP), and each teacher was asked to create their own
RPP. However, the meetings haven't covered the appropriate concept yet. During the curriculum training, there was a
new format for the current curriculum. Previously, our local MGMP only involved teachers within the school, but now,
it follows the regulations set by the education department. In addition to the local MGMP team, MTsN 2 Banda Aceh
also actively participates in the city-level MGMP."
This statement is also confirmed by the Vice Head of the Curriculum Department at MTs Darut Tahfidz Al
Ikhlas Banda Aceh regarding the IPS curriculum development team in the madrasah:
"Yes, that's correct. The head of the school always ensures that the curriculum department performs its duties
according to the established procedures. So, we have a local MGMP team in the school and also participate in the city-
level MGMP. The local MGMP meetings are held according to the agreed-upon schedule. However, outside of the
scheduled days, because we often meet in our daily lives, if there are problems or issues that need to be solved, we still
communicate. So, if there are issues related to classroom learning activities or material development, we can share and
discuss them with other IPS teachers."
After the planning process, the school's principal and the curriculum development coordinators will organize
the teams. There is a curriculum development team at the school level and also a curriculum development team for
each subject, including the IPS subject, known as the Local MGMP at the school.
In conclusion, the organization of curriculum development is the responsibility of the curriculum department,
which continuously coordinates with the school's principal and supervisors to achieve the planned development of the
integrated IPS curriculum. Furthermore, the development of each subject is entrusted to the respective MGMP teams,
both at the local madrasah level and at the city/district level.
3. Preparation of Integrated Social Studies Subject Curriculum Development Staff at MTsN Banda Aceh
In the staff placement system at MTsN Banda Aceh, the main manager responsible for supervision and
control, and policy-making is the Madrasah Principal. Meanwhile, the coordinator role is assigned to the Head of the
curriculum development team, who is the Vice Principal for the curriculum department.
This is confirmed by the statement made by the Head of MTsN 1 Banda Aceh as follows: "As the manager, I
perform the function of supervising the work, especially concerning the Vice Principal for the curriculum department,
to continually develop the curriculum in line with the changing times and to provide solutions to various educational
A similar sentiment is also acknowledged by the Vice Principal for the curriculum department at MTsN 1
Banda Aceh, who confirms the statement. He stated to the researcher: "As the Vice Principal for the curriculum
department, my duty is to develop the curriculum. Regarding other development matters, the highest manager is the
school Principal. Our task is to implement the program we will develop and ensure that all programs developed by the
curriculum development team can be carried out effectively by all teachers."
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Furthermore, the researcher also conducted another interview with the Vice Principal for the curriculum
department at MTs Darut Tahfidz Al Ikhlas to confirm staff placement in the curriculum development team. He stated:
"Regarding staff placement, we arrange it together according to their abilities. We, along with the assistance of the
Vice Principal and the Madrasah Principal for the curriculum department, put together the job descriptions and
responsibilities. Placement is usually done based on their expertise, but we also ensure an equal distribution of
workload. So, no one person has too much workload, while another has very little, ensuring a balanced distribution.
We don't conduct a formal recruitment and selection process, except for managerial positions, where we make choices
for the Vice Principals."
In conclusion, the staff placement system at MTsN Banda Aceh is the responsibility of the main manager, the
Madrasah Principal, who oversees and controls the process and makes policy decisions. The coordinator role is
assigned to the Head of the curriculum development team, who is the Vice Principal for the curriculum department.
The process of staff placement for the IPS curriculum development at MTs Negeri Banda Aceh is directly
managed by the Madrasah Principal, with assistance from the coordinator of the school's curriculum development
department. In the implementation process, the researcher observed that the curriculum development team holds
meetings regarding curriculum development before the start of the new academic year.
Furthermore, in staff placement at MTs Negeri Banda Aceh, they do not apply a recruitment and selection
system. The ideal approach is to place staff according to their expertise. However, the Madrasah Principal also
considers the issue of workload distribution to ensure that responsibilities are not excessively concentrated on one staff
member. Staff selection is only conducted for coordinator positions, namely the Vice Principal for the curriculum
4. Implementation of Integrated Social Studies Subject Curriculum Development in MTsN Banda Aceh
In the management function of implementation or execution, there will be a process of checking the extent to
which the goals have been achieved. This includes evaluating the developed curriculum and assessing the work that
has been done. In this Madrasah, evaluations are conducted in the following year after the planning process carried out
in the previous year. This is in line with what the Head of MTsN 1 Banda Aceh stated: "Regarding the implementation
of the curriculum development program, it has been excellent. The curriculum development is also carried out through
the MGMP (Subject Teacher Working Group). I also supervise to ensure that everything goes according to the plan.
Then, as for curriculum evaluation, it is done at the end of the academic year when we review what has been done.
This allows us to identify any shortcomings, whether in terms of strategies or methods, and make necessary
adjustments. By doing this, we can identify weaknesses and find solutions for better program implementation and
planning in the following year."
To strengthen the statement above, the Head of MTs Darut Tahfidz Al Ikhlas Banda Aceh also explained:
"Yes, that's correct. We implement the program according to the plan, and I will supervise its progress. Through teacher
discussions, we will address any issues teachers face in preparing their teaching materials in accordance with the
curriculum used. Then, the curriculum department will conduct evaluations first, and from the evaluations, we
determine the next steps. For instance, for subjects with fixed materials, we use references set by the government. The
follow-up is to see if the results achieved align with the targets set at the beginning of the planning process. The
curriculum evaluation is based on direct observations of learning outcomes through tests or examinations that have
been conducted and also the students' output. For example, if we set a goal, the evaluation will assess whether the set
goal has been achieved according to the targets and whether there were any obstacles. The ultimate goal is to see if the
set objectives will lead to the improvement of the Madrasah. That's why curriculum development is crucial."
The IPS teacher at MTsN 2 Banda Aceh also reaffirmed the statement above, stating: "The Principal goes
around to supervise the teaching process in classrooms. This includes observing how the classes are conducted and,
perhaps, the discipline of the teachers. For instance, the Principal checks whether there are any teachers absent from
their classes and so on. This is one form of control performed by the Principal."
The researcher also interviewed an IPS teacher at MTsN 1 Banda Aceh to confirm the Principal's statement.
The teacher stated: "Yes, the Principal directly oversees the supervision, whether it is scheduled or unscheduled. If it's
unscheduled, it means the schedule is random, and the Principal goes around the school. This is done to supervise the
IPS teachers or other subject teachers to ensure they carry out their duties properly. On the other hand, scheduled
supervision is where the Principal holds a schedule and checks whether teachers are present and teaching. The Principal
also directly observes the classes, from how the teachers conduct their teaching to the closing. The supervision is
limited to classroom performance, not specifically about the curriculum development team in the IPS department."
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Based on these statements, it is evident that the Head of Madrasah himself is the one overseeing and
controlling the implementation process. This control is carried out directly or indirectly. In direct control, the Principal
personally observes and supervises teachers' performance, which becomes the basis for further evaluation. In indirect
control, the Principal visits different parts of the school to observe the program's implementation and teachers'
discipline. The Principal may also inquire about the curriculum development implementation to the Vice Principal for
the curriculum department at MTsN Banda Aceh.
5. Obstacles experienced by the Deputy Head of Madrasah for MTsN Curriculum in Banda Aceh City in
Developing an Integrated Social Studies Subject Curriculum
In implementing the development of the IPS curriculum, there are several obstacles perceived in the
curriculum development management process. One of these obstacles is related to the use of the 2013 curriculum for
seventh-grade students. The Vice Principal for the curriculum department at MTsN 1 Banda Aceh stated to the
researcher: "The factors hindering the planning of curriculum development are: teachers having inadequate mastery of
the materials they teach, the lack of adequate facilities and infrastructure, and unachieved programs. Additionally, the
teacher training (diklat) that has been conducted, from what I observed, still lacks specificity. For example, the Teacher
Training (Bimtek) conducted is still too general, combining teachers of religion, IPS, and English. Ideally, the Bimtek
related to the teaching-learning process should be specific to each subject because the approach to the teaching-learning
process differs. As for the 2013 curriculum, our teachers are already accustomed to it, and alhamdulillah (thank God),
every year there are teacher training sessions for them."
Similarly, the Vice Principal for the curriculum department at MTsN 2 Banda Aceh provided a statement
regarding obstacles experienced in the implementation process of curriculum development: "Indeed, there are obstacles
to the development and implementation of the new curriculum. The factors hindering the planning of curriculum
development are: the lack of adequate facilities and infrastructure, teachers having inadequate mastery of the materials
they teach, and unachieved programs. In terms of developing the IPS curriculum, there may be some issues with the
IPS Subject Teacher Working Group (MGMP) for the local Madrasah. It's somewhat difficult to gather all IPS teachers
at the same time. The solution is to continue striving to arrange a gathering time, especially to discuss issues related to
the Integrated IPS curriculum."
To reinforce the statements above, the researcher once again interviewed the Vice Principal for the curriculum
department at MTs Darut Tahfiz Al Ikhlas Banda Aceh to confirm the obstacles in developing the curriculum. The
Vice Principal stated: "Indeed, the factors hindering the planning of curriculum development are: unachieved
programs, teachers having inadequate mastery of the materials they teach, and the lack of adequate facilities and
infrastructure. Additionally, for the local MGMP team, we still haven't maximized our gathering time because each
member has their own busy schedule."
Based on the interviews above, it can be concluded that there are obstacles in implementing the 2013
curriculum. These obstacles include teachers' inadequate mastery of the materials they teach and unachieved programs.
There are also difficulties in arranging meeting times or discussions for all IPS teachers and the lack of adequate
facilities and infrastructure. However, efforts are still made to arrange gathering times, especially to discuss issues
related to the Integrated IPS curriculum.
6. Solution of the Deputy Head of Madrasah for MTsN Curriculum in Banda Aceh City in Developing an
Integrated Social Studies Subject Curriculum
Based on observations, interviews, and documentation that researchers found during research in the two
schools, it has been found that there are supporting factors for the Deputy Head of Madrasah for Curriculum in
developing the curriculum at MTsN Banda Aceh. The results of the interview with the Deputy Head of Curriculum
MTsN 1 Banda Aceh who stated to the researcher that:
Of course, we have to prepare adequate facilities, the latest and complete books. The internet is also a fully
equipped audio-visual room. MGMP both at the school and city/district levels must be able to support the
implementation of curriculum development. In addition, the school often communicates about curriculum development
in accordance with their respective subjects. Students also actually influence the implementation of learning. Every
month there is also an assessment system for the work of teachers and student learning outcomes.
In line with the statement above, the researcher again interviewed the Deputy Head of Curriculum MTsN 2
Banda Aceh to confirm the statement of the Deputy Head of Curriculum MTsN 1 Banda Aceh to obtain the similarities
and differences of the madrasah. To the researchers, the Deputy Head of Curriculum of MTsN 2 Banda Aceh said that:
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 567-579
Supporting factors in this school are facilities such as laboratories, libraries, teaching staff have also been
certified. Many teachers also have internet access so that they can access learning resources. Every Thursday there is
also an MGMP meeting. In the meeting, it was discussed about Integrated Social Studies learning and if there are
problems, they are always overcome together. We as social studies teachers often communicate with each other and
work together to achieve student learning outcomes.
Then from the statement of the Deputy Head of Curriculum MTsN 1 Banda Aceh and MTsN 2 Banda Aceh,
the Deputy Head of MTsS Curriculum Darut Tahfidz Al Ikhlas also confirmed the statement above, to the researcher
he said that: "Yes, there are various solutions that we apply in the development of an integrated social studies
curriculum. These solutions are: involving social studies teachers in MGMP, completeness of school infrastructure,
teachers' ability to design learning, teachers' willingness to continue to upgrade skills in preparing learning tools."
Based on the results of the interview and the data above, it can be concluded that there are several solutions
and supporting factors in the development of an integrated social studies subject curriculum by the Deputy Head of
Curriculum. The solutions are: involving social studies teachers in MGMP, providing all school infrastructure,
providing support to teachers in the implementation of the educational process, and there must be a willingness of
teachers to continue to upgrade skills in preparing learning tools.
The discussion of the results of this study is intended to provide an explanation of the findings obtained at the
research location, both in the form of interpretation and in the form of argumentation as findings. This allows
researchers to draw conclusions about the findings and the implications of the findings themselves.
Based on the main focus, namely the management of integrated social studies subject curriculum development
at MTsN Banda Aceh City. The sub-focus of this research is planning, organizing, compiling, implementing, obstacles,
and solutions faced in developing an integrated social studies subject curriculum.
The conclusion of the findings and their implications is expected to be able to give birth to new ideas,
concepts, principles and theories that need to be developed in studying curriculum problems and social studies lessons,
especially those concerning the management of curriculum development of integrated social studies subjects in MTsN
Banda Aceh City. The following will be discussed the following points of findings:
1. Planning for Curriculum Development of Integrated Social Studies Subjects in MTsN Banda Aceh City
Basically, planning involves making decisions regarding the selection of actions or activities to be carried out
by an organization or company and its components. Based on this statement, planning activities must include decision-
making regarding the objectives to be achieved and how the process will be carried out in an organization or company.
In the management system, planning is the primary function that must be carried out before implementing
other management functions. Planning is essential because it helps us determine the goals to be achieved, the steps to
be taken to achieve those goals, and the time and resources needed for the achievement of those goals, all of which are
discussed during the planning phase.
According to Hamalik (2017:135), "Planning is an action for the future. The purpose of planning is to achieve
a set of consistent and coordinated operations to obtain desired results. Planning is the main task of management."
Planning should be arranged before implementing other management functions as it sets the framework for
implementing those functions.
Hamalik (2017:137) further explains that, "Fundamentally, planning is an intellectual process that involves
decision-making. This process demands mental predisposition to think before acting, to act based on reality, not
assumptions, and to act systematically." This cognitive action aligns with planning requirements. The process of
planning the development of the Integrated IPS curriculum at MTsN Banda Aceh is carried out by holding meetings
before the start of the new academic year.
In this process, the objectives to be achieved are determined, and then the parts to be developed are
formulated. Planning essentially determines the activities to be carried out in the future. These activities are intended
to organize various resources to achieve the desired outcomes. Planning is a process of determining the objectives or
goals to be achieved and defining the ways and resources needed to achieve those objectives as efficiently and
effectively as possible.
In every planning process, there are three activities that, although distinct, cannot be separated from each
other in the planning process. These activities are: formulating the objectives to be achieved, selecting programs to
achieve the objectives, and identifying and deploying limited resources.
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Planning involves setting in advance what will be done, how it will be done, what needs to be done, and who
will do it. Planning is also called a bridge that connects the gap between the present situation and the desired situation
in the future. Although it is difficult to predict the future because many factors beyond human control influence the
plans, the plans do not leave the present situation and the desired situation in the future. Additionally, during the
planning phase, it is necessary to identify and select problems that need attention. Next, the causes of the problems are
sought, then the main or dominant causes are determined, and finally, a plan for improvement and target determination
is made.
In line with this theory, MTsN Banda Aceh has implemented the planning function effectively because the
first thing done in the planning process is to formulate the objectives to be achieved and then to determine which parts
will be developed. According to Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the curriculum, "The curriculum serves as a guideline
or management tool that includes instructions on the types and sources of participants needed, the media of delivery,
actions that need to be taken, the required sources of funding, personnel, facilities, control and evaluation systems, and
the roles of the elements of personnel to achieve specific objectives."
Then, the steps to be taken in achieving these objectives are determined. The Madrasah does not always
change what is already in place immediately. Instead, it revises the curriculum that has been implemented and then
looks at which parts of the curriculum need to be changed or developed.
So, in this planning process, the development team, including the Head of the Madrasah, will consider the
vision and mission of the Madrasah and then determine long-term objectives, which are yearly goals. In this planning
process, the development team will also consider the aspects of scientific and technological developments and take
into account the opinions of the school committee and stakeholders. Only after that, the team will determine the steps
to be taken to achieve those objectives.
2. Organizing Curriculum Development of Integrated Social Studies Subjects in MTsN Banda Aceh City
In curriculum development management, the process of organizing is essential. According to Kristina and
Widyaningrum (2019:3), management involves coordinating all resources through the process of planning, organizing,
staffing, directing, and controlling to achieve predetermined objectives. Hamalik (2017:136) states that: "Organizing
can be viewed from two approaches, namely structurally in the management context, and functionally in the academic
or curriculum context. Curriculum organizing should be seen from both of these approaches, namely in the
management context and in the academic context."
The organization of the curriculum should be viewed in two contexts: management and academic. In the
management context, the curriculum organizing at MTsN Banda Aceh involves forming a development team,
consisting of a chairperson who is the Deputy Head of the Curriculum Department, and members of the curriculum
development team, who are selected directly by the Head of the Madrasah. Meanwhile, in the academic context, the
curriculum organizing is developed in the form of subject-based curriculum organizations.
In this subject-based curriculum organization, it is accomplished through the Local Subject Teacher Working
Group (MGMP) in the school, which consists of teachers who teach the same subject, in this case, IPS (Integrated
Social Studies). Later, this organization will be part of the Madrasah MGMP at the city level. In this case, the researcher
focuses only on the school-level MGMP organization, where there is a specific organizational structure comprising a
chairperson and members.
The curriculum organizing in MTsN Banda Aceh, based on the existing theory, is well-organized. The
researcher observed that the organizing starts from the school-level curriculum development team to the subject-level
curriculum development team. However, there is a lack of clear job descriptions in the organization. The functions of
the formed organization have not fully been operational, giving the impression that the organizing is merely a formality.
Nevertheless, the school's efforts to organize the curriculum development team are commendable.
In conclusion, based on the presented data, the process of organizing the development of the Integrated IPS
curriculum at MTsN Banda Aceh is carried out by forming a development team, consisting of a chairperson who is the
Deputy Head of the Curriculum Department, and members of the curriculum development team, who are selected
directly by the Head of the Madrasah.
Furthermore, in the academic context, the curriculum organizing is developed in the form of subject-based
curriculum organizations. This is done through the Local Subject Teacher Working Group (MGMP) in the school,
consisting of teachers who teach the same subject, in this case, IPS. Later, this organization will be part of the Madrasah
MGMP at the city level.
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3. Preparation of Integrated Social Studies Subject Curriculum Development Staff at MTsN Banda Aceh
In a management system there is what is called the Staffing function. This function is a function where the
activities in it are activities in the preparation of staff in a management system. According to Hamalik (2017: 137) staff
preparation is: "A function that provides people to carry out a system that is planned and organized. This function
supplies human resources to carry out the mission and vitalize the department/institution".
The staffing occurs after such tasks are established in advance. Staff preparation consists of recruitment,
selection, hiring, placement, training, assessment, and compensation. Staffing is the activity of selecting and placing
people in appropriate positions in accordance with their abilities and expertise in the organization.
So that in achieving the selection and placement of people in the right positions, the right selection and
recruitment process is needed . In accordance with the results of the research that the formation or preparation of staff
from the Curriculum development team at MTsN Banda Aceh did not go through a staff preparation process, starting
from recruitment to full selection.
In accordance with the interview results that for the manager level in this case who acts as the main manager
is each Head of Madrasah, while the one who acts as the implementing manager is the leader of the curriculum
development team, namely the Deputy Head of Curriculum. In terms of staffing from the curriculum development
team, this is only through direct election by the Head of Madrasah.
Of course, this is not fully in accordance with the rules in the staff preparation function that must go through
several processes ranging from selection to compensation. However, the researchers only saw that the policy on the
management system in each madrasah was different. Indeed, in terms of staff preparation in the curriculum developer
management system in this madrasah needs to be improved again, this is important because with good staff
management it will affect the success of achieving the desired goals.
In accordance with the data exposure, it was found that the preparation of staff from the integrated social
studies subject curriculum development team at MTsN Banda Aceh did not go through a staff determination process,
starting from recruitment to full selection. According to the interview results, the main manager level is the Head of
Madrasah himself, while the one who acts as the executive manager is the leader of the curriculum development team,
namely the Deputy Head of Curriculum.
In terms of staff preparation from the curriculum development team, this is only through direct election by
the Head of Madrasah. Only at the level of Deputy Head of Division is the selection or selection process carried out,
while the staff members are appointed directly by the Head of Madrsah by looking at their abilities and work
4. Implementation of Integrated Social Studies Subject Curriculum Development in MTsN Banda Aceh
At the school level, the principal plays a role and at the grade level, the teacher plays a role. This explains
that in the implementation or implementation of curriculum developer management see how the process of
implementing the curriculum that has been planned aims at the beginning of the planning process. Hamalik (2017:
139) suggests that: "The implementation of the curriculum is divided into two levels, namely the implementation of
the curriculum at the school level and the grade level".
The implementation of the school level is controlled directly by the Head of Madrasah as the leader by setting
policies and conducting supervision and guidance both directly and indirectly. While in the classroom the
implementation is left to the task of a teacher.
One of the functions of the management system that cannot be eliminated is the control function. According
to Hamalik (2017: 139) the control function includes: "Procurement activities of a reporting system that is compatible
with the overall reporting structure, developing behavioral standards, measuring results based on desired qualities in
relation to objectives, implementing corrective actions and providing rewards."
Implementation is carried out to achieve the desired goal. The implementation of curriculum development in
MTsN Banda Aceh is controlled directly by the Head of Madrasah and assisted by curriculum development staff. The
control carried out can be in the form of direct supervision of existing activities and also control on the results of the
evaluation of the program implemented. Based on the results of the interview, researchers understand that the
implementation of the control function on the management of the curriculum development of Integrated Social Studies
subjects itself has not fully run optimally.
The implementation is still limited to how teachers collect learning tools on time, and follow the direction of
the curriculum by following MGMP. This control process is also related to evaluation activities. Meanwhile, if we talk
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 567-579
about evaluation in Islamic rules, we will find the concept of muhasaba / introspection rather than the mistakes that
have been made. Actually, the concept of evaluation in the Islamic world wants continuous improvement. So with the
evaluation we can find out the mistakes that have been made and we try to make new improvements by making plans.
In accordance with the explanation of the data above, it was found that in the process of implementing and
supervising the development of the curriculum of integrated social studies subjects in MTsN Banda Aceh was carried
out directly or indirectly. Directly it is through coaching carried out by the Head of Madrasah, while indirectly it is by
looking at the results of the evaluation held before planning for the coming year.
5. Obstacles experienced by the Deputy Head of Madrasah for MTsN Curriculum in Banda Aceh City in
Developing an Integrated IPS Subject Curriculum
In its implementation, it often experiences several obstacles so that various solutions will be sought in
overcoming these obstacles. Obstacles in the implementation of curriculum development management can be seen
from various things ranging from the planning process to the control process. In MTsN Banda Aceh itself in its
implementation there are many obstacles ranging from the quality of human resources that are poorly prepared, the
lack of adequate infrastructure, to the time needed in the development process itself.
Madrasah has been appointed to implement the 2013 curriculum by the central education department, so the
application itself is not optimal. Starting from the training conducted in connection with the implementation of the
2013 curriculum itself, it was recognized that it did not go well. Social studies teachers find it difficult with the
curriculum system that must be combined between one material and another.
Then also the obstacle is that the time needed for the gathering of the Madrasah Local MGMP team in
particular is still difficult to determine. So that in implementing curriculum development management, especially for
the development of Integrated Social Studies subjects, it still needs to be improved and evaluated starting from the
management system to the implementation and evaluation process.
In accordance with the data exposure, it was found that in the process of implementing curriculum
development, integrated social studies subjects in MTsN Banda Aceh experienced various obstacles, including human
resource quality problems, the time needed for the development process, and the determination of the implementation
of the new curriculum, namely the 2013 curriculum which ultimately affected the availability of teaching materials in
the form of books that were still inadequate.
6. Solution of the Deputy Head of Madrasah for MTsN Curriculum in Banda Aceh City in Developing an
Integrated IPS Subject Curriculum
Every problem certainly has a solution or resolution, and concerning the issues in the development of the
Integrated IPS curriculum, there are indeed solutions, which involve cooperation and acknowledging what is lacking.
There are several ways to overcome the problems that arise due to curriculum development:
First, according to Alawiyah (Wahyudi, 2019), it is necessary to "Provide education and training to teachers,
especially subject teachers, so that they can understand and comprehend what they will teach."
Second, providing learning media and learning resources so that the curriculum content and teaching materials
can be continuous, benefiting from available media and learning resources.
Third, motivating the students by making them understand that with the 2013 curriculum, they will become
more creative and enthusiastic in their learning.
Fourth, providing technology-based learning media in accordance with the curriculum content to ensure that
there is no lag.
(Sudarsana, 2018) stated that: "The use of technology also greatly influences the development of students,
how they must discover and transform complex information, check new information with old rules, and revise them if
the rules are no longer suitable. From this, teachers must also play a role in setting the boundaries of the learning that
will be studied."
It can be concluded that another solution for the Deputy Head of Madrasah in curriculum development is the
fulfillment of school facilities and infrastructure. With the availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure, it is
expected that teachers can carry out teaching and learning activities well, especially in the development of the
Integrated IPS curriculum.
Furthermore, the high enthusiasm or spirit of the teachers to enrich themselves with new knowledge and gain
experience can be beneficial, especially after attending training provided by the school principal. Therefore, if the
school principal frequently organizes training sessions for teachers, the competence of each teacher will increase, and
the quality of the curriculum and instructional materials will improve.
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Moreover, (Sudarsana, 2018) explains that: "Optimizing the use of technology in the implementation of the
curriculum at school consists of three stages: planning, implementation, and analysis. In terms of planning, the teacher
formulates problems and motivates students, which are adjusted to the syllabus and the Lesson Plan (RPP)."
In terms of implementation, during the exploration phase, the teacher involves students in searching for
extensive and in-depth information about the problems to be discussed using technology. During the elaboration phase,
the teacher divides students into small groups to develop their ability to work together and communicate. In the
confirmation phase, the teacher provides feedback and affirmation regarding the results of exploration and elaboration.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of research and data analysis conducted by the author regarding the management of
integrated social studies subject curriculum development in MTsN Banda Aceh City, it can be concluded that: 1) The
planning process for the development of an integrated social studies curriculum in MTs Negeri Banda Aceh is carried
out in meetings held at the end of each school year or before the beginning of the new school year begins. In this
planning stage, the development team will set goals to be achieved, formulate the current state to develop a series of
activities to achieve educational goals; 2) Organizing the development of an integrated social studies curriculum in
MTsN Banda Aceh City consisting of the main organization of the school curriculum development team and also the
organization of the social studies subject curriculum itself. So, in addition to the madrasah curriculum development
team, there is also the Madrasah MGMP team; 3) The process of preparing staff for developing an integrated social
studies curriculum curriculum at MTsN Banda Aceh City will be closed directly by the Head of Madrasah assisted by
the coordinator for school curriculum development. The staffing must be in accordance with their expertise, but the
head of the Madrasah also considers the issue of equal distribution of jobs. So that the responsibility does not gather
only on one staff. Staff selection is only carried out to choose the position of coordinator or leader of the curriculum
development team, namely Waka for Curriculum; 4) The implementation or implementation of curriculum
development of integrated social studies subjects in MTsN Banda Aceh City is very good, has been effective and
efficient. The implementation of curriculum development is also carried out through MGMP. The deputy head of the
curriculum section is responsible for carrying out the curriculum development of social studies subjects, while the
principal will control the implementation so that everything runs according to the initial planning; 5) The obstacles
experienced by the Deputy Head of Madrasah for MTsN Curriculum in Banda Aceh City in developing an integrated
social studies curriculum are due to teachers who lack mastery of the material delivered during joint deliberations and
programs that have not been achieved. Then the difficulty in arranging meetings or deliberation time for all social
studies lesson teachers and the lack of adequate infrastructure; 6) The solution of the Deputy Head of Madrasah for
MTsN Curriculum in Banda Aceh City in developing an integrated social studies subject curriculum, namely: involving
social studies teachers in MGMP, providing all school infrastructure, providing support to teachers in the
implementation of the educational process, and there must be a willingness of teachers to continue to upgrade skills in
preparing learning tools.
In connection with the results of the research that the author conducted, the author should provide suggestions
for input and improvement in the management of social studies curriculum development at MTsN Banda Aceh.
Without the intention to patronize, the authors describe these suggestions as follows: 1) Management of curriculum
development of integrated social studies subjects is already on the basis of a very good concept but requires
perseverance and creativity in its implementation; 2) The organization of curriculum development needs more
supervision in order to achieve educational goals, and the performance of employees or teachers needs to be improved
in order to achieve better quality of higher education institutions. For this reason, it is necessary to be firm from the
principal and deputy head of curriculum and other policymakers in determining the schedule of MGMP meetings,
training schedules to improve employee performance, provide work motivation, and provide other supports. 3)
Curriculum development staff must receive support in the form of training or workshops for the successful
implementation of curriculum development. 4) The implementation of curriculum development must be carried out
wisely and consistently in developing more creative learning, in order to adjust to the development of science and
technology. 5) Obstacles to adequate hardware and software facilities and infrastructure require attention from all
parties, in order to realize the quality of integrated social studies curriculum development as desired. 6) Deputy heads
of curriculum, principals, school supervisors, school committees, and related education offices in order to provide
solutions to various problems that will occur or have occurred for better implementation good the next year.
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 567-579
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