IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 601
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 600-615
In accordance with the mandate of Law Number 20 of 2003 (Juniarti et al, 2020:194) "Indonesian National
Education based on Pancasila aims to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear
God Almighty, have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become a
democratic and responsible citizen.” To achieve the educational goals as described above, good cooperation and mutual
synergy between the three educational environments are needed, namely: the family environment, the school
environment, and the community environment. Family environment is an environment where a person gets his first
education which greatly influences his behavior and plays a role in determining his life goals.
School is an institution designed for teaching students or pupils under the supervision of educators or teachers.
Most countries have a formal education system which is generally mandatory in an effort to create students who
progress after experiencing the process through learning. By country, the names for these schools vary, but generally
include primary schools for young children and secondary schools for youth who have completed primary education.
Schools as public institutions engaged in education must always pay attention to the discipline of their teachers during
the learning process. For this reason, high awareness is needed from teachers so that they can carry out their obligations
properly. Where the teacher is a professional educator with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing,
training, assessing and evaluating students in early childhood education through formal basic education and secondary
Qualified and quality human resources are very important in the world of education. Teachers have a dominant
role in the world of education. Therefore, qualified and qualified teachers are needed in carrying out their duties as
educators. Getting qualified and quality teachers requires hard work and strong will. One of them is a form of discipline
as a role model and role model both in the school environment and in society. Teacher discipline can be formed and
developed, one of which is due to the role of the principal as the teacher's supervisor. The problem of teacher discipline
becomes very influential for the implementation of the educational process. In an orderly school will always create a
good learning process, and conversely, in a disorderly school the conditions will be much different from a disciplined
school. Violations that have occurred are considered normal and to correct such a situation is not easy. This required
the principal's hard work in disciplining the teachers.
One way to measure the principal's ability to lead his school is to discipline teachers. In fact, the success or
failure of a school in terms of discipline really depends on the principal as the responsible person in the educational
institution. Therefore, discipline can be used as a barometer and the principal has a big hand in running and
implementing it as well as possible. The role of discipline in schools is intended so that all teachers are willing to fulfill
and comply with all applicable rules and regulations without any coercion. Mahara (2017: 2) says that: "As a leader,
the principal is a subject who must transform his abilities through guidance, guidance, empowerment, or advice from
the entire school community to achieve institutional goals effectively and efficiently." School leadership is an
educational component that has the most role in improving the quality of education.
When examined from the development of theory, there are many theories of leadership that can be studied to
examine leadership issues. The theory of leadership that was first developed was the trait theory. Basically, trait theory
views leadership effectiveness as starting from the nature or character possessed by a person. The success of leadership
is largely determined by certain personality traits, such as self-esteem, initiative, intelligence, fluency in language,
creativity, including one's physical characteristics. Leaders are said to be effective when they have good personality
traits. Furthermore Nawawi and Hadari (Amdayanti, 2021: 2862) explained that: "The personality of a leader is more
permanent so it takes time to change or develop". Then explained by Yusuf and Nurihsan (Mahara, 2017: 2) that:
"There are several normal personality characteristics for a leader, including: being able to assess oneself realistically,
accepting responsibility, being independent, being able to control emotions, being goal-oriented, and being able to
socialize well.”
Meanwhile, examples of personalities with negative values include: irritability, showing worry and anxiety,
often feeling depressed, being cruel, and happy to criticize. Therefore, a leader always tries to reduce the personality
that is "less" so that it is not detrimental to realizing his leadership. Hariri (Amdayanti, 2021: 2862) explained that:
There are three types of leadership that are often applied in education, namely: (1) the authoritarian type is the type of
a leader who acts as a dictator towards group members; (2) type let fair namely the type of leader who does not give
his leadership, but lets his subordinates do as they wish; and (3) the type of democracy is a type of leadership that is
not a dictator, but a leader who is always in the midst of its members.
From the initial identification, Block Sawah Public Elementary School is located on Jalan Kenanga, Blok
Sawah, Sigli City District, Pidie Regency with the principal named Dessy Rosmelia, S. Pd. Where in this school the
number of teachers is 9 people and the number of students is 69 people. From the results of observations at SD Negeri
Blok Sawah, it was found that the leadership style of the head of SD Negeri Blok Sawah, Pidie Regency, had not seen