International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 600-615
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Principal Leadership in Improving Teacher Discipline at Sigli 3
Public Elementary School and Block Sawah Public Elementary
School, Pidie Regency
Erni Adha
, Murniati
, Nasir Usman
Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
Email: erniad[email protected]om
Principal Leadership and
Teacher Discipline.
Principal leadership is a pattern of consistent behavior shown by leaders when leaders
try to influence the activities of others. Good school principal leadership must be able to
strive for increased discipline for teachers and the school environment. The purpose of
this study was to find out how the principal's leadership in improving teacher discipline
at SD Negeri 3 Sigli and SD Negeri Blok Sawah, Pidie Regency. This study used a
qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. Data collection techniques using
observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is
descriptive qualitative analysis with data reduction techniques, data presentation, and
drawing conclusions. Based on the research findings, it was found that: (1) Programs
that are planned and carried out to improve teacher discipline include: setting rules,
teaching discipline, learning planning discipline, learning implementation discipline,
learning evaluation discipline; (2) The principal's strategy in improving teacher
discipline is by: providing motivation, setting a positive example, admonishing
(punishment) and give gifts (reward) for disciplined teachers, make direct observations
during learning and extracurricular activities, then evaluate teachers by providing
criticism and suggestions at teacher coordination meeting forums and conducting
performance appraisals; and (3) Obstacles to school principals in improving teacher
discipline, namely: lack of motivation in increasing discipline, distance and travel time
to school, lack of family support, and the presence of some people who are less sensitive
to reprimands and input.
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open-access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)
license (
1. Introduction
Education is an inseparable part of human life, because education is an effort to strengthen human qualities
that last a lifetime, guided by education, humans will be able to progress and develop to achieve perfection. Education
can also be said to be of quality or quality if it meets the standards. That is, the product must be appropriate for the
purpose. Basically, the quality of education can be seen as a state, condition, appearance, or performance shown by
each component supporting education in achieving the goals that have been set. The education unit referred to includes
preschool education, basic education, secondary education, and higher education.
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In accordance with the mandate of Law Number 20 of 2003 (Juniarti et al, 2020:194) "Indonesian National
Education based on Pancasila aims to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear
God Almighty, have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become a
democratic and responsible citizen.” To achieve the educational goals as described above, good cooperation and mutual
synergy between the three educational environments are needed, namely: the family environment, the school
environment, and the community environment. Family environment is an environment where a person gets his first
education which greatly influences his behavior and plays a role in determining his life goals.
School is an institution designed for teaching students or pupils under the supervision of educators or teachers.
Most countries have a formal education system which is generally mandatory in an effort to create students who
progress after experiencing the process through learning. By country, the names for these schools vary, but generally
include primary schools for young children and secondary schools for youth who have completed primary education.
Schools as public institutions engaged in education must always pay attention to the discipline of their teachers during
the learning process. For this reason, high awareness is needed from teachers so that they can carry out their obligations
properly. Where the teacher is a professional educator with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing,
training, assessing and evaluating students in early childhood education through formal basic education and secondary
Qualified and quality human resources are very important in the world of education. Teachers have a dominant
role in the world of education. Therefore, qualified and qualified teachers are needed in carrying out their duties as
educators. Getting qualified and quality teachers requires hard work and strong will. One of them is a form of discipline
as a role model and role model both in the school environment and in society. Teacher discipline can be formed and
developed, one of which is due to the role of the principal as the teacher's supervisor. The problem of teacher discipline
becomes very influential for the implementation of the educational process. In an orderly school will always create a
good learning process, and conversely, in a disorderly school the conditions will be much different from a disciplined
school. Violations that have occurred are considered normal and to correct such a situation is not easy. This required
the principal's hard work in disciplining the teachers.
One way to measure the principal's ability to lead his school is to discipline teachers. In fact, the success or
failure of a school in terms of discipline really depends on the principal as the responsible person in the educational
institution. Therefore, discipline can be used as a barometer and the principal has a big hand in running and
implementing it as well as possible. The role of discipline in schools is intended so that all teachers are willing to fulfill
and comply with all applicable rules and regulations without any coercion. Mahara (2017: 2) says that: "As a leader,
the principal is a subject who must transform his abilities through guidance, guidance, empowerment, or advice from
the entire school community to achieve institutional goals effectively and efficiently." School leadership is an
educational component that has the most role in improving the quality of education.
When examined from the development of theory, there are many theories of leadership that can be studied to
examine leadership issues. The theory of leadership that was first developed was the trait theory. Basically, trait theory
views leadership effectiveness as starting from the nature or character possessed by a person. The success of leadership
is largely determined by certain personality traits, such as self-esteem, initiative, intelligence, fluency in language,
creativity, including one's physical characteristics. Leaders are said to be effective when they have good personality
traits. Furthermore Nawawi and Hadari (Amdayanti, 2021: 2862) explained that: "The personality of a leader is more
permanent so it takes time to change or develop". Then explained by Yusuf and Nurihsan (Mahara, 2017: 2) that:
"There are several normal personality characteristics for a leader, including: being able to assess oneself realistically,
accepting responsibility, being independent, being able to control emotions, being goal-oriented, and being able to
socialize well.”
Meanwhile, examples of personalities with negative values include: irritability, showing worry and anxiety,
often feeling depressed, being cruel, and happy to criticize. Therefore, a leader always tries to reduce the personality
that is "less" so that it is not detrimental to realizing his leadership. Hariri (Amdayanti, 2021: 2862) explained that:
There are three types of leadership that are often applied in education, namely: (1) the authoritarian type is the type of
a leader who acts as a dictator towards group members; (2) type let fair namely the type of leader who does not give
his leadership, but lets his subordinates do as they wish; and (3) the type of democracy is a type of leadership that is
not a dictator, but a leader who is always in the midst of its members.
From the initial identification, Block Sawah Public Elementary School is located on Jalan Kenanga, Blok
Sawah, Sigli City District, Pidie Regency with the principal named Dessy Rosmelia, S. Pd. Where in this school the
number of teachers is 9 people and the number of students is 69 people. From the results of observations at SD Negeri
Blok Sawah, it was found that the leadership style of the head of SD Negeri Blok Sawah, Pidie Regency, had not seen
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any change in improving teacher discipline as expected. Teachers still come as they please. Someone arrived late.
There are those who arrive at school, a few minutes later permission to leave. Rarely does the principal carry out his
role as an educational leader, so it can be ascertained that supervision of teachers does not receive special attention
from the principal in question. The results of interviews with school principals stated that teacher discipline at Block
Sawah Public Elementary School, Pidie Regency needed to be improved. This is in line with Asniwati's opinion (2019:
1114) which explains that: "In relation to the work of a teacher, discipline is an attitude and behavior that shows
obedience to the rules set at school".
Unlike the case with SD Negeri 3 Sigli, which has a very good level of discipline. SD Negeri 3 Sigli is led by
Mr. Muhammad Yusuf, S. Pd. With a total of 29 teachers and educational staff and 481 students. From the observations
it was found that none of the teachers were late for school. Before the teacher arrived, the principal was already waiting
for the teacher and students at the gate. In this school found a conducive climate and school culture. No wonder the
students reached 481 people with the regulations that were made and implemented. Based on this, the researcher is
interested in conducting research with the title"Leadership of the Principal in Improving Teacher Discipline at SD
Negeri 3 Sigli and SD Negeri Block Sawah, Pidie Regency''. Based on the background described above, the formulation
of the problem that can be identified in this study is: "How is the leadership of the school principal in improving teacher
discipline at SD Negeri 3 Sigli and SD Negeri Blok Sawah, Pidie Regency?"
2. Materials and Methods
In this study the authors used a descriptive method, namely a method that describes existing phenomena, both
natural and human engineering. The descriptive method is used to solve and answer questions about the problems
being faced in the current situation. This research was conducted to take the steps of collecting data, applying and
analyzing data as well as making reports and conclusions with the main objective of being able to make an objective
picture of a situation. Qualitative descriptive research aims to describe, describe, explain, explain, and answer in more
detail the problems to be studied by studying as much as possible an individual, a group or an event. In qualitative
research, humans are the research instrument and the results of the writing are in the form of words or statements that
are in accordance with the truth. Thus, the results of this study are expected to provide a complete and well-organized
picture of certain components so as to provide valid final results.
This research was conducted at SD Negeri 3 Sigli and Blok Sawah Public Elementary School, Pidie District,
Aceh Province. This research was conducted from 16 February to 2 May 2023. The subjects in this study were school
principals and teachers at SD Negeri 3 Sigli and SD Negeri Blok Sawah. The instruments in this study were used to
collect data regarding the principal's leadership in improving teacher discipline through interview guidelines,
observation guidelines, and documentation studies by asking questions that had been formulated in accordance with
the research objectives to obtain answers that could be used as the results of qualitative data. accountable for its
validity and truth.
3. Results and Discussions
Principal Program in Improving Teacher Discipline at Sigli 3 Public Elementary School and Block Sawah
Public Elementary School, Pidie Regency
In simple terms, the principal's work program is a document that contains plans for school activities for one
academic calendar. The work program is the implementation of the vision, mission and goals of the school. The school
principal's program to improve teacher discipline can be realized well if it is planned in advance. The school principal's
program in improving teacher discipline at SD Negeri 3 Sigli and SD Negeri Blok Sawah Pidie Regency is as follows.
SD Negeri 3 Sigli
Principal Leadership as team leader or the school manager has a very important role. The good or bad quality
of education in a school is very closely related to the leadership of the principal in controlling all the potential that
exists in a school as a function in management. Based on the results of interviews with the Principal of SD Negeri 3
Sigli, the Principal's program regarding improving teacher discipline is as follows: "According to the program that has
been arranged, my program as the principal is to improve teacher discipline, namely the discipline program for teaching
attendance, discipline for lesson planning, discipline for implementing learning, the discipline of learning evaluation".
Planning attendance disciplinary regulations really needs to be done to be agreed upon with the sanctions. Then
plan a socialization schedule and disciplinary development, then what is done by the school principal is implementing
the plan and also carrying out supervision to find out whether the plans that have been implemented are going well or
not. This was also reinforced by the statement of the deputy head of the school curriculum, he said to researchers that:
"Absolutely, the principal's program in improving teacher discipline is the discipline program for teaching attendance,
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discipline in lesson planning, discipline in learning implementation, discipline in learning evaluation." From the
statements of the Head of SD Negeri 3 Sigli and the Deputy Head of the Curriculum Sector, the Deputy Head of the
Student Affairs also gave a statement to confirm the truth of the interview data regarding the Principal's program in
improving teacher discipline as follows:
Yes, the teacher discipline program is very important, because if the teacher is disciplined then the students will
also be disciplined. As the head has mentioned, these programs are the disciplinary program for teaching attendance,
the discipline of lesson planning, the discipline of implementing learning, and the discipline of learning evaluation. So
every program must have a final evaluation.
To further strengthen the truth of the statement above, the researcher also interviewed a Teacher in the Field of
Study to confirm the truth of the data as follows:
That's right, I as a teacher always carry out a disciplinary program for teaching attendance, disciplinary planning
lessons, disciplinary implementation of learning, and disciplinary evaluation of learning. I do this so that I become a
disciplined teacher, as well as a teacher who obeys school rules. So that I can motivate my students to emulate good
Based on the results of the interviews, observations, and documentation that the researchers collected, it can be
concluded that there are four principal programs in improving teacher discipline. As for the principal's program in
improving teacher discipline, namely the discipline of teaching attendance, the discipline of lesson planning, the
discipline of implementing learning, and the discipline of learning evaluation. So in order to achieve the success of all
these programs, the support of all teachers and even all school members is needed in carrying out the consistency of
school rules.
Block Sawah Public Elementary School, Pidie Regency
The principal as a manager plans and manages all programs related to the school, be it the administration of
teaching staff, student affairs, the learning process, and all matters concerning school rules. The success of a program
will be seen from the regularity or discipline of all school members.
Based on the results of interviews with the Principal of SD Negeri 3 Sigli, the Principal's program for improving
teacher discipline is as follows:
I strive to be a responsible principal. I want all the citizens of this school to be disciplined in everything. If you
are disciplined, then everything will be easier and more organized. Especially for teachers, if they are disciplined, the
teaching hours will not be chaotic, and the learning tools will be neatly arranged. So my program is to improve teacher
discipline, namely the discipline of teaching attendance, the discipline of lesson planning, the discipline of
implementing learning, and the discipline of learning evaluation. All of the above programs have been running, but
there are still a number of teachers who have not run the program consistently. Therefore, teachers who lack discipline
will receive additional guidance and training so that their weaknesses do not become obstacles in the learning process.
This was also supported by the statement of the deputy head for school curriculum, he said to researchers that:
"It is true, an institution will be successful if it is managed properly. Similarly, this school also has a program to
improve discipline. These programs are the discipline of teaching attendance, the discipline of lesson planning, the
discipline of implementing learning, and the discipline of learning evaluation.
From the statements of the Head of SD Negeri 3 Sigli and the Deputy Head of the Curriculum Sector, the Deputy
Head of the Student Affairs also gave a statement to strengthen the truth of the statement about the Principal's program
in improving teacher discipline as follows:
Yes, it's true, indeed the disciplinary program for teaching attendance, lesson planning, lesson implementation,
and learning evaluation is one of our main focuses, especially school principals. Because as we know that teachers
become adults whose behavior will be imitated by children. Therefore, we must provide a good image to emulate.
To further strengthen the truth of the statement above, the researcher also interviewed a teacher in the field of
study to confirm the correctness of the data as follows: "That's right, there is a disciplinary program for attendance,
then a discipline for planning and implementing learning, as well as a discipline for learning evaluation".
Based on the results of interviews, observations, and documentation that the researchers collected, it can be
concluded that there are several programs to improve teacher discipline, namely the discipline of teaching attendance,
the discipline of lesson planning, the discipline of implementing learning, and the discipline of learning evaluation.
Even though the above program has been running, there are still some teachers who are not consistent with the
program being implemented. Therefore, teachers who lack discipline will receive additional guidance and training so
that their weaknesses do not become obstacles in the learning process.
The strategy carried out by the Principal in Improving Teacher Discipline at SD Negeri 3 Sigli and SD
Negeri Blok Sawah, Pidie Regency
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Principals must be able to improve discipline in schools so that teachers, employees and students feel in love
with the rules or disciplines that apply in schools. The principal is very influential on the progress of a school. The
principal is the "motor" for a school to achieve success. Principals play an important role in improving education in
the schools they lead, the quality of education will be good if discipline in schools is created properly. The school
principal is obliged to provide direction, guidance and motivation to all teachers to be able to improve their discipline.
Based on the results of data collection in the field, researchers found several things related to the principal's
strategy in improving teacher discipline. The strategy adopted by the school principal in improving teacher discipline
at Sigli 3 Public Elementary School and Blok Sawah Public Elementary School, Pidie Regency is as follows.
SD Negeri 3 Sigli
The principal's strategy is a method or method used by the principal in achieving the planned goals in an effort
to minimize failure. This strategy is one of the competencies that must be possessed by the principal in realizing a
school's vision and mission.
Based on the results of interviews with the Principal of SD Negeri 3 Sigli, the strategies adopted by the Principal
in improving teacher discipline are as follows:
I as a school principal must be a good role model for his subordinates, so that I can set a positive example for
the school community that I lead. The strategy or effort that I do is that I always try to arrive early so I can set an
example or provide motivation for the discipline of attending to other teachers. The next strategy is reprimanding
teachers who are indisciplined, for example, teachers who are not disciplined during working hours and are not
disciplined to wear school uniforms. Another strategy is to make direct observations during learning, and during extra-
curricular activities, then evaluate work by providing criticism, suggestions, and motivation in teacher and employee
coordination meeting forums and conducting performance appraisals. I also always invite all teachers to prioritize
discipline because discipline is a mirror of the school, especially since the location of this school is very strategic and
there are many enthusiasts and vying for it so that children can be accepted at SDN 3 Sigli which is one of the favorite
and largest schools in the region. sigil city. With such a strategy, it can motivate teachers and employees and can make
teachers be able to emulate my disciplinary behavior. Not only time discipline needs to be emulated but the entire
contents of the school rules and regulations.
The principal's leadership determines the results of good performance, especially the discipline of teachers at
the school. The principal supervises and also always motivates teachers to be disciplined with school rules. It is hoped
that this can motivate them to be disciplined and feel cared for by the principal and ultimately the teacher's performance
will be better and can be a good example for students.
This was also reinforced by the statement by the deputy head of the school curriculum, he told researchers:
True, there are several strategies that have been carried out by the principal in improving teacher discipline.
From the attitude and behavior of the principal in time discipline and discipline towards learning administration. The
principal always arrives earlier than the teacher so that he can be a role model that brings positive energy to us teachers.
Then we are also required to fill in teacher absences, from these absences we can monitor our level of discipline. if
there are educators or school staff who are late, they will be given a warning and advice. Thus, it can be seen which
educators or school staff have complied with the rules or are disciplined, lack discipline and are not disciplined.
From the statements of the Head of SD Negeri 3 Sigli and the Deputy Head of the Curriculum Sector, the Deputy
Head of Student Affairs also gave a statement to confirm the truth of the interview data regarding the Principal's
strategy in improving teacher discipline as follows:
I agree with the statements of the Principal and Deputy Principal because there are indeed several strategies
carried out by the principal in improving teacher discipline. This strategy is by obliging teachers to fill in absences.
Then the principal also reminds teachers to attend school and enter class on time, use prescribed uniforms, obey school
rules, provide rewards (gifts) to teachers who are disciplined, and provide guidance to teachers who are less or even
Good teacher work discipline is one that reflects a sense of responsibility for the tasks they carry out very well.
A teacher who has a high sense of responsibility will continue to work well even without being supervised by a
superior. A disciplined teacher will not steal work time to do other things that have nothing to do with work.
Teacher work discipline is one of the most important factors in increasing teacher work productivity, because
with work discipline teachers will be able to achieve maximum work productivity. Exemplary is the first key in
upholding discipline. Exemplary leaders, teachers, and people who have authority and authority, will have an impact
on students and employees.
To further strengthen the truth of the statement above, the researcher also interviewed a teacher in the field of
study to confirm the truth of the data as follows:
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That's right, the principal always comes on time. Usually in the morning, the principal always waits in the front
seat while occasionally heading towards the school fence to await the arrival of teachers and students. Then the school
principal always controls violations of the rules committed by residents, provides guidance so that they do not commit
violations again.
Leadership is one factor that plays a very important role in an organization. Every leader basically has a different
behavior in leading his followers. The educational process in a school is determined by the leadership of the principal,
because the principal is the person most responsible for everything that happens in the school.
The effectiveness of teaching teachers will be optimal, if the principal can organize and guide teachers properly
so that teachers can carry out their duties with full responsibility, pay attention to the interests of their subordinates, so
that there are no complaints in carrying out their daily tasks and obligations, showing their authority, so that they can
imitated and obeyed by teachers and students.
The success of the principal in leading is very influential in improving teacher work discipline. In his role as a
leader, the principal must pay attention to the needs and feelings of the people who work so that the teacher's work
discipline is always maintained. The principal is fully responsible for managing and empowering teachers to have high
work discipline. This becomes more important in line with the increasingly complex demands of the school principal's
duties, which require more effective and efficient performance support.
Block Sawah Public Elementary School, Pidie Regency
Principal as stack holder teaching staff and school education requires high quality standards, expectations and
performance. His role is not only mastering leadership theories, more than that a school principal must be able to
implement his abilities in the real application of theory. For this reason, a school principal must have a strategy or
method used to achieve the goals that have been planned in an effort to minimize failure.
The results of interviews with the Head of SD Negeri Blok Sawah, regarding the strategy carried out by the
Principal in improving teacher discipline are as follows:
As the principal of the school, I am obliged to lead the school in a very professional manner. I have made various
efforts so that all members of the school I lead can be disciplined in various ways. In particular, the discipline of the
teacher is very important, because the teacher is a reflection for students. children will imitate their teachers, and
teachers will imitate the behavior of the principal and vice principal. Therefore, the principal's leadership is very
important in maintaining teacher discipline. The strategy I use is: I always give an example of arriving early before the
bell rings and always reminding the teacher to come to school before the bell rings. Then I also reprimand teachers
who are not disciplined, make observations during class and extracurricular hours, conduct work evaluations and
motivate all teachers to comply with all school rules.
This was also reinforced by the statement by the deputy head of the school curriculum, he told researchers that:
It's true, we (the Head and Deputy Principals) are making efforts to improve teacher discipline. The principal
always arrives on time, this is an example of time discipline that teachers will emulate. Then the principal also often
goes around the school environment when class time starts to see empty classes without a teacher. Teachers who lack
discipline will receive further guidance and be motivated by the principal.
From the statements of the Head of SD Negeri Blok Sawah and the Deputy Head of the Curriculum Sector, the
Deputy Head of the Student Affairs also gave a statement to confirm the truth of the interview data regarding the
Principal's strategy in improving teacher discipline as follows:
That's right, I agree. Teacher discipline at this school has several stages. We always convey that discipline is
very important in work. This does not only affect individuals but also has a major impact on our school. Furthermore,
we also evaluate the commitment to improving teacher discipline in this school. Basically all teachers are committed
to work discipline. But when it comes to implementation in the field there are some teachers who are not committed,
so disciplinary issues come into the spotlight.
Good teacher work discipline is one that reflects a sense of responsibility for the tasks they carry out very well.
A teacher who has a high sense of responsibility will continue to work well even without being supervised by a
superior. A disciplined teacher will not steal work time to do other things that have nothing to do with work.
To further strengthen the truth of the statement above, the researcher also interviewed a teacher in the field of
study to confirm the correctness of the data as follows: "The school principal has been able to set an example for
teachers at this madrasa. role model for teachers in this school. However, the obstacle lies in the policy, policies made
by school principals are sometimes underestimated by teachers.
Quality education process certainly can not be separated from work discipline. Work discipline certainly has a
big influence on the quality of education. The factor that has the greatest influence on the quality of education is the
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principal as an educational leader. The principal is the sole leader in the school who has responsibility for teaching and
influencing all parties involved in educational activities in the school to work together in achieving school goals.
Obstacles Faced by Principals in Improving Teacher Discipline at SD Negeri 3 Sigli and SD Negeri Blok
Sawah, Pidie Regency
Obstacles are obstacles with circumstances that limit, hinder or prevent the achievement of goals. The obstacles
faced by the Principal in improving teacher discipline at SD Negeri 3 Sigli and SD Negeri Blok Sawah Pidie Regency
are as follows:
SD Negeri 3 Sigli
In implementing a program there are certainly obstacles or obstacles, this is a challenge for leaders, especially
school principals in dealing with each of these obstacles. There are times when programs that have been designed in
such a way, but when implemented by the school principal have problems in improving teacher discipline.
Based on the results of interviews with the Principal of SD Negeri 3 Sigli, the obstacles faced by the Principal
in improving teacher discipline are as follows:
Of course there are obstacles, Obstacles in improving teacher discipline, namely the different character of the
teacher, lack of self-will to discipline, lack of support from the family, different teacher characters, with different
characters being an obstacle for me, the purpose of the reprimand and direction I give it so that all teachers can
understand. So in an effort to improve discipline, there are teachers who, once directed or reprimanded, are immediately
embarrassed and don't repeat the same thing again, and there are also teachers who are insensitive to reprimands. This
is one of my obstacles as a school principal in improving teacher discipline. who live far from school so that they are
often late especially for the first hour of teaching and there are one or two teachers who lack participation in carrying
out school rules, so that becomes an obstacle for me in increasing teacher discipline.
This was also reinforced by the statement of the deputy head of the school curriculum, he said to researchers
that: "It is true, there are obstacles that we experience when we run a disciplinary program in this school, especially
teacher discipline. The obstacle is that some teachers live quite far from the school, so the travel time is quite long.
Then the lack of support from the family and the existence of teachers who have to be reminded repeatedly regarding
From the statements of the Head of SD Negeri 3 Sigli and the Deputy Head of the Curriculum Sector, the Deputy
Head of the Student Affairs also gave a statement to confirm the truth of the interview data regarding the Principal's
strategy in improving teacher discipline as follows: "The obstacles are lack of support from family, distance and time
constraints go to school which is quite far, so it's late for school.
To further strengthen the truth of the statement above, the researcher also interviewed a teacher in the field of
study to confirm the truth of the data as follows: "Distance and travel time to school are one of our obstacles to arriving
on time for school. Apart from that, there is also a lack of support from the family for time discipline, then there are
also teachers who have to be reminded many times to be able to carry out discipline in this school.
Based on the results of interviews, observations and documentation, it can be concluded that the obstacles in
improving teacher discipline are the different teacher characters, lack of motivation for discipline, lack of support from
family, different teacher characters, with different characters. Apart from that, it is caused by the distance and travel
time from far from home to school, so that it becomes an obstacle for school principals in improving teacher discipline.
Block Sawah Public Elementary School, Pidie Regency
In improving teacher discipline it does not always go as smoothly as desired, there are times when something
has been designed in such a way, but when it is implemented by the principal it has obstacles in increasing teacher
Based on the results of interviews with the Head of SD Negeri Blok Sawah, the obstacles faced by the Principal
in improving teacher discipline are as follows:
Regarding the obstacles in improving teacher discipline, namely the lack of support from the family, there are
teachers who live far from school so they are often late, let alone have to teach the first hour. Then there are also one
or two teachers who lack participation in carrying out school rules, still ignoring something that has been agreed upon.
There are still teachers who are negligent in preparing learning materials such as lesson plans and syllabi and the
methods used in learning are still using old methods so that when teaching seems a bit stiff so that it becomes an
obstacle for me in improving teacher discipline.
This was also reinforced by the statement of the Deputy Head of the school curriculum, he said to researchers
that: "It is true, the lack of support from the family, the influence of the distance to school, then there are teachers who
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 600-615
are negligent in preparing learning tools such as lesson plans and syllabi and the methods used in learning still uses
the old method so there is no change or improvement in learning methods.
From the statements of the Head of SD Negeri Blok Sawah and the Deputy Head of the Curriculum Sector, the
Deputy Head of the Student Affairs also gave a statement to confirm the truth of the interview data regarding the
Principal's strategy in improving teacher discipline as follows: "I agree that we really need support from the family as
well to be able to discipline with schoolwork. Apart from that, there are also other obstacles, namely the lack of will
and motivation to be disciplined.
To further strengthen the truth of the statement above, the researcher also interviewed a teacher in the field of
study to confirm the truth of the data as follows: "It's true, there are some fellow teachers whose homes are far from
school, so they are often late for school. Other obstacles are also due to the lack of support from the family, then
sometimes the teachers are a little negligent or less motivated for time discipline and the completeness of learning
Based on the results of the data collection above, it can be concluded that there are obstacles in improving
teacher discipline, namely: lack of support from the family, there are teachers who live far from school so they are
often late, some teachers who are not consistent with school rules. Then there are also teachers who are negligent in
preparing learning tools such as lesson plans and syllabi so that it becomes an obstacle for me in increasing teacher
A leader or principal will be confronted with the attitudes of teachers, staff and even students who have different
life backgrounds, interests and socio-cultural levels. So that it is not impossible for conflicts to occur between
individuals and even between groups. In dealing with such matters the school principal must act wisely, prudently,
fairly, no party is defeated or favored.
In other words, as a leader, the principal must be able to treat the same and must set a positive example for those
who become his subordinates, so that there is no discrimination. On the other hand, a spirit of togetherness and
discipline can be created among all school members. Every teacher will be disciplined and will not violate the rules
set by the school, even underestimate the existing rules.
Suggestion or motivation is needed by subordinates in carrying out the duties and rules that apply. Teachers,
staff and students should always get advice from the school principal so that with this advice they can maintain and
even improve discipline, enthusiasm, self-sacrifice, a sense of togetherness in carrying out their respective tasks.
The discussion of the results of this research is intended to provide an explanation of the findings obtained at
the research location, both in the form of interpretations and in the form of arguments as findings. Thus enabling the
researcher to draw conclusions about the findings and the implications of the findings themselves.
Based on the main focus, namely the leadership of the principal in improving teacher discipline at Sigli 3 Public
Elementary School and Blok Sawah Public Elementary School, Pidie Regency. The sub focus of this research is
programs, strategies and obstacles faced by school principals in increasing teacher discipline.
It is hoped that the conclusions from the findings and their implications will be able to give birth to new ideas,
concepts, principles and theories that need to be developed in studying the problems of teacher supervision and
performance evaluation, especially those concerning the implementation of school principals' academic supervision
and teacher performance assessment. The following will discuss the main findings as follows:
The Principal's Program in Improving Teacher Discipline at Sigli 3 Public Elementary School and Block
Sawah Public Elementary School, Pidie Regency
Leadership is an effort made to influence group members so that they voluntarily contribute their abilities to the
maximum for the achievement of predetermined group goals. Sagala (Wira, 2018: 8) argues that:
Leadership is a process or a number of actions in which one person uses influence, authority or power over
others in directing a social system to achieve goals. This shows that leadership includes at least three things that are
interconnected, namely the existence of a leader, followers and the group situation in which leaders and followers
The school principal is a leader in an educational unit institution. Wahjosumidjo (Wira, 2018:15) also means
that the principal is:
A teacher functional staff who is given the task of leading a school where the teaching and learning process is
held or where there is interaction between the teacher giving the lesson and the students receiving the education
component lessons that play the most role in improving the performance of the teaching staff.
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The school principal is responsible for organizing educational activities, school administration, developing other
educational staff, and utilizing and maintaining facilities and infrastructure. This becomes more important in line with
the increasing complexity of the demands of the school principal's duties which require more effective and efficient
performance support.
Principals have a big role in the formation of quality teachers, by providing encouragement, direction, work
motivation, coaching and supervision which will ultimately improve their performance. In addition, the principal as
the leader of an educational institution has a large hand in creating a conducive atmosphere in his work environment.
In carrying out its leadership function the principal must carry out management and coaching of the school
through various activities such as leadership or management and leadership activities which are very dependent on his
abilities. In this regard, the principal as a supervisor functions to supervise, build, correct and seek initiatives for the
course of all educational activities carried out in the school environment.
The leadership needed in schools is leadership that is able to push towards a better direction. Through effective
leadership, a school principal can monitor, control, improve and improve teacher performance in accordance with the
goals, expectations, vision and mission carried out through the school. If the principal applies a leadership style
effectively and continuously to all teacher activities in the school, a more professional work environment for teachers
will be created.
A teacher is a very important factor as an actor as well as a director in the teaching and learning process in order
to realize quality educational results, therefore his discipline needs to be improved. In addition, the teacher has a unique
and very complex role in achieving learning objectives through teaching and learning activities, thus increasing the
teacher's work discipline in
Implementation of the learning process should really need to be done immediately without delaying time.
Improving teacher discipline mainly starts in school. In the school environment, the position of the principal as a
resource team leader or school manager has a very important role through efforts that are planned effectively and
efficiently, the good and bad quality of teacher discipline in a school is closely related to the efforts or efforts of the
principal's leadership in controlling, spurring and increasing all potential, and existing regulations as one of the
management functions.
Improving teacher discipline and competence cannot be separated from the role and efforts of the school
principal. in carrying out the main tasks and functions of the school principal in such a way that the conditions and
learning outcomes can be achieved in accordance with the objectives to be achieved. One of the efforts or efforts to
create the above conditions is to continue to strive and seek to improve teacher discipline.
In accordance with the results of the research above, there are several principal leadership programs in
improving teacher discipline, namely: Teaching presence discipline program, lesson planning discipline, learning
implementation discipline program, and learning evaluation discipline program.
1) Teaching presence discipline program
Efforts by the school principal to improve teacher discipline in teaching attendance so that it can be realized
properly need to be planned in advance because every activity, whatever its name, has stages that must be carried out
as well as the principal's efforts to improve teacher discipline, as revealed by Siana (Uriatman, 2018: 824) "In every
activity, whatever the name, there are two stages that must be carried out, namely the first is planning and the second
is implementation".
So planning is the main function in management, the first step that must be carried out by the principal is
planning. The planning carried out by the heads of SDN 3 Sigli and SDN Blok Sawah Pidie Regency in improving
teacher discipline, namely: setting the main goal, namely to increase teacher discipline in teaching attendance, then
choosing or determining how to achieve this goal. For further, Suraya (2022:26) mentions the tasks that must be carried
out by the school principal, including:
The principal's task is to make programs such as: a) planning attendance disciplinary regulations to be mutually
agreed upon and their sanctions; b) planning a socialization schedule and disciplinary coaching; c) then what is done
by the principal is carrying out the plan and also carrying out supervision to find out whether the plan that has been
implemented is going well or not.
The tasks carried out by the school principal are also in accordance with the theory presented by Daryanto
(Uriatman, 2018: 824):
The function of the principal as a school leader means that the principal in his leading activities goes through
the following stages of activity: Planning (Planning), organizing (Organizing), Directors (Directing), Coordinator
(coordinating), and Supervision (controlling). By planning an attendance disciplinary program, the principal can
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estimate, prepare and determine what actions will be taken during the school implementation process and to prepare
everything so that the teacher attendance disciplinary process can be formed effectively.
From the results of the study it was explained that in order to improve teacher discipline in teaching attendance
the school principal is firm and optimizes the rules regarding attendance discipline, namely optimizing the rules that
require all teachers who teach in the first hour, must be present fifteen minutes before the bell rings or no later than
seven o'clock after thirty minutes, then the teacher who has arrived must sign the attendance list, for teachers who
arrive late are not allowed to enter class in the first hour and will only be allowed to enter class in the following hour.
For teachers who arrive late, their names will be recorded by the picket teacher or school security officer and if
they occur repeatedly or commit violations more than three times, the teacher will be summoned to be given guidance
or sanctions, and to improve teacher discipline in the presence of the school principal as well set a good example for
teachers by attending school on time. The principal must also be consistent and able to comply with school discipline
rules such as discipline in attendance, the principal must also be present at school on time and if the principal is present
at school on time then the teacher will be present on time.
But on the contrary, if the principal is not on time, it is possible that the teacher will not be present on time,
because the teacher feels and thinks that he does not get guidance through the example given by the principal. The
example of the principle that can be emulated by the teacher is a form of process implementation, as stated that
exemplary is a form of implementing a good activity process that can be used as an example for others.
From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the efforts of the school principal in improving teacher
discipline in attendance by means of good planning and providing exemplary teachers and also optimizing disciplinary
regulations in attendance were quite effective in shaping the discipline of teaching teacher attendance.
2) Learning planning discipline program
From the results of the research findings, it was found that the principal's strategy in increasing teacher discipline
in lesson planning was carried out by motivating and making disciplinary regulations that required all teachers to make
lesson planning tools and collect them with the curriculum assistant at the beginning of a new school year or the
beginning of a semester. Teachers who do not make or do not collect will be subject to sanctions, the lightest in the
form of a warning or delay in payment of honorarium.
The second strategy is the implementation of teacher discipline in administration, in terms of administrative
discipline or regarding teacher discipline in making teaching tools the principal hands over his duties to the deputy
head of the curriculum, the principal asks all teachers at the beginning of the school year or at the beginning of the
semester all teachers have collected their equipment with the deputy curriculum with a predetermined time limit and
if until the specified time limit the teacher has not yet collected the tools, a warning will be given.
From the results of observations in the field to find out the implementation in the field, the researcher made
direct observations by looking at documents or data on the names of teachers who collected their tools with the deputy
head of the curriculum, from these documents it was known that all teachers at SDN 3 Sigli had submitted their tools
to the deputy head of the curriculum. discipline strategy in administration has been implemented.
However, unlike SDN Block Sawah, Pidie Regency, two teachers were still found who had not submitted their
files. This means that the implementation of the discipline strategy in administration has not been fully implemented.
In an effort to apply teacher discipline to school attendance, teacher discipline in administration or in making learning
tools, and teacher discipline in implementing learning in teaching and learning activities, can be achieved with several
The efforts to improve teacher discipline carried out by the head of SDN 3 Sigli and SDN Blok Sawah Pidie
Regency are as follows: (a) schools must have a well-managed order control system; (b) there is an exemplary
discipline in attitude and behavior starting from the school leadership; (c) obliging the teacher to fill out the class
agenda and filling out the absence book or the attendance and return list prepared by the picket officer; (d) at the start
of school the principal and the teacher make an agreement on disciplinary rules; (e) minimize the opportunity for
teachers to leave class and; (f) at every coaching meeting the lowest frequency of violations is announced.
With these efforts, the culture of teacher discipline in carrying out their duties and obligations at school can be
maintained and carried out properly. In an effort to improve teacher discipline in attendance, the principal tried to
provide guidance and also made a joint agreement at the beginning of the year meeting regarding the attendance
schedule where teachers must be present 15 minutes before entering class or before the bell rings. When arriving at
school, the teacher must first sign or fill out the attendance list and the same goes for when they go home and all of
these agreements must be equally obeyed by all teachers.
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In addition, the efforts that can be made by the principal are to minimize the opportunity for teachers to ask
permission to leave school or class too often, while what is done by the principal forbids or does not give permission
to leave school or class if only for unimportant personal needs or things that are not can be held accountable.
The school principal's efforts to discipline teachers in learning tools, he requires teachers to submit their devices
to the deputy head of the curriculum on a date or time that has been mutually agreed upon and for the discipline of
implementing learning the school principal carries out scheduled supervision with a list of teachers who have been
appointed to supervise and also being supervised and to find out what the teacher's activities are in class, the principal
sometimes indirectly does it while walking around the class or while picking up trash.
The efforts made by the school principal made teachers reluctant, motivated and felt embarrassed if they were
not disciplined by using the above strategy to have a positive impact on creating teacher discipline at SDN 3 Sigli and
SDN Blok Sawah. By creating the discipline of the teachers, order in the school will be maintained properly and will
also have a good impact on the process of teaching and learning activities in schools and also on student discipline.
After knowing the results of the interviews and also seeing the results in the field, it can be said that the efforts
made by the principal in increasing teacher discipline in making plans by applying rules that require teachers to collect
all their lesson planning tools were very effective in increasing teacher discipline and from the results of interviews
and observations can be concluded that the implementation of the school principal's efforts to improve teacher
discipline has been carried out well.
3) Discipline program implementation of learning
From the findings of the research results, it was found that the principal's program in improving teacher
discipline in the field of implementing learning by optimizing the rules of conduct in implementing learning so that
the implementation of teacher discipline in the teaching process in class or in KBM activities can run well.
In an effort to improve the discipline of teachers in teaching the principal appoints teachers whom he deems
capable of supervising, the supervision carried out has been properly scheduled, and from the results of observations
made by researchers that supervision has been carried out. The principal as the school leader has a role as educator,
administrator, supervisor, innovator and motivator then the principal must try to do actions that give birth to a
willingness to work enthusiastically and confidently with all his subordinates.
Zaenudin (2018: 275) explains that: "The school principal must have the courage to act decisively to uphold
teacher discipline in the implementation of learning, forbidding teachers who ask permission too often if there is no
order in the implementation of learning will be disrupted." Act decisively in the sense that the principal must also take
action by giving sanctions or reprimands for those who violate discipline or through an approach and understanding
that teacher discipline in the implementation of learning is very important for school order.
After knowing the results of research and observations, it can be concluded that the principal's efforts to improve
teacher discipline by motivating, coaching and optimizing disciplinary regulations in the implementation of learning
were very effective in increasing teacher discipline because it was proven that all teachers had carried out learning
4) Learning evaluation discipline program
From the research findings, it is known that to improve teacher discipline in evaluating learning the principal
emphasizes teachers to evaluate learning in the right and correct way and also based on a planned evaluation schedule,
such as daily test schedules, mid-semester repetition schedules and semester exam schedules. So that teachers can carry
out assessments or evaluations based on this schedule and in conducting assessments the principal always reminds
teachers to carry out assessments objectively so that later they will not harm students.
As stated by Idrus (2019: 3) that: "Evaluation is an obligation or task that must be carried out by all teachers as
part of a work assignment whose results will later be used as a report on the results of student academic development
to parents of students on the level of development of their children".
Based on research results from interviews and observations obtained by researchers, it can be said that the
principal's efforts to improve teacher discipline in the field of learning evaluation can be said to have been carried out
well as evidenced by the implementation of evaluations that have been carried out well by all teachers.
By paying attention to the description of the research and the results of the research findings and the discussion,
the general conclusion of the research is that the program for the heads of SDN 3 Sigli and SDN Blok Sawah in an
effort to improve teacher discipline has been achieved according to the expected goals. The conclusions of the research
in particular are: First, what was done by the principal of SDN 3 Sigli was much more consistent in improving teacher
discipline in the field of attendance discipline which was quite good. Because the program carried out by the principal
to improve teacher discipline is well programmed, the principal strictly enforces teacher discipline regulations, then
conducts coaching, sets a good example, so that teacher discipline increases.
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Second, the principal's program in improving teacher discipline in the field of lesson planning has been well
implemented. The principal has implemented strict rules that require all teachers to make lesson plans before they carry
out learning so that all teachers try to make lesson plans. The school principal has also tried to provide guidance, set a
good example, and also always act decisively to function existing regulations so as to create good teacher discipline as
So that teachers have a disciplined attitude and have the principle that after all the teacher is a mirror for their
students in attitudes or role models in discipline, the teacher's disciplinary attitude has given color tooutput much better
education. Third, in the program to improve teacher discipline in the field of implementation of learning the principal
has tried to optimize all regulations so that teachers have high discipline in carrying out their obligations as educators,
namely teaching and transferring their knowledge sincerely.
In addition, the principal also always provides guidance and motivation to teachers so that teachers have high
enthusiasm in carrying out their duties as teachers. The efforts made by the principal turned out to have a positive
impact on teacher discipline in the implementation of learning.
Fourth, the principal's program in improving teacher discipline in the field of learning evaluation. The school
principal provides guidance and confirms the rules that require teachers to evaluate learning based on the schedule and
rules that have been made so that discipline in evaluating learning is carried out properly, all teachers are proven to be
evaluating. The teacher conducts daily test assessments, mid semester tests, and semester tests. The teacher evaluates
correctly and is based on the schedule and rules given and not carelessly.
The strategy carried out by the Principal in Improving Teacher Discipline at SD Negeri 3 Sigli and SD
Negeri Blok Sawah, Pidie Regency
Nawawi (Wira, 2018:106) stated about the principal's strategy in the construction and guidance of teacher
discipline is: "Activities aimed at instructing everyone in the cooperative group organization to work on things that are
in accordance with the instructions to be achieved.
From the explanation above it can be concluded that the directions given are for teachers who carry out the
activities and their respective responsibilities. The guidance and direction given must be continuous so that all activities
are always directed toward achieving the goals that have been implemented. Based on the explanation above, it can be
seen that the principal's strategy in improving teacher discipline at SDN 3 Sigli is more effective than SDN Blok
Sawah. Various strategies have been adopted by school principals in an effort to improve teacher discipline at SDN 3
Sigli and SDN Blok Sawah. There are 4 categories of strategies for school principals in improving discipline, namely:
The strategy or effort made by the principal is to provide examples of disciplinary attendance towards teachers,
reprimand teachers for being indisciplined, make direct observations during learning and during extracurricular
activities, as well as work evaluations by providing criticism, suggestions, and motivation in teacher coordination
meeting forums and school staff.
According to Ardi (2020: 32) that: "The first strategy carried out by the school principal in improving teacher
discipline is class supervision activities." As the statement above, it is also supported by Soetopo's opinion (Surya,
Supervision is all the efforts of school officials in leading teachers and other officers in improving teaching
including stimulating, selecting position growth and development of teachers and revising educational goals, teaching
materials, teaching methods, and evaluating teaching.
Supervision is a routine activity carried out by the principal once every semester. Where the purpose of
supervision is held, namely to see how a teacher teaches, whether the learning process is in accordance with what is
formulated in the lesson plan, then the method used by a teacher in teaching, the materials used in the learning process
and to assess the extent of the teacher's ability in teaching, if it is still said to be lacking then improvements are made.
This is also stated in the book Educational Administration by the author Purwanto (Surya, 2019:26), explaining
that supervision is: Seeing or reviewing or researching what is done by superiors on the manifestation of the activities
and work results of subordinates. Supervision by the principal can be in the form of class visits with the aim of assessing
the ability of teachers as educators and helping teachers make improvements so that teacher performance can be even
Meanwhile, according to Nawawi (Wira, 2018: 29) that: "The purpose of the class visit is to assess the activities
of teachers as educators and instructors in their respective fields and student learning, in order to assist them in making
improvements when needed". Class visits are assessed to show the ability of teachers and students to teach, then
providing assistance is more focused on providing information about various deficiencies and encouraging them to
improve them.
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Besides that, through class visits, the principal can cooperate with teachers while providing information
amicably about weaknesses that must be corrected by teachers and students in improving discipline, so that the impetus
to make improvements is not from outside but from himself.
The second strategy carried out by the principal in improving teacher discipline is that the principal and the
teacher make an agreement on disciplinary rules. The principal as a person who is responsible for the quality of learning
in schools must formulate disciplinary regulations, formulate regulations so that teachers, employees and students are
guided by the rules set so that school discipline will be good.
As stated by Siagian (Hasibuan, 2019: 31) that: Discipline is an action that encourages employees to comply
with various applicable provisions and meet established standards, meaning through clarity and explanation of the
desired pattern of attitudes, actions, and behavior from each employee. Preventive efforts are made for members of the
organization so that employees do not behave negatively.
According to the theory above, it can be seen that the strategy of the two principals of SDN 3 Sigli and SDN
Blok Sawah in encouraging teachers to come before it is sounded is to jointly make regulations that teachers must
come before the bell is sounded, and if there are teachers who are not disciplined they will be given a punishment.
The formulation of disciplinary regulations is intended to be able to increase a sense of shared responsibility for
carrying out discipline, apart from the teacher being obliged to follow the disciplinary rules of the school the teacher
is also a role model for his students, before the students who must be disciplined are far from it the teacher must be
disciplined first. From the explanation above, the author can conclude that one of the principal's strategies in improving
teacher discipline is to make an agreement on disciplinary rules together, where the contents of the rules are made
together and agreed upon together. In accordance with the regulations the teacher must come to school before the bell
is rung or 15 minutes before the bell is rung. So if there is a teacher who does not comply with the agreed-upon rules
then the teacher will get a penalty, the punishment is also mutually agreed upon.
Another strategy carried out by the principal is to implement a system rewards and punishment at school, where
these rewards and punishments can motivate and improve teachers who break the rules at school. As disclosed by
Bambang Nugroho in the book Giving Reward and Punishment: " Rewards are rewards, prizes, awards or rewards that
aim to make a person more active in his efforts to improve or improve the performance that has been achieved.
Meanwhile, according to Mangkunegara (Hayati, 2020:12) that: Punishment is the threat of punishment that
aims to improve the performance of the violator's subordinates, maintain the applicable regulations and teach lessons
to the violator. In accordance with the theory above, it can be seen that giving rewards and punishment very related to
the implementation of teacher discipline both in time and in teaching and learning in the classroom, because by giving
rewards to disciplined teachers will be able to motivate the teacher to always be disciplined in any case, and by giving
punishment can improve the performance of teachers who have not been disciplined by giving reprimands, guidance,
directions and punishments.
From the explanation above, the writer can conclude that the principals of SDN 3 Sigli and SDN Blok Sawah
in improving teacher discipline have implemented rewards and punishments at school. Teachers who show satisfactory
work performance and teachers who are disciplined in carrying out the teaching and learning process of the principal
give awards to these teachers, for example the thanks given by the principal at teacher meetings and when the principal
provides guidance at the flag ceremony, then also given items such as headscarves, bags and also caps. For teachers
who have not shown work performance and are still lacking in discipline, punishment is given according to the
collective agreement, namely the payment of fines according to a matter of hours.
Furthermore, the Principal's Strategy in Enhancing Discipline by Enforcing Rules is part of and integrated with
efforts to build a culture of ethical behavior and disciplinary attitude, both within the school environment and outside
the school environment. The most important activity in testing the effectiveness of the rules is in their implementation,
the rules that have been drawn up if they are not implemented are tantamount to the absence of regulations.
According to Mulyasa (2019: 32) that: "Schools make rules that must be obeyed by school members, especially
teachers, employees, and students, these rules include rules for entering and leaving school, attendance at school and
other rules. With increased discipline, it is expected to increase the effectiveness of study hours in accordance with a
predetermined time.
In accordance with the theory above, that the principal of SDN 3 Sigli has been more consistent in carrying out
the teacher discipline program, while SDN Blok Sawah has also begun to be consistent in increasing discipline to
enforce rules. This can be seen from the teacher who arrives late will receive an educational punishment from the
principal, and the punishment is based on an agreement resulting from deliberations between the principal and the
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Then it can also be seen from the teacher who neglects his main duties such as not making lesson plans, the
teacher will be summoned to the principal's room to be given a warning and indirect directions giving a warning in
front of other teachers which is the principal's way of upholding discipline characterized by a democratic style.
From the explanation above it can be concluded that the various strategies mentioned above can improve teacher
discipline because teachers can keep time for discipline, maintain the attitudes, behaviors and actions of principals and
teachers should be models and role models for upholding orderly and disciplinary behavior in schools.
Obstacles Faced by Principals in Improving Teacher Discipline at SD Negeri 3 Sigli and SD Negeri Blok
Sawah, Pidie Regency
Each activity is inseparable from the constraints experienced by the principal, such as teachers who have
different characters, some are diligent, and have a commitment to the rules that have been made together. However,
there are still teachers who are not committed, such as when they are assigned to be the master of ceremonies, they
always shy away for various reasons.
According to Ambarita (Sriyanti, 2019:23): Discipline is basically a management action, to encourage members of the
organization to comply with various rules and regulations that apply within an organization, which include: the
existence of rules or regulations; the obedience of his followers and; sanctions for violators.
Awareness is the attitude of someone who voluntarily obeys all regulations and is aware of their duties and
responsibilities, willingness is the attitude, behavior and company regulations, whether written or not. Furthermore,
there are also several obstacles to the school principal in improving teacher discipline, the first seen from:
First, Obstacles to the Principal in Improving Time Discipline. Teachers who live far from school make the
teacher late for school because the distance between the school and the house takes about 30 minutes to travel, not to
mention that during the rainy season the roads flood and sometimes they arrive at school ignoring teaching time of up
to 15 minutes and the impact as a result of there being no teacher in the class, the children in the class are neglected
and the children are noisy, going in and out of class and disturbing other classes who are studying.
Second, Obstacles to the Principal in Improving Discipline Enforcing the Rules. Teacher participation, there are
still one or two teachers who are lacking in carrying out the agreed rules, there are still teachers who arrive late, there
are teachers who are negligent in preparing learning tools such as lesson plans and syllabi and the methods used in
learning still use old methods so that when teaching it looks a little stiff. This can be seen when the principal supervises
the class.
Third, Principal Obstacles in Improving Discipline Attitudes of different teacher characters. Differences in
character are one of the principal's obstacles, because understanding how to convey directions and reprimands to each
teacher is very difficult, there are teachers who, once directed or reprimanded, are immediately ashamed, reluctant to
be reprimanded by the principal and don't repeat the same thing again. and there are also teachers who are not sensitive
to reprimand. This can be seen when the principal reprimand the teacher who is often late
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of the research and data analysis that the authors conducted regarding the managerial
competence of school principals in improving teacher performance at SD Negeri 3 Sigli and SD Negeri Blok Sawah,
Pidie Regency, it can be concluded that: 1) The principal's leadership program is planned and carried out to improve
teacher discipline, namely: formulating programs on the discipline of teaching attendance, the discipline of lesson
planning, the discipline of implementing learning, the discipline of learning evaluation. 2) As for the principal's
leadership strategy in improving teacher discipline, namely: meeting rules, providing motivation, setting a positive
example for school residents, admonishing (punishment) for teachers who commit indiscipline and giving gifts
(reward) for disciplined teachers. Another strategy is to make direct observations during learning, and during extra-
curricular activities, then evaluate teachers by providing criticism, suggestions and motivation in teacher and employee
coordination meeting forums and conducting performance appraisals. 3) Obstacles to the principal's leadership in
improving teacher discipline, namely: lack of motivation in improving the discipline of some teachers at SDN Blok
Sawah while SDN 3 Sigli is more consistent in discipline. Other obstacles are the distance traveled to school, and the
lack of family support, as well as the presence of some people who are less sensitive to reprimands and input.
Meanwhile, the supporting factor for the principal in improving teacher discipline is due to the fulfillment of existing
infrastructure in schools, which supports all teaching and learning activities and supports discipline in the school
Based on research that has been conducted on the leadership of school principals in improving teacher
discipline at SDN 3 Sigli and SDN Blok Sawah Pidie District, it is known that the implementation process consists of
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program planning, implementation strategy, evaluation, and follow-up carried out by school principals as well as
providing solutions to obstacles encountered during implementation. The suggestions that researchers can convey are
as follows: 1) The principal programs at SDN 3 Sigli and SDN Blok Sawah Pidie District are very good in concept but
require creativity in their implementation. 2) The strategy for implementing teacher disciplinary regulations needs to
be improved for a better educational environment. This requires firmness from school principals and other
policymakers in setting training schedules and internal school deliberations to improve discipline, especially teacher
discipline. 3) In order to minimize the existing constraints, it is necessary to supervise adequate facilities and
infrastructure from all parties, so that everything can be used as needed in training and in-class learning. For future
researchers, it is hoped that in the future it can be used as a source of data and can conduct further research on other
factors, different variables, and more subjects because there is still much that can be explored in more depth.
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