619 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 616-628
In assessing effectiveness, there are several evaluation approaches where some of these approaches can be:
1) Experimental approach, which is derived from experimental control that is usually carried out in academic research.
The aim is to obtain general conclusions about the impact of a particular program by controlling as many factors as
possible and isolating the influence of the program; 2) Goal-oriented approach as a criterion to determine success. This
approach is very reasonable and practical for program development design. This approach gives instructions to the
program developer, explaining the relationship between the specific activities offered and the results to be achieved;
3) The decision-focused approach emphasizes the role of systematic information for program managers in carrying out
their duties. In keeping with this view information is most useful if it can help programme managers make decisions;
4) The user-oriented approach focuses on the problem of evaluation utilization with an emphasis on expanding the
potential use of information; and 5) A responsive approach emphasizes that meaningful evaluation is one that seeks
understanding of an issue from the multiple viewpoints of everyone involved, interested, and interested in the program.
Thus, the purpose of evaluation is to understand the basis of the program through various different points of view.
1. Teacher Coaching in Improving Productive Teacher Performance Skills at the Vocational High School
(SMK) Level in Sigli
The teacher is the spearhead in implementing teaching and learning activities in schools. So that the ability
of teachers in carrying out their duties will greatly affect the course of education in schools. With the rapid development
of science and technology lately, a coaching program is needed to optimize teacher performance. Coaching is
something that must be done by the government, teacher organizations, schools, and the teacher himself.
Based on the results of interviews with the Head of SMKN 1 Sigli, regarding teacher coaching in improving
productive teacher performance skills at the vocational high school (SMK) level in Sigli are as follows: In my opinion,
because this school is a PK Vocational school in the field of fashion and concerns productive teachers in that field, it
needs to be improved or strengthened. The coaching that I do is through MGMP, coaching teachers through
supervision, coaching pedagogic competencies, IHT (in-the-house training), it is hoped that the teacher will be
enthusiastic in participating in each program that will be carried out. This training is expected to improve teacher
competence, given the change in curriculum from Curriculum 13 to independent learning. This year there will also be
training for teachers and students by holding workshops about the implementation of the independent curriculum
(IKM) and E-performance. The most important thing is the will to work because any strategy without the will will not
In order to meet the changing demands of society, educational institutions are deemed necessary to make
changes and developments in order to increase the effectiveness of achieving predetermined goals. These changes
would be wiser if responded to by preparing a teacher development plan in improving the right skills. This was also
reinforced by the statement of the Beungga 1 Vocational High School Teacher, to the researcher he said that: In my
opinion, because Merdeka Learning is now being implemented, it requires teachers to upgrade their skills according
to the major they are studying. Therefore, in order to follow up on this matter, the principal conducts coaching for
teachers in improving skills both in teacher performance or practice through coaching. There was some coaching that
I did as a school principal such as: coaching at MGMP, IHT (in-the-house training), making teaching modules,
coaching teachers through supervision, and developing pedagogic, and professional competencies.
Then the researcher also interviewed the Head of SMKN 1 Batee to confirm the correctness of the research
data related to the coaching carried out by the principal in improving teacher skills, he said that: "It is true, there has
been some coaching carried out by the principal to improve the work skills of teachers at Sigli Vocational High School.
this, namely: developing pedagogic, professional competencies, coaching at MGMP, by making teaching modules,
and coaching teachers through supervision.
Furthermore, to strengthen the statement above, the researcher also interviewed the Head of SMKN 2 Sigli,
to the researcher said that: "Yes, it's true, I agree, this is what we carry out coaching for developing teacher work skills.
As for the coaching that I do as a school principal, namely: coaching teachers through supervision, coaching pedagogic,
professional competencies, coaching through MGMP, IHT (in-the-house training), making teaching modules".
Based on the research data above, it can be concluded that there are several things in coaching that can
improve teacher skills, namely: pedagogic, professional competency development, coaching during MGMP, IHT (in-
the-house training), guidance on making teaching modules, and coaching teachers through academic supervision,
coaching teachers and students by holdingworkshop about the implementation of the independent curriculum (IKM)
and E-performance.
Various coaching plans are carried out in improving productive teacher performance skills at Sigli Vocational
High School, it is hoped that this will bring about positive changes in teacher performance and talented Sigli Vocational