625 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 616-628
and these policies show the government's seriousness and high commitment in efforts to increase professionalism and
respect for teachers as the implementation of education at the learning level which ultimately leads to improving the
quality of national education. This is in line with the policy direction of the National Education System Article 42 of
RI Law No. 20/2003 which requires educators (teachers) to have minimum academic qualifications and certificates in
accordance with teaching authority, be physically and mentally healthy, and have the ability to realize national
education goals. Likewise emphasized in Article paragraph 1 PP No. 19/2005 and Article 8 of RI Law No. 14/2005
which mandates that teachers must have a minimum academic qualification of D4/S-1 and competencies as learning
agents which include professional, pedagogic, personality, and social competencies.
Competence is defined as the totality of mastery of knowledge, skills and attitudes displayed through
performance that is expected to be achieved by a person after completing an educational program. According to
Kepmendiknas No. 045/U/2002, competence is defined as a set of intelligent and responsible actions that a person has
as a condition for being considered capable by the community in carrying out tasks in accordance with a particular job.
In accordance with what is stated in Article 28 of RI Law No. 19/2005, a teacher must have four types of competence,
namely: "First professional competence, pedagogical competence, personal competence, social competence."
Professional competence, namely the ability related to mastery of learning material in a broad and in-depth field of
study which includes mastery of the substance of the content of the subject curriculum material in schools and the
scientific substance that overshadows the curriculum material, as well as adding scientific insight as a teacher.
Pedagogic competence, namely abilities related to student understanding and managing educational and
dialogic learning. Third, personal competence, namely personal abilities that reflect a solid, stable, mature, wise,
authoritative personality, being a role model for students, and having noble character. Social competence, namely the
ability of educators as part of the community to communicate and interact effectively with students, fellow educators,
educational staff, parents/guardians of students, and the surrounding community. The four competencies are formally
proven by educator certificates. Minimum academic qualifications are obtained through tertiary education, while
educator competency certificates are obtained after completing the teaching professional education program and
passing the educator certificate exam. The purpose of the exam is to control the quality of educational outcomes so
that it is hoped that someone who has passed is believed to be able to carry out the task of educating, teaching, training,
guiding, and assessing student learning outcomes.
Based on Permennegpan and bureaucratic reform number 16 of 2009 what is meant by continuous
professional development (PKB) is: "Teacher competency development is carried out according to needs, in stages,
continuously to improve professionalism." PKB is one component of the main element. According to Houston (Jelita,
2017: 3) that: "A person's level of competence does not only refer to the quantity of work, but also refers to the quality
of his work." This means that someone who has passed certification, in addition to adequate quantity of work, the
quality of work is also good. Until now, problems related to teacher conditions still lead to optimal resolution.
These problems include the diversity of teachers' abilities in the learning process and mastery of knowledge;
teachers are not worthy of teaching; the absence of an accurate measuring tool to determine the ability of teachers;
teacher coaching that is done does not reflect the needs; teachers are not yet professional teacher welfare is inadequate;
teacher quality assurance institutions are still limited. Even so, the government always tries to make improvements and
solutions to problems. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that teachers as professional educators are
teachers who are not only satisfied with the skills they already have. A teacher as a professional should strive to develop
his knowledge and skills so that he can provide better and more quality service to his students.
Teacher development in improving the work skills of Sigli Vocational High School students is carried out by
participating in MGMP activities, providing support for honing skills/skills, continuing higher education in order to
produce better quality teachers, and attending PPG/PLPG. Furthermore, teachers can take part in training that supports
teacher quality, and actively conduct research. Principals and teachers can also create a learning organizational culture,
as well as the reading teacher movement (G2M), teachers do study tour or internships in the industry to improve skills
and update skills as well as teachers attending training/workshop which can develop the potential of teachers to have
a positive impact on students/students.
3. Teacher Participation in the Productive Teacher Development and Development Program Conducted
by the Principal
Major participation of English "participate” which means “take part”. According to Davis (Faozan, 2022: 34)
participation is: "Mental involvement or thoughts and emotions or feelings of a person in a group situation that
encourages him to contribute to the group in an effort to achieve goals". Thus, active involvement in participating is
not only in the scope of physical involvement, but includes mental, thought and emotional involvement or a person's