International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 616-628
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Training and Development of Productive Teachers in Improving
Work Skills for Vocational High School (SMK) Level Students in
Mutia Riska
, Khairuddin
, Nasir Usman
Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
Email: riskamu[email protected]
Productive Teacher,
Development, Training.
Teacher guidance and development is urgently needed to improve the professional
abilities of teachers in improving learning processes and outcomes through the provision
of professional service-style assistance to teachers. Productive teachers will provide
learning material that begins with making a Learning Implementation Plan which then
evaluates the process and improves the learning system in the classroom by prioritizing
material that can support students to be active, think creatively and be innovative. The
purpose of this study was to find out an overview of the coaching and development of
productive teachers in improving work skills for students at vocational high schools
(SMK) in Sigli. This study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type.
Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The data
analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis with data reduction techniques,
data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the research findings, it was found
that: (1) Coaching in improving productive teacher performance skills at Sigli
Vocational High School includes: coaching through MGMP, IHT (in the house training),
teacher coaching through supervision, and pedagogical and professional competency
development; (2) Productive teacher development strategies in improving work skills,
namely by: continuing education, participating in training/workshops, promotions,
development through promotions, assigning teachers to apprentices in industry to
improve abilities/upskilling and update skills/reskilling; and (3) teacher participation in
productive teacher training and development programs carried out by school principals
has been very good. Teachers participate in every activity, are able to adopt ideas or
programs to support the teaching and learning process, teachers also attend training to
improve teacher competence.
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)
license (
1. Introduction
Education is a social process for passing on the life values of the previous generation to the next generation
so that they are maintained, maintained and developed. In the implementation of education in every educational
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 616-628
institution will never be separated from a policy made by the government in the country where the educational
institution exists. Education as a medium for cultural inheritance has a strategic position and value in the formation of
a nation.
In the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System it is
explained that: Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so
that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence,
noble character, and the skills needed by themselves, society, nation and state.
Vocational education is secondary education that prepares students especially to be ready to work in certain
fields. According to Government Regulation Number 29 of 1990 says that: Vocational secondary education is
education at the secondary education level that prioritizes the development of students' abilities to carry out certain
types of work. Vocational secondary education prioritizes preparing students to enter the workforce and developing a
professional attitude.
In accordance with its form, vocational high schools organize educational programs that are adapted to various
types of employment. Then in the National Education System Law Number 20 of 2003 it is also explained that:
Vocational High School (SMK) is a form of formal education unit that organizes vocational education at the secondary
education level as a continuation of SMP, MTs or other equivalent forms. Schools at education level and type of
vocational can be named Vocational High Schools (SMK) or Vocational Madrasah Aliyah (MAK), or other equivalent
forms. Vocational Schools have many expertise programs, the expertise programs implemented at Vocational Schools
adjust to the needs of the existing world of work. The SMK curriculum is made so that students are ready to work
directly in the world of work. The content of the existing curriculum in SMK is arranged according to the needs of the
existing world of work. This is done so that students do not experience difficulties when entering the world of work.
With a study period of around three or four years, SMK graduates are expected to be able to work according to the
expertise they have occupied. This SMP, SMA or SMK educational institution does not only consist of buildings and
a set of physical facilities, but there are several things that are important and must exist in educational institutions,
namely education staff, especially teachers.
Rosemarie (Purwaningsih, 2022:23) argues that: "Education cannot stand alone because it involves many
components and all of these components are interrelated with one another so that they must be managed in an orderly
manner so that they can run well". Components are part of a system that has a role in the overall ongoing process to
achieve system goals. The educational component means the parts of the educational process system that determine
the success or failure of the educational process. Purwaningsih, et al (2022: 25) mentions the components that enable
the educational process to occur are: "Educational goals, students, education, parents, teachers/educators, community
and religious leaders, educational interactions of students and educators, educational content". It can even be said that
for the work process of education to take place it is necessary to have these components. Humans during their lives
will always get influence from family, school, and the wider community. The three environments are often referred to
as the educational tricenter, which will affect humans in various ways. The educational environment, especially
teachers, is one of the components in education.
A teacher has various tasks that are implemented in the form of dedication. These tasks cover the professional,
humanitarian and social fields. Tasks include educating teachers as a profession, teaching and training. Educating
means continuing and developing the values of life and life. Teaching means continuing and developing science and
technology. While training means developing skills in students. Teacher professionalism is seen from the Teacher and
Lecturer Law (UU No. 14 of 2005) that: "The law requires teachers to have qualifications, competencies and
certifications." Article 8 Law no. 14 of 2005 states: "Teachers are required to have academic qualifications,
competencies, educator certification, physically and mentally healthy, and have the ability to realize national education
goals". How good the quality of a teacher will reflect the merits of the output (graduates) produced. Then Permendiknas
Number 7 of 2010 explains that: "Teachers are professional educators with the main task of educating, teaching,
guiding, directing, training, assessing and evaluating students in early childhood education through formal education,
basic education and secondary education".
In the learning process the teacher plays an important role, namely influencing, fostering and developing
students in the classroom. Therefore, teacher performance is a factor that determines the quality of education which
will affect the quality of educational output after finishing school. The embodiment of good teacher quality is the result
of high work productivity so that it is in accordance with the goals of the organization or agency to be achieved. One
thing that can be done in developing teacher competence is to carry out training and education for these teachers which
are part of teacher performance development.
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Coaching efforts for teachers is not easy to do because it requires a precise and accurate database. The data
comes from the results of measuring learning performance. For this reason, the school principal or supervisor needs to
take measurements using the supervision instruments that have been prepared. This is in accordance with the opinion
of Rutkowski (Purwaningsih et al, 2022: 26) that: "Assessment of teacher performance is carried out by school
supervisors, principals, and colleagues." The supervised data is then used as a reference for coaching in the form of
assistance needed by teachers to improve their performance.
In reality on the ground, there are several problems that are often encountered in the implementation of teacher
training, such as not being able to manage classes properly, still lacking in utilizing technology in learning, low levels
of welfare and so on. Based on the background above, the writer decided to raise the titleGuidance and Development
of Productive Teachers in Improving Work Skills for Vocational High School (SMK) Level Students in Sigli”.
2. Materials and Methods
This study uses a qualitative research method, this approach is based on related data which will provide a
concrete picture and social reality of coaching and developing productive teachers in improving work skills for students
at the Vocational High School (SMK) level in Sigli. The focus of this research is intended to limit qualitative studies
as well as limit research to select which data are relevant and which are irrelevant. The limitations in this qualitative
research are based more on the level of importance/urgency of the problems encountered in this research. This research
is focused on the Guidance and Development of Productive Teachers in Improving Student Work Skills at the
Vocational High School (SMK) Level in Sigli.
The location of this research is State Vocational Schools in Sigli, which are as follows: SMKN 1 Sigli, SMKN
2 Sigli, SMKN 1 Batee and SMKN 1 Beungga. Field research was carried out from 24 February 2023 to 15 June 2023.
Research subjects are sources of data that provide clarity regarding the issues to be studied. In qualitative research,
only sources that provide complete and accurate information about the events, people, and situations that are observed
are used as subjects. Creswell (2018: 249) states that: "Qualitative researchers try to create a complex picture of a
problem or issue being studied." This involves reporting perspectives, identifying factors associated with a particular
situation, and generally sketching the big picture that emerges.
The research subject is a very important part, which acts as a resource for collecting data for the completeness
of the research. The researcher took samples from several State Vocational Schools in Sigli, namely Sigli 1st
Vocational School, Sigli 2nd Vocational School, Batee 1st Vocational School and Beungga 1st Vocational School.
The subjects of this study were school principals and productive teachers in one of the majors in the SMK. In qualitative
research, the instrument or research tool is the researcher himself so that the researcher must be "validated". Validation
of researchers such as understanding qualitative research methods, mastery of insight into the field studied, readiness
of researchers to enter research objects both academically and logically.
According to Sugiyono (2019: 309) says that: "Qualitative research as human instrument serves to determine
the research focus, select informants as data sources, collect data, assess data quality, analyze data, interpret data and
make conclusions on the findings." To obtain data for this study entitled "Productive Teacher Development and
Development in Improving Work Skills for Vocational High School (SMK) Level Students in Sigli", the researchers
used interview guidelines with school principals and productive teachers at SMKN 1 Sigli, SMKN 2 Sigli , SMKN 1
Batee and SMKN 1 Beungga and guidelines for observation and documentation studies.
There are three data collection techniques used in this study, namely: observation, interviews, and
documentation. Collection techniques according to Sugiyono (2019: 156), namely: "Collection techniques include:
techniques interview, observation, and a combination of the three". The data analysis technique is performed, namely
qualitative descriptive analysis while the data processing steps are data reduction, data display, conclusions, and data
verification. Data reduction is also a form of analysis that sharpens, classifies, directs, removes unnecessary, and
organizes data in such a way that final conclusions can be drawn and verified. Sugiyono (2019: 339) argues that: "Data
reduction is a sensitive thinking process that requires intelligence and breadth and high depth of insight". After the
collected data is analyzed first, read, study and examine, then the next is to carry out data reduction then summarize,
so that the meaning is understood. The final stage of this data analysis is the researcher draws conclusions by describing
the coaching and development strategy teachers in improving the work skills of Sigli Vocational High School students.
3. Results and Discussions
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 616-628
In assessing effectiveness, there are several evaluation approaches where some of these approaches can be:
1) Experimental approach, which is derived from experimental control that is usually carried out in academic research.
The aim is to obtain general conclusions about the impact of a particular program by controlling as many factors as
possible and isolating the influence of the program; 2) Goal-oriented approach as a criterion to determine success. This
approach is very reasonable and practical for program development design. This approach gives instructions to the
program developer, explaining the relationship between the specific activities offered and the results to be achieved;
3) The decision-focused approach emphasizes the role of systematic information for program managers in carrying out
their duties. In keeping with this view information is most useful if it can help programme managers make decisions;
4) The user-oriented approach focuses on the problem of evaluation utilization with an emphasis on expanding the
potential use of information; and 5) A responsive approach emphasizes that meaningful evaluation is one that seeks
understanding of an issue from the multiple viewpoints of everyone involved, interested, and interested in the program.
Thus, the purpose of evaluation is to understand the basis of the program through various different points of view.
1. Teacher Coaching in Improving Productive Teacher Performance Skills at the Vocational High School
(SMK) Level in Sigli
The teacher is the spearhead in implementing teaching and learning activities in schools. So that the ability
of teachers in carrying out their duties will greatly affect the course of education in schools. With the rapid development
of science and technology lately, a coaching program is needed to optimize teacher performance. Coaching is
something that must be done by the government, teacher organizations, schools, and the teacher himself.
Based on the results of interviews with the Head of SMKN 1 Sigli, regarding teacher coaching in improving
productive teacher performance skills at the vocational high school (SMK) level in Sigli are as follows: In my opinion,
because this school is a PK Vocational school in the field of fashion and concerns productive teachers in that field, it
needs to be improved or strengthened. The coaching that I do is through MGMP, coaching teachers through
supervision, coaching pedagogic competencies, IHT (in-the-house training), it is hoped that the teacher will be
enthusiastic in participating in each program that will be carried out. This training is expected to improve teacher
competence, given the change in curriculum from Curriculum 13 to independent learning. This year there will also be
training for teachers and students by holding workshops about the implementation of the independent curriculum
(IKM) and E-performance. The most important thing is the will to work because any strategy without the will will not
In order to meet the changing demands of society, educational institutions are deemed necessary to make
changes and developments in order to increase the effectiveness of achieving predetermined goals. These changes
would be wiser if responded to by preparing a teacher development plan in improving the right skills. This was also
reinforced by the statement of the Beungga 1 Vocational High School Teacher, to the researcher he said that: In my
opinion, because Merdeka Learning is now being implemented, it requires teachers to upgrade their skills according
to the major they are studying. Therefore, in order to follow up on this matter, the principal conducts coaching for
teachers in improving skills both in teacher performance or practice through coaching. There was some coaching that
I did as a school principal such as: coaching at MGMP, IHT (in-the-house training), making teaching modules,
coaching teachers through supervision, and developing pedagogic, and professional competencies.
Then the researcher also interviewed the Head of SMKN 1 Batee to confirm the correctness of the research
data related to the coaching carried out by the principal in improving teacher skills, he said that: "It is true, there has
been some coaching carried out by the principal to improve the work skills of teachers at Sigli Vocational High School.
this, namely: developing pedagogic, professional competencies, coaching at MGMP, by making teaching modules,
and coaching teachers through supervision.
Furthermore, to strengthen the statement above, the researcher also interviewed the Head of SMKN 2 Sigli,
to the researcher said that: "Yes, it's true, I agree, this is what we carry out coaching for developing teacher work skills.
As for the coaching that I do as a school principal, namely: coaching teachers through supervision, coaching pedagogic,
professional competencies, coaching through MGMP, IHT (in-the-house training), making teaching modules".
Based on the research data above, it can be concluded that there are several things in coaching that can
improve teacher skills, namely: pedagogic, professional competency development, coaching during MGMP, IHT (in-
the-house training), guidance on making teaching modules, and coaching teachers through academic supervision,
coaching teachers and students by holdingworkshop about the implementation of the independent curriculum (IKM)
and E-performance.
Various coaching plans are carried out in improving productive teacher performance skills at Sigli Vocational
High School, it is hoped that this will bring about positive changes in teacher performance and talented Sigli Vocational
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High School graduates. Then with academic supervision, coaching activities are planned by providing technical
assistance to teachers in carrying out the learning process in order to improve productive teacher performance skills,
or support the learning process which aims to increase the professional abilities of teachers and improve the quality of
learning effectively.
2. Teacher Development Strategy in Improving the Work Skills of Computer and Fashion Department
Students at the Vocational High School (SMK) Level in Sigli
The teacher professional development strategy is a process of activities in order to adapt the professional
abilities of teachers to the demands of education and teaching. The development of the teaching profession in the
educational environment is directed at professional quality, objective, transparent and accountable performance
appraisal, as well as motivation to improve performance and achievement. This professional development strategy is
given with the long-term goal so that the teacher can understand and understand the teaching he is doing and also
understand the expertise he has so that he can develop the potential that teacher has. Teacher professional development
is basically improving the quality of teacher competence.
Based on the results of an interview with the Head of SMKN 1 Sigli, the teacher development strategy for
improving the work skills of students majoring in computers and fashion at the vocational high school (SMK) level in
Sigli is as follows: Talking about the development process, of course, it has been planned at the beginning of each new
school year. The development strategy in improving teacher skills is carried out by: Continuing higher education levels
cannot be denied if higher education levels will also produce better teacher quality; Participate in training that supports
teacher quality; Actively conducting research; Creating a learning organizational culture; reading teacher movement
(G2M); Assignments, promotions, and promotions. There are teachers who are sent for internships in the industry,
upskilling and reskilling etc. Because SMK PK, in the future there will be more training or workshop for productive
teachers in the field of fashion design.
In line with the results of interviews with the Head of SMKN 1 Sigli regarding teacher development in
improving skills, the researchers confirmed this truth to the Head of SMKN 2 Sigli, who told researchers that: Our
development strategy is by teachers who wish to continue their higher education, attend training or workshop for
teachers in the field of fashion design that supports teacher quality, assigning teachers to apprenticeships in industry,
upgrading skills and renewing skills and so on, actively conducting research, creating a learning organizational culture,
development through promotions, and promotions.
The teacher capacity development strategy is a way to improve teacher competency standards in accordance
with the demands of work and science, technology, and art. Skills/competence development strategies must be carried
out continuously so that there are updates. Our development strategy is to: provide opportunities for teachers who wish
to continue their higher education, attend training or workshop, assignments for industry internships, active research,
creating a learning organizational culture, development with promotions, and promotions. Then to prove the truth of
the research data, the researcher interviewed the Beungga 1 SMKN teacher. He told the researcher that: The principal
always provides support and opportunities for teachers to hone skills. Then the teacher skills development strategy is
also carried out by providing support to continue higher education levels in order to produce better teacher quality,
participating in training that supports teacher quality, actively conducting research, creating a learning organizational
culture, reading teacher movement (G2M), teachers conducting studies tours or internships in the industry to improve
skills/upskilling and updating skills or reskilling, development with promotions, and promotions, as well as providing
opportunities for teachers to attend training/workshop.
Various strategies were carried out for teacher development in improving the work skills of fashion design
and computer major students at Sigli Vocational High School. As mentioned above, the development strategy is carried
out by providing support and opportunities for teachers to hone skills, provide support for continuing education, and
attend training that supports teacher quality. This was also justified by the Head of Batee Vocational High School, to
which the researcher said: That's right, indeed that's what we are planning to develop teachers in improving work skills.
If the development strategy skill If the teacher is successful, it will produce competent teachers and have an impact on
outstanding student graduates. The development strategy in improving teacher skills is carried out by: Continuing
higher education levels; Participate in training that supports teacher quality; Actively conducting research, creating a
learning organizational culture, reading teacher movement (G2M), as well as having teachers sent for internships in
industry. It can be concluded that the strategy for implementing teacher development activities in improving the work
skills of Sigli Vocational High School students is by providing support and opportunities for teachers to hone
621 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 616-628
skill/Skills. Then the development of teacher skills is also carried out by providing support to continue to higher
education levels in order to produce better quality teachers.
Furthermore, teachers can take part in training that supports teacher quality, and actively conduct research.
Principals and teachers can also create a learning organizational culture, as well as the reading teacher movement
(G2M), development with promotions, and promotions. Then another development strategy is to do study tour or
internships for teachers in the industry to improve skills/upskilling and update skills or reskilling. In addition, it also
provides opportunities for teachers to attend training/workshops which can develop the potential of teachers to have a
positive impact on students/students.
3. Teacher Participation in the Productive Teacher Development and Development Program Conducted
by the Principal
Teacher participation refers to their real participation in an activity. Participation can be in the form of ideas,
constructive criticism, support and implementation of education. Teachers must be able to develop personal abilities,
social skills and professional abilities. By developing these three abilities the teacher is expected to be more able to
optimize students' abilities in achievement and on the other hand the teacher will find it easier to overcome various
problems faced by students.
Based on the results of an interview with the Head of SMKN 1 Sigli, regarding teacher participation in the
productive teacher training and development program carried out by the school principal, the following is as follows:
"There was good participation by SMKN 1 Sigli teachers in relation to school programs. Like workshop regarding the
implementation of the independent curriculum (IKM) and E-performance received good enthusiasm because
everything that is being done is important for teachers, and students who can be useful in increasing teacher
Then the researcher also interviewed the Head of SMKN 2 Sigli, he told the researcher that: There is teacher
participation in the coaching program which is carried out every time there is a school program such as
training/workshop whether it is carried out by the agency or independently. There is good cooperation between the
principal and teachers in this SMK, such as exchanging information related to training/workshops or internships in the
industry to improve skills (according to their respective majors). At this SMK there is also collaboration between
teachers and students in producing a product, namely a coconut splitting machine (shaving coconut until it becomes
coconut milk), this tool has reached the national level. This is one of the efforts that have been made by the teacher. In
the future, Vocational Schools will also support, and also we as teachers and students must think creatively.
Teacher participation refers to their real participation in an activity. Participation can be in the form of ideas,
constructive criticism, support and implementation of education. This was also reinforced by the teacher's statement at
SMKN 1 Beungga, he told researchers that: "The participation of teachers in this SMK regarding the coaching and
development of productive teachers can be applauded. Teachers are active and creative in adopting ideas or programs
to support teaching and learning in class. Teachers are also enthusiastic in participating in each training /workshop
according to their respective majors.
Teacher participation in the development planning process is very important because it can foster an attitude
of ownership and a sense of teacher responsibility for planning the development of productive teacher skills at SMKN
Sigli. To strengthen and at the same time prove the truth of the research data above, the researcher again interviewed
the Head of SMKN 1 Batee.