596 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 580-599
administration but incomplete. In the learning process there are still teachers who use monotonous learning methods
or models so that children feel bored, the use of learning facilities and infrastructure is lacking, absent books, lists of
grades and other administrations are still incomplete, class conditions and teacher enthusiasm do not support the
learning process active, innovative, creative, effective and fun.
While the pedagogic competence of teachers after being supervised by the principal greatly increased
including teachers completing learning administration, teacher enthusiasm increased, in carrying out the learning
process using various learning methods, and using learning models that were appropriate to learning material, teachers
used time better than Previously, teachers were motivated to do self-development.
Based on research conducted by researchers at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie, SDN 4 Peukan Pidie and SDN
Keulibeut that the supervision competence of school principals greatly influences pedagogical competence, therefore
principals in carrying out their duties as supervisors must improve leadership and supervisory abilities which are part
of supervision activities , and able to make innovations or changes to the implementation of supervision, and always
carry out continuous supervision so that the implementation of supervision activities is in accordance with the
objectives of educational supervision.
Supervised teachers must openly accept any actions taken by the principal related to the supervision of the
principal so that there is good cooperation between the principal and the teacher so that the implementation of the
teaching and learning process runs effectively and efficiently. Teacher performance can be seen from the quantity and
quality of the teacher which includes the teacher's understanding of teacher competence and implementing it in carrying
out their main tasks and functions as a teacher, planning lessons, carrying out the learning process, carrying out
evaluation of learning outcomes, carrying out follow-up evaluation results, using learning methods and models who
vary, master science and technology, always improve self-development, carry out tasks with discipline and
responsibility and sincerity, make learning administration, and maintain the teacher's code of ethics.
The ability of the principal in guiding, coaching, directing, motivating, setting an example, increasing morale
and encouraging creativity as well as supervising in observing teacher performance, controlling and monitoring teacher
work is very important in improving teacher performance. The competence of school principals must always be
improved, especially supervision competence because an increase in the supervision competence of school principals
will have an impact on increasing teacher pedagogical competence.
In supervising, the principal as a supervisor needs to pay attention to several aspects, one of which is regarding
the principles of the principal as a supervisor, namely: (1) a consultative, collegial and not hierarchical relationship,
(2) implemented democratically, (3) centered on educational staff ( teachers), (4) carried out based on the needs of
education personnel (teachers), (5) is professional assistance.
Implementation of effective supervision is in need of various supporting factors. Dharma (Fahmi, 2018: 106)
stipulates "The supporting factor needed in supervision is human". The human factor shows the involvement of both
parties, namely supervisors and teachers. If both of them synergize with each other in carrying out their respective
duties, the implementation of supervision will be able to run effectively. Moreover, supra-facility support, such as
education office policies and supporting facilities, such as learning facilities, technology support, work climate and
teacher welfare, will further support the implementation of an effective supervision process.
Supporting factors of the academic supervision program include a conducive school culture. A conducive
school culture illustrates how the entire academic community gets along, acts and solves problems in all matters within
the school environment. The habit of developing oneself in improving the quality of work is a culture that lives as a
tradition that is no longer considered a workload. Likewise with supervision in an effort to improve the quality of
learning, if it has become entrenched, the teacher will no longer assume that coaching is not a coercion that comes
from outside himself. Rather, it is an academic tradition that is upheld because it is useful for the school as a whole.
As Suhardan said (Fahmi, 2018: 115) culture refers to a system of shared life that is believed to be a norm or
pattern of behavior that is adhered to together. Culture is the guideline for how every matter in the school should be
completed by its members. School culture is a variable that influences how group members act and behave. Culture is
the basis for the behavior of all its members.
Good supervision will grow and thrive in a conducive school culture. Efforts to improve the quality of learning
are created because of the strong awareness of its members at school, tolerance, mutual respect and mutual
encouragement is a productive, constructive work climate.
The presence of the implementation of supervision by the principal makes teachers motivated in implementing
learning programs, there is teacher motivation to learn to make lesson plans well and train various teaching methods
and so on. With a good relationship between the teacher and the principal as well as with the supervisors, the planned
supervision program will go according to plan.