International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 580-599
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Principal Supervision in Improving Teacher Pedagogic Competence
in Elementary Schools in Pidie District
Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
Email: karmilam[email protected]
Principal Supervision, and
Teacher Pedagogic
Supervision is an activity to assist teachers in developing their ability to manage learning
to achieve the expected goals in learning. Supervision aims to provide services and
assistance to improve the quality of teaching and learning for teachers in the classroom,
in turn to produce quality student learning. The aim of the research was to find out how
the principal's supervision improves the pedagogical competence of teachers in
elementary schools in Pidie District. This research uses a qualitative approach with
descriptive methods. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation,
interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques, namely by collecting data,
reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The research subjects were
school principals, teachers, staff, students, and parents in Pidie District. The results of
the study found: (1) the program planned by the principal to develop teachers was a
supervision program; (2) The implementation of supervision is carried out by the
principal to help teachers improve their competence, provide directions, and help
teachers find joint solutions to the constraints being faced. The supervision techniques
used are individual supervision techniques and group supervision techniques; (3)
Evaluation is carried out at the end of the odd semester and the end of the even semester.
Follow-up is carried out to find solutions to the problems being faced; (4) The supporting
factors of the academic supervision program include a conducive school culture; (5) The
inhibiting factor for supervision activities is the teacher's readiness when supervised, the
teacher still considers supervision as a scourge, not a need for good.
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)
license (
1. Introduction
In organizing education, every country definitely wants to improve the quality and quality of education.
Improving the quality of education is not an easy matter, that's what education experts say. There is a need to formulate
clear concepts, program priorities that are in line with the needs of the community, both nationally and globally. So as
to produce really quality products that come out of smart, innovative and thoughtup to date. Something that is
completely different and better than the previous one so that it is more in demand and able to compete internationally.
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 580-599
In reality, education is not a simple endeavor, but through a dynamic and challenging activity. Education will
always change along with changing times, at any time education has always been the focus of attention and it is not
uncommon to become the target of dissatisfaction because education concerns the interests of everyone, not only
regarding investment and current living conditions. That is why education always requires efforts to improve and
improve in line with the increasing needs and demands of people's lives. These improvements require the supervision
of school principals in each education unit. The absence of implementation of the supervision of the school principal
affects teacher competence and quality of education.
Kahar (Suparliadi, 2021: 188) states that: “Education is the main factor in the formation of the human person.
Education plays a very important role in shaping the good or bad of the human person according to normative standards.
Realizing this, the government is very serious in handling the education sector. Because with a good education system
it is hoped that the next generation will emerge who are qualified and able to adapt to life in society, nation and state.
Education is an effort to develop human beings in a better direction, so that to prepare superior human resources who
are able to answer various challenges in this new century is quality education.
Amran further (Mustari, 2022: 2297) explains that:
One of the main keys to educational success lies in the quality of teachers. Given the large role of teachers in
the educational process, principals as direct superiors are required to have the main capacity as educators, managers,
administrators, supervisors, leaders, innovators, and motivators. Meanwhile the teacher has the main tasks of (1)
making a learning program; (2) carry out learning programs; (3) carry out evaluations; (4) carry out an analysis of
student learning outcomes; (5) carry out repairs, remedial, and enrichment. Not all teachers are able to carry out the
main task. Only those who have the ability and will can do it. The coordinates of ability and willingness will greatly
affect teacher performance.
There are several factors that are very influential in achieving educational goals in schools, one of which is
the principal. The principal has a very large influence on the achievement of educational goals. Therefore, the
government sets five competency standards for school principals. In Permendiknas Number 13 of 2007 concerning
Standards for School/Madrasa Principals that "School heads are required to have five competencies, namely
personality competencies, managerial competencies, entrepreneurial competencies, supervision competencies, and
social competencies". With these five standards, it is hoped that educational goals will be achieved easily.
Among the five principal competency standards, there is supervision competence. Supervision can be
formulated as a series of efforts to provide assistance to teachers in the form of professional services provided by
supervisors (school supervisors, school principals, and other coaches) to improve the quality of teaching and learning
processes and outcomes. Supervision can be defined as a process to ensure that organizational goals can be achieved.
Handoko (Muchlasin, 2020: 36) explains that:
In order to achieve quality education, in carrying out the duties of educators it is necessary to supervise, the
purpose of supervision here is coaching so that educators know clearly the purpose of their work in educating, regarding
what is to be achieved from implementing this education. As well as knowing also the function of the work that
educators do. This activity helps educators to focus more on the goals to be achieved in education and avoid
implementing education that is not relevant to educational goals.
Every implementation of an educational program requires supervision or supervision. Oversight or
supervision is responsible for the effectiveness of the program. Therefore, supervisors should examine whether or not
there are conditions that might hinder the achievement of educational goals and then overcome them. Things that need
attention and need to be developed for each teacher by the principal as a supervisor are the teacher's personality,
continuous professional improvement, the learning process, mastery of subject matter, the diversity of teacher abilities,
and the teacher's ability to work with the community. The task of a supervisor is to help, encourage and give confidence
to teachers, that the teaching and learning process must continue to be improved and developed, both in terms of
knowledge, attitudes and skills. Teachers must be assisted professionally in this regard so that teachers can develop in
their work, namely increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the teaching and learning process.
To optimize supervision activities in schools, the principal must first understand the concept of supervision,
so as to provide teachers with an understanding of supervision, where teachers still perceive supervision as an activity
that only seeks teacher errors without providing solutions to these problems, even though it is the other way around
and if implemented optimally will certainly benefit the teacher himself.
The implementation of supervision in educational institutions still encounters various obstacles, both in terms
of delivery techniques and the intensity of implementation of supervision that has not been well established so that
principals still incidentally provide guidance and training to teachers in the learning process. In reality the principal
has not been able to carry out supervision properly on the grounds that the workload of the principal is too heavy and
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 580-599
the educational background is not in accordance with the field of study being supervised. So that the purpose of
fostering and guiding teachers is still not perfect and teachers do not understand the meaning of the importance of
supervision carried out by the principal.
Based on the results of preliminary research at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie, SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie, and SD
Negeri Keulibeut, the quality of education showed unsatisfactory results. The problem faced is the lack of teacher
pedagogic competence in the form of insight and learning base, understanding student character, developing
curriculum, implementing educational learning, developing academic potential, using technology, assessing and
evaluating learning.
The results of observations prove that in the learning process the teacher's lack of understanding about the
characteristics of students, especially the diversity of competencies and student learning styles, in classroom learning
the majority of teachers do not use the Lesson Implementation Plan (RPP) still often adopt the RPP on the internet and
are also unable to use the media and learning models that are relevant to the material being taught. Classroom
management has not been implemented optimally. Students are given more assignments and less communication
between teachers and students. Many evaluations of student learning outcomes are not returned to students, even
though this is very important for introspective material and motivation for students to study harder. So that parents feel
that the performance of teachers in this school is less professional.
The results of interviews with teachers stated that so far the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) had been
prepared by the teacher before the learning process and had not been discussed with the school principal. This is due
to a lack of communication between teachers and principals who are both busy with their respective assignments. This
situation indicates that the principal does not supervise teacher activities, especially in the teaching process. Based on
this fact, the important role of the school principal is reflected in improving the quality of elementary school education
in Pidie District. The role of the school principal as a supervisor is expected to be able to guide, foster, set an example,
and move teachers in increasing their pedagogical competence in Elementary Schools in Pidie District, especially in
SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie, SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie, and SD Negeri Keulibeut. These three schools are SDs in region
III of the city of Sigli which consists of two sub-districts, namely the Pidie District and the Sigli City District.
Based on this, the researcher is interested in conducting research with the title "Principal Supervision in
Improving Teacher Pedagogic Competence in Elementary Schools in Pidie District”. The results of the research
are expected to be able to find out the supervisor's steps in improving teacher pedagogic competence and become a
new reference source for the development of knowledge, especially those related to school principal supervision.
2. Materials and Methods
This research is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. According to Sugiyono (2019: 8) that:
A qualitative descriptive approach is a research approach based on the philosophy of postpositivism used to
research on natural object conditions (as opposed to experiments) where the researcher is the key instrument, data
collection techniques are carried out in triangulation, data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and research results
emphasize meaning rather than generalization.
Qualitative descriptive research aims to describe, describe, explain, explain, and answer in more detail the
problems to be studied by studying as much as possible an individual, a group or an event. In qualitative research,
humans are the research instruments and the results of the writing are in the form of words or statements that are in
accordance with the truth. Thus, the results of this study are expected to provide a complete and well-organized picture
of certain components so as to provide valid final results.
A. Location and Time of Research
Location is a place where research will be carried out by researchers. The location in this study was the Pidie
District Elementary School, especially the Pidie District, with the principal and teacher observing it. While the time of
this research was conducted for three months, namely in January, February and March and has received approval for
research permits issued by the director of the Postgraduate Program at Syiah Kuala University in Banda Aceh.
B. Research subject
The research subject is a source of data that provides clarity regarding the problem to be studied. In qualitative
research, only sources that provide complete and accurate information about the events, people, and situations that are
observed are used as subjects. Creswell (Husnidar, 2021: 23) states that: "Qualitative researchers try to create a
complex picture of a problem or issue being studied." This involves reporting perspectives, identifying factors
associated with a particular situation, and generally sketching the big picture that emerges.
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 580-599
The research subject is a very important part, which acts as a resource for collecting data for the completeness
of the research. The subjects in this study were school principals and teachers at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie, SD Negeri
4 Peukan Pidie, and SD Negeri Keulibeut. These three schools are SDs in region III of the city of Sigli which includes
two sub-districts, namely the Pidie District and the Sigli City District.
The determination of the research subjects above was based on several considerations, including: school
principals and teachers are important elements in educational institutions with regard to school principal supervision,
teacher pedagogical competence, all of which are processes of supervising school principals in improving teacher
pedagogical competence in elementary schools. Pidie District.
C. Data Collection Techniques
Data collection techniques are the most strategic steps in research, because the main purpose of research is to
obtain data. According to Sugiyono (Iryana, 2019: 2) that "Data collection techniques include:interview (interview),
questionnaire (questionnaire), observation (observation) and a combination of the three".
1. Observation. The data collection technique in this study was by means of participant observation, namely the
researcher was present directly to make observations of the object under study. Denzin and Licoln (Sugiyono,
2019: 226) explain that: "Observation is an activity that involves the senses of hearing, sight, taste, touch, and
taste based on the facts of empirical events". The informants to obtain data were: school principals, vice
principals for curriculum, teachers, staff, and students at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie, SD Negeri 4 Peukan
Pidie, and SD Negeri Keulibeut. These three schools are SDs in region III of the city of Sigli covering two
sub-districts, namely Pidie District and Sigli City District.
2. Interviews are a holistic and detailed data mining technique. In addition to in-depth interviews, researchers
also conducted guided free interviews to obtain data regarding the supervision of school principals and teacher
pedagogic competence, all of which are processes in supervising school principals in improving teacher
pedagogical competence in Elementary Schools of Pidie District. The steps taken during the interview are
determining who will be interviewed, preparing interview material by determining the main issues studied,
starting and conducting the interview, ending the interview by confirming the interview conclusions,
recording the results of the interview, and determining the follow-up of the results. interview.
3. Documentation is one technique in extracting data in the field. The application of this technique is to review
and analyze documents relevant to the research context that record or duplicate program plans and the results
of their implementation. Specifically and practically, the archives and other forms of recording are kept at SD
Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie, SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie, and SD Negeri Keulibeut. The three are studied and
analyzed carefully and objectively so that the required data is obtained according to the research focus.
In qualitative research, findings or data are declared valid if there is no difference between what is reported
by the researcher and what actually happened to the object under study. The truth of reality in qualitative research is
not singular but plural and depends on the researcher's ability to construct the observed phenomena, and is formed in
a person as a result of the mental processes of each individual against his background.
For this reason, it is necessary to test the validity of the data in this study. Test the validity of the data in
qualitative research includes tests credibility (internal validity), transferability (external validity), dependability
(reliability), and comformabillity (objectivity).
1. Test credibility
Test the credibility or trust test of the research data presented by the researcher so that the results of the
research carried out are not doubtful as a scientific work, therefore, the researcher can do:
a. Observation extension
By extending the observation, it means that the researcher returns to the field, makes observations, interviews
again with data sources that have been encountered or new ones. The length of extension of observations is highly
dependent on the depth, breadth and certainty of the data. Depth means whether the researcher digs up the data until
definite meaning is obtained. Breadth means the completeness of the information received while data certainty is valid
data in accordance with what is happening.
b. Increase persistence
Increasing perseverance means making more careful and continuous observations. In this way, data certainty
and sequence of events can be recorded in a definite and systemic manner. By increasing persistence, the researcher
can re-check whether the data found is wrong or not so that it can provide an accurate and systematic data description
of what is observed.
c. Triangulation
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 580-599
Triangulation in qualitative research is defined as testing the validity of data obtained from various sources,
various methods, and various times. Therefore there are techniques for testing the validity of the data through source
triangulation, method triangulation, and time triangulation.
1) Triangulation of sources, that is, researchers explore the truth of information through various methods
and informants. Researchers conducted interviews about in-depth learning barriers
2) Method triangulation, to test the credibility of the data is done by checking the data to the same source
with different techniques. Researchers carry out further discussions with the relevant data sources or
others, to ascertain which data is considered correct or maybe all of them are correct, but the points of
view differ.
3) Time triangulation, data collected by interview techniques in the morning when the informants were still
fresh and checking the results of interviews and observations so that researchers conducted interviews
with informants at different times with regular intervals.
d. Negative case data analysis
Negative cases are cases that do not match the results of the study up to a certain point. By conducting a
negative case analysis, it means that the researcher is looking for data that contradicts the data found. If there is no data
that is different or contradicts the findings, then the findings can be trusted.
e. Member check
Member check is the process of checking the data obtained by the researcher to the data source. The goal is
to determine the suitability of the data found with the data provided by the data source. If the data found is agreed upon
by the data source, then the data is valid, but if it is not agreed upon, it is necessary to carry out further discussions
with the data source. Member checks can be carried out after data collection is complete, after obtaining findings, or
after obtaining conclusions.
2. Testtransferability
Transferability in qualitative research relates to the question, to what extent research can be applied or used
in other situations. Transferability depends on the user, when the research results can be used in other contexts and
social situations. Therefore, researchers must make their reports with detailed, clear, systematic descriptions so that
they can be trusted.
3. Testdependability
The dependability test is carried out through an audit of the entire research process. Dependability testing is
usually carried out by a team of independent auditors or supervisors to audit all research activities in conducting
research. Researchers must be able to prove that the entire series of research processes was actually carried out.
4. Testconfirmabilty
Testconfirmability means to test the results of research. Testconfirmability similar to testdependability, so that
the tests can be carried out simultaneously. If the research results are a function of the research process carried out,
then the research has fulfilled the sourcesconfirmabilityher.
D. Data analysis technique
Data analysis techniques in this study used descriptive analysis techniques. Descriptive analysis techniques
are procedures or ways of solving research problems by describing the state of the object under investigation
(institutions, communities, factories, etc.) as they are based on actual facts.
According to Moleong (Husnidar, 2021: 30) that: "Descriptive, namely the data collected is in the form of
words, pictures and not numbers". Thus, the research report will contain data excerpts to illustrate the presentation of
the report. The data comes from interview scripts, field notes, photos, videos, personal documents, notes or memos,
and other documents.
Data analysis is the process of organizing and sorting data into patterns, categories, and basic descriptive units
so that themes can be found and where working hypotheses can be formulated as suggested by the data. According to
Miles and Huberman (Husnidar, 2021: 30) explaining the steps for data analysis are as follows:
(1) Data collection, namely collecting data at research locations by conducting observations,
interviews, and documentation by determining the appropriate data collection strategy and to
determine the focus and depth of data in the next data collection process;
(2) Data reduction, namely as a process of selecting, focusing, abstracting, transforming raw data
that is in the field directly, thus data reduction begins when the researcher focuses on the
research area;
(3) Data Presentation; And
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 580-599
(4) Drawing conclusions, namely in collecting data, researchers must understand and be responsive
to something that is directly examined in the field.
E. Research Instruments
The research instrument is a tool used to collect data or information that is useful for answering research
problems. In qualitative research, the instrument or research tool is the researcher himself. Meanwhile, where the data
was obtained is called the unit of observation or unit of observation.
The instruments in this study were used to collect data regarding the supervision of school principals in
improving teacher pedagogic competence through interview guidelines, observation guidelines, and documentation
studies by asking questions that had been formulated in accordance with the research objectives to obtain answers that
could be used as the results of qualitative data. whose validity and truth can be accounted for.
In connection with the above objectives, it is necessary to test the credibility of the data as a research
instrument. The data credibility test aims to prove that what the researcher observes is in accordance with what actually
exists and is in accordance with what actually happened to the object of research.
3. Results and Discussions
1. Program for school principals in carrying out supervision to improve teacher pedagogical
competence in Elementary Schools in Pidie District
a. Program for school principals in carrying out supervision to improve teacher pedagogical
competence at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie
In the field of education, especially those intended for teachers, pedagogic competence is a skill or ability that
must be mastered by a teacher in seeing the characteristics of students from various aspects of life, be it moral,
emotional, or intellectual. Teacher pedagogical competence is basic mastery of education in managing student learning
activities starting from understanding the characteristics of students, developing potential, evaluating, to influencing
the level of student learning motivation. Based on the results of interviews with the principal of Peukan Pidie 1 Public
Elementary School, Mrs. Minarsih, S. Pd., M. Si. regarding the pedagogic competence of teachers at SD Negeri 1
Peukan Pidie namely: "In general the teaching and learning process carried out by the teacher is very good although
there are still one or two teachers who are not used to developing curriculum, especially in compiling syllabus and
making lesson plans they prefer to adopt RPP on the internet, teachers are still not used to using learning media and
using ICT. In PBM teachers also still prioritize student competencies not based on the interests and characteristics of
the students themselves.
1. The factors that cause low teacher pedagogic competence can be seen from the aspects of educational
background, teaching experience, state of health, state of welfare, educational facilities, discipline and
supervision of the school principal. The following is an excerpt from an interview with Ms. Minarsih as the
Principal: "Factors underlying the low pedagogic competence of an educator are age, accustomed to a
comfortable position, lazy to master technology, understanding of educational goals is still wrong, namely
still pursuing the curriculum without understanding the characteristics of the participants. educate yourself".
The influence of the lack of pedagogical competence possessed by teachers on the quality of education in SD
Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie can result in low quality of education, students are less motivated to learn so that educational
goals are not achieved. As stated by Mrs. Minarsih: "I see a lack of competence possessed by an educator will result
in low quality education, students are less motivated to learn so that the expected educational goals are not achieved".
The steps that Mrs. Minarsih took to improve the pedagogic competence of teachers were to train these
teachers through supervision activities. The following is an excerpt from an interview with Mrs. Minarsih: "The step I
took was to train teachers, especially through supervision activities."
One of Minarsih's efforts to improve teacher pedagogical competence is supervision. In compiling the
supervision program, Minarsih's mother has steps in planning the supervision program including: planning,
implementation, evaluation and follow-up. As quoted from an interview with Mrs. Minarsih that: "Yes, I arrange
programs and schedules for supervision, but the implementation is sometimes not according to schedule but according
to the time that is owned by the school principal and the agreement made with the teacher".
The principal of the Peukan Pidie 1 Public School didclassroom visit (class visits), private conversations or
now called by the termscoaching in the context of coaching teachers so that the principal obtains data or problems
faced by these teachers so that they can determine the appropriate techniques to be used to improve and enhance teacher
pedagogical competence. As explained by the teacher at the school that: "The principal often makes class visits,
586 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 580-599
although sometimes he only monitors from outside the classroom as well as private conversations or teacher council
meetings about the obstacles faced by teachers in the teaching and learning process or in other matters".
b. The principal's program in carrying out supervision in order to improve the pedagogical
competence of teachers at SD Negeri Keulibeut
Based on the results of interviews with the head of the Keulibeut Public Elementary School that the pedagogic
competence possessed by the teacher is good, however there are some things that are still not implemented properly,
for example designing learning, applying learning theory and determining learning strategies based on students. As
explained by Mrs. Nurmalawati, S. Pd., M. Pd. as the head of SD Negeri Keulibeut that: "My teacher's pedagogic
competence is already good, but there are also some things that still need development such as designing lessons,
applying learning theories and determining learning strategies based on the characteristics of students".
Factors that cause low teacher pedagogic competence can be seen from the lack of interest of teachers in self-
development on the grounds that there is no time, they do not master IT, the factor is age and the work period is almost
complete. The following is an excerpt from an interview with the school principal that: "In my opinion, the most
important thing is the lack of willingness on the part of an educator to seek new knowledge and knowledge as a
reference for self-development, educators always argue that they do not have time, there are even who reasoned that
they cannot master IT due to age and work period which is almost complete.
The effect of the low pedagogical competence possessed by teachers on the quality of education in SD Negeri
Keulibeut is that it can impact students because teachers do not carry out creative and innovative learning. The
following is an excerpt from an interview with the head of SD Negeri Keulibeut that: "If a teacher has low competence,
then all of this will affect students, because the teacher is unable to motivate students to learn better, cannot present
creative and innovative learning, resulting in a lack of interest student learning that will affect the value and quality of
school education.
The steps taken by Ms. Nurmalawati to improve teacher pedagogic competence are holding mini trainings,
encouraging teachers to attend webinars and workshops and supervising learning. As explained in an interview with
Mrs. Nurmalawati that: "The steps I took were to hold mini-trainings, encourage educators to attend webinars and
workshops, and supervise learning."
One of Nurmalawati's efforts to improve teacher pedagogic competence is supervision which begins with the
preparation of a supervision program and arranging implementation schedules, collecting data through class visits and
private meetings and classifying the data according to the problem so that it can determine the technique to be used in
improving teacher pedagogic competence. the. The results of the interview with Mrs. Nurmalawati explained that:
"Yes, before I supervised it, I did it firstvisit room so that I found data on the problems faced by educators, before
compiling the supervision program I also held private meetings and also staff meetings to find out the obstacles and
problems faced by teachers in carrying out the learning process and then I carrying out supervision activities, by first
compiling a program and schedule starting from the class teacher and then the subject teacher,".
c. Program for school principals in carrying out supervision to improve teacher pedagogical
competence at SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie
Based on the results of interviews with the head of Public Elementary School 4 Peukan Pidie that the need to
improve teacher performance is inseparable from the lack of pedagogic competence possessed by teachers. Teachers
are still not able to develop the curriculum properly, the use of technology is also still lacking and they still do not
understand the characteristics of students properly. As explained by Rawatal Afna, S.Pd. as the principal of the Public
Elementary School 4 Peukan Pidie that: "There are still teachers who are less able to develop curricula, utilize
technology, and lack understanding of the characteristics of students so that assessment and evaluation of student
learning has not been carried out optimally, lesson plans taken from the internet".
Factors that cause low teacher pedagogic competence can be seen from age, comfortable position,
unwillingness to develop themselves in terms of using technology. This is caused by two main factors, namely
willingness and ability which greatly influence teacher performance. The following is an explanation from the head of
SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie that: Age factor, accustomed to a comfortable position, lazy to master technology. The
teacher has the main tasks of (1) making a learning program; (2) carry out learning programs; (3) carry out evaluations;
(4) carry out an analysis of student learning outcomes; (5) carry out repairs, remedial, and enrichment. Not all teachers
in my school are able to carry out this main task. Many factors influence. The two main factors are ability and will.
Both lie in the competence of the teacher and the lack of willingness to carry out the change process.
587 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 580-599
The effect of the low pedagogical competence possessed by teachers on the quality of education in SD Negeri
4 Peukan Pidie is that it can result in low quality education in SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie and low student motivation
because the teachers do not do enough self-development. As explained by Rawatal Afna, S.Pd as the head of SD Negeri
4 Peukan Pidie that: "The low quality of education, students are less motivated to learn, teacher competence in
preparing lesson plans still needs to be developed, especially in preparing learning steps that are in accordance with
learning objectives that are in accordance with the conditions of the child and the environment as well as understanding
and strengthening the mastery of the material still needs to be explored further.
The steps that Rawatal Afna took to improve teacher pedagogic competence were conducting teacher training
through supervision activities. The following is an excerpt from the interview with the head of SD Negeri 4 Peukan
Pidie that: "Conducting teacher training, especially through supervision activities."
One of the efforts of Mrs. Rawatal Afna in improving teacher pedagogic competence is supervision which
begins with the preparation of a supervision program and arranging a schedule for its implementation and issuing a
supervision decree (SK). The results of the interview with Mrs. Rawatal Afna that: "Yes, I compiled a program and
schedule for supervision with the school Supervision Team, before compiling a supervision schedule I conducted class
visits to collect data on the problems faced so that it would make it easier for me to determine the right technique to
use in making improvements or improve teacher pedagogical competence.
2. Supervision of school principals to improve teacher pedagogic competence in Elementary Schools
in Pidie District
a. Supervision of school principals to improve teacher pedagogic competence at SD Negeri 1 Peukan
Supervision is carried out at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie in a year, namely three to four times according to the
teacher's needs. As a quote from an interview with the principal: "I carry out supervision activities 3-4 times for each
teacher in a year or according to the needs of the teacher himself". This is in line with the statement from the SD Negeri
1 Peukan Pidie teacher that: "The school principal supervises 3-4 times a year but sometimes according to the needs
of the teacher himself."
In planning supervision activities, teachers are involved and the school principal conveys the time for
supervision. As stated by Mrs. Minarsih as the school principal: "I informed about the timing of the supervision and
discussed the teacher's difficulties in the learning process".
Supervision is a process of improvement, both in administration and in the learning process. However, at SD
Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie there were no teachers who asked to be supervised but this supervision was a program for the
principal to supervise. As said by Mrs. Minarsih as the head of SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie: "Until now there have been
no teachers who have asked to be supervised by the school principal or supervisor, so the activities carried out are still
solely the efforts of the principal himself to improve the learning process through activities supervision”.
Before carrying out supervision, the principal informs the teachers and the principal also discusses with the
teacher to find out the obstacles faced by the teacher when carrying out learning. The following is an explanation from
Mrs. Minarsih: "Yes, I provided information on when the class supervision was carried out and asked what obstacles
the teacher was facing."
In carrying out supervision, the principal prepares supervision instruments such as observation sheets. The
principal also provides the results of previous supervision. As explained by the head of SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie that:
"I saw the results of the previous supervision before carrying out the next supervision".
The approach taken in carrying out supervision at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie is using a based
approachcoaching namely maximizing the potential and exploring the awareness of educators in improving their
pedagogical competence. The following is an excerpt from an interview with Mrs. Minarsih that: "I have started using
a based approachcoaching where the principal takes an approach by maximizing potential and exploring educators'
self-awareness, especially in improving their pedagogical competence.
The goals in the implementation of supervision are explained in detail by the school principal. The principal
also discusses with the teacher the difficulties faced by the teacher in increasing his competence. The following is an
excerpt from an interview with Mrs. Minarsih that: "I explained the objectives of implementing supervision, as well
as conducting dialogue about the difficulties faced by teachers in improving their competence". In line with the
explanation from the SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie teacher that: "In supervising the school principal prioritizes aspects of
the problems faced by teachers".
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After carrying out supervision, teachers have begun to experience changes both in compiling the curriculum,
in student-centered teaching and learning processes and in mastering IT. This was explained by the school principal:
"I am starting to see changes that have occurred, although not yet significant, from teachers, both in the preparation of
the curriculum, the child-centered teaching and learning process, mastery of technology. I also see that the changes
that have occurred in teachers have not been significant.” In line with the statement of the SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie
teacher that: "The supervision carried out by the school principal is good, there is already an element of improvement
not an assessment of teacher performance. The principal also makes a report on the implementation of supervision.
The supervision carried out has started to increase the pedagogic competence of teachers because there has been follow-
up on the results of the supervision carried out.
Weaknesses in the implementation of supervision at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie namely the lack of time that
the principal has for carrying out supervision due to the busyness of the principal in carrying out other duties and the
teacher's understanding of supervision is still traditional where the supervision carried out is a school need to assess
teachers, not yet fully to foster teachers in a better direction in making improvements to the curriculum, teaching
methods and learning media used by teachers in the teaching and learning process. The teacher has not moved his heart
to develop his potential. As explained by Mrs. Minarsih that: "In my opinion, the supervision that is being carried out
is still focused as if it were the need for the principal to assess teachers, not to make improvements so the teacher
makes improvements to both the curriculum, teaching style, and learning media that are used only during supervision
activities. Lack of awareness to develop self-potential as an educator.
b. Supervision of school principals to improve teacher pedagogical competence at SD Negeri
The supervision carried out at Keulibeut Public Elementary School in a year is four times of supervision
divided into two semesters including the development of learning administration and teaching and learning processes.
As quoted from an interview with the school principal: "For each teacher I supervised 2 times in semester 1 and 2
times in semester 2 that included ADM and PBM supervision".
Similar to the statement from the Keulibeut Public Elementary School teacher that the school principal
supervises four times a year, twice in semester 1 and 2 times in semester 2. The following is an excerpt of the interview:
“4 times, 2 times in semester 1 and 2 times in semester 2. semester 2”
In planning supervision activities at Keulibeut Public Elementary School, the school principal makes a joint
agreement with the teacher and activities in the implementation of supervision. As explained by Mrs. Nurmalawati
that: "yes, I had a meeting with the teacher who will be supervised, made a joint agreement for supervision activities
regarding schedules and implementation and included obstacles faced by teachers in the learning process before
carrying out supervision activities".
The principal's statement is in accordance with the Keulibeut Public Elementary School teacher's statement
that the principal supervises according to the problems faced by the teacher. The following is the answer from the
Keulibeut Public Elementary School teacher: "In the implementation of supervision the school principal conducts class
visits or observations related to the constraints faced/problems faced by the teacher".
Supervision is a process of improvement, both in administration and in the learning process. At Keulibeut
Public Elementary School, the supervision program is a school principal's program in which the principal who
schedules teachers to be supervised with notes is kept informed to teachers so teachers can prepare themselves. As
explained by Mrs. Nurmalawati as the head of SD Negeri Keulibeut that: "Supervision is a mandatory task that must
be carried out by the school principal as a supervisor, in its implementation it is inseparable from the results of the
teachers' agreement, because of that before implementation I still inform the teachers . I inform the teachers so that my
teachers can prepare themselves.”
In carrying out supervision, the principal prepares supervision instruments such as observation sheets,
questionnaires, interview guidelines. The principal also provides the results of previous supervision. As explained by
the head of SD Negeri Keulibeut that: "Yes, every time I supervise I always prepare an instrument that lists every point
of the device that I want to supervise".
The approach taken in carrying out supervision at SD Negeri Keulibeut is a direct approach. The
principal carries out individual supervision. As explained by Mrs. Nurmalawati that: "I took a direct approach, namely
carrying out supervision individually to determine the quality of the learning process carried out by the teacher".
This was confirmed by the Keulibeut Public Elementary School teacher that the school principal carried out
supervision using an individual approach as well as a group approach. As the statement from the Keulibeut Public
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Elementary School teacher said: "Yes, the school principal carries out supervision through an individual approach and
also conducts coaching through meetings".
Before carrying out supervision, the principal sets clear supervision goals. Prior to the implementation of
teacher learning administration supervision was still incomplete. After the implementation of new supervision visible
changes after directing and coaching. As explained by Mrs. Nurmalawati that: "Before the implementation of the
supervision there were some that were still incomplete, but after the supervision was carried out the equipment began
to be fixed and filled in accordance with the directions and guidance".
The changes that occur in teachers after being supervised are changes that are not completely permanent, so
that a greater time allocation is needed in the implementation of supervision and the need for greater support and
motivation so that teachers are encouraged to continue learning and training more effective and effective learning
methods. efficient. As explained by Ms. Nurmalawati that: "The changes seen in the teacher are not completely
permanent, but there is an increase in this which can be seen from the use of learning media that is being used even
though it is not routine, the lesson plan is also being prepared by the teacher before entering the classroom. Even
though the results are not yet significant, continuous improvement efforts have begun to appear and the need for strong
encouragement and motivation from the school principal so that teachers want to learn to continue to improve their
competence because good teacher performance cannot be separated from the competence they have, we as supervisors
are obliged to awaken and develop the potential that there is such”.
The implementation of supervision also has drawbacks such as the implementation of supervision not
according to the planned schedule. This was conveyed by Mrs. Nurmalawati that: "Sometimes it is not in accordance
with the program on the schedule that has been prepared even though supervision activities require a large time
allocation so that the coaching carried out is more optimal".
c. Supervision of school principals to improve teacher pedagogical competence at SD Negeri 4 Peukan
Supervision is carried out at SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie in a year, namely three to four times. This is as
explained by Mrs. Rawatal Afna as the head of SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie that: "In accordance with the supervision
program and schedule that my team and I have made, each teacher will be supervised 3-4 times, but because the number
of teachers is quite large and the head is busy. unpredictable schools so that the schedule is not fully implemented,
only carrying out 2-3 supervision activities for each teacher in a year. This is in line with the explanation from the SD
Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie teacher that the school principal supervises one to two times a year. The following is an excerpt
from an interview with a teacher at SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie that: "During my time teaching at this school, I have
only been supervised a few times by the school principal,".
Before carrying out supervision, the school principal informs the time of supervision. However, until now
supervision is still a frightening obstacle for a teacher, this is inseparable from the understanding that supervision
teachers are a process of evaluating teacher performance by the school principal. The following is an excerpt from an
interview with Mrs. Rawatal Afna that: "I have informed you about the timing of the supervision, instead we display
the schedule on the supervision implementation board so that the teacher can find out the schedule for carrying out the
supervision himself." In general, the aim of the principal's academic supervision is to provide technical assistance and
guidance to teachers (and other school staff) so that these personnel are able to improve the quality of their
performance, especially in carrying out the teaching and learning process. However, until now there have been no
teachers who have asked to be supervised by the principal or supervisor with self-awareness. This is in line with the
statement from the SD 4 Peukan Pidie teacher that teachers are reluctant and afraid of being supervised by the school
principal or supervisor.
With coaching through supervision of teachers, the goal is for teachers to experience changes in developing
the curriculum and implementing learning. At SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie, after supervision has been carried out, there
have not been any significant changes. The teacher thinks that the supervision carried out is the principal's program to
assess teachers, not for better improvement. This was revealed by the principal that:
"I see changes, although not yet significant, from teachers both in curriculum preparation, child-centred PB,
mastery of technology. I see changes that have occurred in teachers, although they are not significant and are still
temporary. However, it has begun to show changes in the teacher's teaching pattern where previously the teacher taught
without planning and preparation, this can be seen from the increase in student motivation in learning.
In line with the statement from the SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie teacher that supervision is only done to assess
teachers. The following is an excerpt from an interview with a teacher at SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie: "I feel a change
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in perspective towards supervision activities both carried out by the principal and supervisors where before I was still
afraid and reluctant when supervised by the principal or our other colleagues so what I want to convey to students is
often forgotten because there is a school principal even though the principal has explained that supervision is a remedial
activity not to assess teacher performance but now I understand the purpose of supervision is basically improvement.
3. Evaluation carried out by the school principal in carrying out supervision in order to improve the
pedagogic competence of teachers in Elementary Schools in Pidie District
a. Evaluation carried out by the school principal in carrying out supervision in order to improve the
pedagogical competence of teachers at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie
Follow-up in the implementation of supervision at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie, namely the principal first
evaluates the results of the supervision and then follows up by providing motivational guidance individually or in
groups. As explained by Mrs. Minarsih that: "I assess the extent to which the objectives of the supervision that I have
carried out have been achieved and only then determine what follow-up actions he will take whether individual or
group guidance. Then I provide constructive feedback that motivates teachers to continue to make changes to improve
their competence. In line with the explanation from the SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie teacher that:
"After completing supervision the principal sits back with the teacher to review the extent to which the
problems faced by the teacher have been resolved and what has not been resolved and what steps will be taken to
overcome these problems. And after the principal supervises all teachers, the principal provides guidance on things
that still need to be improved but maximizes potential and tries to generate new awareness from teachers to improve
their pedagogical competence.
In the supervision planning process at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie, the principal discussed with the teacher to
see the readiness of the teachers, the obstacles faced by the teacher, and the principal also wanted to know about the
goals the teacher wanted to achieve. Supervision implementation schedule is carried out in accordance with a
predetermined schedule. After supervising the principal evaluates and follows up. The following is an excerpt from an
interview with Minarsih's mother that:
"In pre-supervision activities, the subject only has conversations about the readiness of the teacher, the
constraints that the teacher has and what the teacher wants to achieve or change, the implementation of supervision is
carried out according to a predetermined schedule, while in the post-supervision process, the subject carries out an
empowering dialogue about the obstacles faced by teachers while under supervision, what has been achieved and what
has not been achieved.
The inhibiting factor in the implementation of supervision at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie is that teachers still
think that supervision is an assessment process, not as an effort to improve teachers. As explained by Mrs. Minarsih
that: "The supporting and inhibiting factors encountered are when carrying out supervision activities, namely the
readiness of the teacher when supervised, the teacher still considers supervision as an assessment of teacher
performance, not a need for good".
The solution to the obstacles that will be carried out by the head of SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie is to provide
reinforcement to teachers that supervision is coaching for teachers, not assessing teacher performance or finding fault
with teachers. As stated by Mrs. Minarsih that: "I will try to provide reinforcement to teachers that supervision is not
to assess teacher performance but to foster what is still an obstacle".
b. Evaluation carried out by the school principal in carrying out supervision in order to improve the
pedagogic competence of teachers at SD Negeri Keulibeut
The evaluation and follow-up carried out at SD Negeri Keulibeut is to provide guidance to teachers whose
learning administration is still not perfect and the teaching and learning process is not optimal. As explained by Mrs.
Nurmalawati in an interview with the researcher that: "From the results of the supervision that I have carried out, there
are several teachers who have not been optimal in preparing learning administration and have not been perfect in
carrying out the teaching and learning process, therefore I need to do more coaching for these teachers" .
Regarding the evaluation and follow-up of supervision at Keulibeut Public Elementary School, the school
principal held an open meeting and implemented a mini KKG program to carry out teacher self-development. The
following is an explanation from the Keulibeut Public Elementary School teacher which is in accordance with the
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 580-599
school principal's statement that: "Conducting open meetings by discussing deficiencies that were obtained during the
implementation of supervision, and carrying out a mini KKG activity program to carry out teacher self-development".
Based on this description, it can be seen that by coaching teachers it will be easier to improve teacher
pedagogical competence so as to improve the quality of education in schools.
Feedback given to teachers is to motivate teachers and principals to complete facilities and infrastructure for
the smooth teaching and learning process. As explained by the principal that: "Giving motivation to teachers and I try
to complete school facilities and infrastructure related to the smooth learning process". Furthermore, the Keulibeut
Public Elementary School teacher added that: "Provide motivation by trying to provide school facilities and
infrastructure needed according to learning".
Based on the opinion above, it can be seen that by giving motivation, teachers will be more enthusiastic in
carrying out the teaching and learning process. With adequate facilities and infrastructure, it can inspire teachers to do
new things by creating media that can create an effective and efficient learning process.
The inhibiting factor for supervision at SD Negeri Keulibeut is the lack of schedule or time allocation due to
other activities. The supporting factors for supervision at SD Negeri Keulibeut are that the principal provides
motivation to the teacher so that the teacher has a desire to learn and continues to improve the teaching and learning
process so that it is more effective and efficient. The following is the explanation from Mrs. Nurmalawati in an
interview with the researcher that: "For inhibiting factors, it usually occurs in a schedule or time allocation that is
lacking because of other activities that cannot be abandoned, while the supporting factors can provide motivation to
the teacher, so that the teacher wants to learn and improve or develop. again in order to be able to do learning more
effectively and efficiently”.
The solution to the obstacles to implementing supervision taken by the school principal is to carry out follow-
up supervision to improve the learning process. As explained by Mrs. Nurmalawati that: "Perform follow-up
supervision if the specified time allocation is not optimal".
c. Evaluation carried out by the school principal in carrying out supervision in order to improve the
pedagogic competence of teachers at SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie
Evaluation and follow-up carried out at SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie is that the principal assesses the
achievement of supervision objectives which will then be followed up with guidance individually or as a group.
Depends on the results of the supervision that has been carried out. As explained by Mrs. Rawatal Afna that: "I assess
the extent to which the objectives of the supervision that I have carried out have been achieved and only then determine
what follow-up actions I will take whether individual or group guidance".
Based on the results of interviews with the teachers of SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie that after supervising, the
principal makes a report on the achievement of the supervision objectives and carries out coaching activities, both
direct and indirect coaching. The following is an excerpt from the interview with the teacher:
"After the supervision activities of the school principal, direct directions and feedback on the learning process
that I have carried out, the principal also listens to the obstacles I face, provides reinforcement and problem-solving
solutions. I feel that the supervision carried out can improve teacher pedagogic competence because evaluation and
follow-up are carried out continuously. We give teachers space to consult on the problems we face in the learning
process, both with the principal and with colleagues.
In pre-supervision activities, the principal discusses with the teacher to find out the readiness of the supervised
teacher. In the implementation of supervision, the principal has set his supervision schedule. Meanwhile, during post-
supervision, the principal discussed again the obstacles faced by the teacher in implementing learning. As explained
by the principal that:
"In the pre-supervision activities the subject only had conversations about the teacher's readiness to be
supervised, the implementation of supervision was carried out according to a predetermined schedule, while in the
post-supervision process I held discussions about the obstacles faced by the teacher while being supervised."
The supporting and inhibiting factors faced by school principals in carrying out supervision at SD Negeri 4
Peukan Pidie are the teacher's readiness when supervised. Teachers think that supervision is an activity that is only to
assess teacher performance so that teachers become afraid of supervision. As explained by the principal that: "The
supporting and inhibiting factors that I face during supervision activities are the teacher's readiness when supervised,
the teacher still considers supervision as a scourge not a necessity for good". The solution taken by the school principal
is to provide teachers with an understanding that supervision is not a frightening specter. Supervision is an
592 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 580-599
improvement in a better direction. The following is an excerpt from an interview with the school principal: “The
solution I'm trying to do is to provide an understanding that supervision is not a scourge that teachers should be afraid
of. I will also try to provide reinforcement to teachers that supervision is not to assess teacher performance but to make
improvements to what is still an obstacle in learning so that the learning process becomes effective and efficient.
A. Discussion
In this section the researcher discusses the research results obtained based on the results of observations,
interviews and documentation. The discussion in this study includes programs, implementation, supporting factors and
inhibiting factors supervising school principals to improve teacher pedagogic competence in Elementary Schools in
Pidie District.
1. Program for school principals in carrying out supervision to improve teacher pedagogical competence
in Elementary Schools in Pidie District
Competence is something that describes a person's qualifications or abilities, both qualitative and quantitative.
This definition implies that competence can be used in two contexts, namely: First, as an indicator of ability that shows
the observed actions. Second, as a concept that includes cognitive, affective, and action aspects as well as the stages
of their implementation as a whole.
According to Sagala (Damanik, 2019: 3), teacher competence is also called teacher ability. The competencies
that must be possessed by a teacher are as follows: (1) pedagogic competence, (2). personality competence, (3) social
competence and (4) professional competence.
Slamet further (Damanik, 2019: 4) says that pedagogic competence consists of sub-competencies, namely:
(1) contribute to the development of KTSP related to the subjects being taught; (2) develop a syllabus of
subjects based on competency standards (SK) and basic competencies (KD); (3) planning a learning implementation
plan (RPP) based on the syllabus that has been developed (4) designing learning management and classroom
management; (5) carrying out pro-change learning (active, creative, innovative, experimental, effective and fun); (6)
authentically assess student learning outcomes; (7) guiding students in various aspects, for example: lessons,
personality, talents, interests, and careers; and (8). develop self-professionalism as a teacher (Sagala, 2009: 31).
Based on the results of the research described above, there are still many teachers who do not understand
teacher competence, especially teacher pedagogical competence. Both in the preparation of the curriculum, the learning
process has not been effective and efficient so that it has an effect on students' learning interest, and the teachers do
not yet understand the characteristics of students.
The low pedagogical competence of teachers is due to several factors. At SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie
it was caused by factors in the form of aspects of educational background, teaching experience, state of health, state of
welfare, educational facilities, discipline and supervision of the school principal. At SD Negeri Keulibeut it was caused
by a lack of teacher interest in self-development on the grounds that there was no time, they did not master IT, the age
factor and work period were almost finished. comfortable, do not want to develop themselves in terms of the use of
According to Rusnawati (2015: 42), teachers as educators must understand the meaning of pedagogic
competence which is the ability of a teacher to carry out the teaching and learning process, create an atmosphere of
educative communication that includes cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects.
According to Permendiknas Number 16 of 2007, there are ten core competency components for teacher
pedagogics, namely:
a) Mastering students from the physical, moral, spiritual, social, cultural, emotional and intellectual aspects.
b) Mastering learning theory and educational learning principles.
c) Develop a curriculum related to the subjects taught.
d) Organizing educational learning.
e) Utilizing information and communication technology for the benefit of learning.
f) Facilitating the development of the potential of students to actualize their various potentials.
g) Communicate effectively, empathetically and politely with students.
h) Carrying out assessment and evaluation for the benefit of learning.
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 580-599
The lack of teacher pedagogical competence in SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie, SD Negeri Keulibeut, and SD
Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie can affect the quality of education, so it is necessary to implement a program that can help
teachers find changes for the better.
Efforts made by schools to improve teacher pedagogic competence include making PTK by several teachers,
carrying out lesson studies, supervising and participating in KKG activities, as well as attending workshops and
The program planned by school principals in the Pidie sub-district to train teachers is a supervision program.
Supervision programs are activities carried out by supervisors in order to carry out their duties and responsibilities as
supervisors to improve the quality or quality of education.
Pidarta (Suparliadi, 2021: 188) states that: "Supervision is an activity to help teachers, make good teachers
stay good, and try to develop the profession of teachers who are not good enough to become good. As well as fostering
so that all teachers have good personalities because they become role models for students. So, supervision is an activity
carried out by supervisors to streamline the course of education, both helping teachers, fostering, and motivating
teachers to become even better.
In the preparation of supervision is carried out through three stages, namely planning, implementation and
evaluation. Each field of activity requires systemic and prospective planning to find effective goals. Supervision is an
effort to encourage teachers to develop their abilities in order to achieve educational goals effectively. Therefore, in
planning supervision is an activity that needs to be done as well as possible. Without good planning, supervision only
gives disappointment to the parties involved, namely teachers, principals, supervisors and staff as well as students who
expect learning to take place in an active, effective, creative and fun way.
Based on the results of data collection conducted by researchers at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie, SD Negeri 4
Peukan Pidie and SDN Keulibeut that the supervision program was made by the principal at the beginning of the school
year. The supervision program was made with the aim of improving teacher performance which is inseparable from
increasing teacher competence.
Based on the results of the research, the planning carried out in preparing the supervision program at SD
Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie, SD Negeri Keulibeut, and SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie was carried out by the principal and the
teachers. The steps taken by the principal in supervising planning are starting from collecting data through class visits,
private meetings or staff meetings, classifying data according to the problem, drawing conclusions about the problem
according to the actual situation, and using appropriate techniques used to improve or improve the professionalism of
educators. The principal also holds a meeting to determine the schedule for supervision. So the plan serves to achieve
effectiveness and efficiency in the implementation of supervision which aims to become a teacher who has a good
School programs in improving pedagogical competence in SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie, SD Negeri 4 Peukan
Pidie and SDN Keulibeut include supervision, workshops, seminars, education and training and provide opportunities
for teachers to improve self-development by continuing lectures. Teacher competence greatly influences the process
and learning outcomes of students, therefore to achieve quality learning success efforts are needed to improve teacher
competence including pedagogical competence, in addition to seminars, workshops, coaching, education and training,
including learning supervision. The pedagogic competency improvement program requires cooperation between
school principals and teachers.
Classroom teacher work programs in elementary schools include preparing learning administration, compiling
teaching materials, enrichment and developing student potential. The class teacher work program will greatly assist
the teacher in every activity that will be carried out, if it is planned in a systematic, integrated and directed manner, the
program will be realized effectively and efficiently so that the goals are achieved. The class teacher's work program
includes class management, making class administration (student seating plans, student attendance boards, lesson lists,
picket lists, attendance books, class journal books, class rules), compiling and preparing student monthly statistics,
filling out class lists, making special notes about students, recording transfers of students, filling in learning
achievement assessment report books and distributing learning achievement assessment report books.
2. Implementation of supervising school principals in improving teacher pedagogical competence in
Elementary Schools of Pidie District
Before carrying out supervision at Peukan Pidie 1 Public Elementary School, Keulibeut Public Elementary
School, and Peukan Pidie 4 Public Elementary School, the principal first made supervision instruments that had been
agreed upon with the teacher. These instruments consist of planning instruments, implementation instruments and
follow-up instruments. According to Setyo Hartanto and Purwanto (2019) that: "Activities to strengthen supervision
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 06, July-Augusts 2023, pages: 580-599
instruments can be carried out in a more effective way, namely by carrying out group discussions between supervisors
and teachers. With this joint review activity, a better instrument will be obtained, by adding, removing components or
aspects of the instrument, or improving its description. Apart from that, it can also improve the shape of the instrument.
In strengthening supervision instruments, they are grouped into: (a) Teacher teaching preparation instruments
include: annual program, semester program, syllabus, lesson plans, implementation of the learning process, assessment
of learning outcomes, and supervision of the learning process; (b) Learning supervision instruments, observation
sheets, and observation supplements (teaching skills, subject characteristics, clinical approaches, and so on); (c)
Doubling of instruments and information to teachers in the field of assisted studies or to employees for non-academic
instruments. Based on the explanation above, the agreement between the principal and the teacher in making
supervision instruments can affect the success of supervision, because with the existence of these instruments the
school principal and teacher make preparations that are mature, planned, not hasty, and measurable so that the results
are in accordance with the supervision objectives as set out. expected.
The principal carries out supervision by using an assessment instrument as a reference for assessing teacher
performance both in the administrative field and in the process of teaching and learning activities in the classroom. In
the administrative field, the aspects assessed are learning tools such as annual programs, semester programs, syllabus,
lesson plans, and assessments. While the teaching and learning process activities are assessed starting from the initial
activities, core activities, and closing activities.
3. Evaluation carried out by the school principal in carrying out supervision in order to improve the
pedagogic competence of teachers in Elementary Schools in Pidie District
Based on the results of research at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie, SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie and SDN Keulibeut
it can be seen that the steps taken by the school principal in following up on the results of supervision are that after
planning and carrying out supervision the principal provides follow-up in the form of supervision finding data, by
setting Alternative actions to be carried out by the Principal are first to provide motivation, second to provide guidance,
and third to provide technical assistance to teachers who are experiencing difficulties.
According to Hartanto & Purwanto (Juariah, 2019: 85), One important step in academic supervision activities
is following up on the results of supervision. Supervision without follow-up does not have a significant impact on
improving the learning process. Follow-up of academic supervision can be in the form of: (1) Evaluating Supervision
Results; (2) Follow up on Supervision Results; and (3) Strengthening Supervision Instruments.
1) Evaluate Supervision Results
Follow-up on the results of supervision is a very strategic activity with regard to efforts to improve the quality
of learning processes and outcomes. This is based on the consideration that without follow-up supervision activities
carried out have no meaning whatsoever. Follow-up on the results of supervision includes two main activities, namely
evaluating the results of supervision and following up on the results of supervision. Evaluation of the results of
supervision is one of the activities of processing, analyzing, interpreting, concluding from the instruments of collecting
data from observations in class. Evaluation material is focused on achieving the supervision implementation plan, both
in terms of supervision focus, goals, objectives, implementation time, supervision techniques, media, including
supervision instruments, and success criteria. The results of the evaluation are then used as a basis for knowing the
achievement of the supervision plan, as well as knowing the location of the problems encountered. In order to make it
easier for the principal to evaluate the results of supervision.
2) Follow up on Supervision Results
Based on the results of the analysis of the evaluation of academic supervision, the next step is to follow up on
the results of the supervision, which includes: (a) determining alternative actions to be taken in accordance with the
difficulties or weaknesses found in the teacher, (b) making an action plan that includes when, where, who involved,
and how the action steps are carried out. Various forms of follow-up on the results of supervision can be in the form
of direct and indirect coaching as well as situational coaching.
(a) Direct coaching is carried out for teachers who have specific problems and are seen to be effective directly
and immediately, for example, material conceptual errors, teacher attitudes and actions which are seen as
having a negative impact on students.
(b) Guidance is indirectly carried out on matters of a general nature that need improvement and attention after
obtaining the results of the supervision analysis. This coaching activity is also an effort to provide
reinforcement and development of teacher knowledge, attitudes, and skills.
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(c) Situational coaching is carried out by the principal in fostering teachers including recommending that
(1) Utilize existing teacher's books, student books, guidelines, manuals, and technical guidelines;
(2) Utilize learning tools and media in the school environment;
(3) Utilizing learning videos to improve the learning process that is carried out;
(4) Utilize the Principal Working Group (K3S), Teacher Working Groups, MGMP/MGBK, as well as
existing professional organizations;
(5) Utilizing information and communication technology and various publications that are relevant to the
development of teacher professional abilities;
(6) Conduct benchmarking or comparative studies to schools or other relevant objects; And
(7) Carry out the development of learning teachers according to the results of self-evaluations and/or teacher
performance assessments.
3) Strengthening Supervision Instruments
Activities to strengthen supervision instruments can be carried out by means of group discussions between
supervisors and teachers. With this joint review activity, a better instrument will be obtained, by adding, removing
components or aspects of the instrument, or improving its description. Besides that, you can also improve the shape of
the instrument. In strengthening supervision instruments, they are grouped into:
(a) Teacher teaching preparation instruments include: annual program, semester program, syllabus, lesson plan,
implementation of the learning process, assessment of learning outcomes, and supervision of the learning
(b) Learning supervision instruments, observation sheets, and observation supplements (teaching skills, subject
characteristics, clinical approaches, and so on).
(c) Doubling of instruments and information to teachers in the field of assisted studies or to employees for non-
academic instruments.
The school principal holds a post-observation feedback meeting, which is 1 month after planning to carry out
and follow up on the implementation of supervision. After carrying out the supervision, the principal follows up on
the results of the supervision, namely by holding a meeting, the time is one month after the implementation of the
supervision, with the aim of discussing the findings during the implementation of supervision and making
improvements and coaching to teachers.
Pedagogic competence can be seen from teacher performance, and teacher performance can be seen from the
teacher's tasks contained in the main tasks and functions of the teacher. As stated in Government Regulation Number
74 of 2008 concerning Teachers Article 52, includes: (1) planning lessons; (2) implementing learning; (3) assess
learning outcomes; (4) guide and train students; and (5) carry out additional tasks. Teacher performance is a form of
understanding and application of teacher competence. With regard to teacher performance,Georgia Departement of
Education (Juariah, 2019: 87) has developedteacher performance assessment instrument which was later modified by
the Ministry of National Education to become a Teacher Competency Assessment Tool (APKG). This assessment tool
highlights three main aspects of teacher ability, namely: (1) Program Implementation Plan (RPP); (2) Learning
procedure (classroom procedure) and interpersonal relationships (interpersonal skill) and (3) Learning assessment.
teacher performance (teacher performance) is related to teacher competence, meaning that in order to have
good performance the teacher must be supported by good competence as well. Without having good competence a
teacher will not be able to have good performance. There are ten basic competitions that must be mastered by a teacher,
including: (1) mastering learning materials/materials; (2) managing learning programs; (3) Manage classes; (4) using
media and learning resources; (5) master the foundation of education; (6) managing learning interactions; (7) assess
student achievement; (8) get to know the functions and services of guidance and counseling; (9) recognize and organize
school administration; and (10) understand and interpret research results for learning purposes.
According to Mardiyoko (Juariah, 2019: 88), teacher performance that is not optimal can be seen, among
others: (1) absent from work; (2) leaving teaching hours before the time is up; (3) lazy to work; (4) the number of
teacher complaints; (5) low work performance; (6) low quality of teaching; (7) indiscipline, and other negative
symptoms. This condition is certainly not conducive to school progress, even though teacher performance is an
important target in human resource management, because it directly or indirectly affects work productivity.
The pedagogical competence of teachers at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie, SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie and SDN
Keulibeut before being supervised was not optimal, for example there were still some teachers who did not make
learning administration such as prota, promissory notes, lesson plans, daily agendas etc., and some had made
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administration but incomplete. In the learning process there are still teachers who use monotonous learning methods
or models so that children feel bored, the use of learning facilities and infrastructure is lacking, absent books, lists of
grades and other administrations are still incomplete, class conditions and teacher enthusiasm do not support the
learning process active, innovative, creative, effective and fun.
While the pedagogic competence of teachers after being supervised by the principal greatly increased
including teachers completing learning administration, teacher enthusiasm increased, in carrying out the learning
process using various learning methods, and using learning models that were appropriate to learning material, teachers
used time better than Previously, teachers were motivated to do self-development.
Based on research conducted by researchers at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie, SDN 4 Peukan Pidie and SDN
Keulibeut that the supervision competence of school principals greatly influences pedagogical competence, therefore
principals in carrying out their duties as supervisors must improve leadership and supervisory abilities which are part
of supervision activities , and able to make innovations or changes to the implementation of supervision, and always
carry out continuous supervision so that the implementation of supervision activities is in accordance with the
objectives of educational supervision.
Supervised teachers must openly accept any actions taken by the principal related to the supervision of the
principal so that there is good cooperation between the principal and the teacher so that the implementation of the
teaching and learning process runs effectively and efficiently. Teacher performance can be seen from the quantity and
quality of the teacher which includes the teacher's understanding of teacher competence and implementing it in carrying
out their main tasks and functions as a teacher, planning lessons, carrying out the learning process, carrying out
evaluation of learning outcomes, carrying out follow-up evaluation results, using learning methods and models who
vary, master science and technology, always improve self-development, carry out tasks with discipline and
responsibility and sincerity, make learning administration, and maintain the teacher's code of ethics.
The ability of the principal in guiding, coaching, directing, motivating, setting an example, increasing morale
and encouraging creativity as well as supervising in observing teacher performance, controlling and monitoring teacher
work is very important in improving teacher performance. The competence of school principals must always be
improved, especially supervision competence because an increase in the supervision competence of school principals
will have an impact on increasing teacher pedagogical competence.
In supervising, the principal as a supervisor needs to pay attention to several aspects, one of which is regarding
the principles of the principal as a supervisor, namely: (1) a consultative, collegial and not hierarchical relationship,
(2) implemented democratically, (3) centered on educational staff ( teachers), (4) carried out based on the needs of
education personnel (teachers), (5) is professional assistance.
Implementation of effective supervision is in need of various supporting factors. Dharma (Fahmi, 2018: 106)
stipulates "The supporting factor needed in supervision is human". The human factor shows the involvement of both
parties, namely supervisors and teachers. If both of them synergize with each other in carrying out their respective
duties, the implementation of supervision will be able to run effectively. Moreover, supra-facility support, such as
education office policies and supporting facilities, such as learning facilities, technology support, work climate and
teacher welfare, will further support the implementation of an effective supervision process.
Supporting factors of the academic supervision program include a conducive school culture. A conducive
school culture illustrates how the entire academic community gets along, acts and solves problems in all matters within
the school environment. The habit of developing oneself in improving the quality of work is a culture that lives as a
tradition that is no longer considered a workload. Likewise with supervision in an effort to improve the quality of
learning, if it has become entrenched, the teacher will no longer assume that coaching is not a coercion that comes
from outside himself. Rather, it is an academic tradition that is upheld because it is useful for the school as a whole.
As Suhardan said (Fahmi, 2018: 115) culture refers to a system of shared life that is believed to be a norm or
pattern of behavior that is adhered to together. Culture is the guideline for how every matter in the school should be
completed by its members. School culture is a variable that influences how group members act and behave. Culture is
the basis for the behavior of all its members.
Good supervision will grow and thrive in a conducive school culture. Efforts to improve the quality of learning
are created because of the strong awareness of its members at school, tolerance, mutual respect and mutual
encouragement is a productive, constructive work climate.
The presence of the implementation of supervision by the principal makes teachers motivated in implementing
learning programs, there is teacher motivation to learn to make lesson plans well and train various teaching methods
and so on. With a good relationship between the teacher and the principal as well as with the supervisors, the planned
supervision program will go according to plan.
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The inhibiting factors for supervision activities are the teacher's readiness when supervised, the limited time
that the principal has in carrying out supervision while the need for more time allocation is needed in carrying out
supervision and the lack of senior teachers/colleagues who can assist the principal in carrying out supervision. Teachers
still regard supervision as an assessment of teacher performance, not a need for kindness. The solution taken is to give
teachers an understanding that supervision is not something that is scary. Supervision is coaching or improvement in
a better direction.
The results of research on obstacles to the implementation of supervision as an effort to improve teacher
pedagogics at SDN 1 Peukan Pidie, SDN 4 Peukan Pidie, and SDN Keulibeut show that: (1) lack of time for academic
supervision, (2) there are still many teacher weaknesses in PBM and academic administration, ( 3) teachers sometimes
feel unprepared and disturbed because they are not used to being supervised, (4) in the teaching and learning process
some teachers have not used media tools, (5) teachers have limited ability to develop teaching materials, (6) teachers
lack intrinsic motivation to always learning to improve education in order to achieve educational goals.
To fix these obstacles, a planned solution is needed, namely (1) making a schedule for carrying out supervision
in accordance with the needs of the teacher, (2) a solution from the supervisor regarding the problems faced by teachers
regarding teaching administration and PBM, (3) a solution that given classified and prioritized for completion, because
not all problems can be solved in the same way, (4) teacher involvement in solving problems, (5) solutions are given
by considering psychological, sociological, religious, comfort and other aspects
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of research conducted at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie, SD Negeri 4 Peukan Pidie and SD
Negeri Keulibeut regarding the supervision of school principals in improving teacher pedagogic competence, it can be
concluded as follows: 1) The program planned by the school principal to improve teacher pedagogical competence is
a supervision program. Supervision programs are activities carried out by supervisors in order to carry out their duties
and responsibilities as supervisors to improve the quality or quality of education. 2) Supervision is carried out by the
school principal to help teachers improve their competence, especially pedagogical competence, provide directions,
and help teachers find joint solutions to the problems they are facing. The supervision program is arranged at the
beginning of the semester, the principal supervises twice in one semester and is assisted by the deputy head of
curriculum and senior teachers. In this individual supervision technique, the principal performs two techniques, namely
class visits to teachers who teach at school and private conversations.
3) In carrying out group supervision, the principal conducts teacher meeting techniques, KKG and webinars.
Meetings are held once a month, KKG is held once a week, this is held to make it easier for them to provide services
to students. Meanwhile, webinars can be attended online. That way the teacher's ability remains empowered and
developed in order to be able to prepare interesting learning materials and media. 4) The evaluation was carried out by
school principals at SD Negeri 1 Peukan Pidie, SDN 4 Peukan Pidie and also SDN Keulibeut, namely at the end of the
odd semester and the end of the even semester. After a series of activities have been carried out, but if there are
problems that need to be resolved immediately and the negative impacts are more numerous, evaluation and follow-
up can be carried out immediately to find solutions to the problems being faced. 5) Supporting factors for the
supervision program include good cooperation between teachers and school principals as well as intrinsic motivation
from teachers to continue to improve their pedagogical competence and a conducive school culture. A conducive
school culture illustrates how the entire academic community gets along, acts and solves problems in all matters within
the school environment.
6) The inhibiting factor for supervision activities is the teacher's readiness when supervised, the teacher still
considers supervision as a process of evaluating the teacher's performance by the school principal and not a need for
improvement. so that the teacher only prepares maximum learning only when supervision activities are carried out.
The implementation of supervision is not as complete as the schedule that has been planned because of the time and
busyness of the school principal. 7) The solution taken is to provide teachers with an understanding that supervision is
not merely an assessment made by the principal on teacher performance. Supervision is a process of coaching or
improvement in a better direction. The principal must be able to manage time so that the supervision program can be
carried out according to the schedule.
Based on the results of the research, recommendations related to Supervision of Principals in Improving
Teacher Pedagogic Competence in Elementary Schools in Pidie District are as follows: 1) Principals can maintain
supervision programs that have developed to improve teacher pedagogic competence. 2) Implementation of
supervision needs to be supported by all parties from program planning to evaluation because it is an important aspect
598 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
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of the supervision program. The selection of supervision techniques, both individual and group techniques, must be
given to teachers who need them. 3) Evaluation and follow-up of the supervision program must continue to be
improved so that the supervision objectives can be achieved optimally.
Obstacles that occur require joint solutions, both from the school principal and teachers to be able to carry out
the supervision program. Thus, the solution to the inhibiting factors for the implementation of supervision can be
overcome immediately.
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