477 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 05, Mei 2023, pages: 476-478
against another country to isolate it, thus causing the embargoed country's government to experience difficult internal
circumstances. The purpose of an embargo is usually to force a country to obey and submit to the country that carries
out the ban. In other words, the embargo is a weapon to paralyze the country's economy. If this ban lasts for a long
time, of course the people in the country will experience the impact. Public welfare decreases and can have an impact
on other sectors in a country.
Indonesia has been embargoed by the United States (US) due to gross human rights violations committed by
Indonesia against East Timor, which made the international community and other countries criticize Indonesia. The
US condemnation of Indonesia for this incident is a military embargo against Indonesia. An embargo is a ban on
business and trade with other countries. So military cooperation in terms of weapons and military training was
stopped (Indrayanti, n.d.).
In this problem, the country needs a way out so that there is no more embargo from other countries, or in
other words, it can stand alone by strengthening its domestic defense system and innovating national defense, in other
words, free from dependence on other countries in terms of state defense.
So, from the problems in this study, there must be a critical attitude in facing the anticipation of the country's
defense embargo sanctions. One of them is to anticipate embargo sanctions in carrying out state defense by doing in
accordance with the country's ability to determine the fate of a country.
2. Materials and Methods
The method used in this study is a qualitative method based on a study of in-depth understanding. Qualitative
research is a method used to understand the phenomena experienced by research subjects by describing in the form
of language, words, and special natural contexts (Sugiyono, 2019).
The scope of this research focuses on Anticipating Embargo Sanctions in Implementing State Defense. The
narrative approach is a method of research approach in the social sciences (Asfar & Taufan, 2019). Narrative analysis
is an analysis that is not standard, almost always intuitive, and uses themes created by the researcher himself
(Romdhoni, 2019).
3. Results and Discussions
In the case of Indonesia in terms of the sanctions embargo imposed by the US for 10 years, which occurred
from 1994 to 2005, the US had stopped selling weapons, including refusing to provide spare parts for the rejuvenation
of American-made TNI aircraft. As a result, many Indonesian Air Force fighter aircraft had to be grounded because
they did not have spare parts, such as F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft, a number of F-5 Tiger aircraft, to C-130 Hercules
military transport aircraft which were entirely made in the US. The embargo made many Indonesian military aircraft
unable to fly even though they were in good condition, even relatively new. This makes TNI troops unable to maintain
the territorial sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.
Learning from previous problems, where Indonesia had been sanctioned with an embargo against countries
supplying war equipment from the US, the embargo carried out by the US greatly affected sovereignty and national
security. It will also have an impact on the performance of the Indonesian military due to the lack of supporting
equipment available (Purbani, 2010).
In conditions like this, it cannot be left alone, because the power of sovereignty and national security lies with
the Indonesian military. This makes many assumptions to find solutions and efforts in terms of the need for war
equipment and support in national security. There are several steps that need to be taken in anticipation of embargo
sanctions against other countries, namely not relying on one country or one bloc alone for cooperation in the field of
national defense and military needs, the need for consideration for cooperation with other blocs in the world, such as
the eastern bloc and also the western bloc with countries that are the source of production of the main equipment of
weapons systems (defense equipment) associated with Indonesia's national interests. This is an alternative if one of
the countries sanctions an embargo on national defense (Sukadis, 2018).
Cooperation in the field of defense does not also have to depend forever with other countries, the State must
also be able to be independent in the needs of military equipment, innovate and also make military equipment from
within the country. This must be done, considering that in the previous case and also there is no longer dependence
with other countries in terms of military equipment, although the Indonesian defense industry is still considered
minimal, but it can meet the most basic needs of national defense (Rahyuni, 2012).