International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 05, June 2023, pages: 467-475
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Decision Making on Options for Development of Rest Area Facilities
According to Highest And Best Use Using the Analytic Network
Process Method (Case Study: Rest Area on Trans Sumatera Toll
Road Tebing Tinggi โ€“ Parapat Section)
Universitas Indonesia
Email: hamd[email protected]
The Concept of Rest Area,
Analytic Network Process,
Trans Sumatera Toll Road
The paper establishes and analyzes research regarding community needs for the concept
of rest areas on the Trans Sumatra Toll Road Section of Tebing Tinggi - Parapat. The
background of the research is due to the fact that the current planning of rest areas is still
not effective yet in concept and does not pay much attention to the commercial aspect.
Even though with the optimal commercial side of the rest area, the cost of maintaining
the rest area can be funded from the income earned. Thus, the Company does not need
to incur additional costs for maintenance, considering the Company's financial burden
due to the construction of JTTS which is not financially feasible. The analysis used in
this study is the Analytic Network Process (ANP) Model V destination cluster, the
criteria cluster, and the alternative cluster. The objective cluster is the final goal to be
achieved in this study. Cluster criteria is the assessment criteria used in this study based
on analysis of existing benchmark rest areas, literature studies, and expert validation.
Alternative cluster is development options obtained from the highest and best use
analysis results.
ยฉ 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open-access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)
license (
1. Introduction
Sumatra Island is an island that has great potential, based on its natural wealth such as rubber, palm oil, coffee,
coal and natural gas (A Fakhrurozi et al, 2020), with contribution to the Indonesian economy by 22.09% in 2022 or
the second largest after the island of Java (BPS, 2022). The potential of the island of Sumatra can be further optimized
by developing toll road accessibility, where through Presidential Regulation no. 100 of 2014 which was later updated
through Presidential Regulation no. 117 of 2015, the Government assigned PT Hutama Karya (Persero) to build,
develop, and operate 24 (twenty four) sections of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road. Construction has started since 2014,
and the construction of phase 1 JTTS is targeted to be completed in 2024 (Marhani et al., 2012).
The construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) is included in the category of government strategic
projects that are not financially feasible but economically feasible (Kumparan Bisnis, 2021) so that the Assignment of
the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) is projected to burden the company's financial projections, where PT Hutama
Karya (Persero) will experience benefits from the assignment of JTTS start in 2030. This is happen due to the income
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obtained from traffic or daily traffic is still not enough, so there is a need for creative development in order to increase
traffic generation and generate other income for the company apart from traffic (Value Capture). One of the value
capture opportunities that can be realized soon is by carrying out developments with a not too large investment value,
namely optimizing rest areas as destinations for toll road users and the surrounding community.
A rest area is a place designated as a temporary resting place on the toll road with complete facilities and
infrastructure for toll road users who experience fatigue due to long trips (Setyabudi, 2011). Rest areas are not just
refueling and commercial area but relaxation facilities due to fatigue (Arini & Dwiyanti, 2017; Magfirona et al., 2018).
Rest area facilities must meet technical aspects and planning criteria that function to create a compact public area as a
toll road support function, a mixed function of rest, commercial, and vehicle maintenance that ensures the visual quality
of the area and has an impact on the local economy (Al-Kaisy et al. , 2012; Laskara, 2016; Ministry of PUPR, 2018).
Currently, the rest area that has been built in JTTS does not yet have optimal commercial value. One of the reasons is
the planning of the rest area which has minimal concept and does not pay much attention to the commercial aspect.
Even though with the optimal commercial side of the rest area, the cost of maintaining the rest area can be funded from
the income earned. Thus, the Company does not need to incur additional costs for maintenance, considering the
Company's financial burden due to the construction of JTTS which is not financially feasible. Lesson learned from the
construction of the rest area, becomes a lesson for future rest area planning that must be carefully conceptualized from
a commercial perspective, also taking into account the needs and wishes of potential users of the rest area, namely the
community (Kardila & Ranggadara, 2020).
The concept of a commercial rest area is prepared based on the HBU (Highest and best use) analysis.
Furthermore, from the results of the HBU analysis, the options for developing rest areas are validated against potential
toll road users, surrounding communities, and business actors in rest areas as well as the general public. So that the
concept of the rest area to be built has appeal and reflects the needs of the community and business actors, which will
also have an impact on increasing toll road traffic and can even bring up the desire of the public to want to pass the
toll road because there are rest areas that have attractiveness (Bui et al., 2016). Therefore, researchers feel the need to
do research on the community's needs for the concept of rest areas on the Tebing Tinggi - Parapat Trans Sumatra Toll
Road so that people are interested in using the Trans Sumatra Toll Road as a means of mobilization and as a tourist
destination (Kusumartono et al., 2018).
Rest area (TIP) is a facility available along highways or toll roads, which is designed to make it easier for
road users to rest, refuel, eat and carry out other activities. These facilities generally consist of toilets, parking lots,
children's play areas, places to eat and drink, as well as several other facilities that can be used by road users. According
to the Federal Highway Administration, rest areas are facilities along highways managed and operated by the
government or private sector, which aim to facilitate rest, refueling, and other needs for road users. Rest areas are also
known as stopovers or rest stops and have an important role in providing highway and toll road services (Federal
Highway Administration, 2015). A number of studies and journals have revealed the positive impact caused by the
existence of rest areas on toll roads. Here are some of them:
Reduce fatigue and improve driving safety
Rest areas can help reduce fatigue and avoid accidents caused by fatigue while driving. According to research
by (Amin & Suroso, 2023), rest areas on toll roads have succeeded in reducing the number of accidents and driver
fatigue. In addition, research by Li et al. (2021) shows that rest areas on toll roads can help reduce fatigue and improve
driving safety (Siebelink et al., 2021).
Improving toll road efficiency
Rest areas can help improve toll road efficiency by facilitating refueling, facilitating access to and from toll
roads, and providing vehicle maintenance services. According to research by (Vass & Gustavsson, 2017), rest areas
on toll roads can increase toll road efficiency and provide a positive experience for road users.
Provide a positive experience for road users
Rest areas can also provide a positive experience for road users by providing comfortable and quality
facilities. According to research (Zhang et al., 2022), rest areas on roads can increase user satisfaction and provide
positive experiences for road users.
In order to optimize the use of rest areas from a functional and commercial perspective, a development concept
is needed that suits user needs, so that rest areas can provide better service, according to Minister of Public Works and
469 e-ISSN: 2980-4108๏€ฆ p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 05, June 2023, pages: 467-475
Public Housing Regulation Number 28 of 2021 concerning Rest Areas and Services on Roads Toll Road Article 43,
there are several classifications of TIP development, including:
1. Adding certain product promotion areas and regions as well as MSME promotions. By adding this facility, TIP
visitors can find out more about local products around the area. This will provide benefits for both visitors and
local entrepreneurs, because their products can be more easily accessed by TIP visitors by adding certain product
promotion areas and areas as well as promotion of MSMEs is one form of TIP development that can be carried
2. TIP can also be developed by adding a transfer location area for people and goods or logistics. By adding this
facility, entrepreneurs who need a place to send goods can more easily find the right location, as well as make it
easier for people who need access to transportation to travel.
3. TIP development can also be directed at building tourist destinations or industrial areas around TIP. This will
provide added value for TIP visitors, because they can travel while traveling or visit industrial areas around the
TIP area (Hatmoko et al., n.d.).
However, in developing TIP, it should be noted that any changes or developments must pay attention to
aspects such as safety, cleanliness and comfort. In addition, TIP development must also pay attention to the needs and
desires of toll road users in order to provide optimal service and meet the expectations of TIP visitors (Borrmann et
al., 2018). Market research or market research is a process of collecting and analyzing data about markets and
customers to help companies understand the preferences, behavior and needs of their customers. The goal is to identify
opportunities and challenges in the market, understand competitors' positions, and develop effective business strategies
(Kotler & Keller, 2016). The market research process consists of several stages, such as planning research, collecting
data, analyzing data, and preparing research reports. Several techniques used in market research include surveys,
interviews, secondary data analysis, and field observations (Martono, 2019). By conducting market research,
companies can understand their markets and customers better, so they can develop products or services that suit
customer needs, improve product or service quality, determine the right price, and develop effective marketing
strategies (Rizqy et al., 2021).
According to (Saragih, 2013) the Analytical Network Process (ANP) is a decision support model developed
by Thomas L. Saaty. ANP is designed to help researchers determine alternative priorities in a complex decision and
involves several interrelated criteria/decision support systems. There are 4 basic principles in ANP, namely hierarchy
in decision-making, interaction between criteria and alternatives, weighting on criteria and alternatives, a mathematical
approach. In this study, researchers will follow the basic principles of using ANP, among others, by forming a
hierarchical model (objectives, criteria, and alternatives) according to research needs, determining interactions between
criteria and alternatives according to the model that has been formed, carrying out weighting and mathematical
calculations so that it will produce a final decision of the model that has been formed. The research will also use the
help of super decision software in processing the ANP model (Siswanto & Salim, 2019).
2. Materials and Methods
In this study, the Analytic Network Process Model was used which will later be divided into 3 clusters, namely
the objective cluster, the criteria cluster, and the alternative cluster. The objective cluster is the final goal to be
achieved in this study. Cluster criteria are the assessment criteria used in this study based on analysis of existing
benchmark rest areas, literature studies, and expert validation. Alternative clusters are development options obtained
from the results of the highest and best use analysis.
Comparison is made based on the judgment of the decision maker by assessing the level of importance of an
element. Relative importance values are determined with a scale of 1 to 9 Saaty which will be shown in Table 3.1.
Table x Relative Importance Values
Just as important
Both elements are equally important
A little more important
One element is slightly more important than the other
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 05, June 2023, pages: 467-475
More important
One element is more important than the other
Much more important
One element is clearly more important than the other
Absolutely more important
Absolutely more important
The values are midway
between two adjacent
Values between two adjacent judgment values
The data collection carried out in this study was obtained from two data sources, namely primary and
secondary data sources. The following is an explanation of the primary data sources and secondary data used in the
1. Primary Data
There are two types of primary data used in this study. The first primary data is the results of expert interviews
aimed at validating the alternatives and criteria that have been determined based on benchmark analysis and literature
studies. Furthermore, the second primary data in this study is the result of collecting data through questionnaires to
the community to find out the needs and interests of the community regarding the development of rest areas. This
questionnaire was distributed digitally using the Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads platforms, where surveys can be
carried out in an appropriate manner according to the social media user's profile.
2. Secondary Data
The secondary data used in this study is a literature study obtained from adjustments to theory and previous
research, books, journals, and information from the internet that are related to the topics in this study. The population
in the research review are practitioners, experts, and the community around the Tebing Tinggi - Parapat toll road. The
selection of the sample in this study was based on the understanding and experience of the subjects related to the rest
area on the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS). The method used in the selection of sampling is the purposive sampling
method. Purposive sampling is a sampling method that is chosen carefully so that it is relevant to the research structure.
Sampling was selected by the author according to specific characteristics and certain characteristics (Succar, 2013).
3. Results and Discussions
Number and Survey of Respondent
In this study, the determination of the number of samples/respondents was calculated using the G-Power
statistical software which took into account several criteria, namely the Correlation ฯ H1, which is the desired effect
size or correlation value, ฮฑ error probability, which is the level of significance that is tolerated, and Power (1 โ€“ ฮฒ err
prob) which is the expected statistical power (Tauriainen et al., 2016).
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Based on the results of processing using the G-Power software and according to predetermined criteria values,
the minimum number of samples required in this study was obtained, namely 23 samples/respondents, but this study
will use 30 samples to reduce the probability of inconsistencies occurring. Respondent data collection was carried out
using a survey through the website assisted by Facebook & Instagram ads tools. The following is a website survey
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The profile of the intended community for this questionnaire survey includes:
โ€ข Age 25 to 55 years
โ€ข Domiciled in North Sumatra
โ€ข Car users and toll road users
โ€ข Having transit experience in Rest Areas
โ€ข Preferably having driving experience from the city of origin to Parapat City (the city where Lake Toba
is located), according to the location of the research object which is located on the Toll Road to and from
With the profiles of the respondents above, it is hoped that the results of this research are relevant and right on
target to be realized into real development. Questionnaires were distributed for 28 days to get responses from
respondents. During the 28 days of displaying the questionnaire advertisement on the digital platform, 61 respondents
were obtained. Of the 61 respondents, a filtering process was carried out to take 30 valid samples/respondents so that
they were relevant to this study.
Analysis of Analytic Network Process (ANP)
Based on primary and secondary data validation, the results of the analytic network process (ANP) model are
as follows:
Development of the Tebing Tinggi โ€“ Parapat
Rest Area Section Based on User Needs and
Affordable Price Architecture Design Service and Cleanliness
New Destination
Main Facilities Rest
Area + Hotel
Main Facilities Rest
Area + Mall/
Shopping Center
Main Facilities Rest
Area + Recreation
The structure of the ANP network in this study consists of three clusters, namely the objective cluster, the
criteria cluster, and the alternative cluster. The assessment criteria used in this study were based on benchmark analysis
of existing rest areas, literature studies, and expert validation, namely affordable prices, architectural design, service
& cleanliness, new destination concepts. Based on the results of the highest and best use analysis, there are 3
development alternatives used in alternative clusters, including:
โ€ข development of rest area with main facilities + hotel/inn
โ€ข development of rest areas with main facilities + malls/shopping centers
โ€ข development of rest areas with main facilities + recreational parks.
Based on the results of processing using super decision software that calculates the value of the limit weight
and normal weight, the following results are obtained
Normal Weight
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Based on the results of processing using the analytic network process method, it was found that the development
of the rest area of section 49 desired by the community was the development of a rest area with main facilities +
hotel/inn. From these results, a follow-up survey was carried out to find out what hotel/inn development concepts are
in demand by people who will use the rest area (Smith, 2014). Apart from developing hotels/inns, researchers also plan
to add several additional ride facility options in rest areas such as sky bridges, waterfall tours, electric bus transportation
rides, and iconic landmarks, therefore, to determine the best option a survey of additional ride facilities is also carried
out. demand by the rest area user community. The following are the results of the survey:
Hotel Kapsul Glamping Transit Honey
Most Favored Hotel/Inn Development Concepts
Capsule Hotel
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4. Conclusion
Based on the explanation above, the appropriate concept options to be applied to the rest area of the Trans
Sumatra Toll Road Section Tebing Tinggi โ€“ Parapat KM 49 are as follows: 1. Main facilities include prayer facilities
(mosques), restaurants, and other facilities in accordance with the regulations of the Minister of Public Works and
Public Housing No. 28 of 2021 as fulfillment of minimum service standards. 2. Additional development options are in
accordance with the Highest and Best Use analysis that has been described in CHAPTER IV, including
Hotels/Inns/Transit Points, Commercial Areas and Recreation Parks. 3. The criteria tested in the Analytic Network
Process (ANP) are affordable prices, attractive architectural designs, service and cleanliness as well as new destination
Among the options mentioned above that best suit the needs of the community based on market test results
and the Analytic Network Process (ANP) are the Main Facilities equipped with Hotels/Lodgings with the main criteria
being Service and Cleanliness.
The recommendation for further research is to validate the results of the market test and HBU analysis through
a comprehensive business plan calculation, so as to ensure the feasibility of developing the rest area.
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