IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 436
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 05, June 2023, pages: 427-438
3.2.3 Effect of Minimum Capital on Investment Interest
Minimal capital affects investment interest. This can be inferred from the minimum capital significance value
of 0.005 < 0.05 and the calculated t value of 2.884 greater than the table t of 2.306.
3.2.4 The Effect of Risk Preference on Investment Interest
There is no effect of risk preference on investment interest. This is indicated by the Risk Preference
Significance value, whose value of 0.868 is greater than 0.05 and the calculated t value of -0.167 is less than the table
t of 2.306. Thus, it can be concluded that there is no influence of risk preference on investment interest.
3.2.5 The effect of investment knowledge, investment motivation, minimum capital and risk preference
simultaneously on investment interest.
Investment knowledge, investment motivation, minimum capital, and risk preference have an influence on
investment interest simultaneously. Based on the significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 and the calculated F value = 32.987
> F table = 2.44, it can be concluded that there is a concomitant influence on investment interest by investment
knowledge, investment motivation, minimum capital, and risk preference.
3.2.6 Multiple Linear Regression Equations
The result of the linear regression equation for this equation is as shown in table 3.3:
Y= 0.568 + 0.366 X1 + 0.309 X2 + 0.300 X3 – 0.007 X4.
The above equation can be understood as follows:
1. The constant value of an is 0.568, which means that investment interest increases by 0.568% if the variables of
influence of investment knowledge, investment motivation, minimal capital, and risk preference are not
2. The value of the coefficient b1= 0.366, which indicates that, assuming the other independent variables do not
change, investment interest will increase by 0.366% if the investment knowledge variable is increased.
3. The coefficient value of b2 = 0.309, which means investment interest will increase by 0.309 percent if the
investment motivation variable is increased. Assuming the other independent variables do not change,
investment interest will increase by 0.309 percent.
4. The coefficient value b3 = 0.300 indicates that assuming the other independent remains, investment interest
will increase by 0.300% if the minimal capital variable is increased.
5. The coefficient value of b4 = -0.007 means that if the risk preference variable is increased, investment interest
will decrease by 0.007% assuming the other independent variables are constant.
The Effect of Investment Knowledge on Investment Interest
Mastura et al., (2020) said that having sufficient knowledge can help you reduce risks when investing in the
capital market, especially in stock investment instruments. In this study, investment interest is influenced by investment
knowledge. Based on the value of Investment Knowledge Significance, it is known that the value of 0.000 is less than
0.05, and the calculated t value of 4.230 is greater than the table t of 2.306. Thus, it can be concluded that investment
knowledge affects investment interest.
The Effect of Investment Motivation on Investment Interest
Malik (2017) states that motivation can be defined as the process by which a person identifies and takes action
to meet his needs. In this study, investment interest is influenced by investment motivation. Based on the value of
Investment Motivation Significance, it is known that the value of 0.000 is less than 0.05, and the calculated t value of
4.723 is greater than the table t of 2.306. Thus, it can be concluded that there is an influence between investment
motivation and investment interest.
Minimal Capital Effect on Investment Interest
Students tend to invest if the minimum investment capital is getting smaller, according to Nisa, (2017). In this
study, investment interest is influenced by minimal capital. Based on the minimum capital significance value, it is
known that the value of 0.005 is less than 0.05, and the calculated t value of 2.884 is greater than the table t of 2.306.
Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a minimal capital influence on investment interest (Anggini Asmara, 2020).
The Effect of Risk Preference on Investment Interest
According to Gesta et al., (2019), risk preference is a person's tendency to do something risky. Risk preference
in this study did not affect investment interest. Based on the value of Risk Preference Significance, it is known that the
value of 0.868 is greater than 0.05 and the calculated t value of -0.167 is less than t table 2.306. Thus, it can be
concluded that investment interest is not affected by risk preferences.
Influence of Investment Knowledge, Investment Motivation, Minimum Capital