International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 05, June 2023, pages: 427-438
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Analysis of Factors Influencing Investment Interest in the Capital
Market for Millennials
Rayman Daniel Harefa
, Pretty Yusta Turnip
, Natasya Gozali Puteri
Tetty Tiurma Uli
, Surtikanti
Universitas Prima Indonesia,
Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Email: rayman[email protected], surtikan[email protected]
Investment Knowledge,
Investment Motivation,
Minimum Capital, Risk
Reference, Investment
Investing in the capital market is starting to be in demand by many generations in
Indonesia, especially the millennial generation. The purpose of investing in the capital
market is to maintain profits in the future. The purpose of this study is to show variables
that influence the interest of the millennial generation to invest in the capital market.
This study used quantitative methods with a population of 200 with the criteria of the
millennial generation with vulnerable ages 15-34 years. Sampling technique with
purposive sampling. Data collected through an online questionnaire distributed to 133
millennial generation respondents. Respondent data was analyzed using multiple linear
regression through SPSS software. The results showed that the factors of investment
knowledge and investment motivation and minimal capital affect investment interest for
millennials, while risk preferences have no effect on investment interest in the capital
market for millennials. Therefore, millennials must be interested in investing their capital
in the capital market to provide long-term readiness or opportunities in the future. The
implications of this research can contribute to the wider community, especially the
millennial generation, to better understand and be interested in investing in the capital
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)
license (
1. Introduction
Currently, the financial industry is undergoing considerable transformation, including one part of the capital
market. The capital market is where all investment activities are carried out. Basically, the capital market serves as an
intermediary between people who need funds and people who have funds. All business activities are influenced by the
investment interest of the millennial generation. The investment interest of the millennial generation is influenced by
many things. The advancement of technology, such as the development of financial technology, can affect online
investment (Tumewu, 2019).
One factor that causes low investment rates is the younger generation's low knowledge of investments. The
millennial generation must have knowledge, because they must learn and know the basis of investment before investing
(Tandio & Widanaputra, 2016). Good motivation can make millennials more interested in investing. Few of them are
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 05, June 2023, pages: 427-438
not interested in investing because there are some of them who consider investing a difficult thing and require large
capital to do. However, along with the development of investment in the capital market and its role in the economy in
the future is quite large, this is a motivation for the millennial generation to invest. Some people don't understand
investing because they don't have clear, measurable financial goals to invest in. As a result, things like it is difficult to
know the success of investment and there is no desire to invest (Mastura et al., 2020).
To invest, of course, initial capital is needed. The minimum capital in investing is relatively cheap and
affordable, so the millennial generation can invest in the capital market. Investors assume that minimal capital is not
something to consider when investing (Wibowo and Purwohandoko, 2019).
Many millennials are not interested in investing in the capital market because they are afraid to take the risks
associated with investing. There are two ways investors deal with risk: averse risk (fear of taking risks) and taker risk
(daring to take risks). Investors who are sufficiently educated and knowledgeable can reduce risk.
Investors can reduce risk by becoming educated and knowledgeable. The number of investors registered with
the financial services authority (OJK) of Medan City increased by 81.7% at the end of December 2021, which was
dominated by the millennial generation. This shows that the millennial generation in Medan City is starting to be
interested in investing in the capital market. However, this number is still less than the increase in investors in Surabaya
City from August 2021 by 85%. This is due to the fact that millennials do not have enough knowledge and knowledge
about capital market investments.
Oktary et al., (2021) research entitled "Factors that influence students' interest in investing in capital targets
through investment galleries in Pekanbaru" focuses more on students who are active in the economy and have customer
fund accounts. While this study focused more on millennials, the variables used were knowledge, motivation, minimal
capital, and risk preference.
Our research entitled "Analysis of Factors Influencing Interest in Investing in Capital Markets for
Millennials" is based on the phenomena mentioned above.
Theoretical Review
The Effect of Investment Knowledge on Investment Interest
Syahyun ( 2015: 1) Explained investment is a commitment to a number of funds or other resources carried
out now, with the aim of obtaining profits in the future.
Extensive knowledge and insight are certainly very necessary for potential investors before starting to invest.
Because when a potential investor is equipped with sufficient knowledge and insight, investors will be more confident
to invest. According to (Mastura et al., 2020) sufficient knowledge can reduce the risks faced when investing in the
capital market, especially when investing in stocks. sInvesting knowledge is also useful for prospective investors in
order to choose the right strategy in investing so that later they do not experience large losses.
In addition, the more information an investor can obtain, the greater their confidence will be in achieving
financial success. An understanding of investing can be gained by attending some seminars, workshops, or classes
related to investing in the stock market or by studying books on investment literacy.
The Effect of Investment Motivation on Investment Interest
Motivation can be defined as the process by which a person discusses their needs and engages in actions to
meet those needs. (Malik, 2017). Motivation as a procedure that explains the importance of strength, direction, and the
need for each person to have a purpose in life (Urfillah & Muflikhati, 2017). The best theory of motivation, as it is
widely known, is Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Maslow posited that every human being has a hierarchy of five
needs: (1) physiological, (2) security, (3) social, (4) reward, (5) self-actualization. According to ongoing research,
motivation to invest can be inferred as the likelihood that a person will have difficulty motivating themselves to perform
certain investment-related tasks (Yunia et al., 2020).
Minimal Capital Effect on Investment Interest
Minimum capital serves as the default setting for opening a checking account when making a capital
investment for the first time (Anwar Wibowo and Purwohandoko, 2018).
Nisa, (2017) found that students are more likely to invest if the minimum investment capital is smaller. The
minimum capital to invest cannot affect students' desire to invest because their knowledge of investing in the capital
market is not enough to encourage them to invest (Hermanto, 2017).
The Effect of Risk Preference on Investment Interest
An individual's choice to take risks is known as risk preference. Millennials always want to profit from
investing in something (Gesta et al., 2019). In investing, investors must understand that there are risks that may occur
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 05, June 2023, pages: 427-438
and always follow investment profits because investment risks are directly proportional to the profits obtained. Risk is
the difference that may occur between the actual return received and the expected return by (Tandelilin, 2017).
Research Framework
The hypothesis of this study is as follows based on the initial problem formulation and conceptual framework
that has been outlined:
H1: The investment interest of the Millennial Generation is influenced in part by Investment Knowledge.
H2: The investment interest of the Millennial Generation is influenced in part by Investment Motivation.
H3: The investment interest of the Millennial Generation is partially affected by the Minimum Capital.
H4: Millennials' investment interest is influenced in part by Risk Preference.
H5: Millennial Generation's investment interest is influenced by investment knowledge, investment
motivation, minimum capital, and risk preferences.
2. Materials and Methods
This study used survey research method, which collects data and information from respondents through
questionnaires or questionnaires. Purposive sampling techniques are used to collect data and samples. Primary data,
collected and processed by researchers themselves through questionnaires or surveys, are what is required for this
study (Perdana, 2016).
Researchers establish population as a generational region consisting of objects or subjects with certain
qualities and characteristics to study and then make conclusions (D. Sugiyono, 2013). This study involved 200
individuals from the community or millennial generation aged between 15 and 34 years who have studied capital
market investment or who have not. Both the population number and its characteristics consist of samples (Sugiyono
2018: 81). Purposive sampling is a sampling method that uses special considerations for data sources (D. Sugiyono,
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n = number of samples
N = total population
se = presentation error tolerance
2.1 Operational Definition
Table 2.1 Operational Definition of Research Variables
Operational Definition
Investment Knowledge
Information about how to
use some of your funds or
resources to generate future
profits is called investment
knowledge. According to
Wibowo et al. (2018)
1. Before investing, you must understand
the basics of investing.
2. Investors should have basic knowledge
of investing.
3. Familiar with investment objectives.
4. To find out the return, do a calculation
5. Understand investment risks.
Investment Motivation
Motivation can be defined as
the initial step to provide
motivation that will drive a
person to achieve their goals
(Taufiqoh 2019).
1. Motivation to make a profit.
2. Motivation to avoid risk.
3. Motivation for the development of value
for money.
4. Invest for future opportunities.
5. Doing activities to achieve goals provides
Minimum Capital (X3)
Student curiosity to invest in
the capital market is
influenced by the minimum
investment capital Nisa,
1. Consider capital for easier investment.
2. Establishment of seed funding.
3. At a minimum, investment capital is
4. At least buy shares.
5. Increase and decrease capital.
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 05, June 2023, pages: 427-438
Risk Preference (X4)
Students definitely want to
benefit from investing in
certain goods because they
have risk preferences (Gesta
et al., 2019).
1. Perspectives on economic risks.
2. Risk of loss of wealth.
3. Risk of loss of value.
4. Uncertainty about profits and revenue.
5. Taking a lot of time to pay attention to
Investment Interest of
Millennial Generation
According to Kotler and
Keller (2016), interest arises
as a result of stimulation.
1. Investing in the capital market is a great
2. Individuals have emotional motivation.
3. Take advantage of investment
opportunities in the capital market.
2.2 Data Processing Techniques
2.2.1 Validity Test
The Validity Test, according to Sugiyono, (2019), is used to determine whether or not a questionnaire is valid.
A questionnaire is considered valid if the question is able to reveal what it is intended to measure.
With f calculate >ꬵtable and significant value < 0.05
2.2.2 Reliability Test
Reliability test is defined as the extent to which measurement results with the same object will produce the
same data, according to Sugiyono (2017: 130). If a person's answers to statements are consistent or stable over time,
the questionnaire is said to be reliable or reliable. It is said to be reliable if Cronbach's alpha value > 0.70.
2.2.3 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
One of the objectives of this analysis is to determine how the independent variable and the dependent variable
interact with each other, as well as to estimate whether the value of each independent variable will increase or decrease
(Sugiyono, 2018: 188).
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The general equation of multiple linear regression is:
Y= a + b1X1 + bX2 + b3X3 + b4X4 + e
Y = Investment Interest of the Millennial Generation
X1 = Investment Knowledge Variable
X2 = Investment Motivation Variable
X3 = Minimal Capital Variable
X4 = Risk Preference Variable
a = Constant
b = Regression Coefficient
e = Error / Confounding Variable
Coefficient of Determinant
The determinant coefficient in this study is to determine how much the ability of the independent variable to
explain the variation caused by the dependent variable. The determinant coefficient in this study can be seen through
the adjusted R Square value.
Test t
How each independent variable partially affects its dependent variable is measured by the t-test. One way to
perform this test is by comparing the calculated t value with a table or by looking at the significant value for each t
count. The criteria used as guidelines for the t-test are as follows:
0 is accepted if h is ≤ and significant > 0.05
1 is accepted if h is < and significant < 0.05
Test f
The f test is used to see if all the independent variables together have an effect on the dependent variable. The
f test can be done by comparing f count with f table with the following criteria:
0 accepted if h < and significant > 0.05
1 accepted if h > and significant < 0.05
3. Results and Discussions
3.1 Research Results
3.1.1 Validity Test
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Table 3.1 Correlations
From the data above, it can be concluded that investment knowledge, investment motivation, minimum
capital, and risk preferences are all valid (greater than r table) this can be proven in the r calculated > 0.1422. This
value is obtained from the r value of the table with N = 133
3.1.2 Reliability Test
Table 3.2 Reliability Test
The variable can be said to be good if the value of Cronbach's Alpha > of 0.70 (Sugiyono 2017: 130). Based
on the table above, it shows that the value of Cronbach's Alpha of 0.787 is greater than 0.70, so it can be concluded
that all variables are reliable
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3.1.3 Multiple linear regression test
Table 3.3 Coefficients
a. Dependent Variable: Investment Interest
1. It is well known that the investment knowledge variable has a significant influence on the investment interest
variable, because the significant value of the variable is 0.000 less than 0.05.
2. By knowing that the significant value of the investment motivation variable 0.000 is less than 0.05, it can be
concluded that the investment motivation variable has a significant impact on the investment interest variable.
3. After knowing that the significant value of the capital variable of at least 0.000 is less than 0.05, it can be
concluded that the variable of investment interest is significantly influenced by the variable of minimal capital.
4. The investment interest variable is not significantly influenced by the risk preference variable, because the
significant value of 0.911 is greater than 0.05.
3.1.4 Coefficient determinant
Tabel 3.4
1. Predictors: (Constant), preferensi_resiko, pengetahuan_investasi, motivasi_investasi, modal minimal.
From the table above, we can see that the variable has a simultaneous influence of 52.1% on investment
interest, with an R Square value of 0.521. Other variables not tested in the study affected the remaining share by 47.9%.
3.1.5 Partial t-test
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Table 3.5
a. Dependent Variable: investment interest
1. 1. It is known that the significance value of the influence of X1 on Y is 0.000 < 0.05 and the value of
t is calculated
2. Thus, X1 affects Y, because 2. 4.230 is greater than t table = 2.306.
3. With a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 and a calculated t value of 4.723 greater than t table 2.306,
it can be concluded that there is an influence of X2 on Y.
4. The significance value of X3's influence on Y is 0.005 < 0.05, and the calculated t value = 2.884 is
greater than table t = 2.306 so that it can be concluded that there is X3's influence on Y.
5. In conclusion, there is no effect of X4 on Y, with a significance value of 0.868 greater than 0.05 and a
calculated t value of -0.167 less than t table 2.306.
3.1.6 Test F
1. Dependent Variable: investment interest
2. Predictor : (Constant), Preferences Risk, investment knowledge,
investment motivation, minimal capital.
The table above shows that the significance values of the influence of X1, X2, X3, and X4 on Y
simultaneously are 0.000 < 0.05, and the calculated value of F is 32.987 greater than F of the table, which means that
their influence on Y simultaneously is 2.44.
3.2 Discussion
3.2.1 The Effect of Investment Knowledge on Investment Interest
Investment knowledge affects investment. This is indicated by the Investment Knowledge Significance value
of 0.000 < 0.05 and the calculated t value of 4.230 is greater than the table t of 2.306. Thus, it can be concluded that
investment knowledge affects investment interest.
3.2.2 The Effect of Investment Motivation on Investment Interest
Based on the value of Investment Motivation Significance, it is known that the value is 0.000 < 0.05 and the
calculated t value = 4.723 is greater than t table = 2.306 so that it can be concluded that investment motivation affects
investment interest.
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3.2.3 Effect of Minimum Capital on Investment Interest
Minimal capital affects investment interest. This can be inferred from the minimum capital significance value
of 0.005 < 0.05 and the calculated t value of 2.884 greater than the table t of 2.306.
3.2.4 The Effect of Risk Preference on Investment Interest
There is no effect of risk preference on investment interest. This is indicated by the Risk Preference
Significance value, whose value of 0.868 is greater than 0.05 and the calculated t value of -0.167 is less than the table
t of 2.306. Thus, it can be concluded that there is no influence of risk preference on investment interest.
3.2.5 The effect of investment knowledge, investment motivation, minimum capital and risk preference
simultaneously on investment interest.
Investment knowledge, investment motivation, minimum capital, and risk preference have an influence on
investment interest simultaneously. Based on the significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 and the calculated F value = 32.987
> F table = 2.44, it can be concluded that there is a concomitant influence on investment interest by investment
knowledge, investment motivation, minimum capital, and risk preference.
3.2.6 Multiple Linear Regression Equations
The result of the linear regression equation for this equation is as shown in table 3.3:
Y= 0.568 + 0.366 X1 + 0.309 X2 + 0.300 X3 0.007 X4.
The above equation can be understood as follows:
1. The constant value of an is 0.568, which means that investment interest increases by 0.568% if the variables of
influence of investment knowledge, investment motivation, minimal capital, and risk preference are not
2. The value of the coefficient b1= 0.366, which indicates that, assuming the other independent variables do not
change, investment interest will increase by 0.366% if the investment knowledge variable is increased.
3. The coefficient value of b2 = 0.309, which means investment interest will increase by 0.309 percent if the
investment motivation variable is increased. Assuming the other independent variables do not change,
investment interest will increase by 0.309 percent.
4. The coefficient value b3 = 0.300 indicates that assuming the other independent remains, investment interest
will increase by 0.300% if the minimal capital variable is increased.
5. The coefficient value of b4 = -0.007 means that if the risk preference variable is increased, investment interest
will decrease by 0.007% assuming the other independent variables are constant.
The Effect of Investment Knowledge on Investment Interest
Mastura et al., (2020) said that having sufficient knowledge can help you reduce risks when investing in the
capital market, especially in stock investment instruments. In this study, investment interest is influenced by investment
knowledge. Based on the value of Investment Knowledge Significance, it is known that the value of 0.000 is less than
0.05, and the calculated t value of 4.230 is greater than the table t of 2.306. Thus, it can be concluded that investment
knowledge affects investment interest.
The Effect of Investment Motivation on Investment Interest
Malik (2017) states that motivation can be defined as the process by which a person identifies and takes action
to meet his needs. In this study, investment interest is influenced by investment motivation. Based on the value of
Investment Motivation Significance, it is known that the value of 0.000 is less than 0.05, and the calculated t value of
4.723 is greater than the table t of 2.306. Thus, it can be concluded that there is an influence between investment
motivation and investment interest.
Minimal Capital Effect on Investment Interest
Students tend to invest if the minimum investment capital is getting smaller, according to Nisa, (2017). In this
study, investment interest is influenced by minimal capital. Based on the minimum capital significance value, it is
known that the value of 0.005 is less than 0.05, and the calculated t value of 2.884 is greater than the table t of 2.306.
Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a minimal capital influence on investment interest (Anggini Asmara, 2020).
The Effect of Risk Preference on Investment Interest
According to Gesta et al., (2019), risk preference is a person's tendency to do something risky. Risk preference
in this study did not affect investment interest. Based on the value of Risk Preference Significance, it is known that the
value of 0.868 is greater than 0.05 and the calculated t value of -0.167 is less than t table 2.306. Thus, it can be
concluded that investment interest is not affected by risk preferences.
Influence of Investment Knowledge, Investment Motivation, Minimum Capital
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 05, June 2023, pages: 427-438
In addition, the influence of investment knowledge, investment motivation, minimal capital, and risk
preference have a simultaneous influence on investment interest. Based on the significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 and
the calculated F value of 32.987 > F table 2.44, it can be concluded that there is a concomitant influence on investment
interest by investment knowledge, investment motivation, minimum capital, and risk preference.
Multiple Linear Regression Equations
Sugiyono (2018) states that multiple linear regression analysis is used to determine the direction of the
relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable, as well as to estimate whether the value of
each independent variable and the independent variable will increase or decrease.
The equation resulting from the linear regression equation is as follows, based on table 3.3:
Y= 0.568 + 0.366 X1 + 0.309 X2 + 0.300 X3 0.007 X4.
The above equation can be understood as follows:
1. If variables affecting investment knowledge, investment motivation, minimal capital, and risk preference are
not included, then investment interest will increase by 0.568%. This is based on the value of the constant.
2. The coefficient b1 is 0.366, which means investment interest will increase by 0.366% if the investment
knowledge variable is increased, assuming the other independent variables do not change.
3. The coefficient value of b2 = 0.309, which means investment interest will increase by 0.309 percent if the
investment motivation variable is increased, assuming the other independent variables remain.
4. The coefficient value of b3 is 0.300, which means that investment interest will increase by 0.300% assuming
the other independent variables are fixed.
5. The coefficient value of b4 = -0.007, which means that investment interest will decrease by 0.007% if the risk
preference variable is increased, assuming the other independent variables remain.
4. Conclusion
The results showed that the millennial generation's interest in investing is influenced by investment knowledge,
investment motivation, minimal capital, and risk preferences. The millennial generation's interest in investing is
positively and significantly influenced by investment knowledge. Millennials are very interested in investing because
of investment motivation. The millennial generation is very interested in investing because of the minimal capital.
Millennials aren't too keen on investing because of their risk preferences.
The suggestion for future researchers is that they should expand the number of respondents to expand this study.
This research advises millennials to learn more about investing by attending investment seminars, learning from social
media, and learning about the environment so that they are more motivated to invest in the capital market. In addition,
the study suggests that the government should help millennials gain access to capital markets. Advice for millennials
to broaden their horizons about investing in the capital market, this is useful for millennials in the future or their own
future. Because with their understanding of investing in the capital market, it can be a guideline or the beginning of
success in the future.
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