International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 05, Mei 2023, pages: 340-352
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
The Effect of Omnichannel Integration Quality on Purchase
Intention Mediated by Consumer Trust in Surakarta
Nina Sri Lestari
, Sidiq Pernomo Nugroho
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Submitted: 08-03-2023 Revised: 12-03-2023, Publication: 03-04-2023
Service Channel
Configuration, Integrated
Consumer Confidence,
Purchase Intention
This research is related to Omnichannel integration quality and purchase intention and
consumer trust. This study aims to determine the influence of Omnichannel integration
quality on purchase intentions mediated by coffee consumer confidence in Surakarta.
This research uses causal quantitative research. The population of this study was all
coffee consumers at Cafe Surakarta with an unlimited number of population and a total
sample of 100 respondents. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling. The
results of the study show that the configuration of service channels has a significant
positive effect on purchase intentions. Service channels have a significant positive effect
on consumer confidence. Configuration of service channels has a significant positive
effect on purchase intentions mediated by consumer trust. Integrated interaction has no
significant negative effect on purchase intention. Integrated interactions affect consumer
trust. Integrated interactions have a significant positive effect on purchase intentions
mediated by consumer trust.
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)
license (
1. Introduction
The development of the culinary business is increasing so that a creative and innovative marketing strategy
is needed to create a variety of product menus, prices, service quality and promotion strategies in the face of
competition. Famous culinary actors are currently in the business of marketing culinary coffee so that many business
people or entrepreneurs are interested in getting into this business. The phenomenon occurs at this time is the style of
young people in association to meet and chat in a relaxed atmosphere by providing various coffee drinks. The
phenomenon that occurs nowadays is about the style of young people in socializing with their friends in a relaxed
atmosphere while drinking coffee. Business people in response to this phenomenon provide these needs by providing
coffee shops in the Surakarta City area. This happens because of the lifestyle of young people who are interested in
places to hang out where they can eat and drink but to take pictures with affordable menu prices, as well as optimal
service such as a clean and comfortable environment rather than taste, in addition to the culture of drinking coffee and
hanging out in cafes. are two things that are very attached to the generation of young people, especially in the school
or campus area. The culture of drinking coffee and hanging out has become a new lifestyle for the younger generation
due to the influence of friends, the lifestyle of consumers who want to enjoy a comfortable coffee shop atmosphere
and the lifestyle of consumers who want to take selfies with Instagramable coffee shop designs.
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Purchasing decisions, namely the mental attitude of buyers to consume services and products that have been
utilized, customers feel fulfilled with the assumption that the energy and products consumed are in accordance with
the wishes of the buyer (Kuswati et al., 2021). From this, it can be seen very well that the purchase choice cycle can
be affected by different variables. One of the variables that influence purchase intention is Omnichannel. Omnichannel
is consolidating all store advertising channels on the web or offline, making it easier for buyers to get data, cycles, and
make choices in buying goods (Pasaribu dkk., 2022).
Business actors in running a business need to implement proper marketing so as to implement a marketing
strategy. Currently, the internet is one of the tools that can make it easier for someone to start a business and trade.
People's shopping habits have shifted from traditional shopping to the Internet as the world changes. Consumer
response to these items can also be obtained through digital marketing in the form of testimonials or comments on
posts. This can improve communication and develop customer connections.
Omnichannel is a plan of action in which tasks and administration are coordinated across all supply channels
an organization has in one common framework. Multichannel is a combination of all business marketing channels that
are on the web or offline in a coordinated manner with each other fully aimed at making it easier for buyers to track
data, rotate, and pursue choices in buying goods. The omni-divert exposure methodology in gold reserve fund items to
suit the ongoing shopper status in the modern 4.0 era. Essential administration of multiple access channels and buyer
touchpoints, with the end goal to improve buyer experience across channels and through-channel execution
The service channel is an instrument of blending/mixing in the service section and related transport channels
(Sousa and Voss, 2006). The service aspect consists of determining administrative channels and directing
administration channel arrangements. Channel administration relies on the buyer selecting an elective channel who is
fully intent on getting the job done through the individual channel. Channel administration setup by empowering
shoppers to manage online and offline. The directness of the administrative channel design refers to the motivation
behind knowing the existence of the channels and the services available.
Omnichannel namely, the retail strategy of combining (integrating) several channels allows consumers to
jointly take advantage of all online and offline retail channels when shopping (Bahri, 2020). User Omnichannel
becoming increasingly competitive, retailers need to learn quickly from consumers and meet their needs. Strategies
that encourage consumer interaction (providing content and reviews), use cross-channel integration to share
information, and deploy data analytics to gain consumer insights can help provide differentiation (Cattrall dan Castello,
Omnichannel namely one of the most important retail revolutions in recent years, impacting various fields,
such as marketing, retail, communication, or information systems. Omni-channel marketing refers to a brand strategy
that integrates all available channels to create a seamless shopping experience that enhances convenience and
engagement during the consumer journey (Mosquera, 2017).
Research conducted by Singla, Medina dan Gonzales (2022) states that there is a positive influence from all
factors on consumer purchase intentions in retail omnichannel. Likewise in research conducted by Sugesti dkk., (2019)
which stated that the impact of omnichannel marketing was on customers' buying interest in gold savings products.
Research by Pasaribu et al., (2022) which revealed that (1) the setup factors of help channels and coordinated
channels fundamentally affect trust; (2) administrative channel design basically affects purchasing objectives, (3) but
the combined collaboration variables influence purchasing objectives. (4) Trust equally intervenes in the design of the
helpline as well as the coordinated existence of the purchase objective. Proper and hypothetical commitments are
examined in this exploratory conversation. Trust as "the buyer's unshakable belief in the quality and honesty of the
retailer. trust as a complex idea with three parts that define the dependability view: skills (the ability of the organization
to perform tasks correctly and reliably), capacity (care and inspiration to act in view of legitimate concerns) towards
customers) and honesty (sincerity and paying attention to guarantees) Appreciating virtue (Rahmawati and Setyawan,
Trust is described as the readiness of a party to be powerless over the activities of another party in the notion
that the other party will take specific steps that are important to the giver of trust, regardless of his capacity to filter or
control the other party (Permatasari dan Nugroho, 2022). Product visuals based on the origin of the product, as well as
information about the product or brand, can evoke the trust function. Confidence can be seen as a technique for
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reducing and avoiding uncertainty in the future. The gains from trust can be used to justify rejecting short-term
decisions in favor of long-term rewards established by current decisions.
Based on the description of the background above, it was found that there was a gap in the results of previous
research regardingOmnichannel Integration Quality andtruston Purchase Intentions. So, researchers want to do tests
related to these variables to find out and clarify whether there is a relationship to these variables or not. Therefore, the
main issues are formulated, namely: 1) does the configuration of service channels have an influence on purchase
intentions; 2) whether the configuration of service channels has an influence on consumer confidence; 3) does the
service channel configuration affect purchase intention mediated by consumer trust. 4) does integrated interaction
affect purchase intention, 5) does integrated interaction affect consumer trust, 6) does integrated interaction affect
purchase intention mediated by consumer trust.
The aims of the research are to: 1) find out that service channel configuration has an effect on purchase
intention, 2) find out service channel configuration has an effect on consumer trust, 3) find out service channel
configuration has an effect on purchase intention mediated by consumer trust. 4) knowing that integrated interaction
has an effect on purchase intention, 5) knowing that integrated interaction has an effect on consumer trust, 6) knowing
that integrated interaction has an effect on Purchase Intentions mediated by consumer trust.
Theoretical Background and Hypothesis Development
1. Purchase Intent
Purchase intention, namely the decision made by consumers to determine whether to buy the product or not
(Kotler, 2017). Purchase intention is a process in the basic psychology of consumers in an effort to carry out an
important role that aims to understand consumers correctly when making buying decisions (Prakosa dan Tjahjaningsih,
2021). Purchase intention is a decision that consumers make in determining the appropriate choice they want or need
at what time it is done, where it is and how it chooses (Paramita, Ali dan Dwikoco, 2022).
The indicators of purchase intention are: (Pasaribu dkk., 2022)
1. Transactional interest, or inclination to buy an item.
2. Reference interest, or insider propensity to make references to others.
3. Preferential interest, or interest, namely how the behavior of someone who has a strong preference for a product,
cannot be replaced until something negative happens to a particular product.
4. Explorative Interests. This desire is for people to identify a product they want and examine the evidence supporting
the superior characteristics of the same product.
2. Omnichannel Integrated Quality
Say "Omnichannel" comes from "omnis," meaning universal. Multi-Channel creates a complete chronology
of a business's interactions with customers by bringing the most relevant communication channels into a single
interface. Companies use Omnichannel, a strategy used to introduce content across channels aimed at enhancing
consumer experience of products. Sousa dan Voss (2006) state that the experience that consumers have of using
channels is for the purpose of effective and appropriate use of one channel. Omnichannel demands integration with
each other and channel management that integrates with each other both online and offline. When communicating with
potential clients and customers, omni-channel marketing refers to a coordinated and consistent approach. It also refers
to how to offer the best service through the most appropriate channels.
3. Service Channel Configuration
According to Sousa dan Voss (2006) Configuration of service channels, which is achieved through various
sub- dimensions , namely the choice of service channels and transparency of service channel configurations by
combining service components and delivery channels. The term "service channels" describes how many different
channels a customer can choose for a given service or how many different ways they can perform their preferred task.
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By enabling customers to place orders both online and offline, retailers can showcase their mastery of channel service
settings. The extent to which subscribers are aware of the existence of channels, the services offered, and the variation
in service quality between these channels is referred to as channel transparency (Bitner, 1990). Customers will leave
retailers who do not adequately aggregate their channels.
4. Integrated interaction
According to Sousa dan Voss (2006), interaction integration is interaction consistency across channels and is
expressed through two sub- dimensions: content consistency and process consistency. The uniformity of content that
merchants deliver across channels is referred to as content consistency. Consistency in content allows customers to get
answers to the problems they raise in physical or digital media. Businesses must provide consistent content across
retail channels that can offer customers valuable exchange value, such as content, pricing, product specifications, and
warranty service. The perfect shopping experience relies heavily on consistent content (Cox, 2016). Without
predictable substance accessible across channels, buyers are effectively disillusioned as they move from one channel
to another. Overall, consistency helps to remove barriers to the shopping process and effectively cycle exchanges
(Davies, 2017). Process consistency refers to the level of cycle-related consistency and can be thought of across
channels for example image, benefits and speed of service delivery (Sousa dan Voss, 2006). A concentration on
statistical surveys shows that 59% of respondents detail experiences in deviations when shopping from one channel to
another (Mosquera, 2017).
5. Trust
Trust is the assumption that someone will receive what others expect (Kuswati dkk., 2021). Belief refers to
the individual's desire to act with a certain purpose based on his belief that his scheme will produce what he hopes for
and aspires to. It is often said that someone else's words, commitments, or explanations can be trusted. Trust is also
important in business. If every meeting trusts each other, at least two meetings will reach an agreement. Trust is the
readiness of a company to depend on colleagues. It relies on various relational and interorganizational factors, such as
the company's real skills, trust, authenticity, and consideration (Kotler, 2017).
Where trust is the desire of the organization to depend on colleagues. Trust depends on a variety of relational
and hierarchical variables, such as corporate skills, honesty, authenticity, and benevolence. Mowen and Minor
(2013:201) belief is all customer-driven information and all the goals that buyers make about articles, properties, and
advantages. Trust as a condition where one of the meetings participating in the trade cycle is confident in the quality
and honesty of the other party (Rahmawati dan Setyawan, 2021). This definition expressly states that trust is a
willingness or readiness to rely on a partner in a recognized exchange. Trust as a combination of unshakable security,
protection, and quality (Ling, Chai dan Piew, 2010). These three elements can be explained as follows:
1. Security, specifically the degree to which buyers accept that trading on the web is okay for them to submit
sensitive data to transactions. Security plays an important role in influencing mentality and buying hope
because there are data communication stakes, such as cards and others.
2. Security, specifically guarding all buyer behavior during the exchange which is then linked to the online store
3. Unshakable quality, especially the organization can affect the trust of buyers in using online shopping, most
buyers perceive that large businesses have a better ability to increase trust in their online exchanges. It is also
suggested that organizations with a positive reputation improve reliability
6. Research Framework and Hypothesis Development
1. Effect of service channel configuration on purchase intention
Omnichannel among students makes it easier for buyers to complete exchange activities and buy the desired
product. Advances in innovation have made it easier for shoppers, where shoppers don't need to go to a store or
retailer to buy goods. The motivation behind Omnichannel is to increase, shorten time and generate a sense of interest
and interest in buying students for advertised products. So that by increasing the arrangement of service channels that
are presented through advanced administration will affect the customer's purchasing goals. So the hypothesis is as
: Channel configuration has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention
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2. Effect of service channel configuration on consumer trust
The quality of omni-channel aggregation, particularly the condition where there is a channel reconciliation
that can offer unlimited types of services to buyers across multiple channels. Omni-channel aggregation quality refers
to the coordination of the different types of connections used by organizations such as websites, actual stores, and
different channels (Seck and Philippe, 2013). Channel aggregation quality alludes to an organization's capacity to
provide a consistent customer buying experience across channels (Sousa and Voss, 2006). It is essential for overseeing
customer connections across channels (Nhat and Le, 2021), and is a major part of Omnichannel retail. Thus, to take
advantage of Omnichannel, organizations (retailers) need to carry out and guarantee synergistic channel reconciliation
in business, to generate a level of customer trust (Pasaribu et al., 2022). For this situation, scientists think that there is
a relationship between service channel configuration and influence on buyer trust. So the hypothesis is as follows:
H2: Configuration of service channels has a positive and significant effect on consumer confidence
3. Effect of service channel configuration on purchase intention with consumer trust as a mediating
Trust is one of the foundations of any business, an agreement that at least two meetings will occur if each
party is mutually willing. This trust cannot simply be felt by various associations/partners, but must be done without
any preparation and can be demonstrated. Buyer trust significantly influences the purpose of buying online (Pasaribu
et al., 2022). This effect is very beneficial for the affiliate or online merchant as there is evident overwhelming buyer
interest in making purchases on the web. Buyer trust is increasing, so buying interest is increasing for purchases on the
web. In this way the researcher thinks that there is a relationship between trust and purchase intention. So the hypothesis
is as follows:
: Configuration of service channels influences purchase intention mediated by consumer trust.
4. The effect of integrated interaction on purchase intention
Integrated interactions in Omnichannel shows influence customer purchasing expectations, whereby shoppers
will be linked more effectively with follow-up promotions, with all channels coupled to one another. (Suggesti et al.,
2019), related to the impact of the Omnichannel showcase on purchase intention (concentration on PT Pegadaian
(Persero) Syariah's gold reserve fund item), shows that Omnichannel promotions affect purchase intentions. So the
hypothesis is as follows:
: Integrated interaction has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention
5. The effect of integrated interaction on consumer trust
Trust is the willingness of a party to act on another party with the expectation of the other party to take certain
actions that are important to a giver of trust, regardless of the ability to monitor or control the other party (Permatasari
dan Nugroho, 2022). Buyer trust significantly influences the purpose of buying online (Pasaribu et al., 2022). This
effect is very beneficial for the affiliate or online merchant as there is evident overwhelming buyer interest in making
purchases on the web. That is, the higher the trust given by the buyer, the higher the interest that appears in customers
to make purchases on the web. In this way the specialist thinks that there is a trust relationship with the purchase
objective. So the hypothesis is as follows:
: Integrated interaction has a positive and significant effect on consumer confidence
6. The effect of integrated interaction on purchase intention with consumer trust as a mediating variable.
Integrated interaction includes choices about the number of channels to take, this is the idea of collaboration
of the company (retailer) and what channels to offer to the customer and for what reason, confirmation that the buyer
is experiencing positive and predictable communication with each one of them (Pasaribu et al. , 2022). Previous
investigations yielded some of the growing retailer's multi-channel mixed orders. argues that the coordination of data
frameworks that support virtual and actual switching can be provided as an additional service of sequencing, data
aggregation and operations. Normal qualities of a highly coordinated retail methodology include: high progress
aggregation, item consistency across channels, coordinated data framework for sharing customer, forecasting, and
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stock information across multiple channels, processes that take into account in-store pickup for items purchased via
the web, and looking for valuable multi-channel open doors with plausible accomplices (Stevan et al., 2023). It's seen
as a way to oversee client connections across channels, and exists in Omnichannel retail. Ultimately, to take advantage
of Omnichannel, it will be easier for organizations to gain trust from buyers in the goods the organization has to offer,
so this will also influence buyers' purchasing expectations. specialists therefore suspect that there is an impact of omni-
channel reconciliation quality on purchasing objectives through trust as intercessor. Then the hypothesis is as follows:
: Integrated interaction influences Purchase Intention mediated by consumer trust.
The framework of thinking in this study is.
Figure 1. Research Model
2. Materials and Methods
This type of research uses a survey conducted on consumers who use coffee drinks with data collection
techniques based on observation with research objects involving coffee consumers in Surakarta. Sources of data using
primary data are data based on research (Sugiyono,2017). Sources of data from coffee consumers to fill in and answer
questions given by researchers. Primary data related to coffee consumer responses. The population is the total number
of objects based on the characteristics that the research will take (Djarwanto, 2018). The population uses 100 coffee
consumers and is used as the sample. The sampling technique is purposive sampling with certain considerations
(Sugiyono,2017). The criteria for taking this sample are coffee consumers. The data collection technique using a
questionnaire is a list of written questions given to respondents (Sugiyono,2017). This questionnaire was given to
respondents to fill in the answers provided with one answer considered the most appropriate based on the wishes of
the respondents (Sugiyono,2017). Data analysis technique uses the Partial Least Square Software (PLS) method using
Smart PLS Software.
3. Results and Discussions
3.1 Results
3.1.1 Outer Model
The final outer model of this study produces four indicators that reflect Purchase Intention variables, six
indicators that reflect Consumer Confidence, seven indicators that reflect Service Channel Configuration, and seven
indicators that reflect Integrated Interaction. The PLS SEM analysis steps on the outer model use four criteria, namely
Costumer Trust
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verifying the validity and reliability of variables by examining Convergent Validity, Cronbach's Alpha, Composite
Reliability, and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) in each variable. The steps for the research test are as follows:
1. Convergent Validity
This test is used to verify convergent validity. If the outer loading value is more than 0.7 then an indicator is
considered to have convergent validity with a good category. The outer loading value of each variable indicator is
as follows.
Table 1.Results Outer loading
Integrated Interaction
Consumer Trust
Service Channel Configuration
Purchase Intent
Source: Processed data, 2023
Description: Service Channel Configuration (KSL); Integrated interaction (IT); Consumer Confidence (KK) and
Purchase Intention (NB)
Based on the data shown in the table above, it is clear that several research variables have an outer loading
greater than 0.7. There is no indication in the data above that it has an outer loading value of 0.5 which indicates
that the indicator is feasible or valid.
2. Discriminant Validity
Approach Average Variance Extracted (AVE) can be used to determine discriminant validity for each
indicator with a threshold > 0.5 which is declared valid.
Table 2. Hasil Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
Integrated Interaction
Consumer Trust
Service Channel Configuration
347 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 05, Mei 2023, pages: 340-352
Purchase Intent
Source: Processed data, 2023
The results showed that the AVE values for all variables were greater than 0.5 which indicated that all
variables had valid discriminant validity values.
3. Composite Reliability
The composite reliability component is used to assess the value of variable indicator reliability. If the value
of the composite reliability of a variable is more than 0.7 then it is considered to meet composite reliability. The
following is the composite reliability of the results of each variable.
Table 3. Composite Reliability Results
Composite Reliability
Integrated Interaction
Consumer Trust
Service Channel Configuration
Purchase Intent
Source: Processed data, 2023
The results of the study show that the Composite Reliability value for all variables is greater than 0.7 which
indicates that all variables have Composite Reliability values that are reliable.
4. Cronbach’s Alpha
Cronbach's alpha value can be used to increase the reliability test using the composite reliability described
above. A variable is considered reliable if its Cronbach's alpha value is greater than 0.7. Cronbach's alpha value
for each variable is shown below.
Table 4. Cronbach's Alpha results
Cronbach’s Alpha
Integrated Interaction
Consumer Trust
Service Channel Configuration
Purchase Intent
Source: Processed data, 2023
The results showed that the Cronbach's alpha value for all variables was greater than 0.7 which indicated that
all variables had reliable Cronbach's alpha values.
5. Multicollinearity Test
This multicollinearity test aims to determine the multicollinearity of variables by looking at the correlation
values between the independent variables. The results of the multicollinearity test for each variable are shown
Table 5. Multicollinearity Results
Consumer Trust
Purchase Intent
Integrated Interaction
Consumer Trust
Service Channel Configuration
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 05, Mei 2023, pages: 340-352
Source: Processed data, 2023
The research results show that the VIF values for all variables are less than 3 which indicates that all variables
have independent values from multicollinearity.
3.1.2 Inner model analysis
Inner model analysis using path coefficient testing; goodness of fit test and hypothesis testing.
1. Test F-square (F
Test Testing F-square (F
) based on mark Q
(Predictive relevance) the purpose of this test is to measure the
predictive capability of assessing the results, the result value is 0.02 in the small category; value 0.15 medium
category; 0.35 major categories affect the structural level. The results of data processing are assisted by using the
Smart PLS 3.0 program as follows:
Table 6.Results F-Square (F
Consumer Trust
Purchase Intent
Integrated Interaction
Consumer Trust
Service Channel Configuration
Purchase Intent
Source: Processed data, 2023
Based on the results above, it shows that the predictive capability of the Integrated Interaction value on
consumer trust is 0.090 and purchase intention is 0.002, which is relatively small. Consumer confidence in
purchase intention of 0.164 is classified as being below 0.35. Service Channel Configuration on consumer trust of
0.160 is classified as moderate and Service Channel Configuration on purchase intention is 0.077 classified as
2. GOF Test
The GOF test is used to calculate how much the dependent variable is occupied by other variables. The R-
square value is calculated based on data processing performed using smart PLS 3.0:
Table 7.R Square results
R Square
Adj R Square
Consumer Trust
Purchase Intent
Source: Processed data, 2023
Based on the findings of data processing, namely the variable influence of customer trust is 0.343 or 34.3%.
While the effect on the purchase intention variable is 0.338 or 33.8%. The Q-Square number is used to determine
suitability. In the regression analysis, the Q-Square value has the same significance as the coefficient of
determination (R-Square), where the larger the Q-Square, the better or fits the model with the data. The following
is the result of the Q-Square calculation:
Q-Square = 1 - [(1-R
1) x (1-R
= 1 - [1- 0,317) x (1 0,330)]
= 1 - (0.683 x 0.670)
= 0,542
The Q-Square value is 0.421 based on computational findings. This shows the wide coverage of research
data that can be explained by the research model (54.2%), while the remaining 45.8% is explained by factors
outside the research model. According to this research model has a good fit.
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 05, Mei 2023, pages: 340-352
3.1.3 Hypothesis testing
1. Direct Effect Testing
The results of data processing can be used to answer the hypothesis in this study. In this study, hypothesis
testing was carried out by looking at P Values. If the P value is less than 0.05, this hypothesis is considered
accepted. Because there are independent factors, dependent variables, and intervening variables in this study, there
are direct and indirect influences. The results of the Smart PLS program hypothesis test can be seen through the
path coefficient of the Bootstrapping approach as follows:
Table 8. Direct Influence Path Results
Influence Test
Great Influence
Significant Value
Service Channel Configuration -> Consumer Trust
Service Channel Configuration -> Purchase Intention
Integrated Interaction -> Consumer Trust
Integrated Interaction -> Purchase Intention
Consumer Confidence -> Purchase Intention
Source: Processed data, 2023
Based on the results of the path coefficient analysis with the Bootstrapping approach, the Service Channel
Configuration has an effect on consumer trust of 0.000 or Sig. <0.05, meaning that the service channel
configuration has a positive and significant effect on consumer trust. The effect of Service Channel Configuration
on purchase intention is 0.029 or Sig. <0.05, meaning that service channel configuration has a positive and
significant effect on purchase intention. The effect of integrated interaction on consumer trust is 0.004 or
Sig.<0.05, meaning that integrated interaction has a positive and significant effect on consumer trust.
Integrated interaction on purchase intention of 0.676 or Sig. > 0.05 means that the integrated interaction
has no significant effect on purchase intention. The significance value of the effect of consumer trust on purchase
intention is 0.000 or Sig. <0.05, meaning that consumer trust has a positive and significant effect on purchase
2. Indirect Effect Testing
The indirect effect test is used to determine the indirect effect of the Service Channel Configuration variable
on purchase intention through intervening variables, as well as the indirect effect of integrated interaction variables
on purchase intention through intervening variables. The findings of the analysis are shown in the Indirect Effect
table of the bootstrapping approach as follows:
Table 9.Indirect Influence Path Results
Influence Test
Original Sample
Significant Value
Service Channel Configuration -> Consumer trust -> Purchase intent
Integrated interactions -> Consumer trust -> Purchase intent
Source: Processed data, 2023
Based on the data presented above, the Significance value of the effect of Service Channel Configuration
on Purchase Intentions mediated by Consumer Trust is 0.008 or Sig 0.05, which means that consumer trust
mediates the influence of service channel configuration on purchase intentions. The significant value of integrated
interaction on purchase intention mediated by customer trust is 0.030 (Sig 0.05), meaning that consumer trust
mediates the effect of integrated contact on purchase intention.
3.2.1 Effect of Service Channel Configuration on Purchase Intentions
Configuration of Service Channels has a significant and positive effect on Purchase Intentions. This means that
the lower the Service Channel Configuration, the lower the purchase intention. These results prove the first hypothesis
which states Service Channel Configuration has a positive effect on purchase intention is proven to be true. These
results are in line with the research of Simatupang dkk, (2021), namely the configuration of service channels has an
effect on purchase intentions.
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 05, Mei 2023, pages: 340-352
3.2.2 Effect of Service Channel Configuration on Consumer Trust
Configuration of Service Channels has a significant and positive effect on consumer confidence. This means that
the higher the Service Channel Configuration, the higher consumer trust. These results prove the second hypothesis
which states that service channel configuration has a positive effect on consumer trust is proven to be true. These
results are in line with the research of Simatupang dkk, (2021), which states that the configuration of service channels
affects consumer trust.
3.2.3 Effect of Service Channel Configuration on Purchase Intention with Consumer Trust as a mediating
Consumer trust mediates the effect of Service Channel configuration on Purchase Intention. This means that
consumer trust causes an influence on Service Channel Configuration on Purchase Intentions. These results are in line
with the research of Simatupang dkk, (2021), namely the configuration of service channels on purchase intentions with
consumer trust as a mediating variable.
3.2.4 The Effect of Integrated Interaction on Purchase Intentions
Integrated interaction has no significant positive effect on purchase intention. This means that the higher the
integrated interaction, the higher the purchase intention. These results prove the fourth hypothesis which states that
Service Channel Configuration has a positive effect on Purchase Intentions is not proven to be true. These results are
not in line with the results of research conducted Simatupang dkk, (2021) which reveal that integrated interactions have
a positive and insignificant effect on purchase intentions. Trust is one of the foundations of any business, an agreement
that at least two meetings will occur if each party is mutually willing. This trust cannot simply be felt by various
associations/partners, but must be done without any preparation and can be demonstrated. Buyer trust significantly
influences the purpose of buying online (Pasaribu et al., 2022). This effect is very beneficial for the affiliate or online
merchant as there is evident overwhelming buyer interest in making purchases on the web. The increasing trust given
by buyers, the more consumers' buying interest increases the customers to make purchases on the web.
3.2.5 The Effect of Integrated Interaction on Consumer Trust
Integrated interactions have a significant and positive effect on consumer confidence. This means that the higher
the integrated interaction, the higher consumer trust. These results prove the second hypothesis which states that the
integrated interaction has a positive effect on consumer trust is proven to be true. These results are in line with the
results of research conducted Simatupang dkk, (2021) stating that integrated interactions are integrated interactions
with consumer trust. Trust is the willingness of a party to act on another party with the expectation of the other party
to take certain actions that are important to a giver of trust, regardless of the ability to monitor or control the other
party (Permatasari dan Nugroho, 2022).
3.2.6 The effect of integrated interaction on purchase intention with consumer trust as a mediating variable.
Consumer trust mediates the effect of integrated interaction on purchase intention. This means that consumer
trust causes an integrated interaction effect on purchase intentions. These results are in line with the research conducted
which was inconsistent with the research conducted by Simatupang dkk, (2021) which says that consumer trust
mediates the effect of integrated interaction on consumer trust.
4. Conclusion
Judging from the results of the analysis that has been done, this research can be concluded as follows:
1. Configuration of Service Channels has a significant and positive effect on Purchase Intentions so that the first
hypothesis is supported.
2. Configuration of Service Channels has a significant and positive effect on consumer confidence so that the
second hypothesis is supported
351 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 05, Mei 2023, pages: 340-352
3. Service channel configuration has a significant positive effect on purchase intention mediated by consumer
trust so that the third hypothesis is supported.
4. The integrated interaction has no significant negative effect on purchase intention so that the third hypothesis
is not supported.
5. Integrated interactions affect consumer confidence so that the fourth hypothesis is supported.
6. Integrated interaction has a significant positive effect on purchase intention mediated by consumer trust so
that the seventh hypothesis is supported.
Future researchers and readers should be aware of this limitation. The following are some limitations of the study:
The effect of purchase intention is limited to the quality of omnichannel integration and customer trust, so the scope is
too narrow to be discussed in marketing management decision making. Because the scope of the research was limited
to students in one location, namely the Surakarta area, and the time available for research was limited, the results could
not be compared with customers in other similar places, and the research results were less than optimal.
Based on this research, the following recommendations are made for future researchers: To increase knowledge
in the field of management, especially marketing management, add the Omnichannel Integration Quality dimension to
the independent variable. In addition, changing the research paradigm by incorporating factors such as moderating
variables. Always increase customer trust by building service channels to generate buying intent for markets and
companies. In addition, it provides information to consumers that the data provided to the marketplace will be safe and
will not be shared.
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