351 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 05, Mei 2023, pages: 340-352
3. Service channel configuration has a significant positive effect on purchase intention mediated by consumer
trust so that the third hypothesis is supported.
4. The integrated interaction has no significant negative effect on purchase intention so that the third hypothesis
is not supported.
5. Integrated interactions affect consumer confidence so that the fourth hypothesis is supported.
6. Integrated interaction has a significant positive effect on purchase intention mediated by consumer trust so
that the seventh hypothesis is supported.
Future researchers and readers should be aware of this limitation. The following are some limitations of the study:
The effect of purchase intention is limited to the quality of omnichannel integration and customer trust, so the scope is
too narrow to be discussed in marketing management decision making. Because the scope of the research was limited
to students in one location, namely the Surakarta area, and the time available for research was limited, the results could
not be compared with customers in other similar places, and the research results were less than optimal.
Based on this research, the following recommendations are made for future researchers: To increase knowledge
in the field of management, especially marketing management, add the Omnichannel Integration Quality dimension to
the independent variable. In addition, changing the research paradigm by incorporating factors such as moderating
variables. Always increase customer trust by building service channels to generate buying intent for markets and
companies. In addition, it provides information to consumers that the data provided to the marketplace will be safe and
will not be shared.
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