IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 🕮 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 355
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 04, Mei 2023, pages: 353-362
for drugs at the XYZ Hospital Pharmacy Installation. This means that complaints about the long waiting time for drugs
at XYZ Hospital are one of the things that contribute to causing patient complaints.
Based on the data above, we can see that there is a gap between the waiting time for drugs achieved by XYZ
Hospital and the waiting time for drugs based on the Minimum Service Standards and the length of time waiting for
these drugs causes patient complaints as customers. Therefore, in order to provide optimal performance, an evaluation
of business processes is carried out in outpatient pharmacy services at XYZ Hospital. Evaluation has been done before
using the Quality Evaluation Framework (QEF) method. With the QEF method, evaluation is carried out by measuring
the quality of existing business processes using measurements of predetermined quality factors so that what quality
factors are met or not fulfilled (Heidari & Loucopoulos, 2014). From the results of the quality factors that are still not
in accordance with the target of the hospital, a Root Cause Analysis will be carried out that occurs in outpatient
pharmacy services using the Fishbone Diagram so that a strategy to improve outpatient pharmacy services at XYZ
Hospital can be carried out.
Previous studies using QEF at XYZ Hospital have shown that there is a discrepancy in target achievement in
the prescription review process which includes prescription review failure (Q5), drug availability check process which
includes drug availability check failure (Q7), drug billing process which includes time efficiency drug billing (Q14),
administrative processes which include administrative time efficiency (Q18) and the process of providing
information/counseling which includes the authority to provide information/counseling (Q24) (Aulia et al, 2022). After
knowing the quality factors that are not achieved, it is necessary to analyze the root causes and strategies for improving
outpatient pharmacy services. Based on the explanations above, the authors see how important it is to carry out root
cause analysis in outpatient pharmacy services in order to determine strategies for improving outpatient pharmacy
services at XYZ Hospital.
2. Materials and Methods
The method used in this study is a qualitative method. According to (Creswell & Creswell, 2017), the
characteristics of this qualitative research include a natural setting, the researcher as a key instrument, collecting data
from various sources, analysis of inductive and deductive data, learning the meaning conveyed by participants about
research problems or issues, the research process always develops dynamically, reflexivity, overall view in an effort
to create a picture of a problem or the issues studied.
In this study, the object of research was the XYZ Hospital Pharmacy Installation (IFRS). The subjects of this
study were people who had authority in determining policies at the XYZ Hospital Pharmacy Installation. The time of
research was conducted in October 2022. The research data is sourced from primary data. The primary data source is
obtained from the results focus Group Discussion (FGD) which was attended by 9 informants namely the Director,
Deputy Director, Head of Medical Support, Head of General Affairs and Administration, Head of Finance, Head of
Pharmacy Installation, Head of IT Affairs, Head of Cashier Affairs, Head of Outpatient Rooms. Determination of this
informant through purposive sample with consideration as a party that has authority in determining outpatient
pharmacy service policies at XYZ Hospital (Hardani, 2020).
Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by doing Focus Group Disscusion (FGD). Focus Grup
Discussion (FGD) is a focus group discussion which is a data collection technique by exploring problems that a group
of people wants to investigate through discussion (Masturoh & Anggita, 2018). In addition, a documentation study
was also carried out. Focus Group Disscusion (FGD) is used to find the root of the problem from the gap results
obtained previously. The next step for this FGD was also carried out to design a strategy for improving outpatient
pharmacy services.
One of the ways to analyze the root of the problem is to use the Ishikawa Diagram (Cause and Effect
Diagram/Fish Bone Diagram) which is used to look for causes that cause an effect or effect (Barsalou, 2014). The
purpose of this diagram is to identify possible causes and effects. The effects learned can be experiences that are
expected not to occur again in the future (Andersen, 2007). As stated by (McLaughlin, 2008) the main category
components in the service process that can cause an effect are the 4 P's, namely policies, procedures, people,
In this qualitative study, data analysis while in the field using the Miles-Huberman Model by carrying out
activities data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification (Siregar et al., 2015). Data analysis was
obtained using the Miles Huberman method: