296 e-ISSN: 2980-4108� p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 04, April 2023, pages: 295-299
However, the importance of the role of a notary in the banking world sometimes triggers unhealthy
competition between notaries. Banks that require a notary tend to cooperate with certain notaries because they
feel that there has been good or satisfactory cooperation before. The bank only uses the services of certain
notaries, so that other notaries find it difficult and are not given the opportunity to provide their services. The
bank may provide criteria as long as it does not rule out other notaries (Putri & Prananingtyas, 2019). For
example, a notary can guarantee service performance, timeliness, or service fees. However, in practice, banks
usually maintain document secrecy, so banks only appoint notaries who have good relations with the bank
concerned (Soleh et al., 2022). So that it is difficult for other notaries to get access because they do not have
connections with banks, including in the context of business competition. Therefore, researchers are trying to
find solutions to prevent unhealthy competition from bank notaries (Nurlaela, 2020).
2. Materials and Methods
The type of research used in this research is a type of research that is in accordance with the character
and characteristics of the science of law, namely normative juridical research through library research, namely
research on legal materials related to existing problems. The approach to the problem in this study uses a
conceptual approach and a statutory approach. The Conceptual Approach is a study of expert opinions and
theories from legal experts in the literature as a supporting basis. The Statute Approach is carried out by
reviewing and researching legal norms contained in statutory provisions related to the theme being discussed.
Data collection is done by literature study. Data analysis using deductive method.
3. Results and Discussions
Bank Notary Competition Conditions
Currently there are many monopolistic practices of the notary profession. For example, for mortgage
transactions at a bank, the bank usually determines which notary is used. In addition, if there is a notary who has
a close relationship with officials, then he can complete difficult work quickly but of course at a high cost. The
phenomenon of difficulty accessing a notary because they do not have a 'good relationship' or 'connection' with
the bank is an incident that many other notaries have complained about (Annisaa & Nurdin, 2019). This
phenomenon is included in the context of unfair business competition as stipulated in Law 5/1999, because there
is an element of injustice or unfairness among notaries.
The provisions on unfair business competition in Law 5/1999 are further explained as follows:
"Unfair business competition is competition between business actors in carrying out production and or
marketing activities of goods or services that are carried out in a dishonest or unlawful manner or impede
business competition."
According to Article 1 point 5 of Law 5/1999, the business actors referred to in the above article are:
"Business actor is every individual or business entity, whether in the form of a legal entity or not a legal
entity that is established and domiciled or carries out activities within the jurisdiction of the Republic of
Indonesia, both individually and jointly through agreements, carrying out various business activities in the
economic sector.”
Related to a bank that only wants to use the services of certain notaries so that other notaries find it
difficult and are not given the opportunity to provide their services, it can be stated that there has been injustice
or unfairness. The bank may provide criteria as long as it does not rule out other notaries. For example, a notary
can guarantee service performance, timeliness, or service fees (BINTANG, 2021).
However, in practice, banks usually maintain the confidentiality of documents, so banks only appoint
notaries who have a 'good relationship' with the bank concerned. So that it can be concluded, the difficulty of
accessing a notary public because they do not have a connection with a bank is included in the context of
business competition (Pandamdari, 2018). Regarding the phenomenon that many notaries complain about, it is
recommended that banks have an open catalog system, where customers/clients can choose which notary will use
their services. For example, customers can choose the closest notary office to their domicile, service fees, and
other considerations.
It is possible that many notaries will enter as service providers for banks and their customers and this
will result in supervision difficulties (Lestari, 2014). Banks must be able to answer this possibility, but for the
sake of fair business competition this still needs to be done.
There is a tendency for banks to choose notaries for clients. The client is not given a position to choose a