International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 04, April 2023, pages: 269-276
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Conservation Pillar Policy: Sustainable Corporate Performance
Improvement Strategy Model
Achmad Nauval Waliuddin
, Moch Faizal Rachmadi
, Siti Ridloah
, Hanina Humaira
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Master Program in Economics Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Submitted: October 12
2022, Revised: January 21
2023, Publication: March 29
Conservation Pillar;
Sustainable Performance;
Environmentally friendly.
This research aims to investigate, comprehend, and examine further the
conservation pillar policy to become a sustainable corporate performance
improvement strategy model. In general, conservation is defined as an effort to
manage, control, preserve, or other terms that show nature preservation. This
research adopts the pillars of conservation at Universitas Negeri Semarang,
consisting of seven types, which are: 1) biodiversity conservation, 2) green
architecture & internal transportation, 3) paperless policy, 4) waste management, 5)
clean energy, 6) ethics, arts, and culture, and 7) conservation cadres. The method
used in this research is qualitative, with the acquisition of secondary data or
literature study. Based on the studies conducted, implementing the seven pillars of
conservation has its characteristics, benefits, and advantages for a company's
operations and sustainability performance. Therefore, a policy on the pillars of
conservation is suitable as a basis for development in sustainable company
performance. Moreover, besides being profit-oriented, it also prioritizes
environmental sustainability.
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license
1. Introduction
In the past 20 years, environmental damage issues such as global warming, climate change, and air
pollution have become more frequent (Hugo & Nuringsih, 2020). This is obviously dangerous for human
life and affects economic activities ranging from production and consumption to distribution in various
fields (Leonidou et al., 2013). Furthermore, various factors cause environmental damage, including
population growth, which is predicted to reach 9 billion in 2050. Therefore, negative externalities to
environmental damage must be addressed and dealt with quickly, on target, efficiently, comprehensively,
integrated, and integratively. In addition, efforts to deal with negative externalities must also be carried out
sustainably by various organizations, including at the corporate scale (Hall et al., 2010).
Environmental protection and sustainability are indeed the main focus in handling global issues
nationally. One of the regulations or rules governing this matter is Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning
Environmental Protection and Management. In the regulation, it has been stated that an ecosystem is an
arrangement of elements of the environment which is a whole unit that influences each other in forming
balance, stability, and productivity in the environment. The preservation of environmental functions is a
series of efforts to maintain the continuity of the carrying capacity of the environment (Rachmadi, 2019b).
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Efforts to protect and preserve the environment can be carried out by preventing environmental pollution
and damage, including planning, utilization, control, supervision, and law enforcement.
According to (Rachmadi, 2019a), several threats to environmental damage or negative externalities
often occur, such as: 1) rehabilitating environmental damage and preventive measures, 2) optimizing digital
technology in various operations to make it more effective and efficient, and 3) increasing research efforts,
training, and guidance so that awareness of the environment (green awareness) is increasing from the
community. These efforts will improve effective and efficient environmental management, including the
company's operations. (Soesanto, 2022) emphasizes that business actors must pay attention to their
economic activities, starting from production, consumption, and distribution. Not only focusing on business
interests or profit-oriented but also paying attention to environmental sustainability for sustainable business
Sustainability in a company that covers various fields ranging from production, marketing, HR
management, or other scopes becomes an essential perspective in managing the right, quality, quality and
superior company while still paying attention to the preservation of the natural surroundings. This can be
done with a holistic approach, considering the economic dimensions of sustainability as well as the social
aspects of the company (Chang et al., 2017). (Setyaningsih & Asyik, 2016) state that proper disclosure of
environmental performance will provide distinct benefits for the company. The company will get a good
position in the eyes of the community (Hamidi, 2019). These various conditions make studying sustainable
environmental economics increasingly unique and exciting (Nuryanto, Mz, et al., 2020).
One of the many environmental management policies applied to an organization and/or company is
conservation. Essentially, conservation is inseparable from a philosophical foundation, namely, the
universe and everything in it is a creation and gift from God Almighty. Thus nature has its way of
regulating balance itself. Unfortunately, the immoral development of civilization led to the destruction of
the existing natural order. In the pillar of conservation, there are several policies implemented, one of
which is at Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) (Rahayuningsih, 2010); (Yuniawan et al., 2014). The
seven pillars of conservation include 1) biodiversity, 2) green architecture and transportation, 3) waste
management, 4) paperless policy, 5) clean energy, 6) ethics, arts, and culture, and 7) conservation cadres.
These seven pillars of conservation deserve to be a role model in improving sustainable performance.
Figure 1.
Universitas Negeri Semarang Conservation Pillar
Therefore, an inclusive, comprehensive, and integrated approach is urgently needed. Not only a
sectoral approach, but also across disciplines. There must be conscious and planned efforts to integrate
environmental, social, and economic aspects into development strategies to ensure the environmental
integrity of present and future generations. If this conscious effort is implemented, then development will
be sustainable. Conservation theory is one of the theories regarding environmental management, care, and
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2. Materials and Methods
This research seeks to understand and examine the linkages of implementing the conservation pillar
policies into a sustainable company performance improvement strategy model. In this case, the researcher
uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. According to (Nurdin & Hartati, 2019), qualitative
research originates from data, utilizes existing theory as explanatory material, and ends with a theory. The
data collection technique is literature study (literature study). (Sutrisno et al., 2010) concluded that a study
uses the library method because the data needed to complete the research comes from the library. The
source comes from books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, journals, documents, magazines, etc. However, the
variables used in the literature study research method are not standard. (Zed, 2014) also added that library
research is generally not only used as a step in formulating a research framework but also to optimize the
use of various library sources.
3. Results and Discussions
Natural Wealth and Environmental Impact
Indonesia is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. According to the Central
Bureau of Statistics (2023), Indonesia's total population reaches 275.77 million. The high demographic
number is certainly also followed by an increasingly high human lifestyle. Moreover, in the digital era like
today, patterns of human behavior have also changed to prioritize the principles of effectiveness, efficiency,
productivity, speed, and accuracy (Zakka & Rizaldi, 2022). This should be an opportunity and challenge for
the existing natural wealth to be optimized for human development and the national economy. Do not
exploit nature on a large scale so that it has negative impacts or externalities that impact the value of
benefits for the nation's next generation. Existing natural wealth, including in Indonesia, should be of
particular concern, including for business actors always to carry out sustainable innovation management
(Ong & Mahazan, 2020); (Nuryanto, Djamil, et al., 2020); (Mugiono et al., 2021). Besides that, this effort
is a tangible form of business actors to reinforce a principle of sustainable commitment. Continuing
commitment is a pattern of individual behavior that persists in an organization, mainly for economic
reasons, thus creating the best performance system (Ariyani & Sugiyanto, 2020).
It is clear that conservation is an effort to preserve the environment but still pay attention to the
benefits that can be obtained at that time while maintaining the existence of each environmental component
for future use. In addition, implementing conservation policies is capable of providing a model framework
for creating sustainable performance, including among companies. As mentioned in the previous chapter,
there are seven pillars of conservation, namely: 1) biodiversity, 2) green architecture and transportation, 3)
waste management, 4) paperless policy, 5) clean energy, 6) ethics, art, and culture, and 7) conservation
Biodiversity Conservation
According to Law no. 5 of 1990, living natural resources are biological elements in nature that consist
of natural vegetable resources (plants) and natural animal resources (animals) that form an ecosystem. Law
No. 5 of 1994, concerning the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity Ratification, defines
biodiversity as diversity among living things in all sources. Biodiversity is also defined as the diversity of
living organisms at all higher taxonomic levels and various habitats and ecosystems (Trombulak et al.,
2004). The pillar of biodiversity conservation aims to protect, preserve, wisely, and sustainably use and
develop the environment, flora, and fauna. One form of this conservation pillar policy is to provide Green
Open Space for every economic activity, including companies. Not only spurring the growth of the
company's internal profits but also balancing the state of the surrounding ecosystem.
Along with the demographic conditions of Indonesia and even the world, which tend to continue to
increase, the availability of green open space is critical. The condition of the company and the massive
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development programs carried out are often destructive and change the beauty of urban and other open
lands. This is obviously detrimental to Green Open Space availability, which is often considered less
profitable for some people because it has no economic value (Hidayani & Warsono, 2017). Natural
disasters such as landslides and floods are some impacts due to misconceptions about existing development
that do not pay attention to environmental preservation. Construction and development of urban settlements
that ignore environmental factors and natural carrying capacity, development deviations from spatial
planning are the main vulnerability factors, and damage that causes floods and landslides must be
considered (Adiyanta, 2018).
As mentioned above, natural sustainability in overcoming natural disasters has implications for
sustainable company performance. Suppose the company's condition is considered safe, comfortable, and
protected from various natural disasters. In that case, the continuous commitment of employees, the
community, and related partners will also increase and vice versa.
Green Architecture and Internal Transportation
The term green architecture is an architecture that minimally consumes natural resources, including
energy, water, and materials, and has a minimal negative impact on the environment. Meanwhile, internal
transportation or green transportation, is an environmentally friendly means of transportation that use as
little energy as possible and does not produce greenhouse gases (Rachmadi, 2019a). In the management of
a building, sometimes some need to pay attention to development patterns. However, managers tend to
imitate external patterns, which usually only pay attention to aesthetics but do not pay attention to
environmental conditions. Even though there are good patterns in building management that do not only
pay attention to aesthetics but to environmental conditions. The pattern is none other than green
architecture and internal transportation.
In the world of architecture, including in companies, the phenomenon of sick building syndrome has
emerged, namely health problems and discomfort due to air quality and air pollution in occupied buildings
and which affects the productivity of the occupants (Mauludi et al., 2020). One of these problems arises,
among others, due to the need for more air ventilation as a factor in supporting human metabolism and not
maximizing natural lighting in a company. Therefore, green architecture is a crucial topic of study in
maintaining buildings, including in companies, so that they are more durable, energy-efficient, well-
maintained, and comfortable for employees to live in. This includes internal transportation that is more
environmentally friendly, such as the use of solar energy as fuel, policies to get used to walking to make it
healthier, and many more.
Waste Management
Factory waste production will continue to increase in line with the addition of existing production
capacity. Unfortunately, several companies still need to implement a good and correct waste management
system. Many companies or industries still directly dispose of their production waste, solid and liquid, into
several waterways, such as rivers, ditches, and so on. Besides that, many business actors directly dispose of
their production waste, especially those that are solid in nature, at the Final Disposal Site. In this place, the
solid waste will be burned without going through a utilization or recycling process to make it more
environmentally friendly (Takbiran, 2020). These activities certainly cause negative externalities to the
environment that are relatively large, including air pollution, the emergence of various kinds of diseases,
ecosystem damage, and so on.
According to (Singhirunnusorn et al., 2017), changing the way people think about waste management
is seen as very important to minimize the negative externalities that exist, including in companies. This
change in the way of thinking regarding waste management at the source through the participation of
residents and employees must be integrated into a community-based waste bank project. If a company can
manage waste properly and correctly, it will also generate and add value to the use of the waste that is no
longer used.
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Paperless Policy
The paperless policy is an effort to reduce production and minimize the use of paper (Rachmadi,
2019b). This is a straightforward effort that provides a million benefits. It is well known that paper comes
from the best-selected raw bark, which has gone through various production processes. If the use of paper
in a company is massive, it cannot be denied that more and more bark will be cut down and processed to
make the paper. The paper has become a supporting media in company operations such as administration,
partly for bookkeeping, archives, etc. However, this requires an integrated, and continuous control. One
effort that can be made is with a paperless policy. Companies can also optimize digital technology as a
substitute for paper in their daily business activities.
Optimization of digital-based technology is one of the innovations in developing paperless policies.
This strategy is also considered capable of driving dynamic, integrated, complex, and sustainable company
performance (Gumelar & Merdiana, 2022); (Tan & Syahwildan, 2022); (Pratama, 2019); (Indriyani et al.,
2020). Companies can integrate various existing operational systems, for example, asset loans, accounting
books, procurement of goods, or other digital-based activities. This digitization effort is also a way to
respond to developments in the industrial era 4.0 as it is today. Nevertheless, in realizing a paperless policy,
it must be supported by adequate information technology. The main challenge in developing information
systems is the financial aspect, requiring funds for supporting equipment.
Clean Energy
Over time, the need for energy and fuel has become mandatory (Sulistyono, 2012). The use of energy,
especially fossils, must be considered with full responsibility because it has risks and impacts on the
environment, such as climate change, global warming, and many more. Therefore, developing renewable or
clean energy is necessary to answer these environmental problems (Patra, 2022). As is known, Indonesia
has abundant renewable energy sources, from water, solar, geothermal, wind, or others (Adjikri, 2017).
Renewable energy, as explained by (Azhar & Satriawan, 2018), is an energy that can always be renewed
and has environmentally friendly properties.
Several obstacles to implementing clean energy include requiring significant capital, qualified
technology, maintenance quite tricky, and much more (Yuwono et al., 2021). For this reason, clean energy
has not become a top priority in a company. However, over time, energy availability will be dwindling and
running out. So, ready or not, the company must slowly transform to make it more environmentally
friendly, including clean energy policies. Solar energy utilization can be in the form of heat and light
energy. Utilization of solar heat can be in the form of agricultural product dryers, water heaters, space
heaters, thermal energy power generators, drying systems in the tile industry, bricks, and others. While the
use of light energy, among others, for building lighting and solar power generation (photovoltaic).
Arts and Culture Ethics
The pillar's goal is to preserve ethics, art, and culture both locally and nationally. This is done to
uphold national identity. Some examples of pillars of conservation in art and culture ethics are preserving
culture, traditional clothing, local wisdom, and many more. Besides that, cultivating work habits or often
referred to as noble corporate values, is also a form of implementing the pillars of artistic and cultural
ethics (Wiyanti et al., 2020). Work culture is a system of values, perceptions, behaviors, and beliefs held by
each employee and group of employees regarding the meaning of work and its reflection in activities to
achieve organizational and individual goals (Silvia et al., 2019). Good work culture has an influence on the
performance of human resources, including employees in a company. The better and more precise the work
culture that is applied, the employee's performance will also increase (Alimudin, 2017). This, of course,
will also increase the ongoing commitment of existing human resources.
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Not only focusing on the work culture that affects the level of performance of employees but also
aspects of ethics and art that are formed in a company. Therefore, collaboration, cooperation, and synergy
are needed in implementing the pillars of art and cultural ethics conservation that are appropriate, relevant,
comprehensive, and follow the characteristics of the employees and the company profile.
Conservation Cadre
A good organization, besides having a sound leadership system, should also have a suitable
regeneration process (Dwiyantari, 2005). Regeneration is carried out so that the culture, character, and
excellence of a company can be passed down from generation to generation properly while at the same time
being able to improve in a better direction. Another term for this is regeneration. This regeneration is also
directly related to achieving the quality of Human Resources (HR). Quality human resources require time
and processes that are longer. It takes a long process and sacrifice and involves various elements, starting
from the company actors themselves, academics, practitioners, experts, the private sector, or others. (Huda,
2022) explains that quality human resources require an educational program and training to prepare and
develop quality human resources in accordance with social transformation.
Regeneration is a process of deriving and giving values, both general and unique values, by the
institution concerned. This regeneration process contains several materials, such as leadership,
management, etc. (Putra, 2004) also added that regeneration is a process to prepare human resources to
become leaders who have better organizational roles and functions. Having competent conservation cadres
can support sustainable company performance. The cadres synergize and collaborate with each other to
develop an agenda, program, activity, or other activities in order to achieve sustainable company
performance. Indeed, having a more focused group of employees, such as conservation cadres, will make it
easier for company leaders to control the achievement of the vision, mission, and goals that have been
mutually agreed upon.
4. Conclusion
Efforts to preserve and protect nature and the environment have become a national strategic issue in
developing a country. Currently, there is much public and consumer awareness of the environment or green
society or consumers, including in Indonesia. Therefore, an organization, including a company, should
properly seize this opportunity by finding an environmentally friendly performance improvement strategy
model. This is also referred to as sustainable performance. The strategy model does not only focus on the
company's economic activities but all things that exist, starting from operations, marketing,
communications, and so on. Therefore, sustainability means not only referring to or focusing on profit-
oriented but also prioritizing the preservation of the natural environment. Various studies have also stated
that sustainable performance makes companies more effective, efficient, and productive. In this case,
sustainable performance is very effective and in accordance with company development.
One of the efforts to control the environment is by implementing the pillars of conservation. There are
seven pillars adopted from Universitas Negeri Semarang in this study, namely: 1) biodiversity
conservation, 2) green architecture & internal transportation, 3) paperless policy, 4) waste management, 5)
clean energy, 6) ethics, arts and culture, and 7) conservation cadres. Implementation of the conservation
pillars certainly also reaps obstacles, problems, or obstacles. As a business actor, one must have the ability
to manage sustainable innovation, not only limited to one breakthrough but also have various models of
strategies that are relevant and right on target in order to achieve sustainable corporate performance.
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