IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 30
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 01, October 2022, halaman: 26-32
makhorijul the letter on the letter 'Ain is wasthul halqi (mid-throat) and shifatul the letter is Tawasuth
(upright) (Amir, Salimi, Syahroni, Hafid, Rifa'i, & Hakim, 2014).
TPQ Curriculum Management in an Effort to Improve the Quality of Qur'an Reading in TPQ
Tsabita Cirebon City
TPQ BTQ curriculum planning
Based on the findings of the curriculum planning field at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City which is
carried out in improving the quality of Qur'an literacy, which begins with setting graduation
competency standards for TPQ students, setting goals, goals, methods, learning media for literacy of the
Qur'an, designing the content of BTQ subject matter through tajwid subjects, Qur'an learning, tahsinul
kitabah and memorization, and BTQ learning evaluation tools. This is in line with the opinion
(Syafarudin & Amirudin, 2017, p. 57) which states that curriculum planning is a process of setting goals,
objectives, material / content of subjects, methods, media, and evaluation of curriculum programs
which are guidelines for the implementation of learning in achieving educational goals in institutions.
Based on this theory, it can be analyzed that the curriculum planning at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City
is in accordance with the theory. However, this is very unfortunate, because based on the results of
observations and interviews, information was obtained that the curriculum planning at TPQ Tsabita
Cirebon City in its implementation has not run effectively and efficiently, especially in achieving targets
that are not in accordance with the set time, this is against the background due to the lack of ustadzah
energy, and infrastructure that supports the implementation of the curriculum. In accordance with the
opinion (Syafaruddin & Amiruddin, 2017, p. 54) which states that curriculum planning must be
supported by managers, teachers, education personnel, facilities and infrastructure, and adequate
financing. Meanwhile, what happened in this research field was the lack of infrastructure and teachers,
so that curriculum planning would not be realized effectively and efficiently.
Organizing the TPQ BTQ curriculum
In accordance with the results of the study, the organization of the curriculum in an effort to
improve the quality of BTQ at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City, namely by grouping students into units
or classes, grouping subjects and subject matter content related to reading and writing the Qur'an into
the subject schedule, determining the allocation of learning time, so that Qur'an teaching and learning
activities can be carried out effectively. This is in line with Amalia's opinion, whose opinion is quoted by
(Saajidah, 2018) argues that the organization of the curriculum includes the organization of subjects,
the allocation of time, a clear division of tasks and others.
However, the problem in organizing the curriculum at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City is that there is no
grouping of teachers on tasks, as well as authority and responsibility in implementing curriculum
programs, this happens because of the lack of educators or ustadzah who play an active role as
implementers of curriculum programs so that in its implementation often the head of TPQ feels
overwhelmed, to the point of affecting the achievement of suboptimal targets. In accordance with the
Decree of the Director General of Pendis no.91 of 2020 Chapter III Registration and Closure of Qur'an
Educational Institutions, it is stated that the standard teacher or ustadzah in TPQ is 1 teacher for 20
students, while in TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City, 1 teacher for 34 students, thus the head of TPQ feels
overwhelmed, to the effect on his performance.
Implementation of the TPQ BTQ curriculum
Among the problems in the implementation of the BTQ curriculum at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City
in accordance with the field findings is the absence of preparation of the BTQ learning plan contained
in the syllabus or learning implementation plan, even though in the context of learning in Indonesia,
Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia number 19 of 2005 concerning National
Education Standards in the Process Standards section in Article 20 mentions several minimal
components in the plan implementation of learning (learning implementation plan). Learning process
planning includes a syllabus and learning implementation plan that contains at least learning objectives,
teaching materials, teaching methods, learning resources, and assessment of learning outcomes (Rahmat,
2017, p. 7). The lack of learning resources and facilities, especially in classroom facilities that directly
support TPQ KBM at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City is only one room, even though in accordance with the