International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 01 No. 01, October 2022, pages: 26-33
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Optimizing The Management Of The TPQ Curriculum In An
Effort To Improve The Quality Of Al-Qur'an Reading And
Writing At The Tsabita Al-Qur'an Education Park, Cirebon City
Khusnul Khotimah, Subur
, Subur Ali Hasan
Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia Southeast Cirebon
E-Mail:, Subur070760@Gmail.Syekhnurjati.Ac.Id
submitted: 07- 09-2022, revised: 18-09-2022, publication: 01-10-2022
Reading and
Quality, TPQ..
Curriculum management is one aspect that affects the success and quality of learning in
national education, including learning to read and write the Qur'an. The success of achieving
the TPQ curriculum will have a positive influence on the student environment, especially
students' proficiency in reading and writing the Qur'an. This study aims to know information
about curriculum management in an effort to improve the quality of reading and writing the
Qur'an at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City. In this study, researchers used qualitative methods with
descriptive form, and data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews,
tests and documentation. Data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation and data
verification. Based on the result of the study showed that the management of the TPQ
curriculum at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City had not run optimally, so it had implications for
teaching and learning activities of the Qur'an as a medium of transfer of knowledge at TPQ
which aims to improve students' ability to read. and writing the Qur'an has not run optimally,
so it affects the quality or quality of reading the Qur'an of the students of TPQ Tsabita Cirebon
City which is still minimal.
1 Introduction
The existence of this Qur'anic educational institution is inseparable from the science of management or
management, including curriculum management. Because management shows more effective and efficient ways
of achieving a goal of an educational institution, thus allowing us to reduce obstacles in the framework of
achieving the goals that have been set. The curriculum also plays a very important role in the education system,
because of the position of the curriculum as a reference, map, and direction in the process of teaching and learning
activities, to realize educational goals. As stated by Ramayulis (Syafaruddin & Amiruddin, 2017, p. 23) that the
curriculum is one of the very important components in determining the education system, because the curriculum
is a tool to achieve educational goals and guidelines in the implementation of teaching at all types and levels of
education. Curriculum management is one of the aspects that affect the success of learning in national education,
so it can be said that the curriculum determines the quality or not of a learning activity in the Qur'an Education
The TPQ curriculum used in the process of learning activities at TPQ, especially in TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City,
refers to the 2010 TPQ curriculum guidelines (FKPQ, 2010) whose teaching content emphasizes more on
religious aspects (Islam) by referring to its two main sources, namely the Qur'an and As-Sunnah. It is also limited
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 01, October 2022, halaman: 26-32
and adjusted to the level or level. The successful achievement of the TPQ curriculum will have a positive
influence on the student environment, especially on students' proficiency in reading and writing the Qur'an. This is
in accordance with the objectives of the TPQ contained in Government Regulation No. 55 of 2007 concerning
Religious and Religious Education in Article 24 Paragraph 1 (FKPQ, 2010), it is stated that the purpose of
education in this TPQ is to improve students' ability to read, write, understand and practice the content of the
Given the importance of the role of the curriculum in the education system and the development of students' lives,
the preparation of the TPQ curriculum cannot be done without using a management foundation, so that the
management of the TPQ curriculum needs to be maximized through curriculum management activities starting
from the planning stage, organizing stage, implementation stage, to the assessment stage (Maspupah, 2019, p.
However, based on the results of observations and interviews with the Head of TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City (Esih,
2020) on November 11, 2020, it can be said that the management of the TPQ curriculum at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon
City has not been optimal, it is proven that there is no systematic and written preparation of learning plans contained
in the syllabus or learning implementation plan, the preparation of learning planning is carried out simply, only
contained in the image of the educators' minds regarding the material and learning objectives to be achieved, the
lack of educators who play an active role as curriculum implementers so that there is no grouping of people,
tasks, as well as authority and responsibility in implementing curriculum programs so that in the implementation
of the curriculum is often not in accordance with the goals or targets that have been set, this happens because of the
lack of educators who handle students in the learning process to the delivery of the material are often not delivered,
only written in the student's writing book.
The implication of the above conditions is that teaching and learning activities of the Qur'an as a medium for the
transfer of knowladege in TPQ which aims to improve students' ability to read and write the Qur'an has not run
optimally, to affect the quality or quality of reading and writing the Qur'an. Based on the results of observations,
interviews, and tests, it shows that the quality of TPQ Tsabita students in Cirebon City in reading the Qur'an can
be said to be not optimal or in other words is underprivileged, it is proven that the majority of TPQ Tsabita
students in Cirebon City have not been able to read or recite the letters of the Qur'an properly in accordance with
the rules of tajwid science or in other words can be called not yet fluent, both students who study iqro, juz 'amma
or even the Qur'an. However, in TPQ Tsabita, Cirebon City, the knowledge of tajwid has been studied. The
ability of TPQ Tsabita students in Cirebon City in writing Qur'an letters or Arabic numerals can be said to be
quite good, because the majority of students are able to write hijaiyah letters according to their standards.
Based on the above conditions, the researcher considers this important for research to be carried out, because by
remembering the word of Allah Almighty in the Qur'an surah Al-Muzammil verse 4 quoted through the book
(Amir, 2014:14) this reads:
A and add to it and R Tel a Quran Trila
That is to say: or more than that (one-second) it, and read the Qur'an with tartil.
Departing from this verse, we can understand that in reading the Qur'an, it must be tartil (slowly). In an atsar,
sayyidana Ali ibn Abi Talib mentioned that tartil is "tajwidul letter, wa ma'rifatul wuquf " meaning to heed the
reading of letters, and to know about his waqaf. Therefore, from this we can understand that the science of tajwid
becomes very important and must be studied and applied by us when studying or reading the Qur'an. Thus, the
researcher is interested in raising the title of this study with the title "Optimization of TPQ Curriculum
Management in an Effort to Improve the Quality of Qur'an Literacy at the Tsabita Qur'an Education Park in
Cirebon City", with several problem formulations, including:
How is the implementation of the TPQ curriculum in TSABITA Tsabita Cirebon City?
What is the quality of reading the Qur'an at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City?
How is the management of the TPQ curriculum in an effort to improve the quality of Qur'an literacy in TPQ
Tsabita Cirebon City?
Based on the formulation of the problem, the objectives of this study are as follows:
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 01, October 2022, halaman: 26-32
To find out the implementation of the TPQ curriculum at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City
To find out the quality of reading the Qur'an at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City
To find out the management of the TPQ curriculum in an effort to improve the quality of Qur'an reading at TPQ
Tsabita Cirebon City.
2 Materials and Methods
Types of Research and Research Approaches
Judging from the type of data, the type of research used in this research is qualitative research, with a
descriptive qualitative research approach.
Data Sources
There are two sources of data in this study, namely primary and secondary data sources. Primary data is data
obtained directly from the main sources in the field. In this study, primary data were obtained through
observations, interviews, and tests, in which case observations were carried out at the TPQ Tsabita Cirebon
City, and interviews were conducted with the head of the TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City on behalf of mrs. Esih
Sukaesih, S. Pd. and some of her students, and tests were carried out to test the ability of all students (34
students) of TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City in reading and writing the Qur'an. Meanwhile, secondary data in this
study were obtained through documentation, books, as well as internet sites.
Data Collection Techniques
Data collection techniques in this study include the following:
In this study, observations were carried out at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City to be precise on Jalan Kesambi
in Gg. Pawi No.14 RT 01 RW 02 Kutagara Cirebon City which started from the initial stage or proposal
to thesis, to be precise from November 2020 to May 2021.
In this study, the interview took place on February 20-26, 2021 at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City Kutagara
Cirebon City with several informants, namely the head of TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City and some TPQ
The data collected with documentation techniques is secondary data, which in this case includes TPQ
guidebooks, TPQ teaching materials, student achievement books, student books or others.
In this study, the test used was an ability test, both with written and oral tests, in order to obtain data or
information about the extent of the ability of TPQ Tsabita students in Cirebon City in reading and writing
the Qur'an. The Qur'an reading ability test was held on Monday 01 March 2021, while the Qur'an writing
ability test was held on Thursday 04 March 2021.
Data Analysis Techniques
The data analysis techniques used in this study consisted of:
Data Reduction
In this study, the researcher chose data that was important or vice versa as well as classifying research data
obtained through various data collection techniques, including observations, interviews, documentation
and tests that were relevant to the research formulation.
Data Presentation
In this study, the form of presenting the data is in the form of narrative text, tables, and images, so that it
can make it easier to read conclusions.
Conclusion Drawing
Conclusions are the quintessence of the research findings that describe the final opinions that are based on
previous descriptions or, decisions obtained based on inductive or deductive thinking methods. In this study, the
conclusions made are relevant to the research focus, research objectives and research findings that have been
interpreted and discussed.
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 01, October 2022, halaman: 26-32
3 Results and Discussions
Implementation of the TPQ Curriculum in the Tsabita Qur'an Education Park, Cirebon City
According to Tita Lestari whose opinion was quoted by (Syaraffuddin, 2017, p. 41) in the
implementation or implementation stage of the curriculum including, preparation of learning plans,
elaboration of materials, determination of learning strategies and methods, provision of learning resources,
tools, and facilities, determination of ways and tools for assessing learning processes and outcomes and
setting the learning environment. Based on the findings in the field, it can be analyzed that the
implementation of the TPQ curriculum at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City has not run optimally because it is
known by several factors, including:
There has been no preparation of a learning plan, even though it is in the Minister of Education and
Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 65 of 2013 concerning process standards in the appendix to
Chapter III, namely learning planning is designed in the form of a syllabus or learning implementation
plan that refers to the content stadar. The preparation of the lesson plan at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City is
carried out simply, only contained in the imagination of the educators' minds regarding the material and
learning objectives that will be delivered at each meeting. This is in line with Sanjaya's endapat in the
book (Prastowo, 2015, p. 36) states that a plan is not an expectation that exists in a wishful thinking that
is imaginary and stored in the mind of a teacher, but rather hope and wishful thinking and how the steps
that must be implemented as an effort to achieve goals must be clearly described in a written document,
syllabus or learning implementation plan, so that the document can be used as a guide in the
implementation of learning.
Elaboration of material that is often not conveyed
The implication of the absence of a preparation of a learning implementation plan or syllabus at TPQ
Tsabita Cirebon City makes the delivery of material often not conveyed by ustadzah personnel, TPQ
subject matter is only written in student writing books, this happens because of the exhaustion of the
allocation of learning time,
This problem is in line with Rosyada's opinion, whose opinion was quoted by (Prastowo, 2015, p. 42)
who stated that efforts to improve the effectiveness of the learning process to achieve the best learning
outcomes in accordance with the target, learning planning is something that must be
prepared by every teacher before the implementation of learning, because effective or good learning
will not be realized without a good planning.
The lack of provision of resources, tools, and learning facilities, especially the limited classrooms, in
this case only one classroom is available. In accordance with the Decree of the Director General of
Pendis no. 91 of 2020 Chapter III Registration and Closure of Educational Institutions of the Qur'an
letter A number 4 concerning LPQ Infrastructure (Singorejo, 2020) it is stated that "The availability of
representative and adequate learning places and facilities in the form of buildings / mosques / mushalla /
houses and or other places, for TPQ is required to have a study room, teacher's room, head room,
administrative rooms, prayer rooms, playrooms and sanctified places". Based on the decree, it can be
analyzed that the TPQ Tsabita facilities in Cirebon City are very minimal, because in TPQ Tsabita
Cirebon City there is only one classroom available, as well as one bathroom in the house of the head of
the TPQ which is used as a TPQ facility.
The Quality of Qur'an Reading and Writing at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City Based on field findings, it
can be said that the quality of TPQ Tsabita students in Cirebon City in reading the Qur'an has not been
maximized, because the majority of students have not been able to read the Qur'an with tartil and fluency
both in the pronunciation of hijaiyah letters and the application of the law of tajwid science. In terms of the
pronunciation of the letters hijaiyah the case that occurs is the pronunciation of the letters hijaiyah which
does not correspond to the makhorijul of the letters and shifatul letters, as in the pronunciation of the letter
'Ain which is often equated with the pronunciation of the letter alif, the letter Tsa-Sa-Syin is considered the
same in its pronunciation. Even though these letters certainly have differences between one another both in
terms of makharijul letters (where letters come out) or shifatul letters (properties of letters). As in the letters
Alif and 'Ain makhorijul the letters are Al-Jauf (oral cavity) and shifatul the letter is Syiddah (strong), while
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makhorijul the letter on the letter 'Ain is wasthul halqi (mid-throat) and shifatul the letter is Tawasuth
(upright) (Amir, Salimi, Syahroni, Hafid, Rifa'i, & Hakim, 2014).
TPQ Curriculum Management in an Effort to Improve the Quality of Qur'an Reading in TPQ
Tsabita Cirebon City
TPQ BTQ curriculum planning
Based on the findings of the curriculum planning field at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City which is
carried out in improving the quality of Qur'an literacy, which begins with setting graduation
competency standards for TPQ students, setting goals, goals, methods, learning media for literacy of the
Qur'an, designing the content of BTQ subject matter through tajwid subjects, Qur'an learning, tahsinul
kitabah and memorization, and BTQ learning evaluation tools. This is in line with the opinion
(Syafarudin & Amirudin, 2017, p. 57) which states that curriculum planning is a process of setting goals,
objectives, material / content of subjects, methods, media, and evaluation of curriculum programs
which are guidelines for the implementation of learning in achieving educational goals in institutions.
Based on this theory, it can be analyzed that the curriculum planning at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City
is in accordance with the theory. However, this is very unfortunate, because based on the results of
observations and interviews, information was obtained that the curriculum planning at TPQ Tsabita
Cirebon City in its implementation has not run effectively and efficiently, especially in achieving targets
that are not in accordance with the set time, this is against the background due to the lack of ustadzah
energy, and infrastructure that supports the implementation of the curriculum. In accordance with the
opinion (Syafaruddin & Amiruddin, 2017, p. 54) which states that curriculum planning must be
supported by managers, teachers, education personnel, facilities and infrastructure, and adequate
financing. Meanwhile, what happened in this research field was the lack of infrastructure and teachers,
so that curriculum planning would not be realized effectively and efficiently.
Organizing the TPQ BTQ curriculum
In accordance with the results of the study, the organization of the curriculum in an effort to
improve the quality of BTQ at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City, namely by grouping students into units
or classes, grouping subjects and subject matter content related to reading and writing the Qur'an into
the subject schedule, determining the allocation of learning time, so that Qur'an teaching and learning
activities can be carried out effectively. This is in line with Amalia's opinion, whose opinion is quoted by
(Saajidah, 2018) argues that the organization of the curriculum includes the organization of subjects,
the allocation of time, a clear division of tasks and others.
However, the problem in organizing the curriculum at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City is that there is no
grouping of teachers on tasks, as well as authority and responsibility in implementing curriculum
programs, this happens because of the lack of educators or ustadzah who play an active role as
implementers of curriculum programs so that in its implementation often the head of TPQ feels
overwhelmed, to the point of affecting the achievement of suboptimal targets. In accordance with the
Decree of the Director General of Pendis no.91 of 2020 Chapter III Registration and Closure of Qur'an
Educational Institutions, it is stated that the standard teacher or ustadzah in TPQ is 1 teacher for 20
students, while in TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City, 1 teacher for 34 students, thus the head of TPQ feels
overwhelmed, to the effect on his performance.
Implementation of the TPQ BTQ curriculum
Among the problems in the implementation of the BTQ curriculum at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City
in accordance with the field findings is the absence of preparation of the BTQ learning plan contained
in the syllabus or learning implementation plan, even though in the context of learning in Indonesia,
Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia number 19 of 2005 concerning National
Education Standards in the Process Standards section in Article 20 mentions several minimal
components in the plan implementation of learning (learning implementation plan). Learning process
planning includes a syllabus and learning implementation plan that contains at least learning objectives,
teaching materials, teaching methods, learning resources, and assessment of learning outcomes (Rahmat,
2017, p. 7). The lack of learning resources and facilities, especially in classroom facilities that directly
support TPQ KBM at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City is only one room, even though in accordance with the
31 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 01, October 2022, halaman: 26-32
theory (FKPQ, 2010, p. 64) the learning facilities needed in TK
/ TPQ Al-Qur'an consist of learning facilities and play facilities, including game tools that are
considered appropriate and support the success of teaching objectives, it refers to the psychological
consideration that the child's world is the world of play. While at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City there is no
availability of playing facilities, there is only one classroom, so students also play in the classroom with
the provision of congklak games.
The lack of ustadzah manpower in TSABITA TSABITA Cirebon City. In accordance with the
Decree of the Director General of Pendis no.91 of 2020 Chapter III Registration and Closure of Qur'an
Educational Institutions, it is stated that the standard teacher or ustadzah in TPQ is 1 teacher for 20
students, while in TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City, 1 teacher for 34 students, thus the head of TPQ feels
overwhelmed, to the effect on his performance. The impact of this problem is that in the
implementation of the Qur'an literacy curriculum at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City is not in accordance with
the curriculum planning that has been set, both in terms of goals, objectives, content of subject matter or
TPQ BTQ curriculum evaluation
An effort in assessing the implementation of the curriculum in order to determine the success
rate of educational goals both from the development, changes, constraints of students in the learning
process at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City, namely through tests and non-tests. This evaluation technique can
already be said to be quite good because it is in accordance with the TPQ curriculum evaluation
guidelines (FKPQ, 2010, p. 71). However, the problem in curriculum evaluation according to
researchers based on observations at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City is the lack of response of the head of
TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City to follow-up efforts or solutions to various obstacles in TPQ learning. In line
with the Minister of Education and Culture Number 159 of 2014 explained that "curriculum evaluation
is a series of planned, systematic activities, in collecting and processing information, considering in
decision making to improve the curriculum". Based on this theory, it can be said that the evaluation of
this curriculum is not only collecting and processing information, but must also be considered solutions
to improve it. For example, from the obstacles faced in an effort to improve the quality of reading the
Qur'an, one of which is the lack of ustadzah.
The lack of educators or ustadzah who play an active role as implementers of educational programs at
TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City, makes the implementation of education not optimal, until the head of TPQ
often feels overwhelmed and rushed in the process of learning the Qur'an, this will certainly greatly
affect the quality of education including the quality of reading the Qur'an, it has been proven that the
quality of reading the Qur'an at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City is very minimal, because there are still many
students who do not apply the rules of tajwid science properly when learning the Qur'an or studying
activities even though at TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City, they have studied their tajwid knowledge.
In accordance with the Decree of the Director General of Pendis no.91 of 2020 Chapter III Registration and Closure
of Qur'an Educational Institutions, it is stated that the standard teacher or ustadzah in TPQ is 1 teacher for 20 students,
while in TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City, 1 teacher for 34 students, then the head of TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City should
have made a decision to recruit new teachers, so that you no longer feel overwhelmed and rushed in the process of
learning the Qur'an, until later it will also affect the quality of reading the Qur'an to the maximum. So the right
solution in dealing with the problem of the lack of ustdzah energy in learning to read and write the Qur'an is not only
to maximize BTQ teaching with enthusiasm and patience, but better by recruiting new employees as well.
4 Conclusion
Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the management of the TPQ curriculum in an
effort to improve the quality of reading the Qur'an at the Tsabita Qur'an Education Park in Cirebon City has not run
optimally, this is against the background of obstacles that hinder in carrying out the process of curriculum
management stages, both from curriculum planning the obstacle is the absence of preparation of learning plans
contained in the syllabus or RPP, curriculum organizing the obstacle is the lack of teachers as implementers of the
curriculum program so that there is no grouping of people on the duties and authorities in carrying out the curriculum
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 01, October 2022, halaman: 26-32
program, so that the implementation of the curriculum is not in accordance with the established curriculum planning,
this is due to the lack of educators and the lack of infrastructure.
The implications of these conditions, making qur'an teaching and learning activities as a medium for the transfer of
knowladege in TPQ which aims to improve students' ability to read and write the Qur'an has not run optimally, to the
point of affecting the quality or quality of reading and writing the Qur'an. Based on the results of observations,
interviews, and tests, it shows that the quality of TPQ Tsabita students in Cirebon City in reading the Qur'an can be
said to be not optimal, it is proven that the students of TPQ Tsabita Cirebon City have not been able to recite the
letters of the Qur'an properly in accordance with the rules of tajwid science or in other words can be called by not
being fluent in both students who study iqro, juz 'amma or even the Qur'an. However, in TPQ Tsabita, Cirebon City,
the knowledge of tajwid has been studied. The ability of TPQ Tsabita students in Cirebon City in writing Qur'an
letters or Arabic numerals can be said to be quite good, because the majority of students are able to write hijaiyah
letters according to their standards.
5. References
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Maspupah, U. (2019). Curriculum Development Management. Yogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media..
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Shafaruddin, & Amiruddin. (2017). Curriculum Management. Medan: Prime Publishing.
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