invitation, influence, and mobilize the community, inciting to complain to cause hatred or hostility based on the
issue of SARA differences sentiment. On the other hand, according to the author, from several references read,
quoted under the rules contained in several explanations above, the acts studied by the author have a relationship
that can be regarded as one continuous act as stipulated in Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code
regulates concurs which is quoted and reads that a person commits several acts, each of which constitutes an
offense crime, between which there is such a relationship that it must be considered as one continuous act.
Meanwhile, on the other hand, the acts committed in the continuing act have not yet been decided by the judge.
According to the author, this article can be related to the consequences that must be accepted in the
Muhammad Kace case. According to Article 64 of the Criminal Code, in principle, the absorption system applies,
namely that only one criminal regulation is imposed, and if it is different, one criminal regulation is imposed, and
if it is different, the provisions containing the heaviest basic criminal punishment are imposed. In this case,
Article 45A paragraph (2) Jo Article 28 paragraph (2) of the ITE Law stipulates that the act is punishable by a
maximum imprisonment of 6 (six) years and/or a maximum fine of Rp 1,000,000,000.00 (one billion rupiahs).
Article 156a letter a of the Criminal Code carries a maximum penalty of 5 years and Article 156 of the Criminal
Code carries a maximum penalty of 4 years, so in this case, the heaviest penalty is applied, namely a maximum
imprisonment of 6 years.
4. Conclusion
From the author's writing above, it can be concluded that Muhammad Kace is proven to have committed
blasphemy (SARA), this can be proven from several statements delivered from his personal YouTube account. In
his youtube account that the author researched, Muhammad Kace said that if there are people of Allah praying,
they are in league with the jinn. This was reported by the Indonesian Ulema Council.
In this case, it can be related to one of the articles read by the author, namely article 45A paragraph (2) Jo
article 28 paragraph (2) and if proven guilty under existing regulations Muhammad Kace must be willing to carry
out all the consequences of the statement delivered.
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