IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 233
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No.03, February 2023, pages: 232-240
significant CO2 emissions in the atmosphere because using recycled plastic can avoid emissions equivalent to those
produced during the production of raw plastic(RENI, 2016)(Istiqomah, Mafruhah, & Gravitiani, 2019).
The refill machine provides a number of products from household needs to staples for consumption, from
soap, detergent, soy sauce, to shampoo(Afroz, Rahman, Masud, & Akhtar, 2017). This refill machine product uses
the concept of purchasing products without packaging which requires buyers to bring their own places to be used in
order to reduce the use of single-use plastics, and also encourage people to recycle the plastic they
produce(d’Ambrières, 2019).
Based on this phenomenon, the authors feel the need to do research on what things can make someone
interested in implementing environmentally friendly behavior for the sake of environmental sustainability in the
future. This environmentally friendly behavior is often referred to as pro environmental behavior (PEB). Where pro
environmental behavior is an individual effort to reduce the negative impact of damage to nature by improving and
preserving the environment, Pro environmental behavior (PEB) is behavior that seeks to reduce negative impacts on
the environment which can be in the form of reducing resource and energy consumption, using non-toxic materials,
and reducing waste production. There are several factors underlying pro-environmental behavior, those are person's
environmental knowledge, also subjective norms and attitudes, as well as perceived behavioral control, and
environmental beliefs, and other factors that influence a person's environmentally friendly behavior buying green
products. In addition, supporting facilities are also able to influence how a person's behavior towards their
Based on the description above, this study aims to find out how people's interest in using green products
from refill machine products, in terms of several aspects of factors that are considered to influence, such as economic
aspects, knowledge, facility support, attitude, and environmental belief.
Theoritical Review
Consumer behavior
Consumer behavior is all forms of psychological actions and processes that control a person before making
a purchase, using a product, and evaluating the product.
Theory of Planned Behavior
The main components of the Theory of Planned Behavior are behavioral intentions which are influenced by
attitudes about the possibility that the behavior will have the expected results and subjective evaluation of the risks
and benefits of the results of the behavior. Through the theory of planned behavior, a person's behavioral intention
determines a person's pro-environmental behavior(Żak, 2015).
Triple Bottom Line
The triple bottom line is the idea that all of company performance must be measured based on its combined
contribution to economic prosperity, environmental quality, social capital which is long-term and sustainable.
Pro Environmental Behavior
Pro-environmental behavior is attitude in avoiding activities that can damage the environment, one of which
is by paying attention to every product that will be used by buying environmentally friendly products.
Economic Aspect
Financial capacity plays a direct role because pro-environmental behavior is perceived as costly, as for
example, having more money can facilitate individuals to access green products.
Environmental knowledge
Environmental knowledge is a perception of how far he knows about environmental issues in general and
considers that environmental knowledge has a positive and significant effect on green purchase intention.
Support facility
The availability of facilities and infrastructure is part of the success of waste management program through
the application of reducing or reusing. Facility support here has a significant impact on pro-environmental behavior,
which in this case relates to recycling and re-managing plastic waste.