e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No.3, January-February 2023, pages: 201 -207
cars, provide intensive promotions to increase sales, such as bonuses, low credit interest, and extended credit periods,
making the community tempted to own private vehicles.
Moreover, public transportation is considered no longer effective and efficient compared to private
transportation, such as the number of transfers required to reach the destination, the unpredictable frequency and
waiting time for public transportation, and the considerable distance for potential passengers to reach public
transportation. This condition will ultimately drive potential public transportation users to use private transportation
in their movements. This then leads to an increase in private transportation movements and causes various urban
transportation problems, such as the accumulation of transportation modes on city road networks, air pollution,
traffic accidents, and other transportation problems(Kawengian, Jansen, & Rompis, 2017). Therefore, the
government must implement policies limiting private vehicles and promoting reliable public transportation facilities.
Based on the above discussion, a spatial approach method was utilized to understand the complexity of the
transportation system. This method allows the visualization of vehicle ownership and its influencing variables to
provide easy-to-understand information and analysis, especially in terms of comparison(Susantono, Santosa, &
Budiyono, 2011). The variables used in this study were the population size, the regional income, the number of
wages/salaries of workers, the area size, the length of roads, and the people over 17 years old. This study aimed to
determine the relationship between the increase in private car ownership in each district/city in the Province of Aceh
and its influencing factors by using the aforementioned variables through spatial analysis. The ownership of private
cars is of great importance in the transportation system and is closely related to land-use planning.
Materials and Methods
The research variables consisted of independent variables (X) and dependent variable (Y). Independent
variables included population (X1) in terms of the number of people, regional income (X2) in terms of millions of
rupiah, wage amount (X3) in terms of rupiah, land area (X4) in terms of area, road length (X5) in terms of
kilometers, and people over 17 years old (X6) in terms of the number of people. The dependent variable was the
ownership of vehicles (Y) in terms of units.
Data analysis techniques can be described as follows:
1. Data Preparation
The data preparation process was performed using Microsoft Excel software. The first step was to select data in
each regency/municipality based on the variables used in the research. The total data obtained was 7, consisting
of 1 dependent variable and 6 independent variables. Furthermore, the data were combined into one sheet. The
districts/cities were alphabetically sorted so that it was equal to the district/city in the attribute table in the Arc-
GIS software.
2. Descriptive analysis
The descriptive analysis was carried out to explore the data to get a general picture of the data used. The data
exploration in this research was done by looking at the thematic map and summary statistics. The thematic map
was used to understand the pattern of vehicle ownership distribution in the Province of Aceh using the quantile
value in classifying the data distribution where the variable value is divided into four categories based on its
value interval, and summary statistics were used to look at the data distribution description.
3. Inferential analysis
Inferential analysis was performed through Pearson correlation and spatial regression analysis(Yuriantari, Hayati,
& Wahyuningsih, 2017). The steps are as follows:
a. Performing a Pearson correlation analysis
Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis was used to determine the independent variables that had a
significant relationship with the dependent variable. If the p-value <α, then the variable is used in the
formation of the model.
b. Forming a spatial weighting matrix