IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 39
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 01, October 2022, halaman: 33-40
That is to say: And seek upon that which God has bestowed upon you (happiness) of the land of the hereafter, and do
not forget your part of the worldly (pleasures) and do good (to others) as God has done good, to you, and do not do
mischief on (the face of) the earth. Indeed, God does not like those who do mischief. (Q.S. Al Qashash : 77)
That way, everyone has the right to determine their happiness, including in terms of having or not having children.
Those choices need to be respected. All choices have consequences. Therefore, when the choice falls on the choice to
have children, either because it is driven by religious orders or because of other interests, it should be that the choice
of a woman to carry out her natural functions is lightened by other family members,
especially by their spouses. In
addition, the choice to have
will also have
impact on the responsibility
to educate them to become a quality
generation that will bring benefits. As for being a Muslim, keep in mind that every activity and choice should be
oriented towards the goal of worshipping Allah Almighty. Unmarried or unmarried, married and then choosing
childfree or not, should also be based on the sincerity to forge oneself as part of God's servant and His representative
in prospering the earth
4 Conclusion
Islam as a teaching, has a very long and diverse historical civilization. Islamic civilization is oriented towards the
Eastern world which is sometimes influenced by the West. The existence of this influence gives the Dependence of
the Eastern world to the Western world. In fact, in looking at a civilization, each has its own paradigm in accordance
with the existing normative foundations and laws. As in looking at Childfree, in the
Eastern view, deciding not to have children is a form of unnaturalness, this is due to the purpose in marriage in Islam
one of them is sure of hifdzun nasli (guarding offspring). One way to maintain offspring is to have children from the
marriage. Meanwhile, in the Western view, gagasan that not having children presents an individual choice with
various reasons dan reasons Western society itself. The existence of this difference of views is due to the ideology
that has been embedded. Islam bases its truth through the sources of the Qur'an and Sunnah, while the West bases its
truth with empirical and ratio. So, it is only natural that there are differences of views in looking at a phenomenon
that occurs. That way, everyone has the right to determine their happiness, including in terms of having or not having
children. As for being a Muslim, keep in mind that every activity and choice should be oriented towards the goal of
worshipping Allah Almighty and spreading benefits on earth.
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