International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 03, January-February 2023, pages: 170-178
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Legal Protection of Song Creators whose Works Used Without
Permission for Commercial Purposes in The Field of Intellectual
Property Law
Oksidelfa Yanto
, Taufik Kurrohman
, Aria Dimas Harapan
, H. Muhamad Rezky Pahlawan MP
Nani Widya Sari
Faculty and Master of Law Pamulang University, South Tangerang, Indonesia
E-Mail: dosen00[email protected]
Submitted: 08-02-2023 Revised: 12-02-2023, Publication: 20-02-2023
Legal Protection;
Songwriter; Without
This research is intended to find out and fully understand the use of copyrighted
works of songs from creators without permission for commercial purposes. The
author also reviews the efforts that can be made by the state so that the copyrighted
works of the composers are not used without permission for commercial purposes.
The research method that the author uses is a normative research method by
searching secondary data through library research. The results of the study indicate
that the use of the author's copyrighted works without permission for commercial
purposes is a form of crime in the field of intellectual property that creates
sanctions under copyright law. to protect songwriters whose works are used
without permission for commercial purposes, it is necessary to enforce strict laws
through copyright laws, socialize the importance of copyright to the public and
empower the National Collective Management Institute to request payment for all
songs sung or played in the business. The last thing that needs to be carried out is
very strict supervision of all shopping centers so that the goods that come into and
are sold at the trade center are far from goods resulting from copyright crimes,
song works, or pirated goods.
1. Introduction
Talking about Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) or currently known as Intellectual Property, it is clear that
we are talking about ideas, creativity and imagination. Why is that, because in intellectual property all works created
and born are not possible without being preceded by ideas, imagination and creativity.
Any idea and creativity can basically bring the value of work that is useful for oneself and others. It is found
useful because the work can be traded by the owner. Therefore, it will bring economic value. The economic rights to
a copyrighted work created or produced by someone, of course, are wholly owned by the creator. With the existence
of these economic rights, an author then has an obligation to maintain and protect them from actions that are contrary
to the law, such as acts of piracy or using it for commercial interests from other irresponsible parties. But more than
that, the state is the foremost party in providing protection. This is important because copyrighted work is a work that
is produced through intellectual abilities, which not all humans have this ability.
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These works are intangible objects that are the result of a person's or human intellectual ability in the field
of science and technology through creativity, taste, initiative and work, which have moral, practical and economic
values. After the intellectual work is born, the owners are called creators who get protection.
This means that the conception of wealth on intellectual works in the end also raises to protect or maintain
that property. Although basically the protection of works in the form of copyright is not caused by registration.
However, the registration is intended so that the creator gets maximum recognition, especially if there are economic
rights that must be protected from interference from any party. Because after all other people enjoy the results of
these intellectual works in their lives positively. Therefore, it is hoped that the community can make maximum use
of it for their daily needs. However, the public also misuses the work of the creator by committing acts against the
law such as duplicating and using it without permission for commercial purposes. So that the creator's economic
rights are marginalized.
Viewed in terms of type, intellectual property is divided into two, namely first, copyright and non-
communal intellectual property consisting of patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and industrial designs. integrated
circuit layout design, and plant varieties; Meanwhile, communal intellectual property includes traditional cultural
expressions, traditional knowledge, the indication of origin and geographical indication, and genetic resources.
All types of intellectual property as mentioned above are protected under Indonesian positive law. One of
them is intellectual property in the form of copyright, more specifically the copyright of songs or the copyright of
musical works.
Especially for song copyrights, why should it get protection or should it be protected? This question
becomes very important to ask when we talk about intellectual property and the economic benefits received by its
creators. you cannot imagine what it would be like when a creator painstakingly gave birth to a creative work with all
his ideas, creativity, and imagination. Suddenly the other party just copied, took, and even used it for commercial
purposes. This will harm the creator from an economic point of view. Therefore, copyrighted works such as song
creations must get comprehensive protection. This means that no one may use other people's copyrighted works
without the permission of the copyright owner.
According to Tasya Safiranita Ramli and friends, the creation of music (songs) has become an industry. The
music industry has become an economic source and music products are traded very widely and profitably, so that
legal protection of the work of copyrighted music or songs is a necessity to ensure the continuity of one's creativity
in the field of music or songs.
In the era of globalization, efforts to protect intellectual property rights have emerged and become a concern
for many people, not only for government policy makers, business people and investors, but also for experts. IPR
aspects have been included in the scenarios of General Agreements on Trade and Tarrifs (GATT) and the World
Trade Organization (WTO) through a declaration or agreement on Trade-Related Aspects on Intellectual Property
Rights (TRIPs), so that intellectual property has become a means of trading to win the competition in Indonesia.
Global economy, with legal commercial purposes. Other international conventions, which have also been ratified by
the Indonesian government relating to IPR, are the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the
Convention of Biological Biodiversity (CBD)(Purba, 2005). Ratification of these agreements has been carried out
since January 1995, and since January 2000 the government has been seriously paying attention to aspects of
intellectual property rights in research, service, industry, and trade strategies(Mashdurohatun, 2013).
International intellectual property protection which is based on the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights (TRIPs) agreement in the World Trade Organization (WTO) is a world trade organization. The
TRIPs Agreement is one of 15 agreements in The Final Act Embodying the Result o The Uruguay Round of
Multilateral Trade Negotiations with the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization. TRIPs have been
ratified by more than 150 countries in the world. This agreement expands the scope of intellectual property
protection and strengthens the law enforcement of previous agreements such as the Bern Convention, Paris
Convention, Rome Convention and Washington Treaty. Based on the international conventions and agreements
above, all Indonesian people agree that the protection of intellectual property, especially intellectual property in the
realm of song copyrights, must be continuously protected, anytime and anywhere. Moreover, national legal
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provisions and various international conventions and treaties have very clearly emphasized this protection(Arif &
Rosni, 2018).
Meanwhile, at the national level, Indonesia already has Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright. The
steps taken by the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government in issuing this law are
a form of seriousness to protect the economic rights and moral rights of creators and related rights owners as an
important element in the development of national creativity.
2. Materials and Methods
In this paper, the research method that the author uses is a normative research method by searching data
through library research. Because this research is a normative research through literature study, the data presented is
in the form of secondary data. Secondary data is data that has been processed first and only tained by researchers
from other sources. Some secondary data sources are books, journals of research results, various bulletins in the field
of law related to copyright and intellectual property. After the data is collected, then it is processed and analyzed, so
that it can answer the existing problems.
3. Results and Discussions
1. Use of Author's Songwriting Works Without Permission For Commercial Purposes
In the social life of the community wherever the community is located, inevitably they will be faced with
various kinds of problems. Sometimes the issue involves acts against the law. For example, the matter of piracy of
the copyright of the song's work belonging to the creator or parties who use the composer's creations for commercial
purposes, Parties who use the economic rights of creators arbitrarily take advantage of other people's copyrighted
works, and they will benefit from their actions Even though the act is an act that is not good prohibited by existing
positive law.
According to Thomas Aquinas, something good is something that must be done. In the context of law
enforcement, something good must be implemented and done. However, if it is a bad deed, then it must be
abandoned. The use of a song's copyrighted works for commercial purposes and copying or piracy of song
copyrights is one of the bad deeds that is prohibited by Indonesian positive law. Therefore it must be abandoned.
However, in real life copyright infringement on song copyrighted works occurs in various places. Acts of
commercial use of copyright or reproduction without permission and piracy of songwriting works as if it is difficult
to stop(Martini, Haq, & Sutrisno, 2017).
One form of exploitation of song copyrights that is prohibited without the permission of the creator is to
perform a performance of the song's copyrighted work. The use of song creation can be done by anyone, anywhere.
The place that often becomes a song performance is a restaurant that provides live music facilities. Live music is one
of the allures of a restaurant in attracting visitors. In addition to enjoying food and drinks, visitors can enjoy popular
songs(Ardika & Marwanto, 2019).
The use of song copyrights that are prohibited without the permission of the creator is also in the case of
copyright piracy of song works, a lot of things happen in people's lives. Violations that occur can take the form of
cassettes or optical discs such as: Compact Disc (CD), Video Compact Disc (VCD), or Digital Video Disc (DVD).
This can be seen by naked eye in various shopping centers, both traditional and modern, as if they have never been
touched and seem abandoned.
The reason producers hijack other people's work is because in terms of cheap capital and from an economic
point of view, they can get more profits, as well as the reason consumers buy pirated products because the prices are
very cheap and consumers say that buying pirated goods is only used for themselves/privately(Amin, 2018). Seeing
this fact, specifically for song copyrights, it can be said that its protection is a serious problem in Indonesia. In fact,
Indonesia has been criticized by the international community for its weak legal protection for song or music
copyrights(Panjaitan, 2015).
Piracy and use of copyrighted songs for commercial purposes is a form of crime in the realm of copyright
law. The use or exploitation of economic rights to works carried out without permission can be categorized as
copyright infringement that has legal consequences. In the provisions of the Copyright law it is explained that any
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person who without rights and/or without permission violates economic rights for commercial use, that person can be
sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 1-10 years and/or a maximum fine of Rp. 100 million - IDR 4 billion.
Violation of economic rights to the work can be realized by making announcements and reproductions
intended for commercial purposes. Copyright infringement can not only be seen in terms of the content of the
copyright itself, it can also be seen in terms of the form of the violation. This copyright infringement can be in the
form of copyright infringement which contains civil elements and copyright infringement which contains criminal
elements. Copyright infringement that contains a civil element is usually evidenced by a loss on the part of the
creator or copyright holder both materially and immaterially, while copyright infringement that contains a criminal
element is proven by the fulfillment of the criminal elements(Riswandi, 2009).
According to Trisno Raharjo, from this provision it can be determined the type of copyright infringement
that contains a criminal element, namely: (1) Without the right to announce or reproduce the work and related rights.
(2) Broadcast, exhibit, distribute or sell to the public a work or related rights that result from copyright infringement.
(3) Without the right to reproduce the use for commercial purposes of a computer program. (4) The prohibition of
publishing works is contrary to government policy in the fields of state defense and security, morality and public
order. (5) Without permission to reproduce or publish a portrait of a person or a portrait containing two or more
people. (6) Without the right to change the copyright, title, sub-title and change the name or pseudonym of the
creator and do not include the name of the author. (7) Without the right to delete or change the electronic information
about the author's rights management information. (8) Without the right to damage, eliminate or make malfunctions,
suggestions for control of the copyright protection technology of the creator. (9) Without a permit, the production
requirements are not met in order to produce works using high-tech production facilities, especially in the field of
optical discs (Riswandi, 2009).
Song work is a very lucrative business field, so a creator is advised to register the copyright(Septiana &
Parwata, 2019). Although in the existing regulatory provisions that a work does not necessarily have to be registered.
However, in order to make it easy to prove it, it is better if a work is registered.
Songwriters have exclusive rights in the form of economic rights and moral rights to the songs they create.
Exclusive rights mean that only songwriters can take moral and economic benefits. Other parties cannot exploit the
exclusive rights of song copyrighted works commercially without the permission of the creator. Commercial use is
the use of works and/or related rights products with the aim of obtaining economic benefits from various sources or
for a fee(Septiana & Parwata, 2019).
In the social life of the community, there are acts or crimes that are contrary to intellectual property law for
commercial purposes. The form of the crime of using copyrighted songs for commercial purposes can be seen in the
form of singing songs created by other people in restaurants or in a musical performance that has commercial value.
Usually the organizers or the party who sings the composer's song benefit from visitors or other parties who take
advantage of the moment of the performance of the songs that are sung. They usually don't ask permission first. So
this is a form of action that is contrary to intellectual property rights law. Even though when permission has been
obtained, then any person or party who uses the composer's song work can use it with a note that he is obliged to pay
royalties to the creator for using the song in the form of commercial public services such as restaurants,
transportation facilities, lodging places and all performances that play songs or music. Regarding the royalty paid, it
is a form of appreciation for a copyrighted work from the creator because the creator with various ideas, creativity
and painstaking has produced a work that can be enjoyed by many people. Therefore, it needs to be rewarded by
giving royalties. This is a must for copyright users from songwriters to respect all creations, in the form of the
imagination and ideas of the creator based on his intellectual abilities.
In an effort to give respect and appreciation for the economic rights of the song and/or music, every person
when going to use commercially the song and/music is required PAYING ROYALTY the National Collective
Management Institute. Piracy and using the copyright of the composer's song work for commercial (economic)
purposes are clearly prohibited by positive law, it is imperative that someone who is going to exercise the economic
rights of the creator must first obtain a permit. Then there is a prohibition for someone to duplicate and then sell it
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The granting of permission in the use of music and song copyrights by users as described above is carried
out with a license agreement. A license is a written permission granted by a copyright holder or related rights owner
to another party to exercise economic rights to his creation or related rights products under certain conditions (Article
1 point 20 UUHC 2014). In the 2014 copyright law, this license is regulated in Article 80 and Article 83. Unless
otherwise agreed, the creator has the right to grant a license to another party based on a written agreement for a
certain period of time. Determination of the amount of royalties and the procedure for granting royalties is based on a
license agreement between the creator and the licensee.
There are three licenses so as not to violate the copyright of the original musician, namely the Mechanical
Rights, the Announcement Rights, and the Synchronization Rights. Mechanical Rights relate to the arrangement and
reproduction of works, Announcement Rights are to provide an understanding that the songs performed are the work
of others, and Synchronization Rights are to use songs in films or advertisements.(Fadhila, 2018).
Based on what has been described above, the use of the songwriter's copyrighted works without permission
for commercial purposes is clearly a crime, because when the act of reproducing, recording, distributing and or
announcing a song belonging to another person, especially for commercial purposes is done without asking
permission (license) from the creator or copyright holder will take the economic rights of the creator against the law.
2. Efforts That Can Be Done By The State So That The Songwriting Works Of The Authors Are Not Used
Without Permission For Commercial Purposes
With the ability of the mind, imagination, skills and expertise of the creator, the creator should get
economic value for what was created and the community is obliged to give respect and appreciation to the creator by
not committing various forms of violations or crimes that harm the creator. Although in the end, in practice, we often
see that there are various forms of criminal acts against copyrighted works such as songwriting works.
The emergence of copyright crimes in various forms and types, quantity and quality, is an attitude of not
respecting the work of others and even those who are perpetrators of copyright crimes tend to take advantage of
creations that are recognized and protected by copyright laws which are basically indeed revolves around the desire
to seek financial gain quickly by ignoring the interests of copyright holders. The impact of these criminal activities
has been so great on the order of the nation's life in the economic, legal and socio-cultural fields due to various
factors, both the causes of their occurrence, the supervision and monitoring system for copyright crimes, the
weakness of prevention and prosecution of perpetrators of copyright crimes and the lack of the seriousness of law
enforcement officers in efforts to resolve cases of copyright crimes(Mirwansyah & Akbar, 2019). Talking about the
crime of copyright in this song, it really doesn't need to happen if people or any parties are able to give credit to the
copyright owner.
These non-commercial users also pay royalties for the music or songs they enjoy, but the royalties are paid
together when they buy the cassette or compact disc (CD). Meanwhile, commercial users are users of music or songs
who have commercial purposes because by playing the song or music, they will benefit. The users of commercial
music or songs are for example hotels, discotheques, restaurants, karaoke places, television stations, radio stations,
and so on. Such places need to seek permission from the Karya Cipta Indonesia Foundation (YKCI) and pay
royalties(Waspiah, 2016).
There should be no copyright crime. Because the law recognizes that copyright has existed automatically
since the creation is completed. That is, after the creation is completed, it is realized in a tangible form or material
form in accordance with the wishes of the creator. So that legal protection for the creator of his creation has been
obtained since the creation has been realized in real form. Talking about songs as part of copyright, the song is one of
the works of art that is protected in Article 58 letter d of Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright. Nowadays
songs are used on various occasions in everyday life such as for entertainment, even songs can also bring economic
Thus it becomes very clear that the song as part of intellectual property has brought economic benefits to
the creator, even the song also brings benefits to the people who use or enjoy it. It is unavoidable that in human life,
people need intellectual property. It can be said that there is no human being who does not escape intellectual
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property, whether intellectual work is produced on his own ideas, creations and imaginations or from the work of
others. That is, wherever and whatever human beings, it is certain that they need intellectual property in their lives.
Because humans need intellectual property in their lives, intellectual property must always get protection from
actions that are contrary to the law or from actions that violate moral and economic rights(Effida, 2019).
Economic rights itself is a right owned by a creator to gain profits by exploiting his creations. Economic
rights (Economic Rights) contained in the Copyright Act include the right to publish and reproduce. Based on the
economic rights owned, it allows an author to exploit a copyrighted work in such a way as to obtain economic
benefits that need to be adequately protected(Rotinsulu, 2016).
This economic right must be protected, because in making a work, the creator or inventor requires energy,
money, time, and thought. Protection of intellectual property rights is held for the purpose of giving an award to
someone who has put his ideas and ideas into a work(Roisah, 2015).
As quoted by Akhmad Munawar and Taufik Effendy in their article entitled Efforts to Enforce the Law of
Copyright Infringement According to Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright, Imam Trijono argues that
copyright means that not only the creator and his creations are protected by law, However, this extension also
provides protection for those who are given the authority to those who publish the translation of the works protected
by this agreement(Sembiring, 2002). The word protection in linguistic terms has similarities or similarities in
elements, namely (1) elements of protecting actions; (2) elements of protecting parties; and (3) elements of ways to
protect. Thus, the word protection contains the meaning, namely an act of protection or an act of protecting from
certain parties aimed at certain parties by using certain methods.
The form of legal protection provided by a state has two characteristics, namely preventive and punitive.
The most obvious form of legal protection is the existence of law enforcement institutions such as courts,
prosecutors, and police. The protection is meant to be preventive in nature, namely making regulations, while the
protection in question is punitive, namely enforcing regulations.
For songwriters, the economic rights of all works must be protected from the interests of any person, group
or entity that uses or exploits for commercial purposes. Therefore, if there are parties who are not responsible for
violating a copyrighted work in a commercial context, the perpetrator must be punished, whoever it is. Law
enforcement cannot be selective. Law enforcement must be firm to anyone who commits a crime of copyright
That way, if in a society with different ethnic, cultural, religious, educational and political backgrounds, the
law applies without any exceptions. The law is general in nature, which directs everyone to do good. So that in the
end, the applicable law can function to provide protection to all people, not only certain groups or groups Because
that is the real function of law.
In relation to the definition and function of the law above, the copyright law has expressly stated that any
activity to reproduce and use the copyright of a song's work from the creator is an act against the law. Likewise,
every activity or act of using and utilizing and using the copyrighted works of a songwriter for commercial purposes
is prohibited in the provisions of the copyright law. Because after all the law made by the state in the realm of
copyright law actually aims to provide protection for a copyrighted work, moreover, copyright law is a regulation
that contains things that are allowed and prohibited to be done related to the use and utilization of copyrighted works,
especially works create a song copyright law regulates all behavior in utilizing and using songwriting works. In an
effort to provide protection to songwriters whose works are used without permission for commercial purposes, strict
law enforcement needs to be carried out.
Concrete law enforcement is the application of positive law in practice as it should be obeyed. Therefore,
giving justice in a case means deciding the case by applying the law and finding the law in concreto in maintaining
and guaranteeing the observance of material law by using the procedural method established by formal law. In law
enforcement, the role of the state can be maximized to impose the toughest penalties on perpetrators who are proven
to have committed crimes in the field of song copyrights.
Max Weber defined the state as a human community that successfully monopolizes legal physical use in a
given area. The state is seen as the main source of the right to use legitimate physical coercion. Therefore, the state
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may impose a sentence with the toughest verdict for anyone who commits a copyright crime. This means that
sentencing decisions by always adhering to the principle of justice must be prioritized. This is solely as a form of
respect for the creator's copyrighted work. The sentence imposed is of course not solely to retaliate or make people
Sentencing is an act against someone who commits a crime, can be justified normally not because the
punishment contains positive consequences for the criminal, the victim or the community. The punishment is
imposed not because someone has committed a crime, but the punishment is imposed so that the perpetrators of the
crime will no longer do evil and other people are afraid to commit a crime. The sentencing is not intended as an
attempt to retaliate at all but as an effort to foster someone who has committed a crime as well as a preventive
measure against the occurrence of similar crimes.
Crime is a problem that is closely related to the problem of criminalization which is defined as the process
of determining a person's actions which were not originally criminal acts into criminal acts, this determination
process is a matter of formulating actions that are outside of a person(Fahmi & Ariman, 2016).
The rise of copyright infringement is due to the lack of optimal legal steps taken by the government in
building awareness of copyright law. As is known, legal awareness can be carried out both through socialization
activities and law enforcement. Allegedly the socialization carried out to the community related to copyright has not
been carried out using an effective approach model (Riswandi, 2009).
Therefore, it is important for the state, government or law enforcement to tackle various forms of unlawful
acts against a song copyright by irresponsible parties, especially his work is used without permission for commercial
purposes. Besides that, preventive and repressive measures are also needed. Preventive countermeasures are an effort
to reduce the occurrence of piracy activities or copying of copyrighted works that can cause losses. Preventive efforts
are activities that aim to prevent unauthorized copying of copyrighted works by intensifying the enforcement of
copyright laws. The purpose of copyright law is in the form of legal protection of copyright or works of art to
prevent reproduction, distribution, or sale without the permission of the copyright holder. Then the second is to
socialize the importance of copyright, which is an effort to increase public understanding of copyright piracy or
artistic works carried out by the government(Aprianti & Marwanto, n.d.).
That way if there are restaurants, transportation facilities or business places that sing or use the song of one
of the authors, protection measures can be immediately taken by asking for payment for all songs sung or played at
the place of business/business. Besides, it also needs very strict supervision from the place of trade manager or
shopping center. the goal is that the goods that enter and are sold in the trading center are far from goods resulting
from the crime of copyright, song works or pirated goods. This is in accordance with Article 10 of the copyright law.
In the article it is explained that; The manager of a trading place is prohibited from allowing the sale and/or
reproduction of goods resulting from infringement of Copyright and/or Related Rights in the trading place they
manage. With the provisions of Article 10 above, all trading centers must seriously and maximally control and
prevent every type of business in the trading center that openly uses or exploits copyrighted songs or music for
commercial purposes. Therefore, those who take advantage of the author's song-copyright must comply with the
provisions of the Copyright Law no. 28 Year 2014.
Then in the matter of law enforcement of song works, the efforts that can be done are law enforcement
officers must give punishment to the perpetrators of crimes against song copyrights in accordance with applicable
copyright laws. This punishment is intended so that the irregularities committed by the perpetrators do not repeat
themselves. Law enforcement officers ranging from the police, prosecutors and court judges at the police level, they
must be able to take firm action if there are violations of song copyrights. The Prosecutor's Office as a public
prosecutor must also carry out the function of prosecuting the perpetrators. Then the last law enforcement in the form
of criminal sanctions against copyright infringement of song works used for commercial purposes must be carried
out by the court. No longer should the perpetrators be given light sentences and no longer just minor perpetrators
who are prosecuted, but whoever the dealer or the big perpetrator of the copyright infringement or crime must also
be subject to legal proceedings, so that it has a deterrent effect. Imposing sanctions in accordance with the violations
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and crimes committed is the best way that must be done immediately to overcome the problem of piracy and the use
of creators' copyrighted works for commercial purposes(Ramli, Ramli, Permata, Wahyuningsih, & Mutiara, 2020).
Closing this article, all people certainly agree, that in a legal country like Indonesia, law enforcement is
something that must be implemented and realized. This is the most important part of creating happiness and order. In
order for all of this to be carried out, the legal objectives of certainty, justice and the benefit of law in society must
truly be achieved.
Law as a tool to achieve something that humans want also has a purpose. There are two types of theories
that discuss the purpose of law. The ethical theory introduced by Aristotle argues that the law is solely to realize
justice, while the utility theory by Jeremy Bentham states that only in order will everyone get the opportunity to
realize the greatest happiness(Kelsen, 2017).
4. Conclusion
The use of copyrighted songs for commercial purposes as a form of crime can be seen in its forms such as
singing songs created by others in restaurants or in transportation facilities as well as lodging and other commercially
valuable business places. Usually the organizers or the party who sings the composer's song benefit from visitors or
other parties who take advantage of the moment of the performance of the songs that are sung. They usually don't ask
permission first. So this is a form of action that is contrary to intellectual property rights law. Therefore, to use the
work of songwriting, someone or another party must first obtain permission. If done without permission it is included
in the category of crime that can be prosecuted and punished. In order not to violate other people's copyrights or fall
into the category of crimes, then in terms of using, reproducing, recording, distributing and or announcing a song
belonging to another person, especially for commercial purposes, one needs to obtain a license (license) from the
creator or copyright holder. . If permission has been obtained, then any person or party who uses the composer's song
work can use it with a note that he is obliged to pay royalties to the author. This is a consequence that must be carried
out rather than not obtaining a permit and entering into a crime.
One of the efforts that have been made in enforcing copyright law for song works is the birth of a new
copyright law as a form of improvement. Of course, this improvement is expected to be maximal in copyright
protection efforts. However, efforts to provide legal protection to copyright holders are not only based on normative
legal instruments, but also rely heavily on copyright law enforcement. Therefore, related and interested parties need
to continuously take steps to prevent duplication and use of copyrighted works for commercial purposes. This action
can be done by intensifying the enforcement of copyright laws. Strong and consistent law enforcement relying on
existing laws is very important in providing copyright protection. Besides that, what is also important is the need to
socialize the importance of copyright to the public and empower the National Collective Management Institute to
request payment for all songs sung or played in business or business premises with commercial purposes. Finally,
very strict supervision is needed from the place where the trade manager or shopping center is located, so that the
goods that enter and are sold in the trade center are far from goods resulting from the crime of copyright, song works
or pirated goods.
5. References
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