221 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No.03, January-February 2023, pages: 220-231
The weak institutional role of farmers is believed to be related to the pattern of communication that occurs
within farmer institutions. The pattern of communication in cocoa development is still one-way so that it is less
capable as a medium for channeling the aspirations of farmers. Sadono,(2009) argues that there has been a shift
in the pattern of communication in agricultural development from a linear nature (from the government to
farmers) towards a participatory and dialogic communication pattern so that it can fulfill the aspirations of
farmers. In the case of the black rice development program, it was found that communication patterns tended to
use personal network communication patterns (Zulfiningrum, Sumardjo, Saleh, & Agusta, 2019). The
communication factor becomes an important factor in institutional management in information processing.
Information processing can occur well if communication is lateral in nature which allows all parties, including
farmers, farmer institutions, extension workers and the government, to exchange information in a shared
learning forum. The results of the deliberations become the government's basis for policy making in cocoa
development. The occurrence of interactive communication between farmers, farmer institutions and the
government is more effective in increasing farmer participation in an activity/program (Koesoemowardani,
2008). Therefore, this study focuses on the communication factor as a factor that supports the learning process
among farmers in replanting cocoa plants.
The role of communication in the learning process of farmers can be realized if all parties are willing to
share information and knowledge. Communication plays a role in facilitating network building, social learning
and negotiation of innovation (Leeuwis, 2013; Amanah, 2010). The communication process can occur in a
farmer's institution as a farmer's organization in communicating various technological innovations among
stakeholders in cocoa development. The existence of farmer institutions can be used as an entry point for efforts
to disseminate technological innovations for farmers(Suradisastra, 2008). Farmers who are grouped in farmer
institutions are social beings who cannot be separated from their social environment. Farmers are not passive
people but can actively design and change their environment according to their knowledge. Farmers will
actively seek information according to their needs by using various information communication media, and if it
is not possible they will do so according to the experience they already have. The learning process in farmer
institutions can be realized if the communication process allows all parties to participate in discussions and
dialogues among farmers, government extension workers and other related parties in a farmer institution
(Muchtar, Purnaningsih, & Susanto, 2014). The cocoa replanting program launched by the government in 2019
around 1,000 ha has only achieved less than half. The obstacle faced is the existence of doubts from farmers
about its success (Interview with Mr. Suwardi, Dangia District extension worker, 2020).
The cocoa replanting program is not being followed by cocoa farmers, because the communication by the
government and farmer institutions is believed to be inappropriate. The government should be able to open
communication with all actors to share information on the cocoa replanting program so that they can find out
what the cocoa farmers want. The role of communication in good farmer institutions allows for a joint learning
process between farmers and related stakeholders. The occurrence of a joint learning process between farmers
through a lateral communication process allows information and knowledge sharing to occur so as to enable
increased knowledge, attitudes and skills of farmers in supporting the cocoa replanting program. The role of
communication in the learning process of farmers can be realized allegedly influenced by several factors such
as characteristics of farmers, characteristics of institutions and support from related parties. The purpose of this
research is to examine the role of communication in the learning process of farmers and the factors that
influence it.
2. Materials and Methods
This research is a survey research. The research location is in East Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi
Province in 12 villages. The 12 villages were chosen because they are villages where the majority of the