International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 01 No. 01, October 2022, pages: 15-25
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
The Impact of Mining Activities on The Living Conditions of The
People of North Rarowatu District, Bombana Regency
Jamal Mukaddas
Lakidende University Unaaha Southeast Sulawesi
submitted: 07- 09-2022, revised: 20-09-2022, publication: 01-10-2022
Mining Impact;
Activities Of
The purpose of this research is to explain the impact of mining activities on the living
conditions of Bombana District people. The research was conducted in North Rarowatu Sub-
District, Wumbubangka Village and Lantowua Village, with determination of 133 samples
from two villages. The data were analyzed in descriptions method using cross tabulation and
frequency table with eleven variables that is: the rate of air changes, the level of noise
pollution, the level of disruption to water availability, the number of affected households, the
frequency of treatment, the level of education, the conditions of residence, the status of
residence, the conflict between local communities, the level of depth of conflict, employment
opportunities. The results of the research indicate the impact of mining activities on the living
conditions of Bombana district communities, especially in the two villages. On the ecological
aspect of air conditions, mining activity causes the air condition to getmoreworst. In addition,
mine activity raises noise that disrupts community activities, and a small proportion of
groundwater availability is not available. On the social aspect there are still a number of
community members who suffer from respiratory problems such as shortness of breath, cough
and cold, from the frequency of treatment only a fewof them do a treatment. The low level of
education in these two villagesis the cause of employment opportunities decrease. From the
residence's condition and the residence statusarestill relatively decent and medium. In
addition, the changes in environmental conditions lead to conflictbetween the local community
and the company.
The Bombana gold mine was discovered in mid-2009. At that time, thousands of miners from the island of
Sulawesi and outside the island of Sulawesi, such as Java, Kalimantan, Manado, and Papua. This community mining
activity was legally assessed after the Bombana Regency Government issued Regent's Decree No. 10 of 2008
concerning the obligation of miners to pay dulang cards of 250,000 rupiah per person. The latest data shows that 60
thousand dulang cards have been issued by the Government which means fifteen billion money has gone into the
treasury of the Bombana Government.
As if referring to the ability of the region to produce gold, at the same time the Bombana Regency
Government issued 13 Mining Power of Attorney Permits and two of them have been operating, namely PT. Panca
Logam Makmur and PT Tiram Indonesia. PT Panca Logam Makmur obtained a permit by the Regent of Bombana to
process 2100 ha on the land of the former HTI Barito pacific and was included in SP (Settlement Units) 8 and 9.
Counting nine years of gold discovery in Bombana Regency by bombana residents, currently there are several
companies that have pocketed (IUP) Mining Business Permits but currently only a few companies operate to exploit /
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 01, October 2022, halaman: 15-25
process at their WIUP, for example PT. Panca Logam Makmurdan PT. Sultra Utama Nickel, the two companies until
2017, are still carrying out production activities. However, every development activity in the mining sector must
have a positive impact or a negative impact, including a social impact on the community around the mine. The
problem in this study is how the impact of mining activities on the living conditions of the people in Bombana
Materials and Methods
This research was carried out in Wumbubangka Village and Lantowua Village, North Rarowatu District,
Bombana Regency, namely in the area around the affected mining area, which is in Wumbubangka Village and those
that are not affected in Lantowua Village. The determination of the research sample can be seen in Figure 1:
Jumlah Sampel
Gambar 1 : Teknik Kerangka Sampling dalam Pengambilan
The sample of Wumbubangka Village and the sample of Lantowua Village were 133 families/respondents.
The sampling techniques used in determining respondents used the slovin formula according to Sugiyono in 2001,
Rumus :
𝑛 =
𝑁. 𝑑2 + 1
n = sample size
N = population size d
= Estimation error
So the sampling of 133, namely in Wumbubangka Village as many as 74KK / respondent and Lantowua
Village as many as 59 families / respondents. The sample determination technique in this study was carried out using
the Simple Random Sampling method (a sampling technique that was chosen randomly). The variables in this study
are respondents and living conditions of communities affected by mining activities and those not affected by mining
activities, namely: Air change rate, noise pollution level, level of disturbance to groundwater availability, households
suffering from diseases, frequency of treatment, level of education, conditions of residence, status of residence,
relationships that occur between local communities and migrants, degree of depth of conflict, employment
Data processing and analysis using questionnaires that have been interviewed by researchers to respondents
by being processed through several steps, namely editing questionnaires, coding data, transferring data to data storage
sheets, including data into microsoft excel programs. In conducting quantitative data descriptive analysis, using
cross-tabulation and frequency tables. The data displayed is in the form of a graph or table. Then the data is combined
Populasi (Desa
Lantowua) : 147
Populasi (Desa
Wumbubangka) : 298
Sampel Desa Terkena
Dampak (Desa
Wumbubangka) :
74 orang/KK (Kepala
Sampel Desa yang
Tidak Terkena Dampak
( Desa Lantowua) :
59 orang/KK (Kepala
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with the results of the interview in the form of quotations to then draw conclusions from all the data that has been
processed before.
Results and Discussions
Based on the results of research obtained on the influence of mining on the living conditions of the people of
Bombana Regency, Southeast Sulawesi.
History of The Gold Patching of Bombana Regency
Bombana gold was discovered in mid-May in 2008, and prompted a rise of miners in the area. The Mining
and Energy Service of Bombana Regency, recorded as many as 81 thousand people registered as gold panners on
an area of 500 hectares. They work at depths between 150 meters to 200 meters. It hasn't counted any other wild
panners. This service predicts about 165 thousand tons of gold deposits in Bombana.
In a study conducted by the Local Government, the gold deposit in Bombana will be managed in two ways.
First: Empowering local residents through community mining. Where the gold content is within the river and
along the Tahi Ite river (20 kilometers), it will be divided into 20 repeating zones, each zone measuring 50 square
meters. Second: to explore the gold content in the hills, the government will invite investors or mining powers.
This potential is located around the village of Raurau. To regulate regulations between mining companies, the
District Government issued a Regent's regulation on zones and the company's contribution to the region. At that
time there were 12 Mining Powers (KP) ready to extract gold content in Bombana. Four companies among them
are PT. Panca Metal prospered, PT. Oysters Indonesia, PT. Sumber Alam Mega Karya, PT. Talent, whose
reporting has been running since October 2008.
But a number of environmental activists, including the Environmental Agency, expressly stated that the
Bombana mining site had suffered severe damage due to the 2008 gold panning. The pile of material on the banks
of the Tahi Ite river has been mountainous, forming a rocky hill. The ongoing mining eliminates the natural
protective functions of ecology and causes major changes not only in terms of the physical environment but also
the loss of biodiversity of genetic sources and land vegetation. Changes in environmental hue (geobiophysical
and chemical) it also gives rise to pollution of water, soil and air bodies.
In addition, since 2017 there are still impacts of mining activities in terms of positive and negative aspects,
including the following:
Air Condition Level
1= Bad (1,9)
2= Enough (2.9)
3= Good (3.9)
Based on the air condition after the existence of mining activity on average (1) in the bad category, while
before the existence of mining activities the average (3) in the good category, where after the existence of mining
activities is lower than before the existence of mining activities, of course this is after the existence of mining
activities has a negative impact.
Because mining activities are underground dredging activities that disrupt the ecosystem and the substances
contained in it. The mountainous area, which was previously an air conditioner because it stored a lot of trees, is now
decreasing in number. Mining activities and driving trucks, every day produce waste in the form of dust and smoke,
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 01, October 2022, halaman: 15-25
thereby increasing air pollution levels
Noise Pollution Levels
Figure 5 : Average Noise Pollution Levels
1 = Height (1.9)
2 = Enough (2.9)
3 = Low (3.9)
Based on the level of noise pollution after the average mining activity (1) in the high category, while before the
average mining activity (3) in the low category, where after the mining activity is lower than before the mining
activity, of course this is after the mining activity has a negative impact.
Because, truck vehicles carrying mining materials not only cause noise effects for the community but also
disturbances in the communication process, and disruption of sleep activities, due to truck vehicles that often pass
Level of Disturbance to Groundwater Availability
Figure 6 : Average Level of Disturbance to Groundwater Availability
1 = Bad (1,9)
2 = Enough (2.9)
3 = Good (3.9)
Based on Figure 6 above the average level of disturbance to the availability of groundwater, it can be seen that
after the existence of mining activity the average (2) is in the sufficient category, which is the same as before the
existence of the average mining activity (2) in the sufficient category. Of course, this is after the existence of mining
activities has a positive impact.
Where the water owned by households before mining activities comes from mountain water, where after mining
activities the water owned comes from drilled well water, this is due to changes in landforms to the forest vegetation
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environment, but the water before and after mining activities both have sufficient water.
Households Suffering from Disease
Figure 7 : Average Number of Households Suffering from Disease
Information: 1
= Bad (1,9)
2= Medium (2,9)
3 = Good (3.9)
Based on Figure 7 above, households suffering from diseases after the existence of mining activity are on average (1)
in the bad category, whereas before the existence of mining activity the average (2) is in the moderate category. Of
course, this is after the existence of mining activities is lower, compared to before the existence of mining activities,
so that after the existence of mining activities have a negative impact.
Because the level of public health after mining activities is still relatively poor because currently after mining
activities, it causes diseases of the respiratory tract and coughing pilet, because from air conditions, a lot of dust is
caused by truck vehicles that often drive, causing ARI disease
Frequency of Treatment
Figure 8: Average Frequency of Treatment
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1 = Height (1.9)
2= Medium (2,9)
3 = Low (3.9)
Based on Figure 8 above, the frequency of treatment after the existence of mining activities and before the existence
of mining activities on average (2) in the moderate category, where after and before the existence of mining
activities, both are included in the moderate category, of course this is after the existence of mining activities has a
positive impact.
Where the frequency of treatment is still relatively moderate because the treatment is only done a few times. This is
because the type of disease suffered is still relatively mild, namely a cold cough and diarrhea.
Education Level
Figure 9 : Average Level of Education (Years)
0= No School (1)
6= Finished Elementary School (1.9)
9= End of SMP (2,9)
12= Finished High School (3.9)
16 = College Park (4.9)
Based on the level of education after the existence of mining activities, the average (8) in the category of junior
high school graduation is the same as before the mining activity, where before and after the mining activity both
graduated from junior high school. This is after mining activities have a positive impact.
Where before and after the mining activity there was a low level of household education. This is due to the low
economy that does not allow to go to school, and the lack of, school education facilities and infrastructure, which
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are then aggravated by the location and distance of schools that are very far away.
Conditions of Residence
Figure 10: Average Living Conditions
1 = Very Unworthy (1.9)
2 = Not Worth it (2.9)
3 = Medium (3.9)
4= Worth (4.9)
5= Very Decent (5.9)
Based on Figure 11 above, residential conditions after and before the existence of mining activities on average
(3) in the Medium category, of course, after mining activities have a positive impact.
Where the community has a large number of family members. One house is inhabited by more than two heads of
families, so although the condition of the building is permanent, the walls and plinth are made of cement, the area of the
building is not sufficient for the whole family.
Status of Residence
Figure 11 : Average Status of Residence
Information: 1
= Bad (1,9)
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 01, October 2022, halaman: 15-25
2= Medium (2,9)
3 = Good (3.9)
Based on the status of residence, after and before the existence of mining activities on average (2) in the moderate
category, where after and before the existence of mining activities are both included in the moderate category, of
course, after the existence of mining activities have a positive impact.
Where the household is an immigrant citizen who has the status of a newly married couple, so it does not have a
private place to live, and from an economic point of view it is not possible to build a house.
Relationships That Occur Between Fellow Local Communities
Figure 12 : Average Relationships That Occur Between Fellow Local Communities
1 = Very Bad (1.9)
2= Bad (2,9)
3 = Medium (3.9)
4 = Good (4.9)
5 = Excellent (5.9)
Based on Figure 13 above, the relationship that occurs between fellow local communities after the existence of
mining activities is on average (3) in the moderate category, where before the average mining activity (4) in the very
good category, of course, this is after the existence of neagative impact mining activities, because it is lower after the
mining activity is compared to before the mining activity.
Where in terms of mutual cooperation and mutual assistance is still very rarely done, because what makes the
relationship between people is still not well established, besides, only the distance of the house is close together, it
facilitates the process of establishing contact and communication between residents.
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Levels of Conflict As a Result of Ecological Change
Figure 13 : Average Level of Conflict
1 = Very Deep (1.9)
2 = In (2,9)
3 = Medium (3.9)
4 = Not In (4.9)
5 = Very Not Deep (5.9)
Based on the level of conflict after the average mining activity (3) in the moderate category, where after the average
mining activity (5) in the very deep category, of course, this is after the existence of mining activities has a negative
impact, where there are often conflicts between the community and mining companies.
This is after mining activities, the conflict that occurs is an open conflict (manifest), where the parties to the dispute
negotiate with each other regarding the issue of environmental damage or land damage experienced by local
communities. This can be seen by the problem of air changes such as hot and dusty air temperature conditions. The
level of conflict that occurs after mining activities is still at a moderate level because generally people only complain
to the company as a result of the damaged roads of the community.
Respondent Employment Opportunity Rate
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Figure 14: Average Respondent's Employment Opportunity Rate Information:
1 = Very Difficult (1.9)
2 = Difficult (2.9)
3 = enough (3,9)
4 = Easy (4.9)
5 = Very Easy (5.9)
Based on the level of employment opportunities, after the existence of mining activities on average (2) in the difficult
category, where after the average mining activity (3) in the sufficient category, of course, after the existence of
mining activities, it has a negative impact, which is lower after mining activities, compared to before the existence of
mining activities.
Where the lack of employment opportunities to the indigenous people is due to the low education of the local
community so that many migrant or local people take experts from the job sector.
Based on the description above, the author concludes that the impact of mining activities on the living
conditions of the people of Bombana Regency has an impact.
a. Deterioration in the quality of the environment such as changes in air conditions to feel hot, dusty and look
b. Mining activities cause noise pollution, causing noise that interferes with hearing, communication, and sleep
c. The availability of groundwater sources is very available because the water available is from the water of the
wellbore, from the mountains.
d. There are members of the public who experience pain in the respiratory tract such as shortness of breath, cold
cough, due to the large capacity of inhaled dust
e. The frequency of treatment, although treatment is only a few times carried out, but treatment from the general
practitioner is needed due to the lack of health facilities.
f. Low level of education resulting in lack of getting a job.
g. The condition of residence to give birth to family members even if one house is inhabited by two heads of the
family in the condition that the economy factor does not allow building a house.
h. Status of residence, because most of the local people or migrant communities, the number of housing is not the
owner of the house itself but as a tenant.
i. The level of competition, thus triggering conflicts between local communities and migrant communities.
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