International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 03, January-February 2023, pages: 128-135
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Revitalization of The Education System in Achieving The Vision and
Mission of Islamic Boarding School
Abdul Kadir
, Bahaking Rama
University of Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia
Submitted:06-02-2023, Revised: 10-02-2023, Publication:21-02-2023
Revitalization; Education
System, Vision Mission;
Islamic Boarding School.
The aims of this study were to find out: 1) Education revitalization at Ummul
Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School of South Sulawesi in terms of
Institutional Management and Curriculum Management Aspects, 2) the Supporting
factors and Inhibiting factors in the educational revitalization at at Ummul
Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School of South Sulawesi Sulawesi in terms
of Institutional Management and Curriculum Management Aspects both internally
and externally, 3) the efforts to achieve the Vision and Mission at Ummul
Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School of South Sulawesi. To perceive
these three issues, a qualitative descriptive method and a SWOT analysis were
needed, namely data collection through informants' answers were selected and
sorted which then analyzed semantically and inductively then strengthened with
the results of direct observations by the researcher and a SWOT analysis was
made. The results of the research showed that the revitalization of Islamic boarding
school education system cannot stand alone, but must be also followed by the
development of the National Education System. Revitalization of the Islamic
Boarding School Education System at least includes, namely; aspects of
institutional and curriculum management. Several supporting factors to achieve
PPUM's Vision and Mission included: adequate facilities and infrastructure, good
human resources, the existence and creativity of the 'Aisyiyah Leaders in South
Sulawesi and the charisma of the leadership. Likewise, the establishment of good
communication and cooperation between all stakeholders while the inhibiting
factors to achieve Vision and Mission of PPUM are partly as follows: the absence
of an Information Technology (IT) based on the blueprint in implementing all
Visions and Missions. Also, competition between Islamic boarding schools and the
amount of government budget allocated by the government for Islamic boarding
schools is still relatively discriminatory. The implications of efforts to achieve the
Vision and Mission of the Ummul Mukminin ‘Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School
of South Sulawesi, including Excellent Alumni which proven by the number of
graduates at PTN with favorite majors and continuing in foreign universities such
as Egypt, Japan, China and Turkey. Progressive leaders are shown by many
achievements in the academic and leadership fields both at the local and national
levels and several alumni become leaders in several institutions. The Ulama cadre
is shown by the increasing number of people as Hafidz/Hafidzah.
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No.03, January-February 2023, pages: 128-135
1. Introduction
The National Education System which developed before and at the beginning of independence was in the
form of a dichotomy, by highlighting secular public schools and the exclusion of religious schools. The dualism
theory of the education system gave birth to two different political views (Subedi, 2010). In an effort to achieve a
National Education System as mandated by the 1945 Constitution, Law Number 4 of 1950 was drafted which
regulated the basics of education and teaching in the RIS area, Law No. 12 of 1954 concerning the declaration of the
validity of national education in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. In subsequent developments, to
accommodate the mandate of the 1945 Constitution regarding the education system that applies in Indonesia, Law
no. 2 of 1989 concerning the National Education System. Furthermore, the reform movement in 1998 demanded
reformation in the field of education, the National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003 on June 11, 2003
(Shaturaev, 2021).
he question arises where is the correlation between the National Education System and the Islamic Boarding
School Education System? Where is the position of Religious Education in the National Education System? In a
limited way, the answer is contained in the Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 55 of 2007
concerning Religious Education and Religious Education has regulated this matter. As an implication, there are now
several Islamic boarding schools that have been recognized for their level of equality with the formal national
religious school level, say for example, Darussalam Gontor Islamic Boarding School, Hidayatul Mubtadi'in Lirboyo
Islamic Boarding School, Al-Falah Poso and the birth of integrated Islamic boarding schools between general
education and Islamic religious education such as The Muhammadiyah Darul Arqam Gombara Islamic Boarding
School, the Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School for the South Sulawesi Region and others, which
in their uniqueness, Islamic boarding schools have challenges and problems to continue to exist in the midst of the
latest changes in the National Education System.
In theory, Islamic boarding schools are educational institutions that were born in anticipation of syncretistic
religious practices (Yoshikawa et al., 2019). What is meant by syncretism is the process of blending two or more
religions or beliefs (Isra & Tegnan, 2021). An example of syncretism is the Syailendra Dynasty with the Shiva-
Buddha concept. There are still many community religious practices that are patterned as syncretism so that certain
methods are needed to guide people to religious practices in accordance with the Al-Qur'an and Sunnah (Mustamin et
al., 2022).
According to historical data collected, Syekh Maulana Malik Ibrahim (1419) was the first to introduce the
teaching pattern in the Islamic boarding school format, namely when he founded the Islamic boarding school in
Gapura village, Gresik. The introduction of the teaching pattern of the pesantren format was then continued by Sunan
Ampel (1401-1481) by establishing the Ampel Denta Islamic Boarding School in Surabaya, Sunan Giri (442-1506)
in Giri Gresik, Sunan Bonang (1465-1525) in Tuban, Sunan Drajad (pen. 1470-1522) in Lamongan and Raden Patah
(1455-1518) in Demak. However, in its development the format of this Islamic boarding school was updated by
Muhammad Darwis (1868-1923) according to the needs of circumstances and conditions (Wijayanti, 2020).
The correlation between Muhammad Darwis' character and the Islamic boarding school education system can
be studied by using the discussion of the categorical simplification model on the scope of Islamic boarding schools'
functions contained in article 4 of the Islamic Boarding School Law No.18/2019 associated with three indicators of
the functions and roles offered and undertaken by Muhammad Darwis , namely as educational institutions, Islamic
da'wah and as community empowerment and service institutions. From the three categories, it can be seen that
Muhammad Darwis is a person who can respond quickly and precisely to the latest challenges through the tajdῑd
(renewal) movement in the fields of education, da'wah, and empowerment of the Indonesian people as well as.
Meanwhile, 'Aisyiyah, which is an Autonomous Organization (Ortom) specifically for Muhammadiyah, has
established Islamic Boarding Schools to implement big goals as a forum for cadre of scholars. Female scholars and
scholars are needed to direct and guide the ummah to straight tauhῑd, true worship according to the sunnah of the
Prophet, noble morals and honest muamalah. This was confirmed by the Decree of the Regional Leadership of
'Aisyiyah South Sulawesi No: 02/PWA/A/V/86 which in its establishment considerations stated: The need to
establish the Puteri Ummul Mukminin Islamic Boarding School as a forum for cadre of female Ulama.
Theologically-philosophically, pesantren (Islamic Boarding) is the most appropriate method for
comprehensively understanding the Qur'an and Sunnah, why? Because it is in the pesantren, all studies related to the
kāffah understanding of Islam can be obtained. Besides the curriculum that supports a comprehensive understanding
of Islam, also because of the presence of pesantren as a representation of Allah's commandments, including the
command to read and write, as stated imperatively in Surah Al Alaq verses 1-5, Allah says:
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No.03, January-February 2023, pages: 128-135
“Recite in (mentioning) the name of your Lord who creates. He has created man from a clot of blood. Read, and your
Lord is Most Gracious. Who teaches (humans) by means of the word. He taught man what he did not know."
Empirically, the problems faced by Islamic boarding schools are not small. Among them, how to transform or adapt
to the demands of the times through vision and mission updates, reform of Islamic boarding school institutional
management, updating of Islamic boarding school curriculum management, how pesantren alumni can be
competitive or have advantages, how Islamic boarding schools produce cadres of scholars, and how Islamic boarding
schools can give birth to prospective leaders who have an impact on the progress of the Region, Nation, State and
Ummul Mukminin' Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School of South Sulawesi Region, which is the object of
research, the researcher limits this research to the aspect of the relevance of the National Education System
according to Law No. 20/2003 and the Islamic Boarding School Education System according to Law Number 18 of
2019 in achieving the Vision and Mission Islamic Boarding Schools, Institutional Management Updates, Islamic
Boarding School Curriculum Management Updates. Efforts to reform Islamic Boarding School Institutional
Management and Islamic Boarding School Curriculum Management Update are intended to produce superior
alumni, cadres of scholars and progressive leaders.
The supporting and inhibiting factors as well as the vision of the Ummul Mukminin Islamic Boarding School
under the auspices of Muhammadiyah/'Aisyiyah in South Sulawesi are the focus of the study with the consideration
that the majority of Islamic Boarding Schools under the auspices of Muhammadiyah and 'Aisyiyah have not yet
developed according to the expectations of society in general. The curriculum used in these Islamic boarding schools
is in the form of an integrated curriculum, that is, in addition to the madrasah and school-based curriculum, it is also
a pesantren-based curriculum.
a. Problem Statement
Based on the main problem, the research problem is formulated, namely:
1) How is the Education revitalization of the Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School in the South
Sulawesi Region in terms of Institutional Management Aspects and Curriculum Management Aspects?
2) What are the Supporting Factors and Inhibiting Factors in the Educational Reform of the Putri Ummul
Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School in the South Sulawesi Region?
3) What are the efforts to achieve the Vision and Mission of the Islamic Boarding School for the Ummul
Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School for the South Sulawesi Region?
2. Materials and Methods
This study used a descriptive qualitative approach on the grounds that the qualitative approach was better
understood by researchers so that it can be accounted for scientifically. This research was conducted at the Ummul
Mukminin Aisyiah Islamic Boarding School, South Sulawesi. The author's reason for choosing this research location
due to that apart from being easier to reach and more objective and researcher was one of the administrators of the
Islamic boarding school. The time limit used in completing this research is approximately 3 months, from September
2022 to November 2022.
a. Analysis Unit
The unit of analysis is intended to present the parts to be analyzed. The units of analysis in this study are a)
analyzing and describe the governance of the Ummul Mukminin Aisyiah Islamic Boarding School, South Sulawesi, b)
131 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No.03, January-February 2023, pages: 128-135
analyzing and describing the work program and activities of the Ummul Mukminin Aisyiah Islamic Boarding School,
South Sulawesi, c) analyzing and describing the theory of Superior Alumni, Cadres Women Scholars and Progressive
b. Informants and Samples
Furthermore, the selection of samples by purposive sampling in this study was guided by the following requirements:
1) Sampling must be based on certain characteristics or characteristics, which are the main characteristics of the
2) The subjects taken as samples are truly the subjects that contain the most characteristics found in the population
(key subjects).
3) Determination of population characteristics is carried out carefully in the preliminary study (Liu et al., 2020)
Based on the theory of determining the informant, in this study it was determined based on the condition of
the research object. In connection with the conditions of the research location, the researcher determined that there
were 4-6 key informants as well as purposive sampling, namely:
1) Deputy Director I of PPUM for Education, Dr. Hj. Lu'mu Taris, M.Pd.
2) Kyai of PPUM, K.H. Drs. Jalaluddin Sanusi,
3) Head of PPUM Quality Assurance, Drs. Muh. Ridha, MM.
4) The Principal of PPUM High School, Azil Ilyas, M.H.
5) Head of MA PPUM, Drs. H. Mustari Silang, M.Pd.
6) Head of Administration of PPUM, Puji Pratiwi, S.Si.
7) Alumni, PPUM Employee, Basdiana S.E.
8) PPUM Alumni Chair (2010), Doctor, dr. Khaerunisa the Great,
9) PPUM Alumni 1994/ Lecturer at IAIN Papua, Dr. Indra Nu
10) PPUM Alumni 2008/ Lecturer at Hasanuddin University, Dr. Andi Bau Inggit, M.H.
11) k. PPUM 2020 Alumni/Al Azhar Student, Reski Wahyu Amaliah
12) PPUM Alumni 2019/Al Azhar Student, Diah Husnul Khatimah
13) Santriwati/alumni, Class 12 MA, Tahfidzul Quran Dormitory, Andi Nabilah
14) Santriwati/alumni, Class 12 MA, Head of IPM, PPUM student organization, Nurul Hidayah
15) Ulil Amri, S.Pd.I., Public Relations of PPUM
16) p.s. Ahmad Musafir, M.M., TU PPUM staff
17) Tauhiq, S.Ag., PPUM Arabic Language Kaur
18) Wiwik, S.H., Alumni, Musyrifah of the PPUM Tahfidz Dormitory
19) Anita, S.E., Wakakur (vice of curriculum affairs) Mts PPUM
c. Data collection technique
For the completeness of systematic data in the discussion of this thesis, it was necessary to collect data,
including through the following methods:
1) Observation
2) Interview
3) Documentation
d. Data analysis technique
To manage the data in this study, it was carried out using a qualitative descriptive analysis technique, namely
trying to describe the data obtained from the research findings by means of analysis:
1) Inductive, is a way of analyzing data that starts from a specific discussion and then draws a general conclusion.
2) Deductive, namely analyzing data that starts from a general discussion and then draws a specific conclusion
3. Adhering to the data collection model recommended by Miles and Huberman, the data collection in this study is
divided into several types of data, namely: a) data collection b) data reduction c) data presentation (data
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4. After analyzing through data display techniques or presentation based on the informant's narrative, then the
validity or correctness of the findings is checked. In another sense, that the truth of the narrative put forward by
the informant must be relevant to what is contained in the Qur'an and Hadith.
Conceptual Framework
To facilitate understanding of the flow of thought in this study, the following framework is presented:
Figure 1.
Research Train of Thought
3. Results and Discussions
Islamic Boarding School Profile
Islamic Boarding School for Putri Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyiyah South Sulawesi is one of the charitable
endeavors in the field of Education in the 'Aisyiyah South Sulawesi Region with the aim of producing a cadre of
female scholars and intellectuals in order to achieve the ideals of Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah and 'Aisyiyah,
namely revitalization the Progressive Islamic Movement.
This Islamic boarding school is located in the Pai Village, Biringkanaya District, Bulurokeng, Makassar City
with the address at Jl. Kilometer Independence Pioneer (KM-17). The building stands on the waqf land of the Drs.
HM. Yusuf Kalla (Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, 2004-2014 and 2014-2019) covering an area of 2
hectares. This Islamic boarding school is located in a geographical position at the northern end of Makassar City
Since its opening in 1987, Ummul Mukminin Islamic Boarding School has been led by four directors:
a. The First Director, Mrs. Dra. Hj. Rahlah Aziz (1987-1988)
b. The Second Director, Al-Ustadz KH. Malik Ibrahim (1988-2001)
Alquran/ 96:1-5, 9:122
Alhadis/ Hr.Abu Dawud: 3096
UU No.20/2003
UU N0.18/2019
ion of Vision
and Mission
Vision: Excellent
Alumni, Cadres of
Ulama, Progressive
Creative PBM,
quran, digital
Output/ Result:
Ulama Cadre
Progressive Su'amā
Professional Educator
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No.03, January-February 2023, pages: 128-135
c. The Third Director, Drs. KH. Jalaluddin Sanusi (2001-2016)
d. The Fourth Director, Drs. Abdul Kadir Arief, M.Pd.I (2015-present)
Educational Revitalization of the Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School of South Sulawesi
Revitalization of the Islamic boarding school education system cannot stand alone, but must also follow the
development of the National Education System, which as a whole contains educational components that are
interrelated in an integrated manner to achieve the goals of National Education. The National Education System Law
Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System and Law Number 18 of 2019 concerning Islamic
Boarding Schools were held in order to update the National Education Vision, Mission and Strategy. The reform of
the National Education System includes eliminating discrimination between formal and non-formal education and
between general and religious education at Islamic boarding schools (Soleman et al., 2020).
Revitalization of Islamic Boarding School Education at least includes aspects (Prasetyo, 2021), namely
aspects of institutional management and aspects of curriculum management (Amon & Bustami, 2021). The
institutional management of the Princess Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School for the South
Sulawesi Region has been, is being and continues to be carried out through adaptation to the demands of the times.
Institutionally, the quantity of input and output runs in balance due to good leadership. Meanwhile, aspects of
curriculum management are always adjusted to the development of the National Curriculum, namely by including
compulsory subjects from the Ministry of National Education for Middle and High Schools; and mandatory subjects
from the Ministry of Religion for MTs and MA, added to the LP2M curriculum which is also an option in managing
the Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School of South Sulawesi and a variety of other activities that
support the achievement of PPUM's vision and mission.
Supporting Factors and Inhibiting Factors in Educational Reform at the Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic
Boarding School of South Sulawesi Region.
Supporting factors to achieve of PPUM's Vision and Mission include: adequate facilities and infrastructure,
sufficient human resources although not all of them meet the expected quality standards, human capital or human
capital, the existence and creativity of the 'Aisyiyah Leaders of South Sulawesi and the charisma of leadership.
Likewise the establishment of good communication and cooperation between all stakeholders including female
students (Byrd & Alexander, 2020); every decision of the Islamic boarding school is taken through a deliberation
meeting and then disseminated gradually to all elements related to the Islamic boarding school; discipline of all
stakeholders in carrying out all Rules and Academic Regulations (Mahmoudi & Keashly, 2021). Meanwhile, some of
the inhibiting factors for achieving the Vision and Mission of PPUM include: the absence of an Information
Technology (IT)-based blueprint as a roadmap for implementing all the missions that have been formulated.
Likewise, competition between Islamic boarding schools and the amount of government budget allocated by the
government for Islamic boarding schools between one and another is still relatively discriminatory. The scheme of
supporting and inhibiting factors is sharpened through SWOT Analysis.
Efforts to achieve the Vision and Mission of the Princess Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding
The achievement of the Vision and Mission of the Putri Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding
School of South Sulawesi Region, although it has not been fully achieved in several aspects, in other aspects it has
become a point of pride that needs to be continuously developed and maintained. Among these aspects, namely:
a. Aspects of superior alumni. The expected manifestation of superior alumni has been relatively proven by the
large number of alumni graduating at PTN each year with various majors (Laili et al., 2022), being able to enter
Foreign/Middle Eastern Universities such as Al Azhar University, Egypt, China, Turkey and Japan. The
definition of superior is of course in accordance with certain standards, depending on which aspect we judge it.
The data shows the development of the distribution of PPUM alumni as well as being able to show the
resilience of living in huts and the continuity of education to both PTN, PTS and PT Overseas. In the last four
years (2019-2022) it shows that the number of PPUM alumni has increased in number from year to year in a
row, the number is 154 (2019), 190 (2020), 217 (2021), and 227 (2022). This increasing trend shows that the
number of outputs is increasing because the number of students is also increasing.
b. Aspects of female clerical cadres. This means that what can be developed at PPUM is only the potentials that
will become the forerunners of female cadres, whether they can specialize in becoming clerics or not, really
depends on each individual. Because there are at least three characteristics of a scholar, namely first: he
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understands the Koran and Alhadist ('Āliman bil Qur'ān wal Hadῑs), second: Fāhiman bil 'Arabiyah wa
Qawāidahu, third liman bi Ushūlil Fiqhi. Becoming a cadre of scholars, especially within Muhammadiyah
circles, is somewhat different from that of Nahdatul Ulama (NU). It is not easy to give birth to clerics, let alone
female clerics. There may be those who meet the requirements but are not necessarily well-known. So even
though the initial intention of establishing this PPUM by PWA was as a forum for cadre of female scholars,
what could possibly be achieve d here is only giving birth to the basic potentials to become a cadre of scholars
and after becoming alumni it depends on where they want to continue, it really depends on each individual.
Each individual alumni. However, scholars in a broad sense are not only limited to understanding religion, but
also have understanding in fields of science other than religion, such as social sciences, economics, law,
technology, agriculture, forestry and so on, it can be said that PPUM has succeeded in making this happen.
c. Aspects of a progressive leader. To achieve this, PPUM creates a program that can form students through extra
and intracurricular organizations as well as by activating the female students Basic Leadership Training
program by holding training such as, Baitul Arqam 'Aisyiyah, mudabbirah training and several Muhammadiyah
Autonomous Organization (Ortom) cadres. PPUM can produce prospective female leaders who are progressive
both on a general scale in the public sphere and on a limited scale in the private sector. This can be proven by
the large number of PPUM alumni who have important roles in various formal and informal activities
4. Conclusion
Based on the previous review and description, it can be concluded that: a) The revitalization of the Islamic
boarding school education system cannot stand alone, but must also follow the development of the National
Education System, which as a whole contains educational components that are interrelated in an integrated manner to
achieve the goals of National Education. Revitalizationof the Islamic Boarding School Education System at least
includes, namely; aspects of institutional management and aspects of curriculum management both internally and
externally. Institutionally, the quantity of input and output runs in balance due to good leadership. Meanwhile,
aspects of curriculum management are always adjusted to the development of the National Curriculum, namely by
including compulsory subjects from the Ministry of National Education for Middle and High Schools; and
compulsory subjects from the Ministry of Religion for MTs and MA, added to the LP2M curriculum which is also an
option in the management of the Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School for the South Sulawesi
Region. b) Several supporting factors in the achievement of PPUM's Vision and Mission include: adequate facilities
and infrastructure, sufficient human resources although not all of them meet the expected quality standards, human
capital or human capital, the existence and creativity of the 'Aisyiyah Leaders of South Sulawesi and the charisma of
leadership. Likewise the establishment of good communication and cooperation between all stakeholders including
female students; every decision of the Islamic boarding school is taken through a deliberation meeting and then
disseminated gradually to all elements related to the Islamic boarding school; discipline of all stakeholders in
carrying out all Rules and Academic Regulations. Meanwhile, some of the inhibiting factors for achieving the Vision
and Mission of PPUM include: the absence of an Information Technology (IT)-based blueprint as a roadmap for
implementing the entire Vision and Mission that has been formulated. Likewise, competition between Islamic
boarding schools and the amount of government budget allocated by the government for Islamic boarding schools
between one and another is still relatively discriminatory. The scheme of supporting and inhibiting factors is
sharpened through SWOT Analysis. c) Implications of Efforts to Achieve the Vision and Mission of the Islamic
Boarding School for Princess Ummul Mukminin 'Aisyiyah of South Sulawesi Region, although it has not been fully
achieved in several aspects, but in other aspects it has become something of pride that needs to be continuously
developed and maintained. Superior Alumni can be proven by the increasing number of graduates at PTN with
favorite majors and continuing to foreign universities such as Egypt, Japan, China and Turkey. Progressive leaders
are shown by many achievements in academics and leadership both at the local and national levels and several
alumni have become leaders in several institutions such as educational institutions, business, government and ortom
Muhammadiyah/'Aisyiah. Ulama cadres are shown by the increasing number of people who memorize the Koran,
135 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No.03, January-February 2023, pages: 128-135
although it still needs to be strengthened with Takhassus cadres of scholars and some alumni specializing in tafakkuh
fid din.
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