International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 02, December 2022, pages: 76-79
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Growth Response of Oil Palm Seedlings (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) in
Pre Nursery Nurseries to Intersity of Solar Radiation in the
Moonsun Region
Gusti Rusmayadi
, Dewi Erika Adriani
, Masria
, Umi Salawati
Lambung Mangkurat University, Indonesia
Email: gustirusmay[email protected].id
Submitted: Nov, 27
2022 Revised: Dec, 11
2022 Publication: Dec, 17
mustard oil; radiation
intensity; pre-nursery
Oil palm is a vegetable oil-producing plant and one of the nine basic needs of the
Indonesian people. The high demand for cooking oil in the country must be balanced
by maximizing production sources in the agronomic stage, namely through
nurseries. Oil palm seeds at the pre-nursery level only require about 40% sunlight
intensity. Therefore, radiation intensity is a factor that must be considered in the
growth of seedlings at the pre-nursery level. The aim of the study was to analyze the
response of oil palm seedling growth to the effect of radiation intensity in the pre
nursery and to analyze the best radiation intensity on the growth of oil palm
seedlings in the pre nursery. This study used a single factor Completely Randomized
Environmental Design (CRD), i.e. radiation intensity consisting of 5 levels, namely
p0 = (0%, 50%, 100%), p1 = (25%, 25%, 100%), p2 = (25%, 50%, 75%) radiation
intensity, p3 = (25%, 75%, 100%), p4 = (50%, 75%, 100%). Repeat each treatment
4 times so that there are 20 experimental units. Each experimental unit contained 9
polybags so that there were a total of 180 plants. Based on the results of growth
analysis of stem diameter (mm), number of leaves (leaves), length of leaf blade (cm)
response to solar radiation intensity p3 = (25%, 75%, 100%).
1. Introduction
Oil palm is an oil-producing plant. Palm oil is the most important raw material for producing
cooking oil. Strong domestic demand for vegetable oil shows that this commodity plays an important role
in the national economy (Yusoff et al. 2021). Oil palm nurseries are one of the most important initial stages
before oil palm becomes a productive crop in the field. Good nursery growth will also produce good plant
growth in the field (Pascual et al. 2018). In the process of its growth, oil palm requires the same intensity of
sunlight as that needed by plants for good seed growth by providing radiant intensity. According to
(Williamson et al. 2020), irradiation protects the oil palm seedlings from direct sunlight and helps retain
moisture. The use of irradiation aims to adjust the percentage of light intensity received to meet plant needs
(Metsoviti et al. 2019).
The light intensity required by the oil palm plant is around 40% during the first three to four
months of the nursery. On the other hand, in the oil palm nursery technical guidelines, the sun exposure rate
for oil palm plants is 100% between the ages of 1 and 1.5 months, 50% between the ages of 1.5 and 2.5
months, and 0% after the age of 2. 5 months (Abubakar, Ishak, and Makmom 2022). Simalungun variety is
used. The Simalungun cultivar is native to North Sumatra which has an equatorial rain pattern with an
average annual rainfall of 2,227.7 mm, while South Kalimantan has a moosun mm rain pattern, with an
IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 02, December 2022, pages: 76-79
average annual rainfall of 2,437.1 solar radiation. North Sumatra averages 45,573 W/m2 per year. In
contrast to South Kalimantan's average solar radiation per year, which is 52,994 Wm-2.
Because South Kalimantan has more rainfall and sunshine than North Sumatra, the difference in
rainfall and sunlight is needed to provide optimal sunlight so that North Sumatra's native oil palm can grow
well in South Kalimantan. in the nursery.
2. Materials and Methods
This research was conducted in the Moonsun area in Kotabaru District from November 2020 to
January 2021. The materials consisted of DxP Simalungun oil palm sprouts, ultisol soil, paranet, SP36
fertilizer, Urea fertilizer, NPK fertilizer. While the tools in this study were polybags, hoes, sieves, scales,
rulers, cameras, stationery.
The environmental design used was a single factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5
treatments, namely p0 = control of seedlings aged 1.5 months with an intensity of 0% or 0 Wm-2, until the
age of 1.5-2.5 months with an intensity of 50% or 26.497 Wm-2, and until age> 2.5 months 100% or
52.994 Wm-2, p1 = seedlings aged 1.5 months 25% or 13.248 Wm-2, aged 1.5-2.5 months 25% or 13.248
Wm -2, age >2.5 months 100% or 52.994 Wm-2, p2 = seedlings 1.5 months old 25% or 13.248 Wm-2, 1.5-
2.5 months old 50% or 26.497 Wm-2, age >2.5 months 75% or 39.745 Wm-2, p3 = seedlings 1.5 months
old 25% or 13.248 Wm-2, 1.5-2.5 months old 75% or 39.745 Wm-2, age >2 .5 months 100% or 52.994
Wm-2, p4 = 1.5 months old seedlings 50% or 26.497 Wm-2, 1.5-2.5 months old 75% or 39.745 Wm-2,
>2.5 months old 100% or 52.994 Wm-2. The experimental unit consisted of 5 treatments x 4 replications or
20 experimental units, each consisting of 9 polybags.
The stages of this research include land preparation, planting media, shading preparation,
implementation, observation. Meanwhile, the observed parameters included seedling height, number of
leaves, length of leaf blade, stem diameter and relative growth rate.
Testing the homogeneity of observational data with the Bartlett test. Data transformation is
performed if there is an inhomogeneity and then analysis of variance is performed with a 95% confidence
interval. Test further with the Honest Significant Difference Test (BNJ).
3. Results and Discussions
1. Stem Diameter
Data from the research on radiation intensity on stem diameter at 12 WAP can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1
Effect of radiation intensity on stem diameter (mm) at 12 WAP
= (0%, 50%, 100%)
= (25%, 25%, 0%)
= (25%, 50%, 75%)
= (25%, 75%, 0%)
= (50%, 25%, 0%)
Note: The mean number followed by the same letter is not significantly different based on the
BNT test at the 5% level
Table 1 shows that the maximum stem diameter at 12 weeks with p3 treatment was 9.02 mm
(25%, 75%, 0%). This treatment was not significantly different from other radiation intensity treatments
and all radiation intensity treatments were significantly different from the control (no radiation intensity).
(Mutale-Joan et al. 2020) suggested that the growth in plant diameter is closely related to the rate of
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 02, December 2022, pages: 76-79
photosynthesis. Diameter grows faster in the open than in the shade, so that plants growing in the open tend
to be shorter, thus forming (Kothari, Montgomery, and Cavender‐Bares 2021). (Desta and Amare 2021)
found that the inhibition of stem diameter was caused by a lack of stimulation aspects of sunlight as a
product of photosynthesis and hormonal activity in the formation of meristematic cells in the direction of
stem diameter, especially because the light intensity was too low. However, at the point of light saturation,
plants cannot increase their photosynthetic output as light increases. Higher temperatures increase
transpiration, which is reflected in, among other things, lower relative humidity. If it lasts long enough it
can disrupt the water balance of plants and reduce plant growth, including plant diameter.
2. Leaf Length
Data from the research results of giving the percentage of radiation intensity to the length of leaves
aged 8 WAP can be seen in Table 3.
Table 2
The effect of the percentage of radiation intensity on leaf blade length (cm) at 8 WAP
Leaf length
= (0%,
50%, 100%)
= (25%,
25%, 0%)
= (25%,
50%, 75%)
= (25%,
75%, 0%)
= (50%,
25%, 0%)
Note: The mean number followed by the same letter is not significantly different based on the BNT test
at the 5% level.
Table 2 shows that the longest leaf blade length at 8 weeks of age was 10.30 cm in the p3
treatment (75%, 25%, 0%). This treatment was not significantly different from other radiation intensity
treatments except for the p4 treatment. It has been hypothesized that radiation levels at p3 are optimal for
the development of leaf blade length in oil palm nurseries.
In his research, (Abaza et al. 2020) suggested that paranet irradiation treatment showed a
significant response to leaf length, with leaves that were shaded longer than without irradiation (direct
sunlight). Plants that grow in low to full light intensity. Hence, the leaves are longer, but thinner.
Differences in radiant intensity affect light intensity, air temperature, humidity, and soil
temperature in the plant environment, so that differences in light intensity received by plants affect the
availability of light energy to be converted into heat and chemical energy (Nikkanen and Rintamäki 2019).
4. Conclusion
Treatment of the percentage of radiation intensity has an influence on the diameter of the stem age,
the number of age leaves, the length of the leaf blade age.
Percentage of radiation intensity of oil palm in treatment p3 = (25%, 75%, 0%) is better than control
p0 = (0%, 50%, 100%).
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