International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 3 No. 02, November-December 2024, pages: 313-323
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 313
Andini Raju Izza Aprilia*1, Anita Fira Waluyo2
Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, Indonesia
e-mail:*rajuandin[email protected]1, anit[email protected].id2
Corresponding Author: Andini Raju Izza Aprilia
System, Attendance, IoT,
Development technology has push innovation in various fields, including
management presence employees. Research This aiming For develop system
absence based on the Internet of Things (IoT) with Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) technology is designed For take notes presence employee
in a way more efficient and accurate. Research methods covering analysis needs.
design systems, and testing function through approach quantitative. System This
integrate RFID device with NodeMCU ESP8266 for manage stored attendance
data in a cloud- based database. The results of the study show that system This
succeed increase efficiency of the attendance process up to 100% on trial device
hardware and devices soft, reduce risk manual errors, as well as provide report
presence in real-time via web and mobile applications. Implications from study
This covers improvement discipline work, efficiency time, and better
management of attendance data. organized, making it relevant solutions For
various sector industry.
© 2024 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access
publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY SA) license
( ).
1 Introduction
Development technology in the digital era has bring change big in various aspect life, including
management presence employee. System absence Conventional manual - based ones often cause
various constraint like data inaccuracy, non-transparency, and difficult integration processes with
system management others. In the context of This, Internet of Things (IoT) technology is becoming
solution potential that allows device For each other communicate in a way automatic via the internet.
With integrating Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) as an identification medium, the system
absence can take notes presence with more fast, efficient and accurate (Rakasiwi et al., 2023).
In various sectors, such as education, companies, and non-profit organizations, the use of IoT
with RFID technology has become increasing innovation popular. However, the challenges main is
How implement technology This with cost effective and high compatibility. Study by(Ardana, 2024)
emphasize that RFID -based IoT implementation requires solid infrastructure and understanding
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 314
adequate technical skills, especially in integration device hardware and devices soft.
Improvement efficiency and transparency in system absence become need urgent in the
modern era. According to Harahap & Riza, (2024), use system IoT based with RFID no only increase
data accuracy but also minimizes possibility cheating. Urgency This the more relevant in situation
COVID-19 pandemic, where the non- contact system become very important For guard protocol
health .
A number of study previously has to study development system absence based on IoT and
RFID. Study byHuda et al, (2022) show that prototype system absence with RFID based technology
NodeMCU can give effective results in recording presence . In addition, research by(Dwitama & Bagus
Wijaya, 2024) highlight benefit use NodeMCU ESP8266 in integrate system absence with cloud -based
database for increase accessibility. Research by Raditya, (2024)also confirms that use RFID
technology can increase efficiency time and reduce need manual documentation. However ,Safi’ie et
al, (2019) take notes that success system it really depends on the quality device hard and ability
integration with other systems.
Although various study has conducted, research This give contribution new with integrating
IoT and RFID in One designed system For fulfil need specific modern organization. With utilise
technology latest such as cloud computing and web- based platforms, systems This offer superiority
in matter scalability and flexibility. Susilo (2022) shows that integration with Google Sheets you can
be one of approach innovative in attendance data management in real-time.
Study This aiming For develop system absence IoT based which uses RFID technology for take
notes presence employee with more effective and efficient. System This expected can increase data
accuracy, reducing time management administration, and provide reports that can accessed in real-
time. Research this also aims For give guide implementation that can adopted by various type
With refers to various relevant references, research This will to expose steps design system,
analysis need technical, and evaluation performance based on studies cases that have been
conducted. Research This contribute to the development system modern absence that is not only
effective but also adaptive to change technology in the future.
2 Materials and Method
Study This use approach quantitative and methods descriptive. Descriptive method aiming
For describe or describe phenomena that occur. In research This is the observed phenomenon is
system application absence RFID- based application used in Indah Photo Studio South Lampung. This
done with use card clever or card membership employees. Research methods This is with collecting
research data, how to get data, model architecture and analysis need system.
In research this, research data obtained with research data sources. Research This aiming For
apply system absence efficient and accurate employees through utilization integrated RFID and IoT
technology with web and mobile applications. Research data collection techniques is with
quantitative data collected directly by researchers through various technique with the data collection
process also involving some people who are made sample in study through activity survey,
observation direct, study literature and interviews direct with resource person. All this data source
considered as primary data because its accuracy is not in doubt Again.
If you look at it from technique data collection, can done with interviews, observations, and
studies library :
Interview study This used For collect data for researcher For do studies introduction use
know problem that must be researched. Knowledge or belief personal, or at least report about self
myself, is base from technique this data collection. Interview This done in a way structured and able
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 315
done Good through telephone or look at face.
Participation direct or observation direct are two categories observation in study this.
Observation open and closed are two categories. Observations can also be done with technique
structured and unstructured structured. Observation done For gather information about behavior
informants and conditions others. The purpose of observation is For give description about What will
studied in study This. The activities that occur and the people involved in them. This method ensure
that researchers who do observation is at in reasonable conditions, not manipulated situation.
Book lesson
The researchers has investigate system attendance using card Internet of Things (IoT) based
RFID smart for monitor existence workers. Here is a number of example study related Topic this :
Research First, "System absence lectures based on the Internet of Things for effectiveness
recapitulation absence students" discuss problem system absence faced manually at STMIK PPKIA
with system absence lectures based on the Internet of Things (IoT) with utilise NodeMCU ESP8266
and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Another study, " Designing Employee Attendance System
Web Based ," creating application running attendance in real-time.
System Model Architecture
Because of the analyst must understand specification or condition system, design process
system only done after need fulfilled. Some things to do done during this process is architecture
system, design data flow, and database design.
Architectural Design Model
One of design key in design system information is design architecture system , which provides
description general about system. Very important For do design this is for design system information
and analysis need study can each other related. Architectural design the system also shows How
system system information functioning together and exchange data. System old flowcart using
manual attendance, but absence RFID based has updated so that the attendance data employee no
mistake. System new and old are illustrated here :
Figure 1. Manual Attendance Framework
Based on design legacy system model architecture, admin or staff provide paper manual
attendance then employee fill in absence with enter time entry and time back, no only enter time
entry and departure but employees also sign attendance and going home work. After presence
employees, managers are also present, but only sign the hand that only For inspect presence
employees. After that, admin returns paper attendance and saving manual paper.
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 316
Figure 2. System Model Architecture Web Presence
Based on design web admin system model architecture, RFID tags will read on RC522 and
then LCD will read whether RFID cards have registered or not yet, after that PHP program can accept
and execute order from the admin website. Next, the PHP command connects the website to the
database server. The database server processes PHP commands and perform CRUD queries (create ,
read, modify, and delete ) data on the PhpMyAdmin database above admin request. RFID reader and
temperature sensor data sent to the database server via HTTP protocol.
Figure 3. Architecture System Presence Mobile
Based on design system model architecture user mobile, RFID tags will read on RC522 and
then LCD will read whether RFID cards have registered or not yet, after that PHP program can accept
and execute order from the admin website. Next, the PHP command connects the website to the
database server. The database server processes PHP commands and perform CRUD queries (create,
read, modify, and delete ) data on the PhpMyAdmin database above admin request. NodeMCU RFID
reader and sensor data sent to the database server via HTTP protocol. After that, the database will
integrate kotlin via API and then will displayed whether employee the present or No.
System design
Application absence employee RFID based requires integration RFID technology with system
information. This will enable management processes presence employee optimized and optimized
while ensure data integrity and security. Application absence employee RFID based shows steps
systemic For manage the attendance process employees. Send RFID signal to card, data processing by
the microcontroller, and saving the data to in an online database that can accessed is all step in this
process .
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 317
Figure 4. Flowchart System
Figure 5. Flowchart or New Card Registration Form
For explain flowchart application absence employee RFID based , you need understand stages
systemic and logistics attendance process management employees. Here explanation additionally :
a. Usage : Database data can be used For count presence employees, manage working hours,
and optimize attendance processes.
b. Delivery Signal : The Process started with employee use RFID card, which is sent to module
connected RFID reader to system.
c. Data Processing : Signals RFID cards are received and processed by the module RFID
reader, which then send this data to NodeMCU, which functions as connector between RFID
reader and server. If the data right, the database will keep presence employee.
d. Data Storage : Attendance data employee saved in the attendance database that can be
accessed online after the server processes it. This is allow monitoring and management
presence employees and effective working hours.
e. Usage : The data in this database can used For count presence employees, set working
hours, and optimize the attendance process.
After design systems and design For register taq or card new finished . Then distance test
conducted reading RFID taq and data transmission test. System design device RFID hard consists of
from green LCD 16x2 character, Microcontroller NodeMCU V3 or ESP32, MifareReader RC522, USB
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 318
cable, 5v active speaker buzzer, 5v micro USB adapter, box electronics, Jumper cables, RFID cards .
Schematic design RFID circuit is as following :
Network Schematic
The circuit schematic connects several devices to the NodeMCU including an RFID, 16x2 I2C
LCD, Pazio Speaker, and Push Button.
3 Results and Discussions
For know whether system absence IoT based RFID employee function or No functioning with
good and also successful applie. Not only test about tool but test to Application. System This aiming
For make it easier management absence employees. Use RFID and IoT technology in system capable
reduce error recording and time required for the attendance process.
1. Network RFID Components
Result of device set implementation hard. Writer using ESP8266 device hard NodeMCU For
control all device hardware and devices software connected to mobile web application This. Here This
is implementation a series of device components hard :
Figure 7. Hardware Component Network
2. Implementation Software
Implementation device soft in study This is integrated web application with IoT based mobile
employee presence application with RFID technology. Web research application This intended for
admins who can monitor presence employee whereas mobile application is intended For users,
namely employee. Employee can monitor the progress whether absence that has been done has
stored and read in the web application.
3. Appearance Web Application
Ways of working system this web application is when a employee to stick RFID card to
readers, data in automatic read and saved in the database. Then, the data is can accessed through
controlled web application directly by the shop admin. The web application has objective like make
report presence employees. Implementation appearance web application has some menus are
reserved from user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) designs that have been created as
following :
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 319
Figure 8. Main Menu Web Figure 9. Dashboard Web Menu
Figure 10. Department Web Sub Menu Figure 11. Device Web Menu
Figure 12. RFID web menu Figure 13. Role & Permission Sub Menu
Figure 14. Sub Menu Users Figure 15. Menu Presence
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 320
Figure 16. Sub Menu Report Based on Date Figure 17. Sub Menu Report Based on Staff
On the login page there is a special email that has been provided registered in the database
for the admin in charge answer For control presence employee. Login page does not only entering
email, but also entering password that has been registered in the database. In the database can
register more from one email or one admin registered.
4. Appearance Application Mobile
Mobile attendance application employee designed For facilitate the recording process
presence employee in a way automatic and accurate. Employee mobile application integrated with
database in web application that has been implemented. Implementation the mobile application aims
for employees can control whether absence that has been affixed Already entered or Not yet.
The mobile application own several menus, namely login menu function for enter to
application If Already registered. Registration menu functioning For register email and password for
enter to the login menu. On the main menu, there are two menus, namely the attendance menu and
the settings menu application. Sub menu attendance functioning For control whether employee enter
or no, on the attendance submenu There are 2 menus, namely the attendance menu login and
attendance menu Home. Settings menu functioning For set and change Name user application mobile
Application This make it easier For do absence employee in a way accurate and efficient use
RFID technology. Attendance data employee will recorded and saved in a way automatic in system.
Sub-menu entry used For take notes time arrival employees on site work and sub-menu exit used For
take notes time return employee from jobs. Here This is appearance mobile attendance application
employee as following :
Figure 18. Spark, Figure 19. Menu, Figure 20. Menu, Figure 21. Main Menu Login Screen
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 321
Figure 22. Menu, Figure 23. Menu, Figure 24. Menu, Figure 25 Menu Login Attendance
Settings Home Profile Editing
5. Test Results Devices
In the application test results absence employee RFID based, will there are 2 results test,
namely device test results hardware and device test results soft. Here This is explanation Application
test results :
a. Test results device hard
Functional test results device hard show that every test always successful and unsuccessful
There is problem. With Thus, the device hard used in condition Good Because writer has finish
steps like driver installation, libraries, and wiring diagrams in accordance with reference
Table 1. Testing Devices Hard
Expected results
NodeMCU ESP8266 connected to wifi
NodeMCU ESP8266 can connected to
the internet via WiFi.
Embedded http client program in
ESP8266 NodeMCU.
NodeMCU ESP8266 can connected to
the web server.
According to the wiring diagram, the
RC522 RFID sensor is connected to
Microcontroller can connecting the
RC522 RFID sensor.
Integrated RFID tags or affixed with
The RC522 RFID sensor has ability
For reading RFID tags.
How the I6×2 LCD is connected to
With the embedded program , the
I6×2 LCD can connect and display
the RFID tag and card to the RFID
Reader with distance not enough from 5
Data can read by the database.
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 322
b. Test results device soft
Testing functionality device soft done For know whether system has fulfil hope and can walk
with good. Test results show that system walk Enough good and just own a number of error
technical in operation, but the problem can quick completed with start appropriate operation.
Here This is table results testing device soft :
Table 2. Test Results Software
Log in using the
username and
password you have
provided entered to in
the database.
Login with username
and password that is
not registered in the
People attach RFID tags
or RFID cards that are
not registered to RFID
Administrator accesses
employee data via the
Admin presses knob
For change employee
"Delete employee data
" button is pressed by
the admin.
With using the time
mode that has been set,
user can No present
(enter and leave).
Admin sees results
presence via the web.
Press the " Export "
button presence " in
excel and pdf.
4 Conclusion
System absence based on the Internet of Things (IoT) which uses Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) technology has proven as effective solution For increase efficiency and accuracy
recording presence employees. Based on implementation carried out, system This capable minimize
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 323
error human, improve transparency, and saving time in the administrative process. With IoT
integration, system absence This No only take notes presence in real-time but also provides
convenience access through mobile devices and web. Research results show that use technology This
can become a reliable alternative For replace method manual attendance, at the same time give mark
plus for organization in manage presence employee in a way more professional.
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