International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 3 No. 02, November-December 2024, pages: 298-312
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 298
Agustin Wahyuningtyas1, Ernani Hadiyati 2, M. Jamal Abdul Nasir3
Universitas Gajayana, Indonesia
Email: agustinn[email protected]
Corresponding Author: Agustin Wahyuningtyas
Visionary leadership,
quality education
The rapid advancements in globalization and technology have placed increasing
demands on educational institutions to prepare students with critical 21st-
century skills such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and
communication. In this context, visionary leadership is essential to guide schools
in addressing challenges and adapting to changing demands. This study aims to
analyze the role of visionary leadership in improving the quality of education,
focusing on strategies such as human resource development, parental
engagement, curriculum innovation, and infrastructure enhancement. Using a
qualitative descriptive approach, this research adopts a naturalistic
methodology to explore the leadership practices at SMPIT Permata Mojokerto.
Data were collected through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and
document analysis. The sample, selected via purposive sampling, included the
school principal, vice principals, teachers, parents, and committee
representatives. Data were analyzed through reduction, presentation, and
conclusion drawing, verified by triangulating multiple data sources.
The findings reveal that visionary leadership significantly contributes to
institutional progress through strategic planning and inclusive practices. The
principal effectively functions as a direction determiner, change agent,
spokesperson, and coach, fostering collaboration among stakeholders. Results
include improved teacher competencies, increased parental involvement, the
implementation of differentiated learning, and enhanced school infrastructure,
leading to higher educational outcomes. This research highlights the critical role
of visionary leadership in creating adaptive and inclusive educational
environments. The implications underscore the importance of leadership
training programs and policy support to replicate and sustain such strategies
across other educational settings, ensuring broader impact on educational
quality nationwide.
© 2024 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution
(CC BY SA) license (
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 299
1 Introduction
The rapid pace of globalization and technological advancement presents significant challenges for
educational systems worldwide. Modern education must transcend traditional paradigms to equip students
with critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration skills (Rivai, 2020). The COVID-19
pandemic underscored the urgency of educational reform, exposing gaps in learning methodologies and
infrastructure that hinder equitable access to quality education (Faiz, 2022). Visionary leadership emerges as
a crucial element in addressing these challenges, fostering adaptive and forward-thinking strategies to ensure
educational institutions meet contemporary demands.
In Indonesia, disparities in educational quality are linked to variability in leadership approaches across
institutions. Many schools operate under traditional systems, emphasizing uniformity over individuality, which
often neglects diverse student needs (Iskandar, 2021). Visionary leaders, capable of recognizing and
responding to these unique requirements, play a pivotal role in bridging these gaps. According to (Komariyah,
2020), visionary leadership involves the capacity to innovate, inspire, and guide institutions toward achieving
their missions amidst evolving societal expectations.
Leadership in education is not merely about administration; it is a transformative force. Principals who
adopt a visionary stance can significantly influence their schools' culture, effectiveness, and adaptability
(Daryanto, 2019). The integration of differentiated instruction, as highlighted by Marlina (2019), demonstrates
the impact of leadership in implementing inclusive teaching strategies that cater to diverse learning needs. As
educational systems globally shift toward inclusivity and innovation, the urgency for visionary leaders capable
of driving these changes is undeniable.
Visionary leadership is deeply rooted in theories of transformational and situational leadership. (Priansa
dan Somad, 2018) identify key traits of visionary leaders, including their commitment to long-term goals, their
ability to motivate stakeholders, and their strategic approach to change management. Wahyudi and Setiawan
(2019) further elaborate on the effectiveness of problem-based learning and critical thinking development
under visionary leadership. These theoretical frameworks are complemented by practical insights from studies
such as Hidayah (2019), which emphasize the role of school principals in fostering innovation and maintaining
high educational standards.
This study expands upon existing literature by examining the nuanced strategies employed by visionary
leaders in Indonesian educational settings. While prior research has explored general leadership styles, this
study delves into specific practices, such as aligning institutional goals with community needs and leveraging
local resources for curriculum development. Additionally, it investigates the integration of Islamic educational
values with modern pedagogical approaches, offering a novel perspective on leadership in culturally unique
contexts (Lestari et al., 2023). The primary objective of this research is to analyze how visionary leadership
enhances the quality of education by addressing the following aspects: Developing human resources,
particularly teachers and administrative staff. Strengthening the role of parents as educational collaborators.
Innovating curriculum design and implementation. Upgrading infrastructure to support effective learning
The subsequent sections of this paper systematically explore these objectives. Chapter Two provides a
comprehensive literature review, synthesizing the works of Daryanto (2019), Komariyah and Triatna (2020),
and others. Chapter Three outlines the research methodology, guided by the qualitative framework suggested
by Nugrahani (2020). The findings and discussions in Chapter Four highlight the implications of visionary
leadership practices, with case studies drawn from exemplary institutions. Finally, Chapter Five offers
recommendations for policy and practice, emphasizing the scalability of these strategies across diverse
educational contexts.
2 Materials and Method
This study employs a qualitative descriptive approach, aimed at describing and analyzing the role of
visionary leadership in improving the quality of education in depth. This approach allows the researcher to
uncover meanings, processes, and strategies used by educational leaders to achieve organizational goals
(Nugrahani, 2020). The research follows a naturalistic approach, where data is collected directly from the field
through interactions with research subjects in their natural settings. The study adopts a case study design,
enabling an in-depth analysis of specific contexts and phenomena related to visionary leadership (Marlina,
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 300
The population in this study includes all school leaders, teachers, and stakeholders in SMPIT Permata
Mojokerto. The sample is selected through purposive sampling, considering the relevance of informants to the
research objectives. Key informants include the school principal, vice principals, teachers, parents, and
representatives of the school committee. Data are collected using various techniques to ensure the validity and
reliability of the information obtained: In-depth Interviews, Semi-structured interviews are conducted with the
school principal, teachers, and parents to explore their understanding of the role of visionary leadership
(Komariyah & Triatna, 2020). Participant Observation, The researcher conducts direct observations of school
activities, including teaching-learning processes, internal meetings, and external events involving the school
(Hidayah, 2019). Official documents such as annual work plans, performance reports, and school policies are
used to support data analysis (Daryanto, 2019).
Data are analyzed using data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing techniques (Miles &
Huberman, 1994). The process involves the following steps:Collected data is filtered and organized based on its
relevance to the research focus. Data is structured in descriptive narratives and tables to facilitate interpretation.
Conclusions are drawn based on key findings, which are then verified through data triangulation from multiple
sources (Nugrahani, 2020).
3 Results and Discussions
In improving the quality of education at Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School, the principal
determines school policies that focus on the quality of education personnel in the school and student
competencies. This is as said by Mrs. Umi Fauziah, S.Psi as the Vice President at Permata Integrated Islamic
Junior High School as follows:
"The first policy is more oriented towards the quality of education personnel. The Principal always
assured us during meetings and workshops on building the capacity of educators that teachers are the first
model for students. We will not be able to invite students if we have not implemented it. Example: We will be
able to invite students to love the Quran if we ourselves always interact with the Quran. We can invite children
to love reading if we ourselves can show the breadth of knowledge because we love to read. (WK, December 20,
In addition to policies to improve the quality of education personnel, the Principal also always
emphasizes on improving student competence. Because SMPIT Permata is one of the units under the auspices of
the Permata Mojokerto Foundation, the Graduate Competency Standards (SKL) adjust to the SKL SIT Permata.
This is in line with what was conveyed by Mrs. Novita as the Head of Education of YPM. He said that: "The
management team consisting of the Chairman of YPM and the Daily Management Board, the heads of fields and
heads of units have formulated the strategic plan of the institution into a YPM policy direction which is formatted
as OKR (Objective Key Result) which is based on the achievement of the vision and mission of the Institution.
Meanwhile, each unit in YPM, namely from Daycare to MA Permata, is given the freedom to lower the unit's OKR
by determining activities, activity descriptions as well as budgets in accordance with these visions and missions.
(KP, 14.08.2023). This is in line with what Umi's mother feels: "The Principal always reminds us that we can
complete students according to the SKL if we succeed in making activities that support the achievement of the
SKL. Do not let us hold activities that do not have the purpose of completing the SKL. So that what we do is
directed and focus on the completeness of the SKL that has been set (WK, 13.07.2023)
As an education leader at Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School, the principal sets school
policies in addition to increasing the capacity of educators as well as on the ability of student competencies. The
student competence referred to in this case is in terms of personality and intellectual. In terms of personality,
students here are taught and accustomed to have a good attitude. Therefore, the Principal makes an agenda of
activities such as mandatory dhuha prayers, zuhur and ashar prayers at school, morning habituation by reading
and memorizing the Qur'an, giving alms, being honest, fond of reading and others.
In addition, Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School also has many extracurricular programs for
students. These diverse activities aim to develop and hone the talents and interests of each student. In this case,
as conveyed by Mrs. Dian as one of the teachers at Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School as follows: "At
Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School, there are 2 types of extracurriculars, namely compulsory
extracurriculars: Scouts and Islamic Personal Development and optional extracurriculars. There are 10 kinds of
choices, namely Futsal, Volleyball, Pena Club, Photography, Cinematography, Cooking Class, BSMI, Painting,
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 301
Adiwiyata, PIK-R and public speaking. All of these extras are held to improve and hone skills according to
students' talents and interests." (G, 10.07.2023)
Another similar thing was also expressed by Mr. Widodo as one of the teachers at Permata Integrated
Islamic Junior High School as follows: "At Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School, there are many
extracurriculars and each extra has its own supervisor. So if from Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School
there are human resources who are able to teach in the extra, we use the human resources, but if there is none,
we bring in from outside. Like BSMI extracurriculars, we invite one of the STIKES lecturers, we bring in
photography and pen clubs from outside the school. If the others are insyallah, our human resources are able to
assist." (G, 12.07.2023)
The extracurricular that already exists is expected to be able to accommodate the talents and interests
of students, but this is not according to the expectations of parents. As conveyed by Ima's mother:
"Extracurricular activities as conveyed by the principal during the socialization of the program at the beginning
of the school year are to accommodate the talents and interests of students, but we feel that with 10 types of
eskul, there is still too little hope that we can add more types of eskul in the coming year. Martial arts, robotics,
chess, table tennis, archery and swimming." (KO, 25.08. 2023)
With several extracurriculars owned, of course, Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School also has
several awards that can make the image of Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School good. As said by Mrs.
Umi as the Vice President as follows: "For the superior extras, we have been able to win at the city level, such as
painting. For 2 consecutive years from 2022 and 2023, it won 1st place in FSL2N in the field of painting and
advanced to the provincial level. So with this achievement, students become even more enthusiastic in practicing
and honing their skills." (WK, 13.07.2023).
The principal with his role as an agent of change should have a vision of change. The principal as a leader
is the main actor in the back and forth of a school. In the hands of a reliable school principal, success stories are
composed and achievement bricks are arranged so that it becomes a monument that inspires the people around
them. Although of course the principal as a leader is not the sole actor of success. He needs other actors so that
his success story is not just a monologue but the result of harmony of various potentials.
The challenges of the increasingly difficult world of education require a leader who has a strong vision
but is flexible in facing various changes around him. He is able to become an agile/adaptive person so that he is
able to become a magnetic field for improvement so that it attracts the people around him to present the same
flow of improvement. To realize the good quality of education in educational institutions, a strong leadership
role is needed. So the principal as a leader in an educational institution is also required to be able to provide
examples and guidance to all school stakeholders in order to create progress and make a quality educational
institution. So that it can create a clear direction for the school institution. As a leader who has the character of
a visionary leader, he must have a responsibility in order to provide stimulation in terms of changes in the
internal environment of an institution. Every leader who wants to make his educational institution develop and
advance must have a precise strategy and breakthrough so that the goal can be achieved as expected. A leader
with this character will feel uncomfortable if he is in a static organizational situation or there is a lack of new
breakthroughs that can trigger work morale and create new challenges by realizing them in clear and rational
work agendas (Wibawani, et al. 2019).
As an agent of change in the educational institution he leads, the principal has the responsibility to create
change in the educational institution he leads. Improving the performance of education personnel, maximizing
school facilities and resources in schools is a manifestation of the role of leaders as agents of change. The
principal must have the ability to predict the developments that will occur out there and determine the most
appropriate anticipatory steps so that the school can maintain its continuity and become a good quality
educational institution. This also affects the performance system of teachers and all school stakeholders.
Corrine Mc Laughin mentioned that the visionary leader who brings change is: "a visionary leader is one
who is able to build a new dawn working with intuition and imagination, appreciation and boldness, he presents
challenges as an effort to provide the best for the organization and make it something evocative to achieve the
organization's goals." Leaders who do their work wholeheartedly and have a high passion to achieve their better
goals. The leadership strategies used by change leaders include (a). The first is by accelerating the intended
change in the future, (b). Leaders must be able to be the center of change, (c). Having a clear step in leading
change, (d). Leaders can strike a balance between change and continuity, (e). Leaders can increase the
satisfaction of their workers.
The leadership role of the Principal of Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School as an agent of
change can be seen from several policies that he has realized. Such as in terms of improving quality to be better,
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 302
namely improving human resources. There is also Tan Gusti et al, "Visionary Leadership of Madrasah Heads."
Educational: Journal of Educational Sciences. Volume 3 Number 5 (2021): 2919- 2932. Improvements in terms
of non-human resources such as improving the media for learning, learning methods.
In terms of improving human resources, the Principal supports teachers to participate in workshops
held outside the school, encourages them to participate in trainings, sends them to participate in training and
motivates teachers to always be enthusiastic and continue to learn so that they can become great teachers. This
is as conveyed by Mrs. Umi as the vice president at Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School, as follows:
"The teachers here are often motivated to take part in workshops and trainings. They are motivated to be
enthusiastic in participating in such activities, which will also have a positive impact on the development of
teacher competence. Even the training that was followed was not only from the education office, but also the
JSIT education and training center and independent training on the Independent Teaching Platform (PMM). (WK,
There is also a coaching program carried out to Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School students,
this is carried out continuously. Such as programs that are carried out for students who have shortcomings in
receiving learning at school and for students who have difficulties in certain things, for example in memorizing
the Quran. from schools to prepare special coaching to handle this. This can be proven through the opinion of
Mrs. Dian as the curriculum waka at Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School, as follows: "At Permata
Integrated Islamic Junior High School, the character of the students is different, it is not uncommon for some to
experience learning difficulties. So the principal makes a policy by preparing a team of teachers who specifically
handle these problems, especially coaching the children, so that these children can participate in learning like
other children. The point is that the child develops for the better". (G, 10 07.2023)
As an agent of change for the principal of SMPIT Permata, it is really required to follow the changes and
updates that exist outside so that it can continue to develop for the better. That way, he can read and overcome
bad influences in the right way. Therefore, he also provides provisions to students with strong faith and piety
through habituation activities at school. Such as recitation of the Quran when starting morning activities, dhuha
prayers, zuhur and ashar prayers in congregation, and qiyaumil lail call. That way the students are expected to
have enough faith so that they can become a strong fortress in the future.
Meanwhile, to equip students to adapt to the outside world, the Principal and teachers formulated a
superior program. This is to accommodate the talents and interests of differentiated students. This program is
in line with what was conveyed by Mrs. Dian: "There are 3 excellent programs that are currently being developed
by the school. If at the beginning of the pandemic the principal only formulated 1 flagship program because in
2020 it was online learning and only ended before high (even though before the pandemic, PBM here always
went home in the afternoon) While the principal was very accommodating to some students who had the ability
to memorize the Quran faster than other students, then the principal made a flagship program: Takhasus.
Currently, with the increasing diversity of student interests, 3 excellent programs have been created here,
namely: Takhasus, English Class Program and Leaderpreneur." (G, 10.07.2023).
Although the school has tried to make 3 excellent programs, it is still felt by the guardians that this
excellent program has not been evenly felt by students. This is reflected in the statement of Mrs. Morin as one of
the guardians: "Maybe the school's intention is to make a program that excels in 3 things, namely tahfidz, English
and leadership. However, there are students who feel forced because they want to be in ECP but it turns out that
they are included in the leaderpreneur" (O, 13.08.2023). This was also stated by Mrs. Ima as a committee: "It
seems that it is still a mindset that ECP students are superior and cool in the eyes of other students because ECP
children are smart children, especially if there are supporting activities, namely immersion programs to
Singapore and Malaysia. I hope this activity can also be enjoyed by students from other excellent programs" (KO,
The Principal's Visionary Leadership Role as a Spokesperson, As a visionary leader, having the nature of
a spokesperson or communicator is important. As a leader, the principal must be able to be a skilled speaker, a
good listener, and attentive. The principal is also the main negotiator of an educational institution to establish
cooperative relationships with other parties in expanding the school network, to get new ideas and ideas.
Communication in an institution is indispensable for the Principal in conveying a decision or policy, in the
context of supervision, control and direction as well as in terms of delivering important information to other
parties. (Hidayah, 2019). On the other hand, it is also useful for creating support and realizing a vision in the
future of an educational institution. Furthermore, the Principal of Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School
in determining the policy direction in improving the quality of education, namely by holding meetings and
workshops. As Mrs. Umi Fauziah has said as the wakasek at Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School,
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 303
namely: "In determining policies to improve the quality of education in schools, the Principal always holds a
meeting at the leadership level, namely with the deputy principals: curriculum, student affairs and infrastructure
and coordination with human resources according to their respective fields. In addition, the principal also
routinely conducts periodic monitoring and evaluation whether the policy is running well or not." (WK,
More specifically, Mrs. Umi conveyed the meeting mechanism and coordination as follows: "For
example, the name is a C1 (Level 1 Coordination) meeting consisting of the principal and deputy principal.
Furthermore, the results of this coordination are passed down to all teachers and education personnel called C3.
Meanwhile, technically, the new policy was conveyed to students through a C2 meeting, namely the student waka
forum with guardians. The results of this policy are also always passed down not only to teachers and students
but also to all guardians through the socialization agenda of the school program which is carried out every July,
starting the school year."
After the policy was made, in its implementation, the principal also monitored and conducted
monitoring and evaluation. This is as conveyed by Mrs. Umi as the curriculum waka as follows: "Every policy is
the same as the principal is monitored. So the Principal always asks for the results of the evaluation. The report
is called the quarterly OKR report or commonly called quarterly OKR in September, December, March and June.
This OKR report is very closely related to the graduate competency standards that we have formulated at the
beginning of the school year."
As for the timing of the delivery of these policies, I always convey them at the beginning of the school
year. This can be understood from what was conveyed by Mrs. Umi as follows: "Every time there is a new policy,
the Principal's mother conveys it at the beginning of the school year. Or the beginning of the semester. Because
the routine work meeting held at the beginning of the school year is the starting point for the implementation of
the Foundation's policy direction."
As added by Mr. Widodo as a teacher, for the school policy sometimes there are also changes, even
though the time has not been there for a year because it follows the policies of the agency and the foundation.
This can be understood from his presentation as follows: "For the policy of the school principal, there are also
sometimes changes, depending on the agency and the foundation. So when the principal starts a coordination
meeting, he always conveys 3 things, namely: the official agenda, the Foundation's agenda, and then the unit's
agenda" (G, 12.07.2023). In addition to the principal maintaining communication with internal school residents,
the principal of SMPIT Permata is also active in establishing partnerships with parties outside the school,
including with guardians, class representatives, committees, MKKS at the city level and other strategic partners
of the school.
This is in accordance with what was conveyed by Mrs. Ima, as the school committee administrator: "The
principal here is a very important factor or a very dominant factor to produce quality education. Where I feel,
the principal of this Permata IT Junior High School, Ustadzah Nining, in carrying out his leadership as a principal,
he has been very, very mastery, very good in organizational leadership, so in running the leadership wheel for
the quality of education, he has led. In addition, he is also in operational leadership, in the sense that he holds
the leadership in carrying out the operationalization of SMP IT Permata, in the implementation of education, he
has also organized well, perfectly, in accordance with his leadership or the governance that he currently holds.
In addition, the principal at SMP IT Permata is also as I said earlier, he is the determinant or the one who
improves the quality of education, where one of them is that he is in carrying out his leadership, his public
leadership is very visible, where he is widely known to the public because of his communication skills, the
organization he follows and so on. So here the principal factor is indeed very, very supportive or is a core factor,
an important factor in the success or quality of education at SMP IT Permata that I feel".
From the description mentioned above, the leadership of the principal of Permata Integrated Islamic
Junior High School has done its role well. Which always communicates and determines the direction of the
school's goals in consultation with other stakeholders so that it can produce policies that can make good changes
for the continuity of the educational institution it leads. The Visionary Leadership Role of School Principals as
Coaches, In order to achieve an institutional vision, the Head of SMPIT Permata Mojokerto is a figure with a
character who always prioritizes cooperation between groups. A leader optimizes all the abilities and expertise
possessed by his players or team so that they cooperate with each other, coordinate to carry out activities or
efforts in order to achieve victory, and can achieve the expected organizational goals. While carrying out his role
as a principal who is trusted to lead the school, the principal must be able to implement the "leadership
character". Namely, a disciplined, democratic, and warm leadership character in getting along without leaving
the ethics of interpersonal communication. A leadership character that encourages the rise of inspiration forms
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 304
a school framework that understands that the vision and mission must be clear and specific enough to help
create a superior school. (Daryanto, 2019)
This is in accordance with what was conveyed by Mrs. Dian, as a teacher at SMPIT Permata, "I feel that
the principal's mother really helps me to be empowered. Example: I am a non-education ITB graduate. However,
since joining the Permata Junior High School family, I have been partnered with MIPA teachers who from an
educational background and at the same time asked to join MGMP and participate in teacher trainings so that
thank God my ability in learning has increased." In line with Mrs. Dian, Mr. Widodo also feels the same way:
"When the meeting of activities for one year has been arranged. Likewise, a work team was also prepared. The
Principal always places us according to each other's potential. Example: I, who from the beginning really liked
to hold a mic, was given the mandate to be a public speaking extracurricular teacher. Mrs. Amal, a social studies
teacher but very fond of social media, was also given the mandate as the person in charge of school public
When a new teacher enters, the principal will usually ask a senior teacher (with a working period of
more than 5 years) to accompany the new teacher. From the teaching style, the style of getting along and
interacting so that the new teacher understands the existing school culture so that the new teacher is easier to
adapt. This was conveyed by Mrs. Umi as the vice principal, namely: "The principal is very protective of us. He
always emphasized that we must make school a second family after the nuclear family at home. So the principal
tries to bring new teachers closer to senior teachers, then if they want to supervise, she usually does coaching
so that later the supervision runs as expected. If overseeing the school program, the principal entrusts the person
in charge of the activity but does not forget that she accompanies from planning, action to post-activity
evaluation. We were really trained so that the activity ran smoothly as planned. This makes us more confident."
Principal's Visionary Leadership Strategy, The principal's visionary leadership strategy in improving the
quality of learning at Permata Mojokerto Integrated Islamic Junior High School is carried out by always trying
to make changes or innovations in the field of learning, mainly through several strategies, namely:
Teacher Development Strategy
The first is teacher development. This is the main thing that needs to be done. If teachers are great,
schools, students and the environment will also be great. A teacher plays an important role in making the
learning atmosphere at school fun. A student will like one subject not because of the subject textbook but the
figure of a teacher who can bring a pleasant atmosphere in the learning process The teacher development
strategy is very felt by Mrs. Dian.
He said that , "At Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School, there are many activities to increase
the capacity of teachers. I am very helpful here. With my background not being a bachelor of education, but
because there are many teacher grading here, I am more confident in running the teaching profession. With
training, workshops, sharing good practices and choaching. So that when the Principal's mother carries out
supervision, we are not confused. (G, 10.07.2023)
This was also agreed by Mr. Widodo. He said that, "Here, not only the improvement of teacher
competence but also the improvement of the teacher's spirituality and health are also considered. There are
Islamic Personal Development activities once a week, Muqoyyam quran, Spirit Time, Healthy Saturday and
health checks every 6 months (G, 12.07.2023)
Teacher development is something very basic in school development, so the management, in this case
the Foundation, emphasizes the program to increase the capacity building and commitment of teachers' Islam.
Mrs. Novita as the Head of the Division. Education conveys that:a "So far, SMPIT Permata under the leadership
of the current principal has been able to motivate educators to continue to improve their capacity as professional
teachers both through independent training, as well as participating in training, workshops, seminars and
training held by the Ministry of Education and Culture, the education office, the Foundation and JSIT. "There is 1
thing that I really appreciate from the head of SMPIT Permata, namely: he is really committed to preparing an
inclusive school for all students by preparing all his educators to understand the various types of characters and
needs of students through training to strengthen inclusive education with direct assistance from PLB Unesa
lecturers" (KP, 14.08.2023)
The need to increase the capacity of teachers is very much with limited time sometimes makes teachers
confused about managing time. This is felt by Mr. Widodo: "Sometimes I am confused about which one to
prioritize because there are so many teacher trainings that I have to attend. In fact, often the intention of wanting
to take part in online training is currently spread on social media from various learning communities, but I often
forget about the online training schedule so that I miss it" (G, 12.07.2023). The efforts of the Principal in
increasing the number of educators in addition to participating in training, workshops, seminars and training,
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 305
also form a learning community in schools. This is so that subject teachers in schools with a total of 1-3 people
per maple can be more motivated to share and share practices both related to learning methods and learning
This is in line with what Umi's mother said, "The principal succeeded in creating a learning community
at school, but sometimes due to different time constraints in each maple teacher, the learning community that is
expected to contain sharing and sharing good practices among maple teachers is not optimal in its
implementation." (WK, 13.07. 2023)
Strategies to Strengthen the Role of Parents
The second strategy in developing education is to strengthen the role of students' parents. Those parents
are the most important educators who are most unprepared. This should not happen in the world of education,
because parents are the main thing in shaping a child's character. Therefore, parents must be strengthened in
their role and be able to be involved in the educational process. This is in line with what Mrs. Morin said, "I feel
grateful to be part of the big family of SMPIT Permata because there is a complete package here. Our children
have been educated, we as parents have also been educated in the parents' school activities which are routinely
carried out once a month. We can be more confident in accompanying Ananda because after all, the current
childhood is very different from my time in junior high school" (O 13.11.2023).
The same is felt by Ima's mother: "I have 3 children who go to school here. And thank God, from my first
child who is currently about to graduate from college, continuing to child number 2 who is currently just
graduating from high school, we still really believe in SMPIT Permata for our children's education number 3
because this is where there is a very harmonious synergy between school and parents. We are really involved in
assisting Ananda's growth and development. We also do not feel alone because the school facilitates the
existence of parent schools that sometimes invite speakers or practitioners of national level education in
equipping us as parents." (K, 25.08.2023)
The Parent School Program, which is routinely held once a month at SMPIT Permata, is able to inspire
other schools in Mojokerto City. Usually schools involve parents only when they receive report cards every
semester, but this time it can be every 3 months to hold parenting or parent schools.
Curriculum development strategy
The curriculum developed at SMPIT Permata is a curriculum that involves students as an effort to create
a pleasant atmosphere in the teaching and learning process. This needs to be done because students are the ones
who carry out the learning process. A good learning process is not to install material to students but to grow all
the potential that exists in students. Especially in the implementation of the independent curriculum where
students are the center of learning or learning subjects.
Infrastructure development strategy
Infrastructure facilities are the main mediators of students, so students need to be provided with
infrastructure facilities that can support and be integrated in the success of students at school. This was felt by
Mrs. Umi as the Vice President of the curriculum: "SMPIT Permata strives to continue to equip infrastructure
facilities to be adequate for child-friendly schools to minimize bullying by installing CCTV in every corner of the
school and installing LCD in each classroom for the digital learning process" (WK, 13.07.2023)
To welcome the digitalization of schools and differentiated learning, schools really need to prepare
supporting infrastructure. This was expressed by Mrs. Novita as the Head of Education: "Alhamdulillah, SMPIT
Permata has succeeded in filling new tables and chairs made of lightweight materials to make it easier for
students to mobility during learning because the spirit of implementing the independent curriculum in
collaborating is also accompanied by the fulfillment of spot points for the internet in PBM and online-based
assessments. (KP, 14.08.2023)
Based on several models of educational development strategies, it can be analyzed that all efforts that
have been made by managers for the implementation of these educational development strategies aim to
develop the quality of educational institutions in order to achieve superior and integrated management
efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore, the realization of a vision, mission, educational development program
and improving the quality of education at Permata Mojokerto Integrated Islamic Junior High School requires a
variant of strategy to formulate it in the development of educational institutions at Permata Mojokerto
Integrated Islamic Junior High School.
Changes in the Implementation of Visionary Leadership, This study finds that there are strong efforts
from school principals in their role in managing educational inputs, processes and resources that are carried out
optimally to improve the quality of education. These efforts begin with designing to the process of realizing
quality so that it achieves success. Success begins at the input and process stage which is evident in the ability
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IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 306
of the principal to manage the existing resources optimally through a quality process. Quality processes include
good coordination, interaction and communication between leaders and subordinates and external parties, good
and continuous coaching, empowerment that considers humanitarian aspects, great rewards, the creation of a
pleasant work atmosphere, high motivation, good control and evaluation and the cooperation of all components.
All are embraced by the principal to be invited to jointly advance their school because their role also determines
the quality of the school.
Role and leadership of the Principal visoner, Leadership that is relevant to the demands of "School Based
Management" and coveted for educational productivity is leadership that has a vision (visionary leadership),
namely leadership whose main work is focused on engineering a future full of challenges, becoming an agent of
change (agentofchange)) who excels and becomes the determinant of the direction of the organization who
knows the priorities, becomes a professional coach and can guide other personnel in the direction of the
expected work professionalism. Then leaders who have a vision are a requirement for leadership in the era of
autonomy, where organizations must display their strengths and cultural characteristics towards the expected
quality of education (Education Administration Lecturer Team, 2019).
Visionary leadership is the ability of leaders to create, formulate, communicate or socialize or transform
and implement ideal ideas that come from themselves or as a result of social interaction between organizational
members and stakeholders which are believed to be the future goals of the organization that must be achieved
or realized through the commitment of all personnel (Komariah and Triatna, 2019).
Visionary leadership emphasizes that the existence of a vision is essential for organizations that want to
create an effective and competitive organization. Leadership strength produces various policies and work
operationalization that are guided by the organization's vision. An organization that wants to progress and be
competitive must have a clear vision, understood by all its members (Wahyudi and Setiawan, 2019). The
principal has a very important role in visionary leadership, because he is the culprit. The four roles of visionary
principals in carrying out their leadership are:
The Role of the Principal as a Direction Determinator, This role is a role where the principal presents a
vision, convinces the picture or target for the school, to be achieved in the future, and involves teachers, staff,
and other employees from "get to go". As a direction determinant, the principal conveys the vision,
communicates it, motivates teachers, staff, and other employees, and reassures teachers, staff, and other
employees that what they are doing is the right thing, and supports participation at all levels and at all stages of
the effort towards the future (Priansa and Somad, 2018).
In essence, the ability of the head of the madrasah as a determinant of direction is manifested in
conveying the vision, communicating the vision, motivating teachers, staff, and other employees, as well as
convincing teachers, staff, and employees in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. At SMPIT Permata,
the Principal has carried out his role as a direction determiner. Starting from the vision that has been formulated
by the management of the Permata Mojokerto Foundation, as the Foundation that oversees SMPIT Permata,
when implementing the Foundation's vision, which is to produce a generation that loves the Quran, is intelligent,
has a leadership spirit and has an environmental culture, the Principal immediately makes a multi-level
communication management. You can see from the table below:
Communication Management
It Coordination name Participants
1. C1 (Circle 1) Principal, Vice Curriculum Officer, Student Affairs Officer, Sarpras Officer
2. C2 (Circle 2) Vice President, Guardian, BK Teacher
3. C3 (Circle 3) Principals and teachers and employees
From the communication pattern that has been made, the next step is to empty the lesson schedule once
a week for C1 coordination, once a month for C2 coordination. As for C3, because of coordination for all teachers
and employees, it is carried out once a month in the Diakhri on Saturday. This is in line with what was conveyed
by Mrs. Umi, as the deputy principal: "The first step taken by the principal so that all policies can be socialized
to school residents is to build multi-level communication. So I was asked to vacate 1 day a week for the principal
to coordinate with the vice principals, namely Tuesday at 07.30-11.00. This means that the vice principals
consisting of deputy principals for curriculum, student affairs, and infrastructure do not have teaching hours.
Alhamdulillah, this can make the coordination of Level C1 run optimally. Likewise with C2, which is the
coordination of the Wakasis Level with guardians, I made it on Fridays of the 2nd and 4th weeks at 13.00-15.30.
Alhamdulillah, with the regulation of emptying teaching hours, coordination can run without problems." (WK,
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IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 307
This is also felt by Mr. Widodo: I feel that as a homeroom teacher, I feel guided by the existence of regular
coordination with student affairs. There it was discussed to share good practices from fellow homeroom
teachers who have succeeded in solving the problems of their students and discuss current conditions related
to the Gen Z generation. (G, 12.07.2023) In line with Mr. Widodo, Mrs. Dian also conveyed: Alhamdulillah, we
routinely participate in coordination at the beginning of the month. Usually during coordination, the principal
will convey motivation related to improving the quality of graduates or going to innovative schools. And he also
reminded us of the school's vision as a big goal and a common goal why we are at SMPIT Permata. Because this
motivation makes us feel positive energy and we feel directed in carrying out school assignments. (G,
A school principal must have a clear goal to bring his vision in a direction of change that can be felt by
the school community. To be more effective, a school principal must clarify his or her mission fous periodically
through effective goal setting. The clearer the goal, the sharper the focus, and vice versa. (Septina, (2018)). The
Principal of SMPIT Permata, when starting the new school year, started from the school's vision. For reference
in Preparing an Annual Work Plan, a basis is needed, namely: Foundation Policy Direction, Education Report
Card, quality service survey from guardians, and SWOT analysis, these four things are the basis for school
principals to prepare an Annual Work Plan, which of course the first priority is to improve the Quality of
This was conveyed by Mrs. Novita, as the head of YPM Education, So far, Mrs. Nining, as the Head of
SMPIT Permata, has carried out the mandate very well. He made the RKT already have a basis, namely looking
at the results of the Education report card, the direction of the Foundation's policy, coupled with SWOT analysis
and the results of the quality service survey that is filled by the guardian every semester. This makes the school
program can be on the track, according to its goals and can be measured. (KP, 14.08.2023).
The Role of the Principal as an Agent of Change, The principal as an agent of change must always be
ready to adjust potential and changeable changes that can have an impact on customer needs, and choices change
as well as changes in the wishes of stakeholders. The new paradigm learning provides flexibility for educators
to formulate learning plans and assessments according to the characteristics and needs of students The new
paradigm learning ensures that learning practices are student-centered. Learning is a cycle that starts from
mapping competency standards, planning the learning process, and implementing assessments to improve
learning so that students can achieve the expected competencies (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2021). The
competencies in question are 21st century skills, namely Communication, Collaboration, Critical thinking and
Problem Solving, and Creativity and Innovation skills. This skill must be mastered by students in order to
prepare themselves to enter the world of work and real life (Zubaidah, 2019).
On the other hand, the learning process in the classroom must also be supported by adequate
infrastructure, the approach and learning model used by teachers must be able to accommodate the needs of
each student. Educators play a role in facilitating the process of achieving educational goals. It is important for
educators to have the ability to design learning, in order to be able to design and implement learning according
to the characteristics of their students (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2021). It should be realized that the
potential possessed by each student is very diverse. Every student has a uniqueness. Each student comes to
school with a uniqueness and diversity inherent in each of them. The uniqueness and diversity inherent in each
child include: learning styles (for example, auditory learning styles, visual learning styles, kinesthetic learning
styles), academic abilities (high, medium, low), speed in understanding lessons (some students are fast in
understanding lessons, some are moderate, even slow), learning orientation (mastery, performance approach,
performance avoidance) motivation (high, medium, low), self-efficacy (high, medium, low), interests (interest in
certain subjects, e.g. math, language, or science), personality (e.g. introverted or extrovert), including
socioeconomic status/SSE (high, medium, low SSE).
In a class that can consist of 20 to 40 students, the teacher will find a number of diversity inherent in
each student. With this reality, the teaching approach that generalizes every student actually needs to be
reviewed. A generalized teaching approach for each student certainly cannot meet the needs of every student,
because their needs are also diverse. Therefore, a teaching approach is needed that is able to meet the needs of
every student. This approach can be in the form of a differentiated learning approach. Differentiated learning is
a cyclical process of finding out about students and responding to their learning based on differences (Marlina,
2019). These differentiators form creative ways to overcome and circumvent problems that arise; from student
boredom to monotonous learning (Paragarra, 2018). The diversity of new students and the diversity of family
backgrounds require educational units to prepare differentiated learning environments. The steps for school
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IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 308
principals to prepare differentiated learning are as follows:
1. Preparation of teachers in the form of multiple intelligent training (multiple intelligence) differentiated
learning training (teaching modules, learning media and assessment)
2. Mapping of students through screening and diagnostic assessment
3. Fulfillment of infrastructure facilities
4. Monitoring and evaluation
This is in line with what Mrs. Dian felt. He said, "At first, we were a bit stuttering when we had to
implement the Independent curriculum whose mission was learning centered on educational institutions. But
thank God, the Principal has prepared us in advance through various kinds of GTK capacity building training so
that we are ready to carry out differentiated learning, where this learning accommodates all students according
to their potential." (G, 10.07.2023)
This was also expressed by Mr. Widodo, "Alhamdulillah, at the beginning of the school year, the school
has carried out a diagnostic assessment so that the results of this assessment are our capital in making teaching
modules when preparing learning in the classroom." (G, 12.07.2023)
Meanwhile, on a school scale, Umi's mother explained that, "At the beginning of the school year, the
principal invited us to formulate that we must facilitate all the potential of students. We strive to be optimal,
hopefully the potential of students will be honed optimally as well. From this spirit, flagship programs emerged,
namely the English Class Program (facilitating students who are interested in the United Kingdom), Takhasus
Class (facilitating students who are interested in memorizing the Quran) and the Leaderpreneur Program
(facilitating students who are interested in becoming leaders and entrepreneurs)." (WK, 13.07.2023)
This is in line with what was conveyed by Mrs. Novita, Head of Education, "I see that the head of SMPIT
Permata has succeeded in differentiating learning both on a class scale through the creation of teaching modules
and learning media that adapt to students' learning styles (can be seen during monitoring and supervising PBM)
as well as on a school scale through 3 existing flagship programs, namely: Takhasus Class, English Class Program
and Leaderpreneur Class." (WK, 14.08.2023)
This can be felt by Morin's mother, as a guardian, "Alhamdulillah, even though our child came home from
school in the afternoon, I feel that our child can adapt and hopefully be tough in the company of his friends
because during school at SMPIT Permata he received provisions according to his talents and interests." (O,
This was also felt by Ima's mother, as the school committee, "Our child was quiet at first and we were a
bit unable to understand his tendencies, but the more he came here, the more his potential was honed after the
school made a flagship program. Alhamdulillah, through our child leaderpreneur, we can plan for her future. And
already has the confidence to perform in front of his friends." (K, 25.08.2023).
The role of the Principal as a spokesperson, From the results of the study, it can be seen that the principal
has played the role of a spokesperson. This can be seen when the school formulates a school program that has
been outlined in the Annual Work Plan (RKT), the principal's step is to socialize to all school residents, both to
GTK, students and guardians. This socialization is in the form of: Work meetings to start the school year and
coordination meetings at the beginning of each month, socialization of school programs for guardians at the
beginning of learning and during the flag ceremony every week.
The Role of the Principal as a Coach, From the results of the study, it can be seen that the principal has
played the role of a coach. This can be seen from the principal in his role as a coach, he does several things,
namely: Brotherhood of new teachers with senior teachers, assisting the person in charge of activities in
planning, conducting and evaluating school activities, conducting coaching before supervising learning on the
teacher concerned, providing teacher grading services before giving additional mandates
Visionary Leadership Strategies, The principal's visionary leadership strategy in improving the quality
of learning at Permata Mojokerto Integrated Islamic Junior High School is carried out by always trying to make
changes or innovations in several areas, namely: Teacher Development Strategy, At SMPIT Permata, there are 2
teacher development strategies, namely: Increasing the capacity of kindergarten professionals, namely activities
that improve the competence of educators and education personnel, can be seen in the following table:
Curriculum Implementation Assistance, In order to improve the quality of learning and ensure that learning runs
according to the plan that has been prepared in the KOSP, Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School in
Mojokerto City conducts mentoring, evaluation and professional development on a regular basis.
Mentoring, evaluation, and professional development are carried out internally by the education unit to
ensure that learning runs according to plan to achieve the set goals. Assistance at Permata Integrated Islamic
Junior High School in Mojokerto city is emphasized on the principles of reflective and self-development for
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 309
teachers, as well as using clear and measurable assessment instruments. The mentoring process is designed
according to needs and carried out by the principal based on the results of monitoring and evaluation which is
then reported intensely to the foundation and the Education and Culture Office through the school supervisor.
Evaluation, mentoring and professional development are carried out gradually and independently so
that there is a continuous improvement in quality in the educational unit, in accordance with the capabilities of
the educational unit. Professional mentoring and development are emphasized on reflective and self-
development principles for teachers, as well as using clear and measurable assessment tools. The mentoring
process is designed as needed and carried out by the leader of the education unit based on the results of
observation or evaluation.
In general, the mentoring and professional development activities carried out at Permata Integrated
Junior High School are as follows:
1. Coaching. Coaching is a mentoring process to achieve goals by exploring the educator's thoughts on an
existing problem. It is carried out at the end of the semester, odd and even.
2. Mentoring. Mentoring is a mentoring process by sharing experience/knowledge to overcome an
existing obstacle. It is carried out at the end of the semester, odd and even.
3. Guidance and Training. Guidance and training is a mentoring process by strengthening knowledge and
skills related to performance, with internal or external resource persons (adjusting to the capabilities
of the educational unit). It is carried out at the beginning of an odd semester and the beginning of an
even semester after knowing the results of the curriculum evaluation
Evaluation of Curriculum Implementation, Curriculum Implementation Evaluation is the process of
reviewing the design, implementation, output, and impact of a curriculum at each stage of its operation.
Curriculum evaluation is carried out at the end of each school year. There are at least 2 discourses on curriculum
evaluation, including the first evaluation based on curriculum components and the second evaluation based on
the level of achievement of curriculum goals. This curriculum evaluation was carried out in coordination with
the principal, the curriculum development team, which also involved all educators and education staff at
Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School. Curriculum evaluation is needed to improve the curriculum for
the next school year. In the context of curriculum components, an evaluation is carried out on each curriculum
component in the educational unit implementing the Independent Curriculum using Learning Outcomes as a Key
Indicator. Then the evaluation will include: Evaluation of the achievement of curricular goals; Evaluation of
Teaching Tools; valuation of Learning Models and Assessments; Evaluation of the Operational Curriculum of the
Education Unit.
Professional Development Programs, The professional development program for teachers and
employees at Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School is carried out and planned by the leaders of the
education unit based on the development plan of the education unit and stakeholder input, where here is the
Permata Foundation of Mojokerto City. Teacher professional development is carried out programmatically with
a schedule that has been made by the Permata Education and Training Center by referring to the plan to submit
a professional improvement program by the leader of the education unit (Principal) as stated in OKR AK 24.
Professional development is also carried out incidentally by participating in workshops, trainings, and
coaching held by the Mojokerto city office, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Integrated Islamic School
Network (JSIT) and also other education partners by sending delegates which will then be disseminated to all
teachers at Permata Integrated Islamic Junior High School. Strategies for Strengthening the Role of Parents,
Activities to build synergy between schools and parents at SMPIT Permata are as follows: Permata Parent School
(SEkoper) both online and offline. This was felt by Mrs. Ima, as the committee: "Alhamdulillah, at SMPIT Permata,
I got a complete package, namely sending my children to school, but we parents also got school facilities as well.
Every month, there is an alternate between offine with speakers on the East Java scale and onlie on the national
speaker scale." (K, 25.08.2023). In this regard, Morin's mother also said: "I feel that what I have had so far as to
be a parent is quite adequate, but it turns out that the current generation is getting older and I feel that it is not
enough just by relying on my abilities as a parent in the past. Alhamdulillah, there is a gem parent school so that
I don't stutter in accompanying Ananda's growth and development." (O, 13.08.2023)
Stages of solving Ananda's problem, There is a Standard Operational Procedure at SMPIT Permata
related to the handling of student cases. This was conveyed at the school program socialization event to
guardians when entering the new school year. If the case occurs during the teaching and learning process, it is
enough to handle the subject teacher according to the teaching hours at that time. If the problem is a bit heavy,
then the homeroom teacher is obliged to solve it. If it is still not finished, it will be accompanied by a BK teacher.
If it is still not finished, it will be assisted by the student affairs department. And if the problem is still not solved
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IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 310
as well, then a case conference is held. At this time, parents are invited to sit together in synergy with homeroom
teachers, BK teachers, vice presidents and school principals. The goal is: to build synergy with parents for
Ananda's assistance, to make an agreement between students and parents with school facilitation.
The handling of cases like this is felt to be very beneficial by parents. This was felt by Mrs. Ima: Here,
building synergy with students' parents is very much considered. During the socialization of the school program,
the principal said that Ananda Education would not be easy to realize if only one direction was pursued. Whether
it is from parents or just the role of the school. We want Ananda as we hope will be realized if there is good
cooperation between parents and schools. That's when Mrs. Nining conveyed the flow of handling cases at SMPIT
Permata. (K, 25.08.2023). Curriculum Development Strategy, The reference for this curriculum development
strategy is the strategy for achieving SKL (graduate competency standards). This was expressed by Mrs. Novita,
Head of Education: "SMPIT Permata under the leadership of Mrs. Nining has succeeded in making a strategy for
achieving SKL which is very helpful as guidance so that SKL can be implemented in a targeted and measurable
manner. This is very useful because the Independent curriculum gives freedom to education units to be creative
so that education can be enjoyed according to students' talents, interests, and potential. In addition to creating
a flagship program as part of serving student differentiation, SMPIT Permata has also made a strategy for
completing SKL." (KP, 14.08.2023).
Strategy for Fulfilling Infrastructure Facilities, Infrastructure is a supporting factor in improving the
quality of education. With the selection of SMPIT Permata as one of the target schools for the 3rd batch of the
Ministry of Education and Culture, the school digitization program is the fulfillment of learning support
infrastructure, namely: permanent LCD for each class, LMS, online (paperless) assessment, fulfillment of internet
spot points as well as facilities that support the creation of a school security climate, namely the installation of
CCTV in each classroom and school corners. This was confirmed by Dian's mother: "Alhamdulillah, under the
leadership of Mrs. Nining, I feel that the infrastructure is more complete. Especially with the ability of student
collaboration to make learning carried out in groups, the principal procured new tables and chairs made of
lightweight materials for all classes. Also equip the library with quality books." (G, 10.07.2023)
This was also confirmed by Mrs. Novita, as the head of Education, "At SMPIT Permata, there is a vice
principal for infrastructure. I see that SMPIT Permata is getting better at planning and managing the fulfillment
of infrastructure facilities so that learning is more comfortable to be accepted by school residents. This cannot
be separated from the leadership of the school principal who continues to develop a strategy to fulfill
infrastructure." (KP, 14.08.2023). Adequate management of facilities and infrastructure can improve the quality
of educational services optimally, To improve the quality of educational services, it is necessary to carry out
structured and systematic management of facilities and infrastructure. Facilities and infrastructure management
is the management and regulation of facilities and infrastructure owned by an institution or educational
institution for the benefit of the learning process or other activities related to improving the quality of education.
With good management of facilities and infrastructure, the quality of education will also be good
Changes in improving the quality of education in the application of visionary leadership. This study
found that there are strong efforts from school principals in their role in managing inputs, processes and
educational resources that are carried out optimally to improve the quality of education. These efforts begin
with designing to the process of realizing quality until achieving success. Therefore, the success of quality
improvement is seen as a whole, starting from the success of the input, process to the results. As mentioned by
the Ministry of National Education, the quality of education includes the quality of inputs, processes and outputs.
The success in improving the quality of inputs and processes at SMPIT Permata can be seen from those designed
and realized in the form of activities and successes, including: Human resources of qualified educators and
education personnel, Student input through doagnostic assessment and interest talent assessment as well as
parental observation in building synergy with the school, Integration of Islamic values and independent
curriculum, Creative, active, innovative learning methods that are student-centered and inclusive, Optimal
media function and learning infrastructure, The realization of an objective and comprehensive assessment and
evaluation system, The school administration is clear, complete and transparent.
Success in improving educational outcomes, With the achievement of success in improving the quality
of inputs and processes, it has an impact on improving the quality of results both in quantity and quality.
Improving the quality of school (teacher) level results during 2022-2024 includes the following: Becoming a
Driving School for Batch 3 of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Received the Superior Predicate on School
Accreditation with a score of 94, Becoming a Provincial Adiwiyata School, Won 1st place in the East Java JSIT
Provincial Level Learning Media Making Competition (teacher), The number of students increased from 315 to
334, Won the best education report card at the Mojokerto City level, especially in literacy and numeracy skills
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 3 No. 2, November-December 2024, pages: 311
(up from 97 to 100).
4 Conclusion
Visionary leadership plays a pivotal role in improving the quality of education by fostering innovation,
collaboration, and strategic planning within educational institutions. This study highlights the multifaceted
responsibilities of visionary leaders, including acting as direction determiners, agents of change,
spokespersons, and coaches. Through these roles, leaders effectively create clear visions, inspire stakeholders,
and implement strategies to enhance human resource development, strengthen parental involvement,
innovate curriculum design, and improve infrastructure. The findings emphasize that successful visionary
leadership not only drives the achievement of institutional goals but also nurtures a culture of continuous
improvement, adaptability, and inclusivity. Ultimately, visionary leadership transforms educational
institutions into dynamic environments capable of preparing students to excel in a rapidly evolving global
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