Minrohayati1, Kurnia Endah Riana2, Untung Utan Sufandi3, Rini Dwiyani Hadiwidjaja4, Yanuar Trisnowati5

Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia

E-mail: [email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3, [email protected]4


Corresponding Author: Minrohayati



Satisfaction customer, business hospitality, Indonesia, quality services, Open University

Study This aiming For analyze dimensions Quality Services, analyzing attribute services, and analyze influence Quality Service to Satisfaction Customers in Business Hospitality. Open University (UT), as State Universities with Legal Entities (SU-LE) in Indonesia, operate various business units, including service hospitality like guesthouse and facilities meeting. Research This focus on analysis quality service and satisfaction customer in service UT's hospitality. UT aims to For increase flow non- tuition income through operation his business, making quality service the hospitality as aspect important from its performance in a way overall. Respondents who completed study This as many as 379 customers guesthouse and facilities meeting . Data used in study This is primary data sourced from from questionnaires distributed​ to customers. The research method used is analysis gap analysis, IPA analysis, and Structural Equation Model. Variables that influence satisfaction customer is variable tangible and responsive, whereas variables that can dependable, reassuring and empathetic No influence satisfaction UT guest house customers. Research This contribute to the attributes quality service and satisfaction customer in business state university hospitality. Research This is exploration preference every customer about perceived satisfaction and level​ the expected importance For services provided by a business hospitality.


� 2023 by the author. Submitted for possible open access publication

under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license ( ).



1 Introduction


In the era of increasing globalization competitive, quality service has become element key for success various industry, including sector hospitality. This industry No only face demands tall from customer local but also must compete globally in​ fulfil hope customer increasingly international​ diverse . In the context of business university hospitality, quality service become more complex Because must integrate function service academic and non- academic. This is in line with Parasuraman, Zeithami, and Berry's (1985) research emphasized importance dimensions quality service in build satisfaction customer as factor main sustainability business. Research previously has show that quality service own close relationship​ with satisfaction customers (Hasan et al., 2009; Hanaysha et al., 2011; Mariana & Redjeki , 2020).

In general specific, issue quality services in the sector university hospitality includes management experience guests involved​ various aspects, such as accommodation, facilities conference , services food , until sustainability environment. Changes preference global consumers towards more personal, customer - based services technology, and friendly environment demand innovation continously in management services (Wolor & Sari, 2021). In addition, competition with provider service hospitality commercial other push business university hospitality for increase superiority competitiveness through improvement quality service in a way systematic.

Urgency study This lies in the effort understand How quality service can improved For fulfil expectation repeat customers​ develop. A in -depth study about connection between quality service and satisfaction customer in context university hospitality is very necessary For give outlook strategic for manager service. This is important For build loyalty customers and improve the university's reputation as institutions that do not only superior in field academic but also in non- academic services. As expressed by Weerasinghe and Fernando (2018), a better understanding Good about factors that influence satisfaction customer can help institution education high, including business university hospitality, for develop a more comprehensive strategy effective.

Review library show that various models and approaches has developed For measure quality services and their impact to satisfaction customers. The SERVQUAL model developed by Parasuraman et al. (1985) is one of the most popular models used For identify gap between expectations and perceptions Customers. Research others, such as those by Ahmed and Masud (2014), emphasize importance evaluation quality service For increase satisfaction customers in institutions education high. In addition, a study by Chui et al. (2016) showed that matrix improvement service can become effective tool​ For identify areas in need repair . In a more detailed context area, Ghozali (2018) and Sugiyono (2018) provide approach relevant methodology​ For measure quality service in a way quantitative and also qualitative.

Study This also provides Updates in literature related with explore How quality services in the sector university hospitality can optimized through approach holistic. This is covers analysis dimensions specific services, such as reliability, power responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and evidence physical (Tjiptono & GC, 2019), and integration technology For increase efficiency and experience customers (Shaari, 2014). Additionally, research​ This aiming For evaluate the effectiveness of the service strategy implemented by the business university hospitality in fulfil need diverse customers.​

Research purposes This is For analyze role quality service in increase satisfaction customers in the sector university hospitality. In special, research This aiming For identify factors key quality services that affect satisfaction customer, evaluate the effectiveness of existing service strategies, and provide recommendation practical For management more services​ good. Research results This expected can give contribution significant for manager business university hospitality in increase quality service and build superiority sustainable competitiveness. In addition, research this is also expected can enrich literature related with give outlook new about dynamics quality service in unique and complex context​ like business university hospitality.

With integrate various references, such as Ahmed and Masud (2014), Chui et al. (2016), Dursun et al. (2013), and Wolor & Sari (2021), research This offer a comprehensive approach in explore connection between quality service and satisfaction customers. In addition, research It also utilizes models and approaches. methodology developed by Ferdinand (2016), Ghozali (2018), and Sugiyono (2018 ) for ensure validity and reliability of the data collected. With Thus, research This No only relevant in a way academic but also has implications significant practical​ for management services in the sector university hospitality.


2 Materials and Methods


Research methods used​ is approach quantitative. Quantitative methods used in study about quality service, priority development business, and satisfaction customer. Data used in study This is primary data. Primary data is data obtained direct from data source. Research data source This in the form of questionnaires distributed​ to customers who visit, interviews, and observations. Population in study This is visitor business Open University Hospitality for 6 months lastly, well stay the night or use field and space meeting. Technique of taking sample in study This is with using Accidental Sampling. Accidental sampling is the process of taking Respondent For made into sample based on a random sample encountered by researchers. then respondents who are considered suitable used as data source (Sugiyono, 2018 ). Sample data used in study This is 380 subscribers .

Questionnaire used For collect data about quality service and satisfaction customer user business hospitality at the Open University of 2019 to 2021. Questionnaire​ use 5- point Likert scale : 1 = very much disagree agree and 5 = strongly agree . Questionnaire covers five dimensions quality service academic , namely tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy which were adopted and modified by (Chui et al., 2016; Mariana et al ., 2020; Mulyono et al ., 2020; Sembiring & Rahayu, 2020; Udo et al., 2011). The stages data analysis conducted in study is as following :

1.     Analysis gap SERVQUAL method

The SERVQUAL method is one of the most widely used models. used For evaluate hope customers and perception they about quality service . 5- point Likert scale applied For measure variables . Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (1985) developed a model and used the words "Perceived service quality" as replacement quality service . Service perceived​ is results comparison between expectation customer before accept service (expected service) and experience service real customers . Desired expectations . covering requests and desires customer related with services provided .​

Gap value For every partner question use Zeithaml, et al., 1990 formula ( Tjiptono , 2019). Gap Score = Average Perception Score � Average Expectation Score.

2.     Matrix Interest Performance Analysis (IPA)

science matrix consists of from The X axis represents interests and the Y axis representing performance . The results of the IPA Matrix are in the form of four quadrant , each quadrant is combination from interest and performance given by respondents​ For every service with different values . Fourth​ quadrant science own characteristics as following (Silva & Fernandes, 2010); Quadrant A ( Concentration here ) � interests high , performance low : need attention quick For repair and is weakness main ; Quadrant B ( Fixed with good job ) : interests height , and performance high , shows opportunity For reach or maintain superiority competitive and is strength main ; Quadrant C ( Priority) low ) - interest low , performance low : is weakness small and not need effort addition ; and Quadrant D ( Possibility excessive ) � interests low , performance height : shows that source Power business committed to attributes​ This will excessive and must used elsewhere .​

3.     Hypothesis testing use Structural Equation Model (SEM) method

Study This use Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with PLS software for processing data. Seven steps to be taken done For compile analysis path , namely (Ferdinand, 2016): (1) Development of Theoretical Model ; (2) Development of Path Diagram or flow diagram ; (3) Change the flow diagram become equality structural and measurement models ; (4) Selecting input matrix and model estimation ; (5) Analyze possibility problem identification ; (6) Evaluation criteria suitability ; and (7) Evaluation criteria compatibility .

Testing hypothesis done with analyze the resulting CR value and P value from Regression Weights test data processing and then compare it with the required statistical limit , which is above 1.96 for CR value and below 0.05 for P value. Next , we will discuss testing hypothesis. is done in a way gradually in accordance order hypothesis that has been proposed. In the research this, testing connection causal between variable done with using one test side on level 5% significance.


3 Results and Discussion


Sampled respondents​ in study This is customer business Open University hospitality which is deliberately found after use facilities, good lodging or guest house, or use room court and room meeting for 6 months lastly , namely from March to August 2023. Customers guest who became Respondent in study This are 161 people or 42% male and the remaining 219 people or 42% are female female. Age UT guest house customers who become Respondent be in range aged 21 to 30 years , namely 153 people or 40%. Customers aged 31 to 40 years is 24% and customers aged 41 to 50 years is 79 people or 21% of the total number respondents . While the rest is 6% of customers aged not enough out of 20 years, 3 people are over 60 years old or Can it is said only 1%. 10 responses No mention profile age they. Profile work respondents shown in Figure 2 show that majority visitors Work as academics, good as lecturer, teacher, staff teacher , even students and students. 14% of visitors visitor profession as employee private and as many as 42 people or 11% of visitors visitor Work as Civil Servants (PNS), while 17 visitors visitor is entrepreneurs. Some visitor No mention work them, namely 14%. Almost 50% of visitors are Respondent study own objective private, while 44% stayed at UT guesthouse as part from assignment official by a agency. 7% of visitors No mention objective use facility lodging and space meeting.

The SERVQUAL method is one of the most widely used models. used For evaluate hope customers and perception they about quality service . 5- point Likert scale applied For measure variable. Points applied​ is (1) very much not agree, (2) no agree, (3) agree, (4) strongly agree, and (5) strongly disagree agree. Questionnaire covers five dimensions quality service academic , namely tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Each indicator will evaluate perceived satisfaction (performance) and importance (importance) expected by customers guest. Gap value For every partner question use Zeithaml formula, et al., 1990 (Tjiptono, 2019). Gap score = Average importance score � Average satisfaction score.


Reliability and Validity Test

Reliability test is how far the results measurement use the same thing will produce the same data (Sugiyono, 2018). Reliability is tool For measure questionnaire which is indicator variable or construction. Questionnaire it is said can reliable or can reliable If answer somebody to statement consistent or stable from time to time. Reliability testing refers to the level stability, consistency, predictability, and accuracy. Measurements that have reliability tall is measurements that can be produce data that can reliable (Ghozali, 2018).

Validity test is test that works For see whether a tool valid measure or invalid. (Ghozali, 2018)The measuring instrument referred to here is question in questionnaire . Questionnaire said to be valid if question in questionnaire can disclose something that is measured with questionnaire . Questionnaire said to be valid if questions on the questionnaire can disclose something that will measured with questionnaire. Questionnaire can it is said own validity tall If the result operate function its measurement, or give results precise and accurate measurement​ in accordance with Meaning testing. Tests that produce data that is not relevant with objective measurement it is said as questionnaire that has validity low.

Validity test results instrument show that all question items environmental, social, and governance variables have p-value product-moment correlation <0.05 so concluded that questions used​ For measure environmental, social, and governance variables are valid and feasible For analyzed more continued . From the results of the reliability test instrument, Cronbach's alpha value on the variable environment, social, and governance > 0.7, so that concluded that compilation question questionnaire about environmental, social and governance stated can reliable and can trusted as tool measure that produces consistent answers.​


Structural-Quadratic Equation Modeling The Smallest Partial

Hypothesis study can accepted if p-value < 0.05 (α=5%). Here This is estimation mark coefficient hypothesis test path and results study :


Table 1. Estimated Values Path Coefficient and Testing Hypothesis


Original Sample

T Statistics

P Value

R2 customized


Satisfaction → the Real






Satisfaction → that can be achieved Relied on





Responsiveness → Satisfaction





Guarantee → Satisfaction





Empathy → Satisfaction






Table 1 shows that coefficient track For the influence of tangibles on satisfaction is 0.355 with p- value 0.004 < 0.05. This result conclude that tangible own significant effect​ to satisfaction. This means that the more Good factor real can increase satisfaction in a way significant. Based on results said, the hypothesis that suspects factor real influence satisfaction can accepted (Ha accepted). Coefficient track For influence influence that can rely on satisfaction is 0.132 with p- value 0.324 > 0.05. This result conclude that reliability No own effect significant on satisfaction. This means that the more Good factor reliability, satisfaction No increase in a way significant. Based on results said, the hypothesis that suspects factors that can reliable influence satisfaction No can accepted (Ha rejected).

Coefficient track For influence responsiveness to satisfaction is 0.195 with p- value 0.025 < 0.05. This result conclude that Power responsive own significant effect​ to satisfaction. This means that the more Good factor Power responsive, satisfaction will increase in a way significant. Based on results said, the hypothesis that factor responsive influence satisfaction can accepted (Ha accepted). Coefficient track For influence guarantee to satisfaction is 0.050 with p- value 0.668 > 0.05. This result conclude that guarantee No influential significant to satisfaction customers. This means that the factor increasing guarantees​ Good No increase satisfaction in a way significant. Based on results said, the hypothesis that factor guarantee influence satisfaction No can accepted (Ha rejected). Coefficient track influence empathy to satisfaction is 0.017 with p- value 0.883 > 0.05. This result conclude that empathy No influential significant to satisfaction customers. This means that the factor empathy that becomes more Good No increase satisfaction in a way significant. Based on results said , the hypothesis that factor empathy influence satisfaction No can accepted (Ha rejected).

The R-Square value shows how much Lots variable exogenous can explains (influences) endogenous variables. The R-Square value shows how much Lots variable exogenous can explain (influence) endogenous variables. It is known that R-Square value of variable decision investment is 0.483, which means that percentage satisfaction customers who can explained with tangible, reliable, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy is 48.3%, while the remaining 51.7% is explained by other variables outside the model.




Open University as one of the institution education service public expected capable increase its performance, in particular service to public with to practice healthy business. Business​ competitive services​ means capable give service to public with market price or below​ However still notice quality services provided. Research results This in a way empirical prove that quality service from five dimensions the influential significant to satisfaction students . Satisfaction UT guesthouse customers are influenced by the quality service in five dimensions, namely Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy. Quality service influence satisfaction as proven in study this, thing This in line with results research (Bass et al. 2003; Hasan et al. 2009; Hanaysha et al. 2011; Chui et al. 2016; Weerasinghe and Fernando 2018; Anisah et al. 2020; Mariana et al. 2020; Mulyono et al . 2020; Naim 2020 ). According to Nalurita & Mulyanto, quality 2021 service will be influence satisfaction.

Form or form the physical university is UT guest house location, cleanliness and comfort space, and availability facility Supporter others. If the evidence physical given​ good, expectation student will high. The more Good perception customer to things real or proof physique guesthouse or accommodation, then will the more tall satisfaction and vice versa, if perception customer to proof physique weak , satisfaction will also be more low . This supports a number of study previously, including (Hasan et al. 2009; Hanaysha et al. 2011; Chui et al . 2016; Mulyono et al. 2020). The form of service in the form of Tangibles provided by the UT guest house, including : following : The strategic and easy location of the university reachable, available clean and comfortable room, has an attractive layout, available​​ facility attractive room, has​ facility comfortable room, providing​ complete facilities, has​ various facility like gym, field tennis, sauna, available tool fire extinguisher enough fire, have​ room complete meeting, has​ comfortable environment , material​ promotion through flyers, web and social media.

n't any significant influence​ between Reliability and satisfaction customers . Research results This in line with (Hasan et al. 2009; Hanaysha et al . 2011; Dursun et al. 2013; Hazilah Abd Manaf et al. 2013; Shaari 2014; Chui et al. 2016; Weerasinghe and Fernando 2018; Mulyono et al. 2020). Reliability is the university's ability to give service in accordance with what was promised in a way accurate and reliable. The form of service included in Reliability related with capable Wisma UT employees give service as promised, Wisma UT employees can reliable in finish problem service Guests, Wisma UT provides clear information​ about quality service they, Wisma UT has performance accurate service, Wisma UT provides service appropriate time, UT homestead completed problem service with sincere, and UT guesthouse guard guest data confidentiality.

Responsiveness​ influence satisfaction customers . Research results This support research (Hasan et al. 2009; Hanaysha et al. 2011; Ahmed and Mehedi Masud 2014; Chui et al. 2016; Mulyono et al. 2020). There is no significant influence​ between certainty and satisfaction . With Thus, the hypothesis states that that No There is significant influence​ between guarantee and satisfaction can accepted. This result in line with research (Hasan et al. 2009; Hanaysha et al . 2011; Dursun et al . 2013; Hazilah Abd Manaf et al . 2013; Ahmed and Mehedi Masud 2014). Empathy does not influence satisfaction customers. Wisma UT employees provide attention special to every Guests, employees of Wisma UT understand request specific every Guests, Wisma UT employees serve they with full heart, and Wisma UT employees received bait come back positive from every guest . Research results is as following (Hasan et al. 2009; Hanaysha et al . 2011; Dursun et al . 2013; Ahmed and Mehedi Masud 2014; Shaari 2014). However , results study This No in line with (Hazilah Abd Manaf et al. 2013; Chui et al. 2016).


4 Conclusion


Dimensions real from mark gap the biggest occurs on the indicator facility pool swimming . Dimensions reliable who has largest gap value is performance accurate service. Gap value the biggest in the dimension of responsiveness is indicator that UT guesthouse staff ready respond request guest. Indicators known by employees​ UT guest house for give service information regarding the area around UT (malls, places tourism, etc.) is indicators that have largest gap value in dimensions guarantee. The last one is indicator that employee UT guesthouse understands request specific from every guests who have gap the biggest in dimensions empathy. There is none variables in quadrant A or Can it is said that service Open University hospitality. The Responsiveness and Assurance variables are in quadrant B, which means variable own level relative satisfaction​ tall so that must maintained. Quadrant C is quadrant priority low with mark satisfaction low and interest low, namely Tangible and Empathy. The variables in quadrant D (Possibility) excessive ) - interest low, performance high. The variables considered not enough important and excessive so that can reduced For save cost is Reliable. Business competitive services​ means capable give service to public with market price or below​ However still notice quality services provided. Variables that influence​ satisfaction customer is variable real and responsive, while reliability, assurance, and empathy variable No influence satisfaction UT guest house customers.



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