Improving Teacher
Performance Through Strengthening Servant Leadership, Organizational Climate,
Personality and Work Motivation
(Path Analysis and Sitorem Study on SMP Negeri Bogor City)
Asep Suhendar1, Rita
Retnowati2, Suhendra3
Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pakuan, Indonesia
[email protected]1, [email protected]2,
[email protected]3
� Corresponding Author: Asep
Abstract |
Teacher Performance;
Leadership; Organizational Climate; Personality;Work
Motivation |
Teacher performance
becomes factor key in increase quality education, especially at the junior
high school level. In Bogor City, the priority given For
optimize teacher performance in use reach results Study optimal students.
Research This aiming analyze influence leadership
serving, climate organization, personality, and motivation Work to
performance of junior high school teachers. Research methods use survey with
approach correlation and analysis path analysis. Data collected through
instrument questionnaire and analyzed use technique analysis path. Research
results show that teacher performance can improved through leadership serving
the supportive teacher welfare, climate conducive organization
, good personality, and motivation high work. SITOREM analysis
identified indicators important things to do reinforced ,
such as resilience to stress and system compensation. Implications study This
give guide for stakeholders policy education For
increase teacher performance through strengthening factors external and
internal, in order to achieve quality more education both in Bogor City.
Research This confirm the importance of a holistic strategy in management
teacher performance.. � 2024 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access
publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license ( |
1�� Introduction
1 Introduction
Good learning planning, implementation of a
good learning process to measurable and well-planned assessment and evaluation,
will produce good graduates. Graduates who have good quality and noble
character. Thus will produce better quality of education in the future.
Therefore, good teacher performance is important to always be improved, because
teachers are one of the most important components for achieving educational
goals. The facts in the field are not like that, there are still teachers who
are late and there are also teachers who have not made learning plans such as
making lesson implementation plans (RPP) or Teaching Modules. There are still
many teachers who have been certified and receive additional income as
assistance to develop the competencies possessed by each teacher, but there are
still many teachers who have not developed their competencies, such as
continuing their studies to the master's level (S-2) or to a higher level.
In addition to the problems above, there are
also problems based on the 2022 public education report card from the Ministry
of Education, Culture, Research and Technology for the Bogor City area, West
Java Province at the Junior High School level, showing that the output on the
achievement of learning outcomes for students' literacy skills has mostly
reached the minimum competency limit for reading literacy, but efforts are
needed to encourage more students to become proficient. Students' numeracy
skills are still below the minimum competency, namely less than 50% of students
have reached the minimum competency limit for numeracy. The process of the
quality of the student learning process as seen in the Teacher Reflection Index
shows that the learning quality development activities carried out are not
structured. Teachers have not consistently reflected on learning, explored new
teaching references, and initiated new innovations.
Instructional leadership has not referred to
the school's vision and mission, has not encouraged planning, practice and
assessment of learning that is oriented towards improving student learning
outcomes and has not developed programs, incentive systems and resources that
support teachers in reflecting and improving learning. Based on the report card
above, there needs to be an improvement in teacher performance to improve the
quality of education in Indonesia. Research related to teacher performance has
been conducted by several previous researchers, namely by
Based on observations of teachers in public
junior high schools spread across the city of Bogor, information was obtained
that teacher performance in public junior high schools spread across the city
of Bogor is not yet optimal. This can be seen from the results of a preliminary
survey conducted by the author on a number of teachers in several public junior
high schools in the city of Bogor. The state of performance of public junior
high school teachers in the city of Bogor can be seen from the results of a
preliminary survey of 30 public junior high school teachers in the city of
Bogor. The data obtained showed that teacher performance needs to be improved
and improvements made towards a better direction. If this continues to be
allowed to happen without any changes, it will hinder the educational goals
that have been planned by the government. Therefore, research needs to be
conducted to find ways and strategies to improve teacher performance.
Good teacher performance can be realized
through several factors including external factors such as servant leadership
factors, organizational climate and work motivation as part of improving
teacher performance towards a better direction. Servant leadership is
considered to contribute to improving teacher performance. In the context of
schools, servant leadership implemented by the principal can improve teacher
welfare and create a conducive work environment. This will ultimately encourage
teachers to improve their performance. Research has shown that servant
leadership has a positive relationship with teacher performance. This is stated
Organizational climate can also contribute to
improving teacher performance. A good organization is an organization that has
a good organizational climate in it, because a good climate in the organization
will make teachers comfortable in carrying out their responsibilities in
teaching and educating in the classroom.
The personality of a teacher is an important
factor and cannot be ignored for a teacher in carrying out his/her professional
duties. Because the teacher's personality competency can determine whether
he/she can be a good teacher for his/her students or not. A good teacher's
personality will also provide a good color in every activity of the learning
process, both in class and outside the class. This good personality is not only
possessed and displayed in front of students, but must be shown in all of the
teacher's life, both in class, in the family environment and in the community
environment. The teacher's personality can also influence the personality of
his/her students. Therefore, personality competency is one of the abilities
that must be possessed by every teacher, because personality competency will
have a major influence on the learning process in the classroom.
If this personality is possessed by all
teachers, the teacher will not only succeed in teaching his students in class,
but he will also succeed optimally in carrying out his duties as a professional
teacher, namely being able to carry out all tasks given by the school. Teachers
who have good personalities will be liked by many students and will produce
better student achievement. In addition to the personality that teachers need
to have, the process of improving teacher performance is thought to require work
motivation. Work motivation is one of the main drivers in improving teacher
performance. High motivation will encourage teachers to work harder and face
challenges better. Conversely, lack of motivation can lead to decreased
performance and have a negative impact on the quality of learning. Therefore,
schools need to identify and manage factors that can affect teacher work
In order for work motivation to be optimized
in school organizations, it is necessary to know the factors that can influence
work motivation. These factors include internal factors that come from within
the individual and external factors that come from outside the individual.
Internal factors such as attitudes towards work, talents, interests,
satisfaction, experience, and others as well as factors from outside the
individual concerned such as supervision, salary, work environment and
leadership. Based on the background of the problem above, researchers are
interested in further developing factors that can provide a positive
contribution to improving teacher performance in a study. And included in a
research title, namely "Improving Teacher Performance Through
Strengthening Servant Leadership, Organizational Climate, Personality and Work
Motivation (Path Analysis Study and SITOREM on Junior High School Teachers in
Bogor City).
2 Materials
and Method
implemented throughout School Intermediate First (SMP) Negeri in the Bogor City
area. Research done counted start October 2023 to with month October 2024. With
details can seen in the table following This . The research method used is method survey with
approach Correlation and Path Analysis . Approach
study used with method quantitative For analyze
between variable research that is variable independent variables
, intervening variables and dependent variables bound . Population in
study This is all ASN School teachers Intermediate First (SMP) Negeri which is
located in the Bogor City area, West Java with amount as many as 681 teachers.
Retrieval sample conducted in 6 sub-districts in Bogor City through technique
proportional random sampling. What is used as sample in study This is 252
teachers, thing This based on results count with use Taro Yamane's formula . Data collection techniques in study This use
instrument questionnaire . Data analysis techniques
used is technique analysis path analysis. The process of analysis track
covering theoretical model development , estimation
coefficient path , and testing connection causal For identify influence direct
and also No direct between variables (Hair et al., 2010).
3 Results and Discussions
Provide Results from
Summary Table Linearity of Regression Equation
Table 1. Summary Linearity Regression
Connection variable |
Linearity Equality Regression |
Mark P |
Conclusion |
F count |
F table |
Y above X1 |
0.953 |
3.88 |
0.081 |
Non significant, Linear. Can used For predict level performance Teacher
Which influenced by leadership serve. |
Y above X2 |
1,177 |
3.88 |
0.228 |
Non significant, Linear. Can used For predict level performance Teacher
Which influenced by organizational
climate. |
Y on X3 |
1,528 |
3.88 |
0.069 |
Non significant, Linear. Can used For predict level performance Teacher
Which influenced by personality. |
Y on X4 |
1,167 |
3.88 |
0.077 |
Non significant,
Linear. Can be used for predict
level performance Teacher Which influenced by motivation Work. |
X4 on X1 |
0.845 |
3.88 |
0.085 |
Non significant, Linear. Can used For predict level motivation Work
Which influenced by leadership serve. |
X4 on X2 |
1,579 |
3.88 |
0.125 |
Non significant, Linear. Can used For predict level motivation Work
Which influenced by climate organization. |
above X3 |
1,768 |
3.88 |
0.105 |
Non significant, Linear. Can used For predict level motivation Work
Which influenced by personality. |
Testing Hypothesis
From the results
calculation obtained mark coefficient track with βY1 = 0.076 while the
calculated t value = 4.959 while the t table is at the level significance
α= 0.05 = 1.651 and the value tcount > ttable ,
then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted . With thus can concluded that
leadership serving (X1) has an effect direct positive to teacher performance
Testing Hypothesis
From the results
calculation obtained mark coefficient track with βY2 = 0.087 while the
calculated t value = 2.581 while the t table is at the level significance
α = 0.05 = 1.651 and the value tcount > ttable ,
then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted . With thus can concluded that climate
organization (X2) has an influence direct positive to teacher performance (Y).
Hypothesis Hypothesis Third
From the results
calculation obtained mark coefficient track with βY3 = 0.066 while the
calculated t value = 3.226 while the t table is at the level significance
α = 0.05 = 1.651 and the value tcount > ttable ,
then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. With thus can concluded that climate
organization (X3) has an influence direct positive to teacher performance (Y).
Testing Hypothesis
From the results
calculation obtained mark coefficient track with βY4 = 0.095 while the
calculated t value = 3.084 while the t table is at the level significance
α = 0.05 = 1.651 and the value tcount > ttable ,
then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. With thus can concluded that motivation
work (X4) has an effect direct positive to teacher performance (Y)
Testing Hypothesis
From the results
calculation obtained mark coefficient track with βx4x1 = 0.159 while the
calculated t value = 3.946 while the t table is at the level significance
α = 0.05 = 1.651 and the value tcount > ttable ,
then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. With thus can concluded that leadership
serving (X1) has an effect direct positive to motivation work (X4).
Testing Hypothesis
From the results
calculation obtained mark coefficient track with βx4x2 = 0.191 while the
calculated t value = 2.386 while the t table is at the level significance
α = 0.05 = 1.651 and the value tcount > ttable ,
then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. With thus can concluded that climate
organization (X2) has an influence direct positive to motivation work (X4).
Testing Hypothesis
From the results
calculation obtained mark coefficient track with βx4x3 = 0.186 while the
calculated t value = 3.456 while the t table is at the level significance
α = 0.05 = 1.651 and the value tcount > ttable ,
then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted . With thus can concluded that
personality (X3) has an influence direct positive to motivation work (X4).
Testing Hypothesis
Based on Sobel Test
results appear that y value (0.986) > 0.324 then results hypothesis study
leadership serve influential No direct positive to teacher performance through
intervening variable motivation Work .
Testing Hypothesis
Based on Sobel Test
results appear that y value (0.776) > 0.438 then results hypothesis study
climate organization influential No direct positive to teacher performance
Teacher through intervening variable motivation Work.
Testing Hypothesis
Based on Sobel Test
results appear that y value (0.786) > 0.432 then results hypothesis study
personality influential No direct positive to teacher performance Teacher
through intervening variable motivation Work.
Sobel Test
Picture 1. Test sobel on analysis
track use calculator Sobel on line
Based on
the results of the Sobel test using the Sobel calculator, obtained
mark sobel test that is 0.776 Because (0.786>0.432) And (0.000<0.050)
then the influence of personality on teacher performance through motivation Work is significant.
Table 2. Results Analysis SITOREM
SERVANT LEADERSHIP (βy 1 =0.284) Ranking
Early Indicators |
Indicator after Evaluation Expert |
Indicator Value |
1. |
Vision |
1 st |
Serve (14.29%) |
4.24 |
2. |
Listening |
2nd |
Humility (13.45%) |
4.25 |
3. |
Healing |
3rd |
Empathy (13.45%) |
3.75 |
4. |
Humility |
4th |
Listening (12.61%) |
3.69 |
5. |
Empathy |
5th |
Vision (11.76%) |
4.18 |
6. |
Serve |
6th |
Notice (11.76%) |
3.79 |
7. |
Notice |
7th |
Wisdom (11.76 %) |
3.81 |
8. |
Wisdom |
8th |
Healing (10.92%) |
4.21 |
=0.231) Ranking
IV |
1. |
Support Management |
1 st |
Support Management (17.50%) |
4.26 |
2. |
Show justice in organization |
2nd |
Show connection Which Good between individual (17.50 %) |
3.79 |
3. |
Show connection Which
Good between individual |
3rd |
Participation in taking decision (17.50 %) |
3.89 |
4. |
Communication |
4th |
Show justice
in organization (16.25
%) |
4.15 |
5. |
Participation in taking decision |
5th |
Communication (16.25
%) |
3.75 |
6. |
Trust |
6th |
Trust (15%) |
3.85 |
1. |
Planning learning |
1 st |
Planning learning (18.99%) |
4.35 |
2. |
Implementation activity Learning |
2nd |
Implementation activity Learning (17.72 %) |
3.86 |
3. |
Implementation evaluation |
3rd |
Evaluation learning (16.46 %) |
4.42 |
4. |
Evaluation learning |
4th |
Quality work
(16.46 %) |
4.15 |
5. |
The volume ����� of work that produced |
5th |
Implementation evaluation (15.19 %) |
3.79 |
6. |
Quality work |
6th |
Volume Work Which produced
(15.19 %) |
3.75 |
Leadership Serve Influential Direct
positive on Teacher Performance
Leadership head school that can
serving teachers at schools and residents school other is factor external
needs be noticed because servant leader can influence teacher
performance at school. If there are teachers who excel and succeed advance as
well as to make it fragrant Name school said, then party school give Good That
in the form of appreciation and also in the form of coaching money For give motivation to outstanding teachers so that in the
future more Spirit Again in develop school as well as bring fragrant Name
school to higher level Good Again.
A leader who has attitude serve
his subordinates tend put interest his subordinates as priority main. The role
of the leader in improvement performance and quality source Power man applied
in a servant leadership model or servant leadership. With leadership high level
of servant leadership from head school will encourage teachers to Work with
more active and enthusiastic. On the contrary with low servant leadership the
teacher will difficulty in work, less spirit , and
easy give up .
Research result This supported
as explained by
Organizational Climate Influential
Direct positive on Teacher Performance
Efforts to create environment
healthy and comfortable work at least there are five things to do
applied at school including ; a) creating place Work
as comfortable as possible maybe , b) put the insider proper position and
portion , c) building good communication , d) building togetherness and e)
don't Embarrassed For each other give ideas. Atmosphere place good work very
supportive For do discussion improvement quality education in schools . Conditions climate conducive organization
, making they comfortable in carry out activity Study teach and
help each other support One with others . Atmosphere comfortable and harmonious
at school will also has an impact on the comfort of teachers in carrying out
their work his job For reach vision and mission school .
The creation good climate by a organization can created by the teacher himself
and his leadership who hold all policy . Teachers and
leaders when each other give atmosphere work become comfortable Because each
other believe One each other, then every work will implemented with Good
without There is pressure from anyone . However on the
contrary if the teacher works get pressure Good from Friend his peers and also
from his leadership , then work produced No
will well , maybe the result his job many things are wrong and not in
accordance with time has passed determined . And the policies issued by the
leadership especially those related with the welfare of teachers, if policies
issued That can increase teacher welfare , then
teacher performance produced will more good . Because with the welfare of
teachers, he will Work with full Spirit No need think about Again wages or
wages to be paid received . With thus the teacher's
performance will also be produced Far more Good Again .
Research result This supported
as explained by
Personality Influential Direct
positive on Teacher Performance
Teacher personality can
influence approach they in teach . For example , an open teacher to experience new (Openness) maybe
more innovative in use method learning and technology new . Teacher with
friendly personality tend more effective in build good
relationship with students , who can increase
participation student in class and results Study they . Research show that
There is significant relationship between dimensions personality certain
with teacher performance . For example
, research find that the teacher with level high level of caution
tend own more performance Good in matter preparation and implementation
learning .
Personality own influence
significant direct to teacher performance. Factors personality like easy
sociable , assertive , able trusted , responsible
answer , calm down in finish problems and desires in a way direct correlated
with aspects certain from teacher performance , such as management class ,
interaction with students , and methods teaching .
Research result This supported
as explained by
Motivation Work Influential Direct
positive on Teacher Performance
Motivation high work can
increase teacher productivity. Motivated teachers tend more dedicated
, working with more efficient, and capable manage time with good. They
are also more enthusiastic For give the best in teaching, which has an impact
positive on results Study students . Motivated
teachers usually more creative and innovative in convey material lessons . They tend look for method more teaching
effective and attractive for students. This is Can increase interest Study
students and create a learning process more fun and meaningful.
Motivation good job can
increase satisfaction teacher work. Satisfied teacher with his job usually own
high spirits and more A little experience stress. satisfaction high work
also has an impact on low level teacher absence and turnover. High motivation
also contributes to teacher commitment and loyalty to school place they work.
Motivated teachers tend own strong commitment For
reach vision and mission school. They are also more loyal and try For give the best contribution for progress school. Teachers
who have motivation Work tall usually own good relationship with
colleague work , students , and parties management
school . Harmonious relationship This can create environment positive
and conducive work for the learning process .
Research result This supported
as explained by Phoebe Triphena Viorenchea
et al. (2022) in his research explain that motivation Work influential to
performance employee . Test results show mark
motivation beta coefficient Work to performance employee of 0.295 and the
t-statistics are of 2,225. From the results testing proven that the
t-statistics are significant , because >1.96 with
p-values <0.05 so that hypothesis accepted . This is prove that motivation
Work proven can significant influence to performance employee
Leadership Serve Influential Direct
positive to Motivation Work
Leadership serve
, or known as as "servant
leadership," that is approach leadership that emphasizes importance leader
For serving others. Leadership serve focused on needs and development member team , and put welfare they as priority main . Approach This
own influence significant to motivation Work member team. Servant leader
more tend listen needs and aspirations employees .
They give the necessary support , both in a way
emotional and also practical , which in turn increase satisfaction and
engagement employees . When employees feel listened to and supported
, they more motivated For Work with Good .
Research result This in line
with research conducted by
Organizational Climate Influential
Direct positive to Motivation Work
Organizational climate is the
state of being felt somebody about environment place He work that includes the
atmosphere that occurs in the internal environment of the organization and
influences attitude individual in determine quality environment Work For reach
objective organization . Effective leadership
is one of the factor key in create climate positive organization
. Able leaders give clear vision ,
support development employees , and provide award on performance can
increase motivation work . Studies show that a leader who behaves fair , open and communicative tend create environment
supportive work , so that increase passion and involvement employee .
Effective communication
in organization is very important For create climate positive work . Open and transparent communication
. allow� employee� feel appreciated and listened to . When
information flow with good at all levels organization ,
employees feel more involved and motivated For contribute in a way maximum . In
addition , good communication also helps reduce
uncertainty and increase trust between employee . System fair and
consistent rewards and recognition is element important in build motivation
work . Employees who feel that effort and contribution
they valued tend own motivation more work high .
Awards can in the form of increase salary , bonus, or
confession public on achievement . Research show that awards given
appropriate time and appropriate with achievement employee can increase
satisfaction work and motivation .
Research result This in line
with research conducted by Tehubijuluw Zacharias ( 2019) in his research at the Public Works Department of
Maluku Province showed that climate organization influential positive
significant to motivation Work employees. This is seen from coefficient marked
path positive of 0.231 with t value 2.536 > 1.96. With thus
hypothesis research that states that climate organization influential
significant to motivation employee proven.
Personality Influential Direct
positive to Motivation Work
Personality is emergent
properties naturally from self individual
well done with on purpose or not owned someone who can known through words and deeds when face a problem in his
life. Individual with high openness usually more creative, innovative
and open to changes. They tend more motivated For
explore things new and found ways innovative in finish assignment. Teacher with
level high awareness tend own discipline, responsibility answer, and
orientation strong purpose. They more motivated For Work in a way
structured and achieve maximum results.
This matter in accordance by
Kusa et al. (2020) AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of
Management, Gramatyka 30-067 Krakow, Poland, stated The analysis reveals that opportunity openness (in
combination with proactiveness) and heterogeneity of motivation (in combination
with innovativeness) can lead to performance, or when translated state analysis
This disclose that openness opportunities and heterogeneity motivation can
going to to performance
Leadership Serve Indirect
Impact positive On Teacher Performance Through Motivation Work
Leadership Serve is behavior a
leader who prioritizes the interests of others above interest personal the
leader who became focus For give service for the
realization objective organization. Motivation Work is encouragement somebody
For do a series activities that lead to to
achievement objectives , indicators from motivation
Work is a. desire For work, b. sense of security , c. level tenacity and d.
power stand to pressure.
Head schools that have quality
leadership serve play a role important in his contribution to teacher
performance. Leadership as a full leader believe self and consistent must
capable give stimulate, inspire teachers as his subordinates
, so that they believe self in realize the ideas he has. Support or
attention given by the leader is also needed so that teachers can stand the
test in face problem especially in the learning process teach
. With thus allegedly there is influence No direct leadership serve to
teacher performance through motivation Work .
Research result This in line
with research conducted by
Organizational Climate Indirect
Impact positive On Teacher Performance Through Motivation Work
Organizational climate is the
state of being felt somebody about environment place He work that includes the
atmosphere that occurs in the internal environment of the organization and
influences attitude individual in determine quality environment Work For reach
objective organization .
Organizational climate play a
role important to improvement teacher performance .
Good organization is organization that has climate good organization in it , because good climate in the organization will
make comfortable for teachers in carry out not quite enough the answer in
teaching and educating in the classroom .
Based on Sobel Test results
appear that z value (0.776)>0.438 then results hypothesis study climate
organization in a way No direct influential positive on Teacher Performance
through intervening variable motivation work .
Research results This in line with research conducted by Zacharias (2019) in
his research Influence Organizational Culture and Climate On
Performance Through Organizational Commitment And Motivation Work Employees at
the Public Works Department of Maluku Province explained that the magnitude
influence No direct climate organization to performance lecturer through
motivation Work that is by 12.3%. Findings study show that climate organization
in a way No direct influence performance lecturer through motivation work , meaning with climate good organization then
the lecturers will motivated in work that ultimately will influence performance
in do his work . Viorenchea et al. (2022) in his
research explain that climate organization influential to performance employee
through motivation work . Test results show mark
climate beta coefficient organization to performance employee through
motivation Work of 0.217 and the t-statistics are of 2,371. From the results
testing proven that the t-statistics are significant ,
because >1.96 with p-values <0.05 so that hypothesis accepted . This is prove that climate organization proven influential positive
and significant to performance employee through motivation Work.
Personality Indirect Impact
positive On Teacher Performance Through Motivation Work
Personality is emergent
properties naturally from self individual
well done with on purpose or not owned someone who can known through words and deeds when face a problem in his life . An open teacher to experience new tend more motivated
For try approach innovative teaching, which can
increase motivation Work they. Teachers with level high awareness tend
more motivated For Work in a way regular and disciplined, which contributes to
the improvement motivation work. Teacher with stability high emotional
tend more capable manage stress, so that they can maintain motivation high
work although faced with challenges.
Personality influence
motivation work, which then impact on teacher performance. As for example , teachers with high awareness Possible own
motivation more work strong For finish tasks they with appropriate time
and good quality, which ultimately increase performance they . If a teacher has
level high awareness (for example, discipline and responsibility) answer ), they tend own strong motivation For manage
class with well, planning lesson with be careful, and give bait constructive
feedback to students. Motivation This, in turn, increases performance
they in teach and support achievement student.
Research result This in line
with research that shows influence between personality with performance that is
Furthermore in the Journal of
Innovation & Knowledge entitled Explaining SME performance with fsQCA : The role of entrepreneurial orientation,
entrepreneurial motivation and opportunity perception conducted by Rafat Kusa,
Joanna Duda, Marcin Suder (2020) AGH University of Science and Technology,
Faculty of Management, Gramatyka 30-067 Krakow,
Poland, stated that The analysis reveals that opportunity openness (in
combination with proactiveness) and heterogeneity of motivation (in combination
with innovativeness) can lead to performance, or when translated state analysis
This disclose that openness opportunities and heterogeneity motivation can
going to to performance . Good personality If
owned a teacher will influence motivation the teacher's work is ultimately will
influence teacher performance.
4 Conclusion
Teacher performance in Junior High Schools in
Bogor City can be improved through various factors, including servant
leadership, organizational climate, personality, and work motivation. Servant
leadership has a positive influence on teacher performance, especially through
attitudes that include vision, listening, empathy, and wisdom. In addition, a
supportive, fair, and communicative organizational climate also improves
teacher performance. Teacher personality, such as the ability to get along,
assertiveness, and a sense of responsibility, contribute positively to
performance, especially when balanced with strong work motivation. Work
motivation, which is influenced by servant leadership, organizational climate,
and personality, has also been shown to improve teacher performance. SITOREM
analysis identified several indicators that need to be improved, such as
resilience to pressure, compensation, and a sense of security, while other
indicators such as the desire to work, persistence, and responsibility need to
be maintained to maintain good teacher performance. This study provides
important guidance for improving the quality of education in Junior High
Schools in Bogor City through improving leadership and working conditions.
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