Transformational Leadership, Interpersonal
Communication, Information & Communication Technology Literacy, and
Knowledge Management Muhammad Ali Ghufron 1 ,
Didik Notosudjono 2 , Eka Suhardi 3 Sekolah Pascasarjana
Universitas Pakuan, Bogor, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected] Corresponding
Author: Muhammad Ali Ghufron |
Abstract |
school effectiveness,
transformational leadership, interpersonal communication, ICT literacy,
knowledge management |
purpose of this research is to identify strategies to enhance school
effectiveness by strengthening transformational leadership, interpersonal
communication, ICT literacy, and knowledge management. A quantitative method
with path analysis was applied, and SITOREM analysis was used to optimize
each indicator. The study involved 445 teachers from private vocational
schools in Depok City, with a sample of 211 teachers. The findings reveal
that school effectiveness can be improved by reinforcing transformational
leadership, interpersonal communication, ICT literacy, and knowledge
management. Key strategies include addressing weak indicators such as
feedback, empathy, knowledge application, and access. Statistical tests show
significant positive direct effects of: 1) transformational leadership on
school effectiveness (Sig=0.032), 2) interpersonal communication on school
effectiveness (Sig=0.000), 3) ICT literacy on school effectiveness
(Sig=0.001), and 4) knowledge management on school effectiveness (Sig=0.001).
Additionally, transformational leadership, interpersonal communication, and
ICT literacy all positively affect knowledge management. Knowledge management
serves as an effective mediator for the influence of transformational
leadership (Sig=0.004) and interpersonal communication (Sig=0.001) on school
effectiveness, but not for ICT literacy (Sig=0.356).
under the terms and conditions
of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license
). |
1 Introduction
is one of the most populous countries in the world, with a significant
population and high levels of competence and productivity. This should be a
major asset for Indonesia to achieve optimal economic growth and increase
global competitiveness (Sulastri & Fitriani, 2021). In the era of
globalization, the quality of human resources (HR) is a key factor for a
country to compete internationally (Santoso et al., 2020). Therefore,
adequate educational pathways are very important in producing competent
workers. Indonesia's vision in 2025, which projects it to become a
vocational-based country, is one of the strategic steps to support the
achievement of this goal (Suharno et al., 2020).
the number of Vocational High Schools (SMK) in Indonesia continues to grow,
even surpassing the number of general high schools (SMA). However, data from
the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) shows that SMK graduates are still the
largest contributor to unemployment in Indonesia (BPS, 2022). In February 2022,
the unemployment rate for SMK graduates reached 10.38%, higher than for SMA
graduates and other levels of education (Suryani et al., 2021). In the city of
Depok, 67% of the total unemployment rate consists of SMA and SMK graduates.
This fact reflects the misalignment between graduate competencies and the needs
of the workforce, which indicates the low effectiveness of vocational education
(Yusuf et al., 2022).
by Setiawan (2020) shows that the principal's transformational leadership and
school climate jointly contribute to school effectiveness. Another study by
Wati, Hidayat, and Muharam (2022) highlighted the
positive relationship between teacher self-efficacy, school climate, and school
effectiveness. In addition, research by Nurhafifah, Djasmi, and Ambarita (2020) found that principal
leadership, school culture, and teacher performance significantly influenced
school effectiveness. These findings support the importance of the role of
leadership and school environment in improving educational effectiveness
(Hermawan et al., 2021).
unemployment crisis faced by vocational high school graduates in Indonesia
reflects the misalignment between the education system and the demands of the
world of work (Harahap, 2020). The urgency of this
research lies in the need to improve the effectiveness of schools, especially
vocational schools, in order to produce graduates who are ready to work and in
accordance with industry needs (Azis & Hermanto, 2019). The COVID-19
pandemic, which has worsened the education situation, especially in online learning,
has further emphasized the importance of improving the education system (Sari
et al., 2021).
study offers a new approach by focusing on the influence of transformational
leadership, interpersonal communication, information and communication
technology (ICT) literacy, and teacher work motivation on school effectiveness
(Rachman et al., 2022). This study aims to explore factors that can improve
school effectiveness by strengthening these variables, especially in the
context of vocational schools that have a strategic role in producing
ready-to-use workers (Sugiyono et al., 2021).
purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the
influence of transformational leadership, interpersonal communication, ICT
literacy, and teacher work motivation on school effectiveness in private
vocational schools in Depok city (Mulyana & Suryani, 2022). This study also
aims to provide recommendations related to efforts to improve the effectiveness
of vocational schools in Indonesia (Rahmat & Putri, 2022).
research is expected to contribute to the development of vocational education
policies, especially in improving the suitability between vocational school
graduates and industry needs (Wibowo et al., 2021). The results of this study
can also be a reference for stakeholders in the field of education to improve
the school management system, especially in the aspects of leadership,
communication, and technological literacy (Sari et al., 2020).
findings of this study are expected to help principals, teachers, and other
related parties in improving school effectiveness through the implementation of
transformational leadership strategies, strengthening interpersonal
communication, and increasing technological literacy among educators (Nugroho
& Santoso, 2020). Ultimately, this study will provide a basis for designing
more effective vocational school management, which in turn can increase the
absorption of vocational school graduates in the workforce (Fitriani &
Sulastri, 2021).
2 Research Methods
The research method used in this study is a quantitative method.
Quantitative research method is a scientific research method because it has met
scientific principles, namely concrete/empirical, objective, measurable,
rational, and systematic. This method is also a discovery method because the
results of the hypothesis from the research can develop various new sciences.
The use of quantitative is also intended so that existing data and variables
are tested through numbers and analysis using statistics (Sugiyono, 2015:7).
The data analysis method used in this study involves path analysis
techniques (Path Analysis) and SITOREM Analysis (Scientific Identification
Theory to Conduct Operation Research in Education Management). The combination
of these two techniques aims to strengthen the research results so that the
benefits can be felt by the analysis unit.
This research was conducted at Private Vocational High Schools (SMKS) in
Depok City, which have 123 schools spread across 11 sub-districts, namely Beji,
Bojong Gede, Cilodong, Cinere, Cipayung, Limo, Sawangan, Sukmajaya, Tapos,
Pancoran Mas, and Cimanggis. Vocational high school teachers were chosen as the
target of the research where the learning process carried out in SMKS is the
main actor in the education. The research was carried out from January 2024 to
October 2024.
3 Research Results and Discussion
Hypothesis Testing
After the
analysis is carried out with a structural model, the results of the
calculations produced are used in conducting hypothesis testing in order to
further determine the direct and indirect effects of each variable. The
proposed hypothesis is then given a conclusion by calculating the path
coefficient score and significance in each path of the study. The results of
this action on all proposed hypotheses can be interpreted as follows.
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing is
carried out by testing the direct influence of transformational leadership (X1 ) . on school effectiveness (Y). To test
that transformational leadership (X1 ) has a direct positive and
significant effect on school effectiveness (Y) , the first statistical hypothesis tested is as follows.
H 0 : by1 ≤ 0
H 1 : by1 > 0
To test the hypothesis that there is a
direct influence of transformational leadership variables ( X1 ) on school effectiveness (Y), a significant test of the path coefficient is
needed, namely by using the t-test. The test criteria are if t count >
t table . From the
calculation results, the path coefficient value is obtained with by1 = 0.133 . The results of the coefficient
significance test obtained t count of 2.159 and t table (dk
= 208, with α = 0.05) of 1.97 and
t table (dk = 208, with α
= 0.01) of 2.59. The results of the analysis and direct influence test can be seen in Table 1 .
Table 1. Results of Calculation of Direct Influence Test of Transformational Leadership Variable on School Effectiveness
Variables |
N |
dk |
by1 |
t count |
t table α = 0.05 |
t table α = 0.01 |
X 1 over Y |
211 |
208 |
0, 133 |
2 , 159 |
1, 97 |
2, 59 |
Significant requirement: t count > t table
Based on the calculation results as seen
in Table 1, it is obtained that t count >
t table . So H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected.
Thus, it can be concluded that transformational
leadership (X1) has a direct positive and
significant effect on school effectiveness (Y) .�
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing is
carried out by testing the direct influence of interpersonal communication (X2 ) on
effectiveness (Y). To test that interpersonal communication (X2 ) has
a direct positive and significant influence on school effectiveness (Y) , the statistical hypothesis tested is as follows:
H 0 : by2 ≤ 0
H 1 : by2 > 0
From the
calculation results, the path coefficient value was obtained with by2 = 0.368 . The test results obtained a calculated
t of 5.560. and t table (dk = 208 ,
with α = 0.05) is 1.97 and t table (dk = 208 , with α = 0.01) is 2.59 . The
results of the analysis and test of the significance of the path coefficients can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2. Results of the Calculation of the Direct
Influence Test of Interpersonal
Communication Variables on
School Effectiveness
Variables |
N |
dk |
by2 |
t count |
t table α = 0.05 |
t table α = 0.01 |
X 2 over Y |
211 |
208 |
0, 368 |
5,560 |
1, 97 |
2, 59 |
requirement: t count > t table
on the calculation results as seen in Table 4.46, it is obtained that t count
> t table . So H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected.
Thus, it can be concluded that interpersonal
communication (X2) has a direct positive and
significant effect on school effectiveness (Y).�
Hypothesis Testing
testing is carried out by testing the direct influence of
ICT literacy (X3 ) on school
effectiveness (Y). To test that ICT
literacy ( X3 ) has a direct positive
and significant influence on school effectiveness (Y) , the statistical hypothesis tested is as follows :
H 0 : by3 ≤ 0
H 1 : by3 > 0
the calculation results, the path coefficient value is obtained with by3 = 0.179 . The test results obtained t count of
3.460 and t table (dk = 208 , with α = 0.05) of 1.97 and t table
(dk = 208 , with α = 0.01) of 2.59 . The
results of the analysis and test of the significance of the path coefficient
can be seen in Table 4.47 .
Table 3.
Results of the Calculation of the Direct Influence Test of ICT Literacy Variables on
Variables |
N |
dk |
by3 |
t count |
t table α = 0.05 |
t table α = 0.01 |
X 3 over Y |
211 |
208 |
0, 179 |
3,460 |
1.9 7 |
2, 59 |
Significant requirement: t count > t table
Based on the calculation results as seen
in Table 3, it is obtained that t count > t table . So
H 0 is rejected and H 1 is accepted. Thus, it can be
concluded that ICT literacy (X 3 ) has a direct positive and significant
effect on school
effectiveness (Y).
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing is
carried out by testing the direct influence of knowledge management (X4 ) on
school effectiveness (Y). To test that knowledge management (X4) has
a direct positive and significant influence on school
effectiveness (Y), the
statistical hypothesis tested is as follows:
H 0 : by4 ≤ 0
H 1 : by4 > 0
the calculation results, the path coefficient value is obtained with by4 = 0.237 . The test results obtained t count of
3.507 and t table (dk = 208 , with α = 0.05) of 1.97 and t table
(dk = 208 , with α = 0.01) of 2.59 . The
results of the analysis and test of the significance of the path coefficient
can be seen in Table 4.
Table 4.
Results of Calculation of Direct Influence Test of Knowledge Management Variable on School Effectiveness
Variables |
N |
dk |
by4 |
t count |
t table α = 0.05 |
t table α = 0.01 |
X 4 over Y |
211 |
208 |
0, 237 |
3,507 |
1.9 7 |
2, 59 |
Significant requirement: t count > t table
Based on the calculation results as seen
in Table 4, it is obtained that t count > t table . So
H 0 is rejected and H 1 is accepted. Thus, it can be
concluded that ICT literacy (X 4 ) has a direct positive and significant
effect on school
effectiveness (Y).
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing is carried out by
testing the direct influence of transformational
leadership (X1) on knowledge management (X4).
To test that transformational leadership (X1) has a direct positive
and significant influence on knowledge management (X4), the statistical
hypothesis tested is as follows:
H 0 : b41 ≤ 0
H 1 : b41 > 0
From the calculation
results, the path coefficient value is obtained with b41 =
0.284 . The test results obtained t count of 4.726 and t table
(dk = 209 , with α =
0.05) of 1.97 and t table (dk = 209 , with α =
0.01) of 2.59. The results of the analysis and test of the significance of
the path coefficient can be seen in Table 5.
Table 5.
Results of Calculation of Direct Influence Test of Transformational Leadership Variable on Knowledge Management
Variables |
N |
dk |
b41 |
t count |
t table α = 0.05 |
t table α = 0.01 |
X 1 over X 4 |
211 |
209 |
0, 284 |
4,726 |
1, 97 |
2, 59 |
Significant requirement: t count > t table
Based on the
calculation results as seen in Table 5, it is obtained that t count >
t table . So H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.
Thus, it can be concluded that transformational
leadership (X1) has
a direct positive and significant effect on knowledge management (X4) .
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing is carried out by
testing the direct influence of interpersonal
communication (X2) on knowledge management (X4).
To test that interpersonal communication (X2) has a direct positive and significant influence on knowledge management (X4),
the statistical hypothesis tested is as follows:
H 0 : b42 ≤ 0
H 1 : b42 > 0
From the calculation
results, the path coefficient value is obtained with b42 =
0.438 . The test results obtained t count of 7.179 and t table
(dk = 209 , with α =
0.05) of 1.97 and t table (dk = 209 , with α =
0.01) of 2.59. The results of the analysis and test of the significance of
the path coefficient can be seen in Table 6.
Table 6.
Results of Calculation of Direct Influence Test of Interpersonal
Communication Variables on Knowledge Management
Variables |
N |
dk |
b42 |
t count |
t table α = 0.05 |
t table α = 0.01 |
X 2 over X 4 |
211 |
209 |
0, 438 |
7,179 |
1, 97 |
2, 59 |
Significant requirement: t count > t table
Based on the
calculation results as seen in Table 6, it is obtained that t count >
t table . So H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.
Thus, it can be concluded that interpersonal
communication (X2) has
a direct positive and significant effect on knowledge
management (X4).
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing
is carried out by testing the direct influence of ICT literacy (X3 ) on knowledge management (X4). To test that ICT literacy (X3) has a direct positive
and significant influence on knowledge
management (X4), the
statistical hypothesis tested is as follows:
H 0 : b43 ≤ 0
H 1 : b43 > 0
From the calculation
results, the path coefficient value is obtained with b43 =
0.154 . The test results obtained t count of 2.959 and t table
(dk = 209 , with α =
0.05) of 1.97 and t table (dk = 209 , with α =
0.01) of 2.59. The results of the analysis and test of the significance of
the path coefficient can be seen in Table 7.
Table 7.
Results of the Calculation of the Direct Influence Test of ICT Literacy
Variables on Knowledge Management
Variables |
N |
dk |
b4 3 |
t count |
t table α = 0.05 |
t table α = 0.01 |
X 3 over X 4 |
211 |
209 |
0, 154 |
2,959 |
1, 97 |
2, 59 |
Significant requirement: t count >
t table
Based on the calculation results as seen
in Table 7, it is obtained that t count > t table . So
H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Thus, it can be
concluded that ICT literacy (X3) has a direct positive and significant effect
on knowledge management (X4).
hypothesis testing
Hypothesis testing is carried out by
testing the indirect influence of transformational
leadership (X1) on school effectiveness (Y)
through knowledge management (X4). The statistical hypotheses tested are as follows.
H 0 : by41 ≤ 0
H 1 : by41 > 0
The results of
the hypothesis calculation are as follows.
1 = 0.284 ���������������������������������������������������� S 4 1 = 0.054
y 4 = 0.237 ����������������������������������������������������� S
y 4 = 0.069
β y4 1 = β 4 1 x β y4 =
0.28 4 x 0.237 = 0.0 67
From the calculation results, the two-tailed probability value was obtained as 0.004 < 0.05 and the Sobel test statistic value was 2.875 and the t table
(df = 208, with α = 0.05) was 1.97 and
the t
table (dk = 208, with α
= 0.01) is 2.59. Based on the calculation results as seen, the
calculated t is obtained > t table at
a significance level of 0.05. Based on this
data, it can be concluded that there
is an indirect influence. positive and significant transformational leadership on school effectiveness through knowledge management. This means that
effective knowledge
management is a mediator of the influence of transformational leadership on school
Testing the
Ninth Hypothesis
Hypothesis testing is carried out by
testing the indirect influence of interpersonal
communication (X2 ) on school effectiveness (Y) through knowledge
management (X4) . The statistical
hypotheses tested are as follows.
H 0 : by4 2 ≤ 0
H 1 : by4 2 > 0
The results of the hypothesis calculation are as follows.
β 42 = 0.438 ����������������������������������������������������� S 42 = 0.054
β y 4 = 0.237 ����������������������������������������������������� S
y 4 = 0.069
β y4 2 = β 4 2 x β y4 =
x 0.237 = 0.104
From the calculation results, a two-tailed value was obtained
probability of 0.001 < 0.05 and the Sobel value test statistic of
3.162 and
t table ( dk = 208, with α
= 0.05) of 1.97 and t table ( dk = 208, with α = 0.01) is 2.59. Based on the
calculation results as seen, the calculated t is obtained > t table at
a significance level of 0.05. Based on this
data, it can be concluded that there
is an indirect influence. positive and significant interpersonal communication on school effectiveness through knowledge management. This means that
effective knowledge
management as a mediator of the influence of interpersonal communication on school
effectiveness .
10.Tenth hypothesis testing
Hypothesis testing is carried out by
testing the indirect effect of ICT literacy (X2 ) on school effectiveness (Y) through knowledge
management (X4 ) . The statistical
hypotheses tested are as follows.
H 0 : by4 3 ≤ 0
H 1 : by4 3 > 0
The results of the hypothesis calculation are as follows.
β 43 = 0.154 ����������������������������������������������������� S 43 = 0.161
β y 4 = 0.237 ����������������������������������������������������� S
y 4 = 0.069
β y4 3 = β 4 3 x β y4 =
x 0.237 = 0.036
From the calculation results, a two-tailed value was obtained probability of 0.356 > 0.05 and the
Sobel value test statistic of 0.921 and t table (dk = 208, with α = 0.05) of 1.97 and t table (dk
= 208, with α
= 0.01) is 2.59. Based on the calculation results as seen, the
calculated t is obtained < t table at
a significance level of 0.05. Based on this
data, it can be concluded that there
is an indirect influence. insignificant positive ICT
iteration on school effectiveness through knowledge management. This means knowledge management not effective as a mediator of the influence of ICT literacy on school
effectiveness . A summary of all hypothesis testing results is presented in table 7.
Table 7. Summary
of Hypothesis Testing Results
No |
Variables |
Sig Value |
t count |
t table |
Test results |
1 |
X 1 to
Y |
0.032 |
2,159 |
1.97 |
H 0 is rejected, H 1
is accepted. There is a direct positive and significant influence of transformational leadership on school effectiveness. |
2 |
X 2 against
Y |
0,000 |
5,560 |
1.97 |
H0 is rejected, H1 is
accepted. There is a direct positive and significant influence of interpersonal communication on school effectiveness. |
3 |
X 3 to
Y |
0.001 |
3,460 |
1.97 |
H 0 is rejected, H 1 is accepted.
There is a direct positive and significant influence of ICT literacy on school effectiveness. |
4 |
X 4 to
Y |
0.001 |
3,507 |
1.97 |
H0 is rejected, H1 is accepted. There is a
direct positive and significant influence of knowledge
management on school effectiveness. |
5 |
X 1 to
X 4 |
0,000 |
4,726 |
1.97 |
H 0 is rejected, H 1
is accepted. There is a positive and significant direct influence of transformational leadership on knowledge management. |
6 |
X 2 to
X 4 |
0,000 |
7,179 |
1.97 |
H0 is rejected, H1 is accepted. There is a
positive and significant direct influence of interpersonal communication on knowledge
management . |
7 |
X 3 to
X 4 |
0.003 |
2,959 |
1.97 |
H 0 is rejected, H 1 is accepted.
There is a direct positive and significant influence of ICT literacy on knowledge
management. |
8 |
X 1 against
Y through X 4 |
0.004 |
2,875 |
1.97 |
H0 is rejected, H1 is accepted . There is a
positive and significant indirect influence of transformational leadership on school effectiveness through knowledge management . |
9 |
X 2 against
Y through X 4 |
0.001 |
3,162 |
1.97 |
H0 is rejected, H1 is accepted. There is a positive
and significant indirect influence of interpersonal communication on school effectiveness through knowledge management . |
10 |
X 3 against
Y through X 4 |
0.356 |
0.921 |
1.97 |
H0 is rejected, H1 is accepted .
There is an insignificant positive indirect effect of ICT literacy on school effectiveness through knowledge management . |
A. Direct
Influence of Transformational Leadership (X1) on School Effectiveness (Y)
Based on the results of data analysis, transformational leadership (X1)
has a direct and significant positive effect on school effectiveness (Y). The
path coefficient value β_y1 = 0.133 with t count 2.159> t table 1.97
indicates that the stronger the transformational leadership, the higher the
school effectiveness. This result is supported by research by Karsim et al.
(2018), which also found a significant effect of transformational leadership on
school effectiveness with a significance value of 0.02 <0.05, and Sukatin
(2022), which stated that the contribution of transformational leadership to
school effectiveness was 47.9%. Thus, transformational leadership plays an
important role in increasing school effectiveness.
B. Direct
Influence of Interpersonal Communication (X2) on School Effectiveness (Y)
The results of the study indicate that interpersonal communication (X2)
has a direct positive and significant effect on school effectiveness (Y). The
path coefficient value β_y2 = 0.368 with tcount 5.560> ttable 1.97
indicates that the better the interpersonal communication carried out by the
principal, the better the school effectiveness. This finding is consistent with
the research of Thahir et al. (2018), which found a positive and significant
relationship between interpersonal communication and teacher effectiveness with
ry12 = 0.379 and ρ <0.05, indicating the importance of interpersonal
communication in influencing school effectiveness.
C. Direct
Influence of ICT Literacy (X3) on School Effectiveness (Y)
ICT literacy (X3) also has a positive and significant direct effect on
school effectiveness (Y), with a path coefficient of β_y3 = 0.179 and
tcount 3.460> ttable 1.97. This shows that the better the ICT literacy, the
better the school effectiveness. This study is in line with Sunardi et al.
(2019), who found that ICT literacy has a positive and significant effect on
school effectiveness, indicating that ICT literacy can strengthen various
aspects of school management.
D. Direct
Influence of Knowledge Management (X4) on School Effectiveness (Y)
Knowledge management (X4) also has a direct positive and significant
effect on school effectiveness (Y), with a path coefficient value of β_y4
= 0.237 and t count 3.507 > t table 1.97. This means that the better the
knowledge management in schools, the higher the effectiveness of the school.
This study is in accordance with the findings of Novyanti et al. (2021), which
also stated that there is a significant positive relationship between knowledge
management and school effectiveness.
E. Direct
Influence of Transformational Leadership (X1) on Knowledge Management (X4)
The results of the study indicate that transformational leadership (X1)
has a direct positive and significant effect on knowledge management (X4), with
a path coefficient of β_41 = 0.284 and a Sig value of 0.004 <0.05 and t
count 4.726> t table 1.97. This shows that transformational leadership plays
an important role in strengthening knowledge management, in line with
Hardianto's research (2018), which also found a significant effect of
transformational leadership on knowledge management.
F. Direct
Influence of Interpersonal Communication (X2) on Knowledge Management (X4)
Interpersonal communication (X2) also has a direct positive and
significant effect on knowledge management (X4), with a path coefficient of
β_42 = 0.438 and a Sig value of 0.033 <0.05 and tcount 7.179> ttable
1.97. This indicates that effective interpersonal communication can strengthen
the knowledge management process in schools, as found in Wahyuni's research
(2016), which also states that interpersonal communication has a direct
positive effect on knowledge management.
G. Direct
Influence of ICT Literacy (X3) on Knowledge Management (X4)
ICT literacy (X3) also has a positive and significant direct influence on
knowledge management (X4), with a coefficient value of β_43 = 0.154 and
tcount 2.959 > ttable 1.97. This shows that good ICT literacy can support
effective knowledge management, consistent with Maufuryah's research (2015),
which emphasizes the importance of ICT literacy in knowledge management.
H. Indirect
Influence of Transformational Leadership (X1) on School Effectiveness (Y)
Through Knowledge Management (X4)
This study shows that transformational leadership (X1) has a positive and
significant indirect effect on school effectiveness (Y) through knowledge
management (X4). This result is proven by the two-tailed probability value of
0.004 <0.05 and the sobel test statistic value of 2.875> ttable 1.97.
Transformational leadership creates a culture that supports knowledge
management, which ultimately improves school effectiveness.
I. Indirect
Influence of Interpersonal Communication (X2) on School Effectiveness (Y)
Through Knowledge Management (X4)
Interpersonal communication (X2) also has a positive and significant
indirect effect on school effectiveness (Y) through knowledge management (X4),
with a two-tailed probability value of 0.001 < 0.05 and a Sobel test
statistic of 3.162 > ttable 1.97. Effective interpersonal communication
improves knowledge management, which in turn improves school effectiveness.
J. Indirect
Influence of ICT Literacy (X3) on School Effectiveness (Y) Through Knowledge
Management (X4)
The indirect effect of ICT literacy (X3) on school effectiveness (Y)
through knowledge management (X4) is not significant, with a two-tailed
probability value of 0.356 > 0.05 and a Sobel test statistic of 0.921 <
ttable 1.97. This indicates that knowledge management is not effective as an
intervening variable in the relationship between ICT literacy and school
4 Conclusion
Based on the results of the study and discussion, it can be
concluded that the strategy to improve school effectiveness is to strengthen
the variables of transformational leadership, interpersonal communication, ICT
literacy, and knowledge management. Each variable shows a positive and
significant direct effect on school effectiveness, which means that
strengthening weak indicators can immediately improve overall school
effectiveness. In detail, transformational leadership, interpersonal
communication, and ICT literacy each have a positive and significant direct
effect on school effectiveness, as well as teacher knowledge management. In
addition, knowledge management acts as an effective mediator in the
relationship between transformational leadership and interpersonal
communication on school effectiveness. However, knowledge management is not
effective as a mediator of the influence of ICT literacy on school
effectiveness, although ICT literacy still contributes directly to school
effectiveness. This finding emphasizes the importance of strengthening these
four variables to achieve significant improvements in school effectiveness.
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