Does the growth of Fintech Start-ups influence the
Bank�s Financial Performance in ASEAN-5 countries? Divna Putri Kusuma1*,
Farida Titik Kristanti2 Telkom University,
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia1* Telkom University,
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia2 E-mail:�
[email protected]*1,
[email protected]2 Corresponding
Author: �Divna
Putri Kusuma |
Abstract |
Financial Performance, Bank |
The ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations), established in
1967, comprises ten member countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand (ASEAN-5), which represent 66% of the
region's population. The banking sector, a crucial element in economic
growth, has been significantly influenced by the rise of Fintech start-ups,
which offer new technologies and business models such as digital payments and
peer-to-peer lending. This study examines the impact of Fintech on the
financial performance of banks in the ASEAN-5 countries from 2019 to 2022,
considering factors such as government regulations, technological
advancements, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The research explores how Fintech
growth has affected key financial performance indicators, including Return on
Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), and Net Interest Margin (NIM). It
highlights the fluctuations in ROE across ASEAN-5 countries and discusses the
mixed impacts of Fintech on bank performance, with some studies indicating
negative effects due to disruptive innovation and others showing positive
impacts through financial inclusion and automation. The study also
investigates internal factors like company size and capital ratio, which
influence bank performance. Company size, measured by total assets, and the
capital ratio, reflecting equity to assets, are analyzed to understand their
effects on financial performance. Additionally, external factors such as GDP
and inflation are considered as control variables to isolate their impact on
bank performance. By evaluating these variables, the research aims to provide
insights into how banks in ASEAN-5 can adapt to the evolving financial
landscape shaped by Fintech innovations and external economic conditions. � 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license ( |
ASEAN (Association of
South-East Asian Nations) is an association of nations in Southeast Asia which
currently includes 10 (ten) countries which was formed on August 8, 1967 in
Bangkok, Thailand by the five founding countries called ASEAN-5, namely Indonesia,
Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, which was marked by the
signing of the Bangkok Declaration. As much as 66% of the total ASEAN
population in 2022 is in the ASEAN-5 countries. In addition, the ASEAN-5
countries also have relatively uniform economic development (Wiranata Kusuma et
al. 2013).
Banking is one of the
financial sectors that is very important in the economic growth of a country.
According to Law No. 10 of 1998 concerning Amendments to Law Number 7 of 1992
concerning Banking (1998) banking is defined as everything related to banks,
including organizational structures, business activities, and methods and
processes used in carrying out their activities. In general, banks function as
financial intermediaries that collect funds from the public and provide them
again for needs or as facilitators in financial activities. Banks not only
facilitate various domestic financial transactions, but also enable
transactions between countries more easily, quickly, and more widely thanks to
globalization in the economic sector.
The growth of fintech
start-ups has brought significant changes to the financial industry (Yudaruddin, 2023). The increase in technology in the
financial sector has a significant impact on the conventional financial sector,
especially banks, because the existence of Fintech Start-up services uses new,
more efficient technology and business models, such as digital payments,
peer-to-peer lending, and automatic investment (Phan et al., 2020).
Fintech Start-up
growth in ASEAN-5 fluctuated from 2019 to 2022, influenced by government
regulations, market demand, technological advancements, and the COVID-19
pandemic. The government plays an important role, such as in Malaysia which
encourages the growth of Sharia-based Fintech (Ilyas et al., 2020), while
countries with advanced technological infrastructure such as Singapore
experienced high Fintech adoption (Huong et al., 2021). The pandemic
accelerated digital transformation but also created economic uncertainty that
impacted consumer spending and Fintech investment (Hersugondo
et al., 2022). Fintech introduced new, more efficient business models, forcing
banks to adapt and collaborate to remain competitive (Phan et al., 2020).
Digital transactions continued to increase even after the pandemic subsided,
demonstrating the importance of technological innovation for banks in the
future (Alnsour, 2023).
The average Return on
Equity (ROE) of banks in ASEAN-5 has fluctuated from 2019 to 2022, except in
the Philippines. This fluctuation is closely related to the growth of Fintech
Start-ups and several factors such as competition, regulation, and the impact
of the COVID-19 pandemic. Banks in countries with strict regulations face
innovation and cost challenges, which have an impact on declining profitability
(Ab-Rahim et al., 2020), while countries with more supportive regulations, such
as the Philippines, show stable ROE (Kando et al., 2022). Although there are
studies that show the negative impact of Fintech on banks due to consumer
preferences and disruptive innovation (Litimi et al.,
2023; Phan et al., 2020), several other studies mention the positive impact of
Fintech on bank financial performance through financial inclusion and
automation (Kaddumi et al., 2023; Baker et al.,
In addition to
Fintech, bank financial performance is influenced by internal and external
factors. Internal factors include company size and capital ratio. Company size,
as measured by total assets, has a significant effect on bank performance,
although several studies show mixed results; some mention a positive effect
(Phan et al., 2020; Litimi et al., 2023; Theacini & Wisadha, 2014),
while others find a negative effect (Wardani & Rudolfus,
2016). The capital ratio, as an indicator of equity to assets, also has a
positive effect because it reflects the bank's ability to face losses and
maintain stability (Phan et al., 2020). External factors such as Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) and inflation also have an impact on bank performance. GDP that
grows too fast can put pressure, while high inflation can reduce performance
due to economic instability and increased credit risk (Demirg��-Kunt
& Huizinga, 1998; Litimi et al., 2023; Rafiuddin, 2019). These variables are used as controls to
maintain independent influences in the study.
In carrying out its
operational activities, the level of success of a company, especially a bank,
is always measured based on its performance. This success is measured based on
the financial reports that must be presented by each bank. From these financial
reports, it can be seen how the bank's performance results were during a
certain period. According to Tanor et al. (2015) financial performance
is an evaluation to assess the extent to which a company operates in accordance
with good and correct financial rules or principles. The financial performance
of a bank is reflected in its financial reports in the balance sheet, income
statement and cash flow reports as well as other matters in the financial
reports that strengthen the assessment of the bank's performance.
One of the measuring
tools used to measure bank financial performance is ratio analysis. Ratio
analysis is a technique for analyzing quantitative data from financial reports
by comparing various accounting data, so as to identify the company's strengths
and weaknesses (Wijaya, 2017) . There are 4
financial ratios, namely, profitability, liquidity, solvency and activity
Based on Bank Indonesia
Regulation no. 6/10/PBI/2004 Concerning the Commercial Bank Soundness Rating
System (2004), there are several
assessments of profitability factors or what is commonly referred to as banking
profitability that can be carried out through an approach that includes
evaluation of elements such as achieving Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE),
and Net Interest Margin (NIM) which
are used to measure financial performance in this research.
Return on Assets (ROA)
is a
profitability ratio used to show the results of the total assets used by the
company (Kasmir 2008). According to Hanafi (2009) ROA is a measurement of a company's ability to generate profits
using the total assets owned by the company after adjustments have been made to
the costs incurred for these assets. The higher the rate of return obtained,
the higher the company's ability to utilize its assets to gain profits (Kristanti et al.,
2023). The following is the
formula for measuring ROA:
Return on Equity or ROE is an additional financial ratio
used to assess the income or profit obtained by a company in relation to the total
equity or capital of the company's shareholders. According to Alghadi (2024), companies that have a high return on equity have a
greater possibility of making a profit. The company that has higher profits,
the higher its return on equity will be. The following is the formula used to
calculate ROE:
Net Interest Margin (NIM) is also an important indicator
that can be used to measure how efficient a bank's financial performance is. In
general, NIM reflects the ability of
bank management to optimize the use of its productive assets to obtain net
interest income (Pandia, 2012). The NIM
is considered to be getting better when the value is higher, this shows an
increase in net interest income relative to the productive assets used by the
bank, so the possibility of the bank experiencing problems will be lower. In
accordance with Bank Indonesia Regulation No.13/1/PBI/2011 concerning
Assessment of the Soundness Level of Commercial Banks (2011), the NIM ratio can
be formulated as follows:
Academic literature
regarding or what is often called Financial Technology (Fintech) has developed
rapidly along with technological developments in the world. According to Schueffel (2016) in Baker
et al. (2023) , the term Fintech refers
to the integration between finance and technology. The banking and FinTech
industries are highly dependent on automation processes and artificial
intelligence (Santoso et al., 2020) The term originates from the Financial Services
Technology Consortium founded by Citigroup in the early 1990s. According to Suryanto et al. (2022), in Indonesia the Fintech industry has a very
important role in the financial services ecosystem, especially banks. The
financial industry is now able to transform the current banking market by
providing easy, effective and efficient services for transactions. Fintech
formula used in this research is as follows:
According to Dewi & Sudiartha
(2017) company size is an
indicator of the success of a company which is reflected in the total amount of
assets it owns. According to research conducted by Aras et al. (2010) say that company size as a control variable has a
positive influence on bank financial performance. When compared to small
companies, large companies often use external funding sources, especially
through debt, to support their business expansion efforts. This is because
large companies have easier access to capital markets which gives them greater
flexibility than small companies. Therefore, the larger the company size, the
greater their need for additional capital, resulting in a high level of corporate
debt to expand the company's business potential. The following is the formula
used to calculate company size:
According to Phan et al. (2020) , the capital ratio is a ratio used to show how
much a bank's financial strength is measured using equity divided by total
assets. Thus, the capital ratio shows the bank's ability to bear losses and
ensure its stability in the long term. Banks with high capital ratios tend to
be more profitable because they require less external funding (Berger, 1995). This means banks can reduce funding costs and
increase their profitability through the use of internal resources.
A high capital ratio can
protect a bank from potential loan defaults, but it can also negatively affect
profitability because a bank with a high equity to asset ratio will reduce the
bank's profitability (Hendrawan and Salim,
2017). The following is the
formula used to calculate the capital ratio:
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the market value of all final
goods and services produced in a country in a certain time period (Mankiw 2010) . Meanwhile, according to Blanchard (2017), GDP is
an aggregate measure of the total production of goods and services in a country
that reflects economic activity and the health of the economy as a whole. Based
on this understanding, it can be concluded that GDP is the total value of all final goods and services produced
within the territorial boundaries of a country during a certain period. GDP is used as the main indicator to
assess a country's economic performance, reflecting economic activity and the
overall health of the economy. In this study, researchers did not carry out GDP calculations independently.
According to Frederic S. Mishkin (2006)
Inflation is an increase
in the prices of goods and services in a country's economy over a certain
period of time which can reduce the purchasing power of money and affect
consumer spending decisions and company investment. According to Mankiw (2010) , inflation is a general increase in the prices of
goods and services in an economy over a certain period of time. Therefore,
inflation reflects a decrease in the purchasing power of money and can be
caused by various factors, including an increase in the money supply and
changes in the demand for and supply of goods and services. In this study,
researchers did not carry out inflation calculations independently.
Return on Assets (ROA) is a measure of a bank's financial
effectiveness in generating profits from its assets. The growth of fintech
start-ups is expected to have a significant impact on bank ROA. Based on research conducted by Phan et al. (2020) the growth
of fintech start-ups has a significantly negative effect on ROA. This is because the adoption of
financial technology by banks can increase operational efficiency and reduce
transaction costs, thereby increasing ROA. However, if competition gets tougher
with fintech start-ups, it could put pressure on bank profits and reduce ROA.
H1: The growth of Fintech Start-ups influences bank financial
performance as proxied using ROA
Return on Equity (ROE) is a measure that assesses how
effectively a bank uses capital from shareholders to generate profits. Fintech
can influence ROE in various ways.
One of them is that financial technology can help banks expand access to new
markets and improve services to customers, which has the potential to increase
revenue and profits. However, there is huge investment in new technology as
well as stiff competition from fintech start-ups can also increase costs and
risks, which will have a negative impact on the bank's ROE. This is supported by research conducted by Litimi
et al. (2023) who say that the growth of fintech start-ups has a significant
negative effect on bank ROE.
H2: The growth of Fintech Start-ups influences bank financial
performance as proxied using ROE
Net Interest Margin (NIM) measures the difference between
the interest income earned by a bank from loans provided and the interest costs
paid on funds borrowed against its productive assets. Based on previous
research, financial technology that improves the lending process and risk
management can help banks increase interest income. Competition with fintech
start-ups that offer financial services at lower interest rates will put
pressure on bank profit margins so that NIM
will decrease, which will have a negative impact on bank financial performance.
This is supported by previous research conducted by Phan et al. (2020) and Litimi et al. (2023) who say that the growth of fintech
start-ups has a significant negative effect on bank NIM.
H3: The growth of Fintech Start-ups influences bank financial
performance as proxied using NIM
2 Materials and Methods
This research
is quantitative research with descriptive
statistical data analysis using panel data regression.
Panel data regression analysis
aims to measure
how strong the relationship is between two
or more variables
and the relationship
between the dependent variable and the independent
variable (Sugiyono, 2022).
In this
research, the population is banking
on the stock
exchanges of each ASEAN-5 country. In
Indonesia there are 46 banks,
in Thailand there are 12 banks,
in Singapore there are 7 banks, in the Philippines
there are 15 banks, and in Malaysia there are 26 banks listed on
the stock exchanges of each
country. This research uses a purposive sampling technique to determine the
sample with certain considerations. The sample selection criteria in this research are banks that are registered on the stock
exchanges of each ASEAN-5 country and have complete
data from 2019-2022.
The independent
variable in this research is fintech
start-up as X, and uses three ratios
to describe the bank's financial
performance, ROA as Y1 which
shows the bank's ability to manage its
assets to generate profits, ROE as Y2 which shows the
bank's ability to generate profits
by utilizing its share capital,
and also NIM as Y3 which shows the
bank's ability to optimize the
use of its
productive assets to obtain net interest
income. Furthermore, this research also
uses control variables to control
the influence of the independent
variable on the dependent so
that it is
not influenced by external factors that were not studied. The control variables in this research are company size as Z1, capital ratio as Z2, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as Z3, inflation as
Based on
the previous explanation, the panel data regression analysis model in this study for each dependent variable uses three
separate regression equations as follows:
ROA �������� : Return on Assets
ROE ��������� : Return on Equity
NIM ��������� : Net Interest
FINT ������� : The Growth
of Fintech Start-ups
SIZE �������� : Company size
CAP ��������� : Capital Ratio
GDP ��������� : Gross Domestic Product
INF ���������� : Inflation.
α �������������� : Constant
β �������������� : Regression
coefficient for the independent variable.
γ : Regression coefficient for control variables.
ε : Error term (residual error).
3 Results and Discussion�������
Table 1. Panel
data regression test results
Based on the results of the simultaneous test, a probability value
(f-statistic) of 0.01 <0.05 was obtained so that the Growth of Fintech
Start-ups with control variables such as Company Size, Capital Ratio, GDP, and
Inflation simultaneously influenced the financial performance of banks proxied
using ROA in ASEAN-5.
Based on the results of the partial YROA test, the following conclusions
can be drawn:
The FINT probability value
is 0.0491. This value indicates that 0.0491 <0.05 with a coefficient value
of -0.002243. So it can be concluded that the growth of fintech start-ups
partially has an influence on the financial performance of banks as proxied by
The SIZE probability value
is 0.1371. This value indicates that 0.1371> 0.05 with a coefficient value
of 0.078845. So it can be concluded that company size partially has no
influence on the financial performance of banks as proxied by ROA.
The CAP probability value is
0.7570. This value indicates that 0.7570> 0.05 with a coefficient value of
0.521871. So it can be concluded that the capital ratio partially has no
influence on the financial performance of banks as proxied by ROA.
The probability value of GDP
is 0.0014. This value shows that 0.0014 < 0.05 with a coefficient value of
4.855309. So it can be concluded that GDP partially has an influence on the
financial performance of banks as proxied by ROA.
The probability value of INF
is 0.1383. This value shows that 0.1383 > 0.05 with a coefficient value of
-5.5513973. So it can be concluded that inflation partially has no influence on
the financial performance of banks as proxied by ROA.
Based on the results of the simultaneous test, a probability value
(f-statistic) of 0.06> 0.05 was obtained, so that the growth of Fintech
Start-ups with control variables such as Company Size, Capital Ratio, GDP, and
Inflation simultaneously did not affect the financial performance of banks
proxied using ROE in ASEAN-5.
Based on the results of the partial YROE test, the following conclusions
can be drawn:
The FINT probability value
is 0.3060. This value indicates that 0.3060> 0.05 with a coefficient value
of -0.011816. So it can be concluded that the growth of fintech start-ups
partially has no effect on the bank's financial performance as proxied by ROE.
The SIZE probability value
is 0.0781. This value indicates that 0.0781> 0.05 with a coefficient value
of 0.801299. So it can be concluded that the size of the company partially has
no effect on the bank's financial performance as proxied by ROE.
The CAP probability value is
0.5548. This value indicates that 0.5548> 0.05 with a coefficient value of
-9.797643. So it can be concluded that the capital ratio partially has no
effect on the bank's financial performance as proxied by ROE.
The probability value of GDP
is 0.0125. This value shows that 0.0125 < 0.05 with a coefficient value of
39.11954. So it can be concluded that GDP partially has an influence on the
financial performance of banks as proxied by ROE.
The probability value of INF
is 0.2754. This value shows that 0.2754 > 0.05 with a coefficient value of
-41.98564. So it can be concluded that inflation partially has no influence on
the financial performance of banks as proxied by ROE.
Based on the results of the simultaneous test, a probability value
(f-statistic) of 0.00 <0.05 was obtained so that the Growth of Fintech
Start-ups with control variables such as Company Size, Capital Ratio, GDP, and
Inflation simultaneously influenced the financial performance of banks proxied
using NIM in ASEAN-5.
Based on the results of the partial YNIM test, the following conclusions
can be drawn:
The FINT probability value
is 0.8969. This value indicates that 0.8969 > 0.05 with a coefficient value
of -4.29e-05. So it can be concluded that the growth of fintech start-ups
partially has no effect on the bank's financial performance as proxied by NIM.
The SIZE probability value
is 0.7720. This value indicates that 0.7720 > 0.05 with a coefficient value
of 0.0298. So it can be concluded that the size of the company partially has no
effect on the bank's financial performance as proxied by NIM.
The CAP probability value is
0.0057. This value indicates that 0.0057 < 0.05 with a coefficient value of
1.5418. So it can be concluded that the capital ratio partially has an effect
on the bank's financial performance as proxied by NIM.
The probability value of GDP
is 0.4670. This value shows that 0.4670 > 0.05 with a coefficient value of
0.7617. So it can be concluded that GDP partially has no effect on bank
financial performance as proxied by NIM.
The probability value of INF
is 0.3120. This value shows that 0.3120 > 0.05 with a coefficient value of
3.743863. So it can be concluded that inflation partially has no effect on bank
financial performance as proxied by NIM.
H1: The growth of Fintech Start-ups influences bank financial
performance as proxied using ROA
YROA = -0.8116 - 0.0022FINT + 0.0788SIZE + 0.5219CAP
+ 4.8553PDB - 5.5140INF + Ɛ
The results of the YROA simultaneous test state that
the Prob value (F-statistic) is 0.0015224. This value is smaller than 0.05
which means that H1 is accepted. This means that the independent variables in
this study, namely the growth of fintech start-ups, have a simultaneous or
joint effect on company size, capital ratio, GDP, and inflation as control
variables on the financial performance of banks proxied by ROA in this study.
The Adjusted R-squared value of 0.042048 or 4.2% means that the variables of fintech
start-up growth, company size, capital ratio, GDP, and inflation affect the
financial performance of banks proxied by ROA by 4.2% and the other 95.8% is
influenced by other variables outside this study.
The results of the FINT partial test state that the
growth of fintech start-ups has a coefficient value of -0.002243. It can be
concluded that the growth of fintech start-ups partially has an influence on
ROA which shows the bank's ability to manage its assets to generate profits.
The growth of fintech start-ups has a probability value of 0.0491. This value
is less than 0.05, which means that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected, so that
the growth of fintech start-ups has a significant negative effect on the financial
performance of banks proxied using ROA in ASEAN-5 in 2019-2022.
According to Schueffel
(2016) in Baker et al. (2023), the term Fintech refers to the integration
between finance and technology. While Return on Assets (ROA) is a measure of
the effectiveness of bank finances in generating profits from assets owned.
Based on the results of this study, the growth of fintech start-ups has a
significant negative impact on bank ROA. This is in line with research
conducted by Litimi et al. (2023) Phan et al. (2020)
who stated that the growth of fintech start-ups has a significant negative
impact on banks' ability to earn profits by utilizing their assets because the
adoption of financial technology by banks can increase operational efficiency
and reduce transaction costs, thereby increasing ROA. However, if competition
becomes tighter with fintech start-ups, it can reduce bank profits and reduce
Furthermore, the control variables for company size,
capital ratio, and inflation partially do not have a significant effect on ROA.
Meanwhile, the GDP control variable partially has a significant positive effect
on financial performance as proxied by ROA. This is in line with research by
Tan Lian Soei, et al. (2017) and Litimi,
et al. (2023) which states that GDP has a positive effect on financial
performance. GDP growth that is too fast can put additional pressure on the
bank's financial performance. An increase in GDP reflects positive economic
growth, which is usually associated with increased business and consumer
activity. In a healthy economy, demand for banking services such as loans,
credit, and investment tend to increase, which positively affects the bank's
financial performance.
H2: The growth of Fintech Start-ups influences
bank financial performance as proxied using ROE
YROE = -9.5639 - 0.0118FINT + 0.8013SIZE
- 9.7976CAP + 39.1195PDB - 41.9856INF + Ɛ
The results of the YROE simultaneous test state that
the Prob value (F-statistic) is 0.068440. This value is greater than 0.05,
which means that H1 is rejected. This means that the independent variables in
this study, namely the growth of fintech start-ups, do not have a simultaneous
effect on company size, capital ratio, GDP, and inflation as control variables
on bank financial performance proxied by ROE in this study. The Adjusted
R-squared value of 0.024629 or 2.5% means that the variables of fintech start-up
growth, company size, capital ratio, GDP, and inflation affect bank financial
performance proxied by ROE by 2.5% and the other 97.5% is influenced by other
variables outside this study.
The results of the partial test The FINT probability
value is 0.3060. This value shows that 0.3060> 0.05 with a coefficient value
of -0.011816. This shows that H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected so that
partially the growth of fintech start-ups does not have a significant effect on
ROE which shows the bank's ability to generate profits by utilizing its share
capital in ASEAN-5 banking in 2019-2022. This is because although the growth of
Fintech Start-ups can increase bank operational efficiency, it does not generate
a higher return on equity if banks simultaneously increase their capital
reserves to reduce the risks associated with digital transformation (Kablay et al., 2021). In addition, competition with Fintech
can put pressure on banking profit margins. This does not have a positive
impact on ROE even though there is an increase in the utilization of banking
assets (Malik et al., 2020).
The control variables of company size, capital
ratio, and inflation do not have a simultaneous or partial effect on ROE.
Meanwhile, the control variable GDP partially has a positive effect on bank
financial performance which is proxied using ROE. This is in line with research
conducted by Tan Lian Soei, et al. (2017) and Litimi, et al. (2023). A country�s GDP reflects positive
economic growth, which is usually associated with increased business and
consumer activity. In uncertain economic conditions, an increase in GDP may
occur at the same time as banks are unable to channel funds profitably, due to
weak credit demand or a decline in credit quality. This can reduce revenues and
profitability, leading to a decrease in ROE.
H3: The growth of Fintech Start-ups influences bank financial
performance as proxied using NIM
YNIM = -0.4161 - 4.293e-05FINT + 0.0298SIZE + 1.5419CAP
- 0.3706PDB + 0.7618INF + Ɛ
The results of the YNIM simultaneous test state that
the Prob value (F-statistic) is 0.00000. This value is smaller than 0.05 which
means that H1 is accepted. This means that the independent variables in this
study, namely the growth of fintech start-ups, have a simultaneous or joint
effect on company size, capital ratio, GDP, and inflation as control variables
on the financial performance of banks proxied by NIM in this study. The
Adjusted R-squared value of 0.6434 or 64.3% means that the variables of fintech
start-up growth, company size, capital ratio, GDP, and inflation affect the
financial performance of banks proxied by ROE by 64.3% and the other 35.7% is
influenced by other variables outside this study.
The results of the FINT partial test state that the
growth of fintech start-ups has a coefficient value of -4.29e-05. The growth of
fintech start-ups has a probability value of 0.8969. The value is greater than
0.05, which means that H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected, so that partially the
growth of fintech start-ups has no effect on NIM, which shows the bank's
ability to obtain net interest income from its operational activities, namely
savings and loans in ASEAN-5 banking in 2019-2022. The finding that the growth
of Fintech Start-ups does not significantly affect NIM can be attributed to the
nature of the banking business model and the dynamics of competition in the
financial sector. NIM reflects the difference between interest income generated
and interest paid, and is influenced by interest rate policies and the
competitive environment.
The emergence of Fintech Start-ups often leads to
increased competition in lending rates, which can depress NIM for traditional
banks (Tabash et al., 2023). However, according to Malik et al. (2020) if banks
cannot effectively pass on the operational efficiency benefits gained through
Fintech adoption to their customers in the form of lower interest rates, the
impact on NIM may be negligible. This is consistent with findings showing that
although Fintech improves service delivery, it does not increase interest
margins for banks (Low et al., 2021). The control variables of company size,
GDP, and inflation do not have a significant effect on bank financial
performance as proxied using NIM.
Meanwhile, the control variable of capital ratio has
a significant negative effect on the bank's ability to generate profits from
its savings and loan operations. This is in contrast to research conducted by
Phan et al. (2020), which states that the capital ratio has a positive effect
on bank financial performance. Banks that have a high capital ratio have strong
capital reserves. This not only increases stability and trust but also allows
banks to bear more aggressive risks and expansion. Sufficient capital also
allows banks to face market disruptions or unexpected losses without
sacrificing profitability, thereby increasing NIM.
This study found that the growth of fintech
start-ups has a significant negative effect on bank financial performance with
ROA and NIM in ASEAN-5 countries. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has a
significant positive effect on bank financial performance using ROA and ROE,
while the capital ratio has a significant negative effect on bank financial
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increasing every year by improving technology and services and must implement a
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