understanding the ideology of Jewish nationalism and the national identity of Israel as a Nation State with
the theory of ethno-nationalism, the strengthening of identity used is the understanding of ethnic identity.
This linkage of ethnic identities fuses other identities within a human group. Like gender and other
identities, the formation of these different identity units is united by a common ethnic identity.
Then ethnic nationalism, which is understandably a transformation of ethnic identity that was once
only a socio-cultural constituency, turns into a common political consciousness, even further wanting to have
its own sovereignty represented by a national state. In a group of people will be able to maintain their lives
when they live collectivistically. In this case, it is the strengthening of ethnic identity that can explain that a
group of people will be able to maintain their lives, plus they have a sovereignty in the form of a State.
Those who still prioritize ethnicity or blood relations and even belief systems will also be able to
be explained into three points. The first is that the leadership and organization of a group can be achieved
because of a sense of belonging or togetherness within or the political community. Second, there are clear
differences and mark one group with another because groups with specific ethnic and even religious identities
have differences with other groups. Third, if the identity is not clearly visible such as using a specific ethnic
identity, language, and even religion, it will weaken the political unity of a particular group, because identity
is dynamic, therefore there must be a rigid concept in order to create a strong shared identity.
The views of nationalism are many and varied, Bennetric Anderson, who theoretically strongly
contradicts Hans Kohn's theory, is refuted because a nation if only an imaginary conception will become
extinct, because the means of unity are not powerful. Where Hans Kohn stated that the tool of uniting a
human community is an ethnicity, blood ties, language, and even a special religion that distinguishes one
nation from another, so that the understanding of a nation will not be extinct. In this case, Hans Kohn's theory
of ethno-nationalism is in line with the formation or creation of a Jewish nation based on a special ethnic,
linguistic, cultural, and religious identity that distinguishes one nation from another (Bugge 2021).
In this case Jews are an ethnicity that has a very strong identity in addition to Jews having a special
culture and a special language (Aspinall 2020), this nation also has a special religion, in theology this
particular religion is what created a Jewish nation. In addition, ethnic Jews have a special understanding of
the land they want on the basis of their theology. In this case an establishment of ethnic identity from
sociocultural identity to political identity has a consequence, namely establishing a State and its own
In this case it was the Jews who wanted the establishment of a special ethnic Jewish state with a
special location and in the view of Zionism. Thus the transformation from an ethnic identity to a nation that
desires political sovereignty occurs in the context of this understanding of Zionism. In addition, if mutuality
or belonging of a group can be established due to a special blood, ethnic, linguistic, and even religious
relationship. Can strengthen the existence of a group in various fields.
Election of leaders or solidarity boosters will become prevalent. The understanding or
transformation from ethnicity to an understanding of nationalism or nationalism, this can also give rise to a
concept called diaspora nationalism or also the existence of a nation without a state. Actually, in the context
of Jewish nationalism, awareness of a nation has been established for a long time and this has to do with the
theological basis of his belief, namely Judaism (Raz-Krakotzkin, Rouhana, and Shalhoub-Kevorkian 2021).
Where their consciousness as a nation has been ingrained and formed even though it has not been
organized into a political movement. The realization of a political movement based on an ethno-ideology of
nationalism in the Jewish context only developed when Herzel promoted the establishment of a state based
on Jewish ethnicity. Then the process of relijiuization of this idea was initiated by Avraham Yitzhak Cohen,
and injected a very strong understanding of Judaism theology and religious values in his nationalism (Lebel,
Ben-Hador, and Ben-Shalom 2021).
This particular philosophy or outlook on life as well as this particular theology makes the Jewish
nation a different nation in the diaspora, especially in Europe from other nations. In the understanding of
Judaism and its relevance with Hans Kohn's theory of ethno-nationalism is that the Jewish nation has a unique
special task that is only given by its people and not other nations.
In the theological view of Judaism, it is indeed what greatly influences the understanding of Jews
as a nation because of its uniqueness. In the Jewish religion the nation is divided into two i.e. the Jews or