Development of a
Web-Based Digital Archive Search System Using The Binary Search Algorithm Herly Nurrahmi Politeknik Negeri Media
Kreatif Jakarta,
Indonesia Email: [email protected] |
Keywords |
Abstract |
Archives, Application, Algorithms, Binary
Searching |
In several departments or faculties at various universities, the business process that is often carried out is archive management. The quality of service in each organization is one indicator of the success of a business entity or organization. In meeting these indicators, information systems or information applications are a mainstay in a business strategy. In several departments or faculties at various universities, the business process that is often carried out is archive management. Archiving activities are very important because they involve official documents and are important for every institution. Increased technological innovation has empowered institutions to monitor archives in a digital way. The purpose of this research is to create a website-based archive application using binary searching algorithms that can be used to record and store easily and safely, and be managering every archive for essier access. The system development methodology uses the waterfall method and the PHP and MySQL programming languages. This application can be used to record, store, display archives by category and can be used to display archives by category, preview archives, download archives and archive details in the Design Department of the Polytechnic Media Creative. � 2024 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license ( |
1. Introduction
several departments or faculties at various universities, the business process
that is often carried out is archive management (G A F Maulani, Suryadi, Nugraha, Hamdani, &
Purwanti, 2019).
Archiving activities are very important because they involve official and
important documents for every company (Sihotang, 2018).
Improving this needs to be carried out by good management as well as improving
the management of reports and quick updates (Ito et al., 2014).
quality of service in each organization is one indicator of the success of a
business entity or organization (G A F Maulani et al., 2019). In
meeting these indicators, information systems or information applications are a
mainstay in a business strategy (G A F Maulani et al., 2019).
Supporting information technology as a support in improving service quality
that results in fast, accurate and accurate access to information for
management (Galih Abdul Fatah Maulani & Hamdani, 2018).
are a significant resource owned by an organization. There are still many
organizations/agencies that routinely record their institutional activities.
Advances in technological innovation have empowered companies to carefully
monitor documents. Documents are also a source of data and have a significant
capacity in supporting the implementation of regulations and administration of
an establishment (Barthos, 2012). Every
activity completed by the organization as a proposition, letter and report to
carry out the exercise will be documented. The data stored in hard copies are
evidence and history of the organization. As time goes by, the more complicated
the functions and work of an agency, the more the agency archive will grow. The
filing process must be efficient by using technology for proper, proficient,
and useful organizational administration to develop the organization further (Hasan, 2014). For
digital archives, it must be in accordance with the right archiving strategy so
that the integrity of data and archives will be actual (Meirinawati & Prabawati, 2015).
storage in the Department of Design at Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif is still
done manually. Archives are stored in a printed version and stored in a room.
The capacity of the printed version is not effective because it is very likely
to be eaten by termites or damaged by moisture. Another obstacle is that
searching for documents takes up most of the day due to the huge pile of
archival documents are often reused in accreditation, previously being checked
by the quality assurance agency and external. To achieve good, neat and
accessible archival documents which are expected to achieve this goal. This
application software is designed based on the website and database. This
database application program intends to improve the security, speed and
accuracy of storage and retrieval of archival documents. With a database
application, it will speed up access to information that has been stored
correctly so that it can produce good decisions. For applications based on the
web which allows users to get data indefinitely.
Materials and Methods
the primary tiers of this studies approach are divided into 4 phase, The phase
consist of the guidance stage, collect data, stage, processing data, and
testing.The following is the go with the drift of the studies phase:
1. Research phase flow
From the
picture of the flow of the research stages above, it can be described at each
stage as follows:
Preparation Stage
stage starts from the problem assessment, as well as conducting a literature
study related to archive management and to similar research that has been done.
II. Data
Collection Stage
At the
data collection stage, interviews and observations will be carried out.
Interviews were conducted with the Head of the Department and the Secretary of
the Department of Design, and the administrative officer of the department
related to archived data in the department. As for the observations made on the
use of archives and the needs of the archives.
Department Archive Data Analysis
In the
analysis phase of the department's archives, an analysis of the department's
archives includes decision letters, teaching material archives, lecturer data
archives, educational and learning process archives, and departmental activity
records archives. This decree archive is issued (signed) by the director of the
Politeknik. This decision covers the activities of Tri Dharma, such as
education, research, and service. The teaching materials archive contains
industrial practice modules and teaching materials by lecturers. The mail archive
consists of the mail archive. incoming and also mail. exit as well as the
required report that lists all records or a summary of the number of records by
type of grouping of records.
System Development
system development using the standard SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)
method, namely using the Waterfall method or Waterfall (see Figure 2).
Figure. 2. Waterfall Method
Results and Discussions
In the system design using a usecase diagram. Usecase diagrams are used to describe a system in user view or system user. System design can be seen in the use case diagram below:
Figure. 3. Usecase Diagram
From Figure 3 above, it can be seen that admin
can manage archive data, manage archive categories, manage user data, view
download history, and login/logout. As for head or secretary departement , can
view archive data, archive category data, download history and login/logout.
To design a relational database, use the Entity
Relationship Diagram (ERD). ERD archiving system as seen in Figure 4 below:
From the ERD image above, it can be seen that
there are four entities, namely lecturers, departments, archives, and archive
categories. The attributes of each entity include:
1. Archives: Archive_Id, Date, Archive_No,
2. Department: Department_Id, Department_Name
3. Archive Category: Category_Id,
4. Lecturer: Nip, Nidn, Lecturer_Name,
Lecturer_Address, Place_Date of Birth, jobposition, Class
For the design of the archive system
application page view, it can be seen in the figure 5 until figure 8.
Fig. 5. Home Page View
Development Binary Searching Algorithm
This binary search instruction pattern can be known as dichotomic search. Starting from comparing the value to be searched, x, with the element in the middle of the array. where in the middle x has more points than the array element in the middle, so each array element is arranged to increase, then the search is carried out in the half of the time that has points greater than x until the element is finished, using a similar method. To make it easier, it is explained with a picture of the case. found a table that has int points TabInt[1..n], which has been loaded, and arranged to enlarge. write a program using the help of a function that if the point x is set to an integer value, it will look for whether the price of x is in TabInt dichotomically, with the following rules: the example of x with the velocity of the middle element (Imamah, Sofro, & Johan, 2017).
a. If it is similar, it means x is found in the table.
b. If x <, the search is carried out on the bottom element with a similar process.
c. If x >, the search starts at the top element in the same way. The search will produce a found boolean whose value is true if x is found, and false if x is not found as well as the index where x was found. The search stops after the initial value is found.
In creating this web-based archiving and archive search application, a binary search technique was used. For more details, see the following figure below:
The binary search process as follows using the 5
stored data files will be displayed.
A= Uncategorized
B= Implementation Permit Letter
C= Final Assignment Attachment Letter
D= Decree
E= Curriculum
�Search = D �Decision Letter�
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
The search process using the existing
binary data algorithm will be divided into 2 as below
data above will be divided into 2 as below
And once the data is
found, the search will stop and the data will be displayed
The conclution of this research:
To help Politeknik negeri media kreatif
developing of effectivity and efficiency management archive in Design
Departement by application digital archive
b. The
application archive also can be managering every archive for essier access
The application archive informing access faster
and helping to get best decision
d. The Binary
Searching algorithm can be applied to applications and can run to perform a
search even though there are weaknesses in the search process.
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