Strategy Head School in Improving Teacher Performance at Santa Rosa De Lima Tondano Catholic High School Henny N. Tambingon 1 , Mozes M. Wullur 2 , Joulanda
AM Rawis 3 , Bernadina Waha Labuan 4 , Luccylle
Manina Takalumang 5 , Novie Noldy
Johanes Rompis 6 , Helena Omkarsba 7 Manado State University,
Indonesia Email : [email protected] , [email protected]
, [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , Helen. [email protected] |
Keywords |
Abstract |
Leadership, Teacher
Performance, Development Professional |
This research aims to analyze the leadership strategies implemented by the head school in increase teacher performance at Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano Catholic High School . Approach used in study This is method qualitative with technique data collection via interview depth , observation , and documentation . Research result show that head school apply various effective leadership strategies , such as build open and transparent communication , providing support and motivation , as well stage training and development professional for teachers. Besides, chief The school also encourages it collaboration between teachers and creating conducive work environment . These strategies proven capable increase teacher performance , which in turn impact positive on improvement quality education at school the . � 2024 by the authors. Submitted for possible
open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license ( https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ ). |
1. Introduction
The rapid development of the world of
education today requires thought and effort to keep pace with changes in
education so as not to be left behind by increasingly advanced changes (Salsabila,
Ariyanto, Aziz, & Ma'arif, 2022) . Improving the quality of education is
now a necessity that cannot be postponed any longer. The success of a nation's
development is determined by the availability of quality human resources,
especially quality education (Prastowo, 2018) .
Article 1 of the 2003 National Education
System Law of the Republic of Indonesia states that: Education is a conscious
and planned effort to help students actively develop their competencies so that
they have religious spiritual abilities. strength, self-control, personality,
intelligence, noble character and skills needed in society, nation and state.
Education cannot be separated from the
role of the principal as a leader, namely as the principal. A school principal
is a person who leads a formal educational institution, has great
responsibility and acts as a driving force, determining the direction of
educational policy ( Santika, 2017) . The principal must have several
abilities which include abilities in terms of personality, knowledge of educational youth,
school vision and mission, decision- making ability and
communication skills . The
principal must also be able to mobilize school resources, lead and manage
educational units , as well as act as a determinant of educational management and an agent of
change for an institution towards a better direction .
Good . Therefore, school
principals must continue to guide, motivate and supervise and direct teachers so that they become
professional teachers and have loyalty to their performance .
The teacher is the central figure in the
implementation of education in schools, because teachers have a role, function
and position in delivering educational success. He is a teacher who educates
the younger generation of students. Apart from that, teachers always have a
greater opportunity to educate students to become educated, moral and ethical
young people. Therefore, teachers must use appropriate strategies, methods,
learning techniques and be ready to face changes that occur at any time.
Communication and innovation are needed to achieve optimal strategic management
according to expectations. These two things really determine the success of
learning objectives.
A teacher's performance can be influenced
by several factors. Sometimes these factors can be self-inflicted, such as low
work motivation, knowledge and vision. It can also come from outside, such as
colleagues, managers, and the environment. The principal's management also has
a big influence on the teacher's work results, because the principal is the
person who organizes, influences and motivates the teacher's work. Therefore,
good teacher activities cannot be separated from the teacher's strategic role
as the highest leader of the school. Teachers must be able to direct, motivate,
get to know teachers better, create a more comfortable working atmosphere to
achieve goals according to the vision and mission that have been set.
However, in reality, the strategy to
improve teacher performance at Sata Rosa De Lima Tondano Catholic High School has not worked as
expected. This can still be seen in weak work discipline, there are still
teachers who are not present to complete learning, are unable to complete
learning on time, there are still teachers who do not take advantage of it;
Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) in teaching and in the implementation of
learning. There are also some teachers who still do not understand properly/completely
how to prepare/make lesson plans, so it appears that teachers are adopting old lesson plans in
teaching and learning implementation and there are also teachers who do not use
assessment references in learning assessment. At an ideal level, internal
teacher development from the leadership side, such as implementing work
discipline, improving and developing learning, utilizing learning meetings,
using learning tools and media, as well as implementing and evaluating
learning, can be optimized to achieve improvement. teacher performance.
The objectives of
this research are as follows: 1. To understand the principal's leadership
strategy in improving teacher performance at Sata Rosa De Lima Tondano Catholic High
School. 2. To understand the factors that hinder and support
the principal's leadership
strategy in improving teacher performance at Sata Rosa De Lima Tondano Catholic
High School.
Strategy comes from the Greek word
strategi which means the science of war or military leadership. In the Big
Indonesian Dictionary, strategy is a mature plan of action to achieve certain
(desired) goals. Strategy is systematic and systematic steps in implementing a
comprehensive (macro) and long-term plan to achieve goals (Nasution, 2016).
The leadership of a school principal has a
significant influence on the success of the school in achieving the educational
goals and objectives of each school. The role of management is to influence,
monitor and control the implementation of all plans that have been implemented
and are being implemented so far (Jaliah, Fitria,
& Martha, 2020) .
Meanwhile, the leadership of a school
principal is a person's ability and willingness to direct, lead and lead other
people (teachers). In cases like this, the principal has a management strategy
plan, with someone capable of carrying out the task. The elements of a
management situation, on the one hand, are people who can influence other
people, on the other hand, people who can influence, the existence of certain
goals or objectives that can be achieved, the existence of certain actions that
can be achieved. influence and achieve a goal. certain goals or objectives (Syafruddin et al.,
2022) .
So it can be explained that strategy is a
very effective tool and step to achieve organizational success. Principals must
have decision-making skills on how to best optimize resources to achieve the
mission and goals of the organization. Meanwhile, the core strategy of each
company includes 4 things quoted by Dina Destari from Newman and Logan as
follows: a) Identifying and establishing specifications and qualifications for
the results to be achieved and setting business goals, taking into account
aspirations. and taste. b) Consider and choose the right and effective approach
to achieve the goal, c) Consider and determine the actions to be taken to
achieve the goal, d) Consider and determine standard metrics to measure the
level of success.
Materials and Methods
Method used researcher is method study qualitative . Research methods qualitative According to (Sugiyono, 2014) is method research used to investigate circumstances natural something area , where researcher have a number of instrument key , technique data collection is carried out with triangulation ( combination ) , data analysis inductive / qualitative and research results Qualitative more emphasize meaning� than generalization .
Researchers' reasons use method study qualitative Because want to know reality leadership head school in increase teacher performance at Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano Catholic High School .
This research carried out at Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano Catholic High School which is located in Lingkurngan I, Kelurahan Watulambot , District West Tondano , Regency Minahasa , North Sulawesi Province .
Data used in the form of words, phrases , numbers , behavior or related actions with title study . Information obtained from data sources identified by the researcher . In other words, purposive sampling is used to determine data source . Researcher determine research data sources This that is . head school and all over teacher.Based on information party school , there are 12 teachers teaching together head school . So researchers decided to get information from head school and all teachers.
Results and Discussions
Findings Results
Findings study outlined in points following based on topic study the reality of chief strategy school in increase teacher performance at Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano Catholic High School , various following :
Head Strategy
School in Improving Teacher Performance
Based on the findings study there is a number of the reality of chief strategy school in increase teacher performance at Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano Catholic High School , as following :
Any teacher's help or
guidance eye lesson in preparation of RPP, follows part curriculum head school
and deputy head school .
b. Head
school carry out professional teacher guidance with method collect the RPP that
has been prepared by the teacher, then the RPP revised , after which it is
evaluated back and last signed by the head school .
Head school encourage
teachers to be active in the MGMP forum so you can take advantage of forums or
eye teachers association lesson others for discussion between teachers or share
experience to improve moderate activity ongoing , esp
in preparation plan implementation learning (RPP).
d. Head
school involve teachers in training organized by the institution specific
(Education and Training ).
There are some the way it is done head school in increase teacher's abilities in implementation learning at Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano Catholic High School as following :
Supervision / Monitoring Management Class
Head school do monitoring to the teacher
during the learning process , namely . head school quick visit class or ask
problem when class blank ..
Providing Learning Media Facilities
The strategy used by the principal of
Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano Catholic High School to
improve implementation learning facilitate learning media in the form of LCD or
tool practice at the moment offline learning , via a number of application such
as WhatsApp groups, Google Classroom, Zoom-meeting moments online learning . Of
course, teachers are also encouraged to take advantage learning media
opportunities the .
Give Teacher's Freedom in using Learning
Head school give freedom to every teacher
in use method teaching in accordance with the material taught and how much
creative inner teacher choose method teaching , so that students No bored study
in class .
Give Motivation
Strategy of the Principal of Santa Rosa de
Lima Tondano Catholic High School in application
learning to improve teacher performance is motivation , encouraging teachers to
continue increase performance and creativity as a teacher, which is transmitted
in form meeting , sit back and relax . Apart from that, on the whatsapp group head the school also provides Spirit to
teachers so they can motivated in carry out duties and tasks with Good
especially in implementation learning .
Give Award
Other strategies used head Santa Rosa de
Lima Tondano Catholic High School in carry out
learning To use increase teacher performance is with give award to the top
teacher performance Good or his devotion to school .
Principal of Santa Rosa
de Lima Tondano Catholic High School apply guidelines
evaluation form tool support activity evaluation form guidelines evaluation , so that teachers can fill in questionnaire
b. Apart
from that head school teach and remind teachers to do evaluation learning
general learning given every Monday after completing the ceremony flag
The teacher must prepare
an evaluation report that must be reported to head school in order to head
school know activity evaluation carried out by the teacher.
Supporting Factors and Inhibiting Factors of Head Strategy School in Increase Teacher Performance
Head strategy school supported in increase
teacher performance in planning learning with prepare various tool preparation
of RPP, especially guidelines preparation of lesson plans, so make things
easier for teachers prepare RPP.
Factors that hinder the head's strategy
school to improve teacher performance in planning curriculum is fill in
difficult lesson plans customized with condition real or ability student .
Strategy of the head of Santa Rosa de Lima
Tondano Catholic High School in increase teacher
effectiveness in implementation learning supported by passion students to
follow learning , and available learning media provided by the school Enough
help they can support or facilitate teachers in implementation learning .
2) Principal of Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano Catholic High School hampered in increase teacher
effectiveness in implementation learning Because Lots students who don't follow
learning so that his task No sent before the specified time limit .
1) Head
Strategy Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano Catholic High
School in increase teacher effectiveness in maintenance education Increase
teacher effectiveness in evaluation education supported with completeness
condition certification . learning provided school , esp
form evaluation based on reference evaluation , which makes it easier
evaluation teacher learning .
2) The
principal of Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano Catholic High
School , found problems regarding enhancement teacher performance in
implementation learning in evaluation learning is lack of IT skills in many
Head Strategy School in Improving Teacher Performance
Planning Learning
At stage planning learning , head school help or guide every eye teacher lesson in compile plan learning , following procedures prescribed by section curriculum head school and assistant head school . Head The school also implements it training teacher effectiveness with method collect the RPP made by the teacher, then the RPP reviewed for improvements , then evaluated back and last signed by the head school . This matter in accordance with view (Mulyasa, 2015) , which states that head schools must be capable do various activity supervision and control of activities education school directed towards a given goal set .
Besides, chief school encourage teachers to participate active in the MGMP forum, so they can take advantage of forums or teachers association of other majors for discussion or share experience between teachers to improve existing results achieved , esp in preparation Plan Implementation Learning (RPP). Head The school also involves teachers education provided by the institution certain (Education and training ). This matter in accordance with opinion (Uno, 2007) who said that every teacher has one characteristic features different specials each other, then required service and attention special from the administrator so you can utilise it's time to upgrade self . performance they .
Implementation Learning
At stage implementation learning , head school do Management Class / Teacher Leadership during the learning process , ie . Head school quick around class or ask problem at the moment class blank . According to opinion (Mulyasa, 2015) who said that in monitor and direct performance of teachers, heads school can do training and mentoring through discussion groups , visits class , discussion individual and simulation learning.In addition, the strategies used by the head Catholic high school Tondano Santa Rosa de Lima to upgrade implementation learning is with facilitate learning media form LCD screen or tool practicum in offline learning , in several application . such as WhatsApp groups, Google Classroom, current Zoom meetings online learning . Of course Of course, teachers are also encouraged to use it learning media opportunities the . Head the school also provides freedom to every teacher in use method teaching in accordance with the material taught and how much creative inner teacher choose method teaching , so student No bored study in class . This matter in accordance with Swearingen's statement is quoted in book essay (Nahrowi, 2021) , which is in it He give eight task to head school as following : coordinating all over effort school , improve leadership school , expanding teacher experience , to encourage effort creative build facility . and evaluation ongoing , analyzing situation learning and teaching , transfer knowledge / skills to every staff and improve ability teach teacher.
Additionally, head strategy school Catholic High School Tondano Santa Rosa de Lima pushed enhancement teacher effectiveness in implementation learning with encourage teachers to periodically increase performance and creativity as a teacher, who has passed . on. in meeting , sitting. to chat Relax or freely and vice versa also in WhatsApp groups, head school encourage teachers to be motivated to carry out duties and responsibilities he answered with well , esp moment carry out learning . As (Mulyasa, 2015) As motivation , chief school should have the right strategy to motivate teachers to be motivated and enthusiastic in carry out various tasks and assignments to improve quality power teacher .
Another strategy implemented Head Catholic High School Tondano Santa Rosa de Lima in carry out learning To use increase teacher performance is with give award to outstanding teachers or dedicated to school . Giving rewards are very important to improve work productivity and reduce less activity productive . Award This encourage teachers to improve performance positive and productive (Mulyasa, 2015) . Head schools that understand teacher needs encourage teachers to improve its performance . It can done through promotion position , financial , through charter , and must be adjusted with Assigned job as well as the results of the teacher's work. Constitution Number 14 of 2005 (Article 36) concerning Teachers and Lecturers of the Republic of Indonesia states that teachers who excel , have dedication special , and have task special can obtain award .
Evaluation Learning
Head Catholic High School Tondano
Santa Rosa de Lima makes implementation tool supporter evaluation learning by
the deputy head school based on reference evaluation in form form evaluation so the teacher can fill in form evaluation
the . Additionally, Chief School direct and remind teachers about evaluation
learning students , which is generally be delivered in provision carried out
every Monday after action . Teachers must also prepare an evaluation
report that must be reported to head school in order to head school know
activity evaluation carried out by the teacher. As stated by (Pidarta, 2009) , teachers as educator should have ability manage learning , developing
potential and mastery academic . Teacher competencies include: Skills
personality , pedagogical , professional and social . As a professional manager
learning , teachers must be able works as planner , implementer , and evaluator
of activities learning . One of efforts to improve teacher professionalism
requires leadership head school through training academic . Quality teaching a
teacher direct nor No direct can influence quality Study student .
Therefore , additional guidance is needed from head schools , also through
instructional guidance .
Factors and Inhibitory Factors Strategy Kerpala
School in Improve Teacher Performance
Planning Learning
Factors that support the head strategy school in increase effectiveness of teacher performance in planning learning , offered various device preparation of RPP, especially guidelines preparation of lesson plans, so make things easier for teachers prepare RPP. To do his task with OK , teachers need it Skills . Head strategy school to improve teacher effectiveness in planning curriculum hindered by difficulty adapt fill in the lesson plan with condition actual or ability student . As expressed by ( Sutadipura , 2004). That teachers need skills to get it carry out task with Good . Teachers must be capable plan learning , writing objective learning , presenting teaching materials , submit question to students , teach concept , communicate with students , monitor learning and assessing learning outcomes .
Implementation Learning
Head Strategy Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano Catholic High School in increase teacher effectiveness in implementation learning supported by passion students to follow learning and educational media opportunities provided the school is enough to support or makes it easier implementation teacher learning . For the head Catholic high school Tondano Santa Rosa de Lima, deep obstacles increase teacher performance in carry out learning is Lots students who don't follow learning , where his task No sent before the specified time limit .
Teacher competency is teacher's abilities in guide learning . To be competent , teachers must have soul innovative and creative (Abdurrohman, Lisnawati, & Indra, 2022) . Discipline is something circumstances regularity Where member something organization follow existing regulations with like heart (Suharsimi, 2006) . The purpose of discipline is order of activity school can held in a way effective in atmosphere quiet and peaceful as well as every teacher and employee organization school feel satisfied Because his needs fulfilled (Arikunto, 2003) .
Evaluation Learning
Head Strategy Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano Catholic High School in increase teacher effectiveness in carry out learning , to improve teacher effectiveness in evaluation learning supported with ability evaluation the learning you have school in a way intact , esp form evaluation based on references easy assessment evaluation teacher learning . Principal of Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano Catholic High School , increase teacher performance in evaluation learning in application teaching hampered Because some teachers are lacking own IT skills .
(Uno, 2007) Main objective evaluation is to see level success , effectiveness and efficiency learning as well as know position participant class or group . In terms of This is what teachers must always do monitor learning outcomes participant educate as learning feedback that becomes base repair learning furthermore . With method this is a learning process Keep going improved to achieve optimal results.
Based on research results and discussion about Chief
Strategy School in increase Teacher performance at Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano Catholic High School can concluded that :
1. Head
strategy school
Head strategy school is series plan period long and term
short term carried out by the head school to improve skills and resources
existing power , which is implemented all over field school to achieve goals
that have been set . Head Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano
Catholic High School using different strategies , namely (1) planning learning
, development teacher activities through MGMP and teacher participation in
activity learning used as a strategy. (2) Implementation learning , strategies
used including monitoring/ supervision management class , encourage learning
media opportunities , providing teacher freedom in use method learning , giving
motivation and rewards. (3) assessment learning, strategy is create
condition for activity evaluation learning and guiding / reminding teachers in
implementation evaluation learning.
2. Supporting
and Inhibiting Factors
Supporting factors is availability various tools for making lesson plans especially instruction preparation of RPP, as well as tool evaluation learning specifically form evaluation, enthusiasm or desire students to follow learning, and learning media services provided school in accordance need. Meanwhile , factors the barrier is the contents of the RPP are difficult customized with circumstances actually obtained , in part student No follow learning , and some teachers have Insufficient IT skills adequate .
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