Implementation Based Strategy Management School in Enhancement Quality of Education at Leading State Elementary School 1 Morotai Island

Mozes M. Wullur1, Joulanda A.M. Rawis2, Henny N. Tambingon3, Sarah S.N Tombokan4, Subhan Hayun5, Miryam Theofilia Kolibu6

State Islamic Institute of Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia

Email : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]




Implementation ; Strategic Management ; Education quality

Research purposes This is, to know implethe mentation Management Based School (MBS) in DN Unggulan 1 Pulau Morotai. Type of research used is qualitative descriptive. Data collection using source of primary data obtained through interviews, observations and documentation. Analysis of the data that is with data collection, data reduction, data display, and retrieval conclusion . Research result show that the implementation of MBS has been implemented Superior Elementary School 1 Morotai Island with do three movement inspirational namely (1) Management program school open with do approach with committee and parents students , and (2) SIMAK program or Synergy Interaction Monitoring Active Classroom Learning .​ With the existence of an MBS program is expected can realize objective education in a way effective and efficient.

� 2024 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license ( ).


1.     Introduction

School base is institution education is a must become priority main in increase quality education . There are some reason Why education base must become priority main the. That's a great reason fundamental Because education base is stage first to be trained . This means graduates in education base is material raw for education intermediate . Lots of complaints from the workforce more education​ tall like school intermediate about irregularities in education base. The consequences for education intermediate difficult to reach quality standardized education .​​​ The key word quality education must started from education base (Gojali, 2019) .

Sagala ( Akdon , 2007:227). " School said quality if performance school specifically performance student showing high achievement​ in (1) Achievement academic that is mark satisfactory report​ standard , (2) have values honesty , devotion , politeness , and capable appreciate values culture , and (3) have not quite enough high level of responsibility and demonstrated ability in form Skills in accordance base knowledge received at school "​

Meme many influencing factors quality education . One of them is a planning factor future education​ will form a particular system (Simanjuntak et al., 2022) . Education system This Alone must in accordance with relevance needs and demands era . Good education must held in a way directed , systematic in accordance goals that have been planned as well as refers to progress knowledge knowledge and technology , are also based with faith and devotion . In terms of This is planning education own sufficient position​ strategic in the entire educational process . In order to give quality education , planning​ education must formulated in a way thoroughly , start from level national , level region / department , up to level institution / school (Kusumardani, Sitika, & Fauziah, 2022) .

apart from planning , then to improve quality education is absolutely essential required management education . Management education complex and centralized national , as well No its efficiency management level school especially due to limitations autonomy and capability managerial / leadership Head school . Enhancement quality education school need head schools that are able to : (1) look that existing resources​ useful as provider adequate encouragement​ for head schools and teachers; (2) pour out Lots time for managing and coordinating the instructional process , and (3) communicating in a way regular with staff , parents , students and members the community and its surroundings , as well institution outside supporters​​​ institution education That Alone .

One of policy very strategic government in effort increase quality in education basic , that is deangan implement it Management Based School . By theoretical Management Based School give opportunity for manager education at school basis for designing , designing a program with utilise the potential it has . Potency That can form source Power people , facilities and funds. Expected with implemented it Management Based School as consequence Management Based School strategic , yes increase quality education at school base . However when seen from potency management education school existing basis , p​ this is not appropriate with what was expected (Slamet, 2016) .

Management Process Based School is the way it will be carried out by the strategists who determine goals and also create strategic decisions . Strategic decisions are also a tool to achieve objective . Management Based School in essence contains two things important , namely : 1. Management Based School consists from three various management processes Based School that is strategy creation , strategy implementation , and evaluation or control over strategy. 2. Management Based School focuses on unification or merger or integration aspects marketing , research and development , finance or accounting and production or operational from A organization (Danim, 2002) .

The more fast developments and changes in the world of education Because progress technology education , entrepreneurship , and pedagogy to structure education traditional and paradoxical conventional maintenance education base . Change policy national about development education base as consequence from the National Education System Law , the Finance Law area , and existence Regional autonomy . Based on Constitution number 32 of 2004 Chapter III, article 14 is one authority government area is field education . It means area district / city have authority to regulate head schools and teachers in the field education in the area .

Preparation of improvement programs quality education at school The basis is oriented towards education and training . Management Based School especially for the head school basics and teachers, however moment this is at school The foundation of the 1st leading country on Morotai Island is not yet capable increase ability head schools and teachers, candidates head school level education based on mastery managerial field education , because for implementation of education and training programs based on evaluation and policy .

�� Policy is something actions , leading to goals , are proposed person , group or government in environment particular , in connection with exists obstacles , while look for opportunities to achieve objective or realize target desired � Solichin Abdul in Wahab (1997:18). Based on opinion that , you can said that policy is actions taken and proposed​ person , group or government to address obstacles To use realize something target or objective certain . With thereby can said that policy is something goal - directed action​ certain and prevent , reduce or solve something problem.

MBS is form autonomy management education in the unit education , in matter This head schools and teachers are assisted by committees school in manage activity education [ part Explanation of Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning National Education System Article 51 Paragraph (1)]. The essence of MBS is giving autonomy school in frame enhancement quality school . Autonomy schools can too interpreted as giving more authority​ independent in the school that contains meaningself-sufficiency , self-help , self-financing , self-management and self-sufficiency (Siahaan & Nasution, 2006) .

(Arifin, 2017) Management Based school strategic is something art and science from action , implementation and evaluation about decisions strategic between possible functions​ A organization reach future goals .​ Another opinion is " management." based Strategy school is a continuous process started from strategy formulation , continued with implementation Then move towards​ something review return and refinement strategic that , because conditions inside and outside​ organization always​ changed .

Constitution Number 20 of 2003 Concerning The National Education System in Article 48 Paragraph ( 1) is statedthat , " Management of education fundsbased on principle fairness , efficiency , transparency and accountability public �. In line with mandate the , Regulations Government Number 32 of 2013 Concerning Changes to Regulations Government Number 19 of 2005 Concerning National Education Standards Article 49 Paragraph (1) states : " Management unit education at the level education elementary and intermediate apply management based indicated school​ with independence , partnership , participation , openness and accountability �.

Based on second fill policy Accordingly , the principles of SBM include : (1) independence , (2) justice , (3 ) openness , (4) partnership , (5) participatory , (6) efficiency , and (7) accountability .


2.    Materials and Methods

This research is design study descriptive with use method qualitative . Qualitative research more Lots shown in formation theory substantive based on from emerging concepts​ from empirical data . In research qualitative , researcher feel �no know know what 's not known �, so design developed research​ always develop open possibilities​ will various necessary and flexible changes​ to existing conditions​ in the field his observations (Margono, 2009: 35) .


3.    Results and Discussions

As stated by Didik, in fact application Management Based School assist stakeholders in participate active for determination direction school (Irianto, 2022) . MBS is a governance model that provides autonomy ( power and responsibility answer ) which is more large in institutions education , giving freedom in institutions education , and encouragement member school ( educators , participants educate , leader institution education as well as lecturers ) and the community ( student parents , figures community , scholars and entrepreneurs ) on increasing quality school in accordance with policy education national and regulatory current regulation​ (Rohiat & Pd, 2008) . The implementation of MBS is a formal process in which involved leader schools , educators , parents , students & local residents​ in the environment school in the intake process decision (Rosyada, 2004) . also that the MBS concept is concept showing​ good and mutual cooperation​ relate between schools , citizens & government with their respective duties in organize institution education .

Management Based School at SDN Unggulan 1 Morotai Island actually it has been implemented for a long time , of course but Because many teachers don't realize about the meaning of management based school make head schools , teachers and residents school in general in a way No aware implement MBS. The essence of MBS itself is independence in management school , autonomy schools to make SBM easy applied . In every implementation activity school there are two things that happen reference that is regulation service education and schools or foundation . Efforts made by the Principal of Morotai Island's Superior 1 Public Elementary School , teachers, committee schools and parents are​ appropriate practices for SBM implementation and must become a model for school other . Three campaign inspirational program carried out by Tri Haryono as Head of D Leading Country 1 Morotai Island , is as following :

a. Management school open Management open is step obligatory early​ try school if want to hook inhabitant in increase school . One of method in implementation management open is with carry out approach with committee as well as parents student . For example, when preparing a school program , he hook committee school as well as parent . Throughout meeting , them together to prepare the program as well estimated the funds required as well as source the funds . Everything is done in a way open . One of challenge in awaken position and citizens is interpretation Citizens are wrong about free learning programs . Because still there is member thinking society​ that school no longer need role from public Because the whole thing has been borne by the government . Whereas actually special cost operational his school only that is borne by the government , in fact Still Lots very other things that are needed role and encouragement from society , especially those related in a way directly to your needs participant educate That yourself and the environment school .

Implement SIMAK SIMAK Program ( Synergy Interaction Monitoring Active Classroom Learning ) is considered as one of the road alternative from supervision perceived learning​ Still looks very stiff . Educate yourself make supervision learning This more nature harmonious . It means there is balance between leader with its stakeholders . Because supervision Alone aim as coaching . Didik revealed that Still there is distance between himself with its stakeholders , for reasons This program is very necessary to be implemented . One of them with stage supervision with team teaching method or teach together . And also the head school , implementation discipline and supervision are very influential significant to ethos teacher work (Suyitno, 2021) . Although according to him application This A little complicated If compared to with supervision conventional , however activity This will still carried out to improve progress together . There are some problems that arise so it is very necessary to implement it change with implement SIMAK.

Based on interview results to head school , it is known that quality quality education is priority The main school is run by SD Negeri Unggulan 1 Morotai Island . As priority main , formation vision and mission arranged with involve internal parties and carries superior programs , namely : values mark religion , education friendly character​ children and learning based conservation nature . Featured programs This is a quality asset education that is developed , implemented and becomes characteristic typical from Unggulan 1 Elementary School on Morotai Island Based on interview results to coordinator field curriculum and one teacher, is known that the Superior 1 State Elementary School on Morotai Island operate 2013 Curriculum with integrate eye inward Islamic Religious Education (PAI) lessons all over eye lesson . Next , the teacher is responsible answer to implementation learning with guided by the Plan Implementation Learning (RPP) prepared with involving the Person in Charge (PIC).

De Green Camp Islamic Elementary School instills principle to teachers so they can do it Study dig existing potential​ in every the individual teacher , in addition Teachers are also taught to communicate every existing problems​ to party management /PIC, reviewing from every problems that arise and are capable find solution the solution . Based on the statement above , yes concluded that evaluation is part the last thing is important carried out to determine progress something institution (Abin, 2017) . With apply evaluation regularly a month Once , Unggulan 1 Elementary School on Morotai Island can Monitor how far you have reached your target strategic who wants achieved


4.   Conclusion

The implementation of MBS is a formal process that involves head schools , teachers, parents , participants students and existing communities​ near with school in the retrieval process decision . Success The implementation of MBS is very dependent on ability head school to get role in a way active in management school with empower all components involved​ in maintenance school , esp in empowering public in a way whole . Furthermore based on the results of research at Unggulan 1 Elementary School, Morotai Island , it has been implemented Management Based School , p This proven with three movement inspirational built by the head school along with staff committee, including (1) Management program school open with do approach with committee and parents students , (2) Coffee meet program as upgrade interest read , and (3) SIMAK program or Synergy Interaction Monitoring Active Classroom Learning .​ With implementation of the SBM program is expected can realize objective education in a way effective and efficient . researcher can take a number of conclusion ie as as follows : (1) strategic management of Primary 1 State Primary School Morotai Island started with do formulation vision and mission that involves internal parties with involve all over elements in the school , the vision and mission formulated​ customized with targets and objectives​ superior from school the ; (2) Superior State Elementary School 1 Morotai Island own quality good educational services and this stated in draft friendly education​ child ; (3) Superior State Elementary School 1 Morotai Island own quality environment good and reflective education​ capable Islamic school love and be grateful environment natural as fellow creature God's creation and this stated in draft learning based nature (Natural School).



























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