The Role of
Political Parties in Maintaining Democratic Stability in Indonesia
Bambang Yuniarto 1, Tiara
Adiyanti Kusumawardhani 2*, Fatkhurezky Nurfadlilah 3, Muhamad
Khoirul Latif 4
State Islamic
Institute of Syekh Nurjati
Cirebon, Indonesia12*34
[email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3, [email protected]4
Keywords |
Abstract |
Democracy, Political Parties, Stability |
The Indonesian state is one of the many countries that use
a democratic system. Democracy is a system in which the people hold the
highest position in government. This is in accordance with the etymological
meaning of democracy, namely demos which means people and cratos
which means power. And democracy has a reciprocal relationship that is from
the people, by the people and for the people. This proves that democracy puts
the people in the highest position. The requirement for democracy is the
existence of elections. General elections occur when there are several
political parties competing with each other for power and realizing the goals
and ideals of the people or their members. In addition to realizing the
ideals or goals of the people, political parties also have a very important
role, namely conveying the aspirations of the people to the government in
power, and political parties are also representatives of the people in
overseeing the course of government so as not to deviate from pancasila. This writing uses a qualitative method
approach using library research methods or literature studies. Where in the
content of our material there are opinions of experts in their fields in the
material we get by exploring previous studies related to the role of political
parties in maintaining democratic stability in Indonesia. And in this writing,
we as writers really hope that our writing can be useful for readers, and we
also hope that through our writing readers will be more concerned about the
role of political parties in maintaining democratic stability in Indonesia. � 2024 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY SA) license ( |
1. Introduction
is a state system derived from two words, namely demos which means people and cratos which means government. So that democracy has the
meaning of people's government (Gunawan,
2018). According to Robert
Dahl (2023),
democracy is a system of government that makes the people the main holders of
every sovereignty in order to carry out the public interest / citizens. This is
because the democratic system puts the people as the highest position in the
government of a country, because the people directly elect leaders through
general elections and the people also supervise the running of the government
so as not to deviate from the foundation of their country (Van
Reybrouck, 2018).
The Indonesian state is one of the
countries that uses a democratic system (Putra
& Hadi, 2022). This is marked by the
election of leaders who are directly elected by the people. In a democratic
system there are political parties. A political party itself is a place formed
by the people on the basis of common goals to fight for the interests of the
people or their members through general elections.
In a
democratic country, political parties have an important role in maintaining the
stability of domestic democracy. Because in addition to being a place for
citizens who have the same goal, join (Rosenbluth
& Shapiro, 2018). Political parties also
have a role as a forum for people's aspirations aimed at the government,
supervise government performance and provide political education for the
people. So, it is important for us as citizens to choose a political party that
suits the country's goals, because choosing the right political party can
determine the progress of a country (Packenham,
using the library research approach method, the purpose of this writing is to
explore more deeply the role of political parties in maintaining democratic
stability in Indonesia, and it is hoped that readers will know more broadly
that our country has many political parties that play a role in maintaining the
stability of Indonesian democracy. The focus of our research is the role and
function of political parties in Indonesia in maintaining the stability of the
country's democracy.
as authors hope that the research we write can provide benefits to readers. And
readers become more concerned about the important role of political parties in
a country.
Materials and Methods
methodological approach used in this study is qualitative, with a focus on the
library research method. This approach involves collecting, analyzing, and
synthesizing information from existing literature, including books, journal
articles, and other scholarly sources. The primary sources of data for this
study are scientific journals related to the role of political parties in
maintaining democratic stability in Indonesia. These sources offer insights
into how political parties contribute to governance, political participation,
and the overall stability of the democratic system (Aspinall
& Sukmajati, 2016); (Buehler,
data in this study comes from scientific journals that focus on civic
education. Civic education plays a critical role in shaping citizens'
understanding of democratic principles, rights, and responsibilities, which in
turn influences how political parties function within a democratic framework.
By integrating both primary and secondary data, this study provides a
comprehensive view of the relationship between political parties and democratic
stability, while also considering the role of civic education in supporting
this dynamic (Antl�v
et al., 2016); (Mietzner,
collection involves reviewing scholarly sources using key databases such as
Google Scholar, JSTOR, and ScienceDirect, ensuring the credibility and
relevance of the information. The qualitative analysis focuses on identifying
themes, patterns, and gaps in the literature to contribute to the understanding
of democratic stability in Indonesia (Teng-calleja
et al., 2017).
Results and Discussions
Understanding democracy
and political parties according to experts
or populist is a form of government system in which all citizens have equal
rights to decision making. Etymologically, the term "democracy" means
government by the people, with demos meaning people and cratos
meaning government. Democracy is defined as a form of government, where the
rights to make decisions can be actualized through government procedures.
to Robert Dahl, democracy is a system of government that makes the people the
main holders of every sovereignty in order to carry out the public interest /
citizens. Abraham Lincoln also gave his opinion on democracy i.e. government of
the people, by the people, and for the people (Rosando,
according to Henry B. Mayo, said that Democracy as a political system is a
system that shows that general policy is determined on the basis of the
majority by representatives effectively by the people in periodic elections
based on the principle of political equality and held in an atmosphere of
guaranteed freedom in politics.
a democracy, a decision must be made through an open and transparent process
that involves the active participation of citizens in the decision-making (Androniceanu,
2021). And democracy is not
only limited to the system of government but also includes lifestyles, daily
culture of people who prioritize the values of freedom, equality and justice (Ekardt,
to Arblaster, democracy is an institutional rule in order to make a political
decision in which each person has the power to decide and fight competitively
for the support or vote of the people.
democracy is a system of government where the state is run by representatives
elected by the people. Thus, democracy cannot be separated from the name of
political parties.
political party is an organization that is national in nature and is formed by
a group of citizens in a voluntary way on the basis of common goals and ideals
to fight for and defend the political interests of members, society, nation and
definition of political party is also explained in Law Number 31 of 2002
concerning Political Parties article 1 reads as follows: "A political
party is a political organization formed by a group of citizens of the Republic
of Indonesia voluntarily on the basis of equal will and ideals to fight for the
interests of members, society, nation and state through general
also expressed their opinions on the meaning of political parties. According to
Miriam Budiardjo, a political party is an organized group of people whose
members have the same thoughts, values, goals and ideals. Aims to gain
political power and seize positions or maintain political power, usually by
using the rule of law in force in the state to exercise their policies.
According to R.H. Soltou: A group of more or less
organized citizens, who act as a political entity by utilizing voting power,
aim to control the government and exercise their common policy.
The role of political
parties in the democratic system
democratic country is not a democracy that only carries out rituals that are
only found in elections and leadership elections.� In a democracy, political parties are other
than as places formed by society on the basis of common goals. In this case,
political parties play an important role as one of the pillars of democracy,
especially for developing countries. Political parties in democracies have
primary goals: winning elections, gaining power, and carrying out public policy
once in power. For both purposes, it is very important that an organization
obtains governmental power which is the backbone of a unitary government that
can carry out political programs. Political Parties in a Democratic Country are
very important and very influential because they can carry out the policies
that exist in this democratic country.
B. Mayo argued that one of the values of democracy is to provide for the
orderly placement of leaders, or an orderly arrangement of power. The number of
political parties participating in political competitions certainly has
different influences and roles. Both strong and small political parties will
have a significant impact on the life of the nation and country. As the main
forum for people's aspirations and the representation of various groups in the
political process, political parties play an important role in maintaining
democracy. They serve as a link between the government and the people, voice
the public interest, and facilitate political participation through elections.
In addition, political parties are responsible for educating voters on policy
issues, shaping public opinion, and supervising and criticizing government
performance to prevent degrading power.
(2003: 79) states that "In any democratic country it is established that
having more of the same political parties is the most important condition,
considering that the people also have the right to vote. Without other options,
society will find it difficult to express its aspirations. Therefore, different
ideas are a condition that always exists. This rule will be applied even if
there is no plurality of political parties and only then can Democracy be
it can be said that the role of political parties is very important because the
government must explain government policies to the whole society, and the
government must also be responsive to the demands of the people.
to Riski (2022),
the role of political parties in maintaining democracy in Indonesia is quite
important. Political parties, among others, must be able to provide political
education so that people not only know the laws and regulations, but also
mature in politics. Of course, the political elite must prove it first. Because
how can people who know their rights and obligations in the life of the nation
and state, if their role models do not set a good example.
The main role of
political parties is divided into three, namely:
institutional bridges between citizens and governments
and produce policies offered to the electorate and to be implemented by the
government of the general election results.
pathway for the regeneration process and selection of politicians to fill
public office.
a democratic country, political parties have an important role in maintaining
the stability of domestic democracy. Because in addition to being a place for
citizens who have the same goal, join. Political parties also have a role as a
forum for people's aspirations aimed at the government, supervise government
performance and provide political education for the people.
it is important for us as citizens to choose a political party that suits the
country's goals, because choosing the right political party can determine the
progress of a country. Political parties also play an important role in
implementing democracy, namely in carrying out functions such as participation,
participation and ideological development. And a balanced political party will
function well, that is, it can realize the common interest (of the people) not
the interests of the group and maintain democratic stability.
function of political parties in maintaining democratic stability
�Political parties in the democratic government
system in Indonesia play an important role, the function of political parties
in Article 11 of Law Number 2 of 2008 contains Political Parties, namely
providing political education to members and the wider community so that they
become Indonesian citizens who know their rights and carry out their
obligations in the community, as well as the nation, and state. According to
Dwight King, the main functions of political parties fall into three types:
Providing institutional bridges between society and government, Formulating and
making policies that will be provided to voters and implemented by the
government as a result of elections, As a pathway to executive formation and
the selection process of politicians who hold public office.
democracy in political parties is necessary for them to function effectively
and not pose a threat to the democratic system. The occurrence of problems
related to the less than optimal role and function of political parties cannot
necessarily be imposed on the responsibility of the political party itself. The
origins of the issue of political parties in democracies are of course also
based on many aspects.
role of political parties in safeguarding Indonesian democracy is very
important. Political parties must be able to provide political education so
that people not only know the law but also become politically mature. Of
course, this must first be proven by the political elite. Because if it does
not provide a good example, how can a society become a citizen who is aware of
its rights and obligations in the life of the state and nation.
principle, the role of political parties as engines of democracy will be best
if supported by various political parties, namely decision makers and the
public. It's not perfect in backing big goals with just "one player".
The presence of the state is very important to overcome the problem of
strengthening the integrity of political parties, not only through changes in
democratic arrangements and political education for the public, but also
through better regulation of political parties.
According to Gabriel A.
Almond The functions of political parties are: 1) Political socialization, is a
process in shaping political behavior and adaptation in community members 2)
Political participation, is the process of mobilizing citizens to carry out
actions and political action is one of the typical functions of political
parties. Politics is the activity of ordinary citizens who influence the
process of setting and implementing general policies and participating in the
decision-making of government leaders; 3) Political recruitment, is the
selection and appointment of people to roles in the political system and
government; 4) Political communication, is the process of presenting political
information originating from the government to community groups and vice versa;
5) Integration of interests is an effort to accommodate and convey all
aspirations of the community to obtain common goals.
Political parties serve
as a means of conflict resolution. Competition and social differences are
normal in a democratic society. Differences and competition in all their forms
can lead to conflicts between individuals and groups. When conflicts arise, the
task of political parties is to resolve them.
The next function of
political parties is as a means of political education for members and the
wider community, with the aim that they become citizens who are aware of their
rights and obligations in the life of society, nation, and state. Political parties
play a role in creating a conducive climate for the unity and unity of the
Indonesian nation for the welfare of society, developing awareness of the
political rights and obligations of the people. Political parties become a
means for the public to influence the process of forming government leaders
through elections and making or implementing government policies.
According to Budiardjo
(2013: 405-409) political parties carry out several functions, namely: 1.
Parties as a means of political communication In a vast and complex modern
society, many opinions and aspirations are evolving. 2. As a means of political
socialization The process of socialization runs for life, especially in
childhood. 3. As a way to control conflict: Political parties should help
control conflicts or at least control them so that their negative impact is
minimized. In short, political parties serve as organizational and
psychological links between the people and their governments. In addition, the
party seeks to unite and convey the diverse and growing demands of different
groups of society.
Things that are indicators of the success of the
democratic system
Democracy is the choice of modern
society to organize a common life and the result of centuries of experience of
various civilizations in managing the interests and welfare of their people
within the framework of the social contract. Then democracy also becomes a
system because it is in democracy that the interests of common life are
managed. As a system, there are three main elements in a democracy: inputs,
processes, and outputs. In the assessment of the democracy index, there are
five things that are indicators of democracy, namely the electoral process and
pluralism, civil liberties, the functioning of government and political
participation, and political culture. Elections are considered as the main
indicator of a democratic country, because in elections people use their votes,
exercise their political rights and make their choices directly and freely.
The thing that is an indicator as a
country has succeeded in implementing the first democratic system is
accountability where every office holder elected by the people must be able to
account for his policies that he wants and has achieved. The second indicator
is power rotation. The third indicator is open political recruitment. Fourth,
elections. A country is said to be democratic if political recruitment in the
context of power rotation is carried out through a regular election. And the
last is to enjoy basic rights. In a democratic state, every citizen should be
free to enjoy their fundamental rights as stipulated in the Unviersal
State activities are also balanced
with institutions and institutions that ensure that everything runs well, is
transparent, and does not violate the law. Indonesia has also held general
elections many times ranging from regional to national levels. The spirit of
democracy in Indonesia seems to be very strong and its values are upheld by
every individual.
Democracy is a system
that originated in ancient Greece. Etymologically, democracy is divided into
two words, namely "demos" which means people and "cratos" which means power. In terms, democracy is a
system that places the people as the highest power holders in government.
Democracy involves reciprocal relations "of the people, by the people, and
for the people." According to Henry B. Mayo, democracy is a system in
which general policy is determined based on the majority of the people in
elections held periodically and in an atmosphere of guaranteed political
freedom. In a democratic system there are political parties, which are a place
for the people to fight for their interests through elections. Article 11 of
Law Number 2 of 2008 concerning Political Parties explains the function of
political parties, namely providing political education to members and the
wider community so that they become citizens who know their rights and carry
out their obligations. Political parties play an important role in maintaining
democratic stability because in addition to being a place for citizens to join
with the same goal, they also become a forum for people's aspirations,
supervise government performance, and provide political education. Elections
are considered a leading indicator of a democratic state, where people exercise
their votes, exercise political rights, and make their choices directly and
freely. Political parties are said to succeed in maintaining democratic
stability if they prioritize and realize the wishes of the people, not just the
interests of certain groups. The relationship between democracy and political
parties is very close because political parties play an important role in
carrying out functions such as participation, participation in realizing the
will of the people, and ideological development. Therefore, political parties
should not be misused only to achieve the interests of certain groups, because
the decisions taken must put the interests of the people first and determine
the success of the country.
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