Analysis of Job Satisfaction and Work Productivity on Employee Performance at PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Makassar

Selti1, Manuel A Todingbua2, Kristian HP Lambe3

Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Email: [email protected],  [email protected], [email protected]




Compensation, Career Path and Performance of Insurance Agents

This research aims to analyze the relationship between improving employee performance, job satisfaction, work productivity and employee performance at PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Makassar. Research methods involve collecting quantitative, qualitative, and primary data. A total of 40 employees from PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Makassar was the respondent in this research. Data was collected through questionnaires and then analyzed using the SmartPLS 3.0 application. The research results show that there is a positive relationship between job satisfaction and employee performance, as well as between work productivity and employee performance. Apart from that, job satisfaction and work productivity together also have a positive effect on employee performance. These findings highlight the importance of paying attention to these factors in efforts to improve employee performance at PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Makassar, which can be a foundation for companies to develop more effective strategies in human resource management and increase productivity and employee satisfaction.

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1.   Introduction

PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Makassar operates in the airport management services sector, overseeing Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport among others. Enhancing the performance of skilled and capable employees stands as a pivotal factor in PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Makassar's competitive advantage, making employee performance enhancement a fundamental element for achieving the company's vision and mission. Augmenting employee performance is essential for optimizing human resources within an organization, fostering efficient work units to attain the objective of enhancing employee performance. It is imperative for the company to adeptly manage, utilize, and retain employees at a consistent level of quality and quantity. Hence, the company must comprehend effective strategies for managing a diverse workforce with varying backgrounds, skills, and capabilities to ensure employees operate proficiently in alignment with their assigned tasks and roles, ultimately elevating overall employee performance (Sadat, Handayani, & Kurniawan, 2020).

Performance denotes the outcome of an employee's efforts, reflecting both the quality and quantity of work accomplished in fulfilling assigned responsibilities. However, performance is not an isolated aspect but is interconnected with job satisfaction and the level of rewards, which are influenced by individual skills and abilities. Hence, achieving optimal performance necessitates possessing a strong motivation to excel and a thorough understanding of one's responsibilities (Sartika & Hirarto, 2021).

Regional and national phenomena are currently a challenge for PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Makassar in the development of airport management in the country. Regionally, it can be seen how neighboring countries continue to spur the progress of their airports by continuing to modernize systems, equipment, and instructors including the application of the latest technology in order to optimize services for service users. While domestically, we are currently in the spirit of regional autonomy including efforts from local governments to get a larger portion for their participation in airport management (Rahmi, 2018).

The outcomes of enhancements serve as indicators of plan execution performance, signaling areas where adjustments to planning and control activities are necessary (Mahfudiyanto, 2021). Job satisfaction holds significant importance for employees, motivating them to enhance their performance. Improved performance often translates to increased economic and psychological rewards. When these rewards are perceived as fair and commensurate with achievements, employees experience higher levels of satisfaction. Conversely, if rewards are perceived as inadequate relative to performance levels, feelings of uncertainty may arise (Pravitasari, Ferichani, & Sundari, 2017).

This also applies at PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Makassar, as we know this organization is engaged in air transportation services and services so it is important to provide good service to consumers. To be able to provide maximum service to consumers. Management needs to provide appropriate feedback for employees so that employees can get satisfaction at work. Providing feedback in accordance with what is done can be a great job satisfaction for employees in carrying out their daily tasks (Balance, n.d.; Devyani & Meria, 2023).

Factors that affect job satisfaction, including (Pravitasari et al., 2017) there are four variables related to work that determine or encourage job satisfaction, namely work that is mentally challenging. Appropriate rewards, supportive working conditions, and supportive co-workers. In addition, factors that affect job satisfaction are individual factors, including family relationships, community views, recreational opportunities, political freedom, trade union activities, and public relations; The main factors in employment, including wages/salaries, supervision, work peace, working conditions and opportunities for advancement (Tarigan & Ratnaningsih, 2020).

Work productivity has an important meaning as a view of life and mental attitude of all employees, employees always strive to improve the quality of life, today's circumstances provide encouragement to try and increase productivity in carrying out the work they carry. In addition, the importance of work productivity is planning, development, and implementation of productive ways by using resources efficiently while maintaining quality. Where in providing services always prioritize the quality of public services so that the people served get satisfaction (Darlin, Petrus, & Tandi, 2021).

The productivity of employees needs serious attention from company leaders. So that it can try to improve and increase employee work productivity (Mokoagow et al., 2020). Many factors can affect the high and low productivity of employees, including the work discipline of an employee, motivation and high morale will be able to do their job well and maximally so that the company's productivity target will be achieved, especially in PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Makassar (Sofiani, Ulfiah, & Fitriyanie, 2018).

Performance is derived from the term "job performance" or "actual performance," denoting the work output or tangible accomplishments attained by an individual (Mokoagow, Soegoto, & Sumarauw, 2020). According to Yamanie and Y (2016), performance refers to the execution of tasks assigned to an individual. Furthermore, performance serves as an evaluation of the degree of attainment of activities or policies within the context of realizing organizational goals, objectives, vision, and mission outlined through strategic planning (Yamanie & Syaharuddin, 2016).

(Margono & Putri, 2020) performance is defined as the outcome of an individual's endeavors, influenced by their personal characteristics, abilities, and perceptions of their role in the workplace. Based on the insights provided by the experts mentioned above, it can be inferred that performance encompasses both qualitative and quantitative aspects in the execution of tasks assigned to an employee. Ultimately, performance contributes to the achievement of organizational goals, vision, mission, and objectives, thereby fulfilling the purpose of the organization or company.

Job satisfaction refers to an individual's sentiments, perceptions, and inclinations that shape their attitude toward their work. It encompasses the overall cognitive processes and behaviors exhibited by employees in the performance of their duties and in delivering optimal service. For instance, offering work incentives, such as appropriate work attire, can impact employees' motivation to deliver exemplary service to the community (Tandi, 2024).

So it can be said that the best service as an attitude that will affect their performance and psychological processes towards the work they will do (Bankins, Ocampo, Marrone, Restubog, & Woo, 2024; Mokoagow et al., 2020).

   Productivity, as defined by the National Productivity Council, embodies a mindset that consistently strives for improvement, aiming for a better quality of life with each passing day, where tomorrow surpasses today, and today surpasses yesterday (Arocena, 2020; Singh, Kaistha, Jain, & Khurana, 2023). (Jones, Hutcheson, & Camba, 2021)describes productivity as an evaluation of individual and collective performance within an organization. (Anh, Tien, & Anh, 2021) defines productivity as an interdisciplinary approach involving the establishment of effective goals, strategic planning, the utilization of productivity techniques to optimize resource allocation, while maintaining high standards of quality. Similarly, according to (Driyantini, Pramukaningtiyas, & Agustiani, 2020), productivity is commonly understood as the ratio between output (goods or services) and input (labor, materials, capital) (Giannetti, Agostinho, Eras, Yang, & Almeida, 2020).

This study aims to determine and analyze the improvement of employee performance on satisfaction, work productivity on employee performance and employee performance at PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Makassar. The study hypothesizes as follows: Hypothesis 1 states that job satisfaction (X1) has an influence on employee performance (Y). Hypothesis 2 states that work productivity (X2) has a positive influence on employee performance (Y). Hypothesis 3 states that job satisfaction (X1) and work productivity (X2) together have a positive influence on employee performance (Y). This suggests that in this conceptual model, job satisfaction and job productivity are considered as factors that directly affect employee performance. By constructing this hypothesis, the study will test whether these variables really have a significant relationship in the context of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Makassar.


2.   Materials and Methods

This research was conducted at PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Makassar. Jl. Bandara Lama No.1 Mandai 90552. The research method used in this study is using quantitative data types, qualitative data and primary data. The determination of the sample in this study used the Slovin formula. The data collection technique used a questionnaire distributed to 40 respondents where the respondents were employees of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Makassar is the population in this study. Data analysis in this study used descriptive and quantitative methods. To analyze the data generated from the distribution of questionnaires and answer the hypothesis of this study using the SmartPLS 3.0 application. Test the hypothesis in this study using the t test, the purpose of the persial test or t test is to ascertain how each indepent variable affects the dependent variable. Whether the parameter (bi) is equal to zero is the null hypothesis (HO) to be tested (Mahfudiyanto, 2021).  In this study using a persial test (proof), namely statistical tests used to test whether the hypothesis is null or true. According to (Potu, Lengkong, & Trang, 2021)"the null hypothesis states that there is no significant difference between two random samples taken from the same population. Derived from the PLS output, namely the t-test table on which the hypothesis testing in this study is based".


3.   Results and Discussions

The population in this study was employees and the sample used amounted to 40 respondents. Then the charasteristics are arranged in a frequency table.  The characteristics of respondents used in this study were clarified based on age, gender, length of work, and education level.  Age level of employees at PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero).


Table 1. Number of Respondents Based on Age / Age at PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero)
















Source : Processed Data 2023

From the table above, it can be explained that the relationship between age / age to performance is that age is able to affect the ability to work which affects employee performance more than other statements, and which determines the highest employee performance at the age of 35-44 about the highest age of 16 people with a percentage of 42.37% where this explains that speed,  Agility, strength, experience, ability, skill and coordination in work affect age. Then the age of 20-34 about the youngest age of 14 people with a percentage of 30.13% among other ages is the age that is considered very productive in carrying out work because of the abilities possessed by employees. While at the age of 45-70 by 10 people with a percentage of 27.50% there began to be a decrease in physical abilities owned to be weak and limited for employees . The characteristics of respondents by gender are seen in the following table.


Table 2. Number of Respondents by Gender at PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero).













Source : Processed Data 2023


From the table above, it can be explained that the relationship between sex and performance is behavior regarding differences in male and female behavior, emotional charasteristic about the traits possessed by men who are assertive, hard at work. Unlike the case with women who always involve feelings in work so that women at work can be said that they are gentle and always bring feelings so that they can carry out their work well. The characteristics of respondents based on length of work are seen in the following table:


Table 3. Number of Respondents Based on Length of Work at PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero).

Period of Service


Percentage (%)
















Source : Processed Data 2023

From the table above, it can be seen that the relationship between service life and performance are those who are considered more capable in carrying out the work that will later be given in addition to intelligence capabilities which are also the basis for further consideration, Sosilo.  The longer a person's working period will be easier to customize his work, the longer the working period can improve job skills both vertically and horizontally, the length of service increasingly shows the loyalty of an employee to the company where the employee works, the length of work has an influence on the great, diverse and quality productivity of an employee. Respondents based on recent education are as follows:


Table 4 Number of Respondents Based on Recent Education at PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero).



Percentage (%)







Strata 1 (S1)






Source : Processed Data 2023


The relationship between education and performance According to Coombs (Idris, 1986, p. 58) states that the level of education is the level of ability found from learning outcomes from the time of entering school to the level in education. So it can be concluded that the level of final education that has been achieved by employees, then the education taken by employees is adjusted to the field of work carried, then the level of education will affect an employee in solving every problem in his work, and also the knowledge gained by employees from formal education, can be applied where the employee works.



Respondents' Analysis of Performance Management through Interviews

Respondents' Analysis of Job Satisfaction (X1)

One of the survival of a company depends on the job satisfaction of its employees in carrying out work because employees are the most important elements of the company that must receive attention. Achieving company goals becomes less effective if many employees do not excel and this will cause waste for the company. Therefore, employee job satisfaction must be really considered.  Understanding job satisfaction is the ability to carry out tasks and achieve success standards determined by the company to employees in accordance with the job given to each employee. Methods or techniques for evaluating employee performance can be used with a future-oriented approach. In practice no one technique is perfect, far more in this method how to drink the problems that may be seen in each technique used.  For the results of respondents' responses regarding the analysis of employee performance improvement at PT. Angkasa Pura I can be seen the results of the following respondents' responses:

Table 5. Respondents' Responses on Job Satisfaction (X1)


Question X1








I feel happy with my current job because it matches my abilities applied by the company.













I feel that the company has provided salaries in accordance with applicable regulations.













I am happy with the assessment for promotion according to performance and work results.













The company implements programs carried out by supervisors with the coordination of the leaders of each unit.












I enjoy working with colleagues who help each other get work done.
















Respondents' Analysis of Work Productivity (X2)

Work productivity is a measure of the quality and quantity of work that has been done, taking into account the cost of resources used to do the work. Productivity is defined as the level of efficiency in producing goods or services, productivity expresses how to make good use of resources in producing goods.


Table 6 Respondents' Responses on Work Productivity (X2)


Question X2







My ability is in accordance with the field of work.






Skills can increase productivity to complete






I am happy with the assessment for promotion in accordance with performance and work results.










The company implements programs carried out by supervisors with the coordination of the leaders of each unit.











I enjoy working with colleagues who help each other get work done.










Respondents' Analysis of Performance (Y)

Performance encompasses the outcomes of employees' efforts in terms of both quality and quantity, reflecting their ability to fulfill their primary duties and responsibilities within the organization. It can be observed through two dimensions: individual performance, which pertains to the contributions of individual employees, and organizational performance, which encapsulates the collective achievements of the organization as a whole. Performance is essentially the culmination of activities carried out by individuals or groups within an organization, influenced by various factors, all aimed at attaining organizational objectives within a specific timeframe. These activities, or functions, denote the execution of tasks or responsibilities assigned to individuals or groups within the organizational hierarchy.


Table 6. Respondents' Responses to Performance (Y)


Question Y








I work according to the procedures set by the employee.











Be punctual in completing work.








The use of technology can help the need to complete work on time.














I am happy with the current job because it is in line with the company's expectations.












PLS Data Analysis

The following is the result of PLS output in which there are loading factors in the indicators in each statement regarding job satisfaction, work productivity and employee performance. The following path diagram is the result of using SmartPLS 3.0:















Sumber Gambar : Hasil SmartPLS 3.0


Based on the figure above, it can be seen from each variable of job satisfaction (X1) has 5 indicators, work productivity (X2) has 5 indicators, employee performance (Y) has 4 indicators. The job satisfaction variable has an influence on employee performance of 0.580. The variable of work productivity has an influence on employee performance of 0.093.


Validity Test

The purpose of the validity test is to test how much determination the measuring instrument can reveal the concept of the phenomenon or event being measured.

Convergent Validity

The loading factor value is used to evaluate the reliability of the item (indicator). Loading factors describe or show the relationship that exists between the value of an indicator that measures the construct and the value of the item concerned. Considered valid if the loading factor value is >0.7.


Loading Factor (Outer Loading)

The loading factor value of each indicator using SmartPLS 3.0 is obtained respectively 


Tabel 7.  Loading Factor


Job Satisfaction (X1)

Performance (Y)

Work Productivity (X2)


























































Based on the results of data management, it can be seen that the values of the above instruments have met the criteria, namely > 0.7, so it can be said to be valid. Based on table 7 above on the job satisfaction variable (X1), the largest loading factor value is found in the X1.2 indicator, which is 0.958. In the variable of work productivity (X2), the largest loading factor value in the X2.1 indicator is 0.906. In the employee performance variable (Y), the largest loading factor value is found in the Y3 indicator, which is 0.826.

The next analysis is to compare the AVE value with the correlation between constructs. The recommended result is that the AVE value has a good value if it is greater than 0.5.


Tabel 8. Average Variance Extracted


Average Variance Extracted (AVE)

Job Satisfaction (X1)


Performance (Y)


Work Productivity (X2)



The data management results presented in Table 8 demonstrate that all values within the table meet the established criteria, exceeding 0.5. This indicates that all indicators exhibit satisfactory validity and reliability. Discriminant validity is assessed by examining the cross-loading values of construct measurements, which signify the strength of the relationship between each construct and its respective indicators, as well as indicators from other block constructs. A robust measurement model exhibits good discriminant validity when the correlation between constructs and their indicators is stronger than the correlation with indicators from other block constructs.


Tabel 9 Cross Loading


Job Satisfaction (X1)

Performance (Y)

Work Productivity (X2)


























































From the results of cross loading above, it shows that the correlation value of the construct with the indicator has a greater value than the correlation value with other constructs. That way, all latent constructs or variables can be said to have a good distriminant validity value, where the indicator value in the indicator block of the construct is better than the indicator in other blocks.


Table 10. Fornell-Larcker Criterion


Job Satisfaction (X1)

Performance (Y)

Work Productivity (X2)

Job Satisfaction (X1)




Performance (Y)




Work Productivity (X2)





Based on the results of the data management, table 5.10 shows the discriminant validity value some have a value of > 0.5 there are also those who have a value of < 0.5 seen through the Fornell-Larcker Criterion table there are each construct variable. Job satisfaction has a value of 0.923, work productivity has a value of 0.825, employee performance has a value of 0.806. From the table of values, it is obtained that they are valid in each variable.

Reliability tests are used to measure the reliability and stability of an indicator in measuring variables. This study used composite reliability's alpha criteria. The value or construct criterion is considered reliable if the composite reliability has a value of > 0.7 and the value criterion for Cronbach's alpha is declared reliable if it has a value of < 0.07.


Tabel 11. Composite Reliability


Composite Reliability

Job Satisfaction (X1)


Performance (Y)


Work Productivity (X2)



Based on the table above, it is known that composite reliability in the table of composite reliability output results for variables of job satisfaction, work productivity and employee performance has a reliable value or meets the criteria.


Table 12. Cronbach's Alpha


Cronbach's Alpha

Job Satisfaction (X1)


Performance (Y)


Work Productivity (X2)



Based on table 12 above, it is also known that Cronbach's alpha shows the value of Cronbach's Alpha has a value above 0.7 which means that all measuring concepts of each variable from the questionnaire are reliable. This shows that all variables have excellent reliability of each construct, so that subsequent items in each variable concept are feasible to be used as a measuring tool.

Based on the results of the two reliability tests above, it can be concluded that the results of the measurements used are reliable in each variable statement of job satisfaction, work productivity and employee performance is reliable. And it can be interpreted that the questionnaire is relevant and trustworthy and consistent in measurement.


Analisis Inner Model Test

Once the outer model measurement test has been successfully conducted, the focus shifts to the inner model, also known as the structural model. This phase of testing assesses the predictive power of latent variable structural models. The variance analysis, represented by R-squared (R2), serves the purpose of quantifying the extent to which independent variables influence the dependent variable. The coefficient of determination values, indicative of the strength of this influence, are presented in the table below:


Table 13.  R-Square


R Square

Performance (Y)



Based on table 13 results 0.354 states the R-Square value on performance decisions, which means that each job satisfaction, work productivity and employee performance affect subscription decisions by 35% and other variables outside those not studied in this study.


Tabel 14 F-Square


Job Satisfaction (X1)

Performance (Y)

Work Productivity (X2)

Job Satisfaction (X1)




Performance (Y)




Work Productivity (X2)





Based on table 14 states that: The value of f2 is : 0.516. This value means that the magnitude of the influence of the latent variable X1 on the variable Y is 0.516. In this case only the effect of the variable X1 on Y is calculated without including the indicators. The value of f2 is, 0.013. This value means that the effect of the latan variable X2 on the latent variable Y is 0.013. In this case only the effect of the variable X2 on Y is calculated without including the indicators.

To find out whether a hypothesis is accepted or rejected can be done by paying attention to the positive values between constructs, t-statistics and v-values. In the bootstapping method in this study, the hypothesis is accepted if the positive value of t-values is greater than 1.96 and or the value of p-values is less than 0.05, then H1 is accepted and HO is rejected and vice versa. The following hypotheses are proposed:

H0: Job satisfaction does not have a positive influence on employee performance.

H1: Job satisfaction has a positive influence on employee performance.

H0: Work productivity does not have a positive influence on employee performance.

H2: Work productivity has a positive influence on employee performance.


Tabel 15 Path Coefficients

Original Sample (O)

Sample Mean (M)

Standard Deviation (STDEV)

T Statistics (|O/STDEV|)

P Values

Job Satisfaction (X1) -> Performance (Y)






Work Productivity (X2) -> Performance (Y)







Based on table 15 of Path Coeffcients above, the determination of accepted or rejected hypotheses is explained as follows:


Test the Job Satisfaction Hypothesis (X1) against Performance (Y)

Table value t = =

t = (0,05; 39)

ttabel = 1.6848










1,684                                                  1,6848


The job satisfaction construct has a t-test value of 0.5630 > ttable 1.684 and a P-Values of 0.000 < 0.05. Therefore, H1 which states that job satisfaction has a positive influence on performance is accepted and H0 which states job satisfaction does not have a positive influence on employee performance is rejected.


Test Work Productivity Hypothesis (X2) against performance (Y)

Table value t = =

t = (0,05; 39)

ttable = 1.6848









H2                     H2

         -1,6848                                    1,6848


The construct of work productivity has a t-test value of 0.521 > ttabe 1.684 and a P-Values of 0.000 < 0.05. Therefore, H2 which states that work productivity has a positive influence on employee performance is accepted and H0 which states Work Productivity does not have a positive influence on employee performance is rejected.


The Effect of Job Satisfaction on the Performance of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Makassar.

Based on the findings from the analysis conducted using SmartPLS 3.0, it is evident that the variable "Job Satisfaction" positively influences "Employee Performance." This influence is indicated by various factors associated with job satisfaction, such as rewards and social relationships, which play a crucial role in motivating employees to perform effectively. The results of the study suggest that job satisfaction has a favorable impact on employee performance, indicating that the majority of respondents in the study align with the indicators of job satisfaction, including aspects such as work, salary/wages, promotion opportunities, supervision, and relationships with colleagues. These factors are identified as significant determinants that drive employees to engage effectively in their work duties.


The Effect of Work Productivity on the Performance of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Makassar.

Based on the results obtained from SmartPLS 3.0, it can be seen that the variable of work productivity on employee performance has a positive influence. Where the indicators din variable Work Productivity contribute to employees to do work. In this discussion, it can be seen that Work Productivity has a positive effect on Employee Performance and it can be interpreted that the majority of respondents in this study agree with the indicators of Work Productivity, namely, ability, trying to improve with the results achieved, morale, self-development, quality, efficiency. In this study, it can be known that these factors are the determining factors for employees in doing work.


4.  Conclusion

This study shows that Job Satisfaction has a positive influence on Employee Performance at PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Makassar, illustrates that the increase in Job Satisfaction will be in line with the improvement of employee performance. In addition, the results showed that Work Productivity also has a positive influence on employee performance at PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Makassar, indicated that increasing Work Productivity will have a positive impact on employee performance. Furthermore, these findings confirm that Job Satisfaction and Work Productivity have an important role in improving employee performance together, which implicitly indicates the need for companies to continuously improve and maintain employee satisfaction and productivity in order to maintain optimal performance.


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